Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 322: Heirs, Legions, and Conrad

Her Majesty, the Supreme Spider Queen, arrived at her most loyal ship, the Dawn Goddess, today.

Although she had only been away for less than a month, after experiencing this cruel and depressing baptism of war, when Morgan saw her descendants again, she actually felt like she was in another world.

More than thirty company commanders and senior officers gathered on the deck to welcome their genetic mother back. Morgan looked at them and found many familiar but unfamiliar faces: she knew what this meant.

But fortunately, at the end of the team, whether it is her guard general Rana, legion champion Bayar, or the outstanding Hector, they all showed good condition, while most of the other main company commanders were incompetent. hinder.

Compared to Dark Angel, Morgan felt that he had no right to complain.

[Have the losses of the officer and non-commissioned officer groups been summarized? 】

After the welcoming team dispersed, the Primarch was left with only her Praetorian Guard and the Old Guards more than ten steps away. These Primarch servants followed their Gene Mother towards the depths of the battleship. Move forward, listening and answering the questions from Morgan.

"It was all compiled fifteen hours ago, sir."

Rana's voice was as reassuring as ever. The chief of the Old Guards took the lead in this long battle. He had a few scars on his face, but they did not disfigure him. They only made his expression less angry. Self-prestige.

"In this war, we lost a total of seven company commanders. According to your previous order, we have selected outstanding battle brothers from each company and replaced them one by one. As for the legion consuls and legion ancient warriors, there is no comparison. A huge loss. Most of the sacrificed battle brothers are the new blood of the legion, newly recruited soldiers from the Far Eastern frontier. Most of them have just become Astartes, less than ten years ago. For this war, Said, too young."

[But they are already veterans among the new blood of the Legion: Although the title itself is full of ridiculous contradictions, it is an undoubted fact. 】

The Primarch pinched her eyebrows with a headache. She walked on the corridor at the core of the Glory Queen-class battleship. Her tall figure cast a daunting halo on the cold-colored walls. The statues and giant plants on either side are even more awe-inspiring.

The Spider Queen walked with long strides, her face was not gentle, which made the Dawnbreakers and mortal officers who met her unexpectedly restrain their auras, and silently saluted the Primarch on both sides of the corridor. : And the etiquette that has been cultivated for a long time allowed Morgan to give them a serious and formal return gift even though he was bored.

But this did not prevent the Primarch from using the deepest voice to complain about the legion's predicament to his head guard.

[I have tried my best to bring experienced warriors: although these new blood of the legion in the expedition fleet are new recruits, most of them have experienced several battles and gang-hopping, and have their own comrades, honors and even medals. They have qualified fighting power, but they are still immature in front of opponents like Ran Dan. 】

[As for the real newcomers, those who have never seen much blood, I dare not take any of them, and leave them all at Avalon: for them, the war here is simply a murder. . 】

"I can understand how you feel, sir."

Rana nodded sincerely. As the Praetorian Guard and Primarch's Attendant who could handle a large part of the tedious official affairs for the Gene Mother, Rana was well aware of the difficulty the Dawnbreaker Legion had in recruiting recruits: the Sons of Morgan were sitting on the far eastern frontier. They cover a large territory and hold recruitment ceremonies in almost every world without any omission. However, despite this, over the past few years, the number of their legions has barely expanded from 18,000 to just over 30,000.

If you want to conduct the next round of large-scale conscription, you still need to wait for the next generation of young people in each empire to grow up. Not only will it take ten years, but it is also conceivable that there will be various uncertainties.

[You know, Rana. 】

Morgan quickly walked through various grand ceremonial places and entered the core area of ​​the battleship. She quickly and accurately issued some instructions to her attendants until they reached the throne room, facing The Spider Queen, the head guard who was about to resign, muttered in a low voice, all complaining.

[Before setting off, I told you similar words: I brought 20,000 soldiers to support my brothers, and the upper limit of my tolerance for the number of sacrifices is 5,000: once this number is exceeded, even if I fell out with Zhuang Sen on the spot, and I also wanted to withdraw from this expedition. 】

"But...this war is obviously over, sir?"

【Still early. 】

[I do hope that we will not be involved in what happens next: but such hope is destined to be slim. We may still have to go through a fierce battle, but it won't be now. 】

Lana raised his head.

"Please rest assured, my lord."

"The Dawnbreaker Legion still has enough strength to fight for your honor and victory."

Behind the Primarch, the Praetorian Guardsman bowed slightly and performed a solemn etiquette.

"Although we have lost more than two thousand people in this galaxy, the Terran veterans have not suffered major losses: Maybe my words will be biased, but according to the current situation, the Terran veterans are indeed the most important members of the Dawnbreaker Legion. The main combat force, as long as the warriors of Terra do not suffer a devastating blow, the Dawnbreaker Legion will always have the ability to fight for you."

The Spider Queen chuckled.

[From a practical point of view, your words are indeed correct. My guards, even those warriors from Avalon, will not deny your point of view: but it is enough to say such words in front of me, After all, these words are advice to me, but once they are put in a public place, they become something else. 】

[You must not imitate one of my stone blood relatives: Although I admire him very much, apart from Jonson and Guilliman, among all the brothers, he is the one I admire the most. 】

Lana blinked. He didn't realize which original body his genetic mother was comparing him to, but before he could think about this question in detail, Morgan had already raised a new question to him.

[How much did the veterans lose? 】

"Of the more than two thousand legion battle brothers who died, only about one-tenth were warriors from Terra. The bulk of the casualties came from the battle for the wall of Randan Palace. In order to fight for the gap, within three minutes, , we lost a hundred warriors from Terra, and even Bayar was slightly injured."

[...Normal results. 】

[Veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles are naturally more likely to survive, while new blood lacks combat experience and strength, so the casualty rate is naturally high: this is one of the reasons why it has been so difficult for us to expand our army over the years, but Apart from actual combat, there is no other way to turn new recruits into veterans. 】

[Like poisonous wine in the desert: really unpleasant. 】

The Primarch snorted softly, showing the sullen part of her heart. She walked to the door covered with green patterns in the throne room, and turned back to give instructions to her heir.

[I am going to rest for a while. My guard chief: During this period, I hope you can inform each company and report the losses of their grassroots command positions in the battle, and then you will summarize it. I want to know this battle. How much damage the war has done to my Legion. 】

"As you wish, my lord."

Lana nodded, but he did not leave immediately. Instead, he picked up an electronic board from the hands of a mortal servant behind him. Obviously, he still had something to report.

"Sir, I have a report from Avalon that needs your approval."

【speak. 】

"His Excellency Marshall, who is staying on the Far East border, recently sent a report. He has completed the training and reorganization of 8,000 new blood of the legion in accordance with your requirements, and organized them into sixteen new companies."

[In other words, I now have fifty-two companies under my command? 】

"Yes, sir, we have always adhered to the standard of about 500 people per company, and the 30,000 soldiers of the entire Dawnbreaker Legion exclude about 4,000 soldiers who are independent from the company due to their positions or special reasons. , the remaining more than 26,000 people were organized into a total of fifty-two companies."

"The Legion Council believes that this number is too much and is not conducive to management. They hope that you can expand the size of the company, or set up a new military organizational unit on top of the company to facilitate management."

[Like Guilliman’s warband? 】

(Note: The battle group during the Great Crusade was different from that of later generations. It was a large military unit of about 10,000 people above the company. It seemed to be unique to the Ultramarines)

"That depends on what you think, my lord."


Morgan was silent for a moment. Rana's words indeed reminded her that she had considered the issue of the legion system, but because this matter was not an urgent matter, it was gradually buried.

【I will consider this matter. 】

[In addition, inform our mortal auxiliaries and ask them to compile casualty reports as detailed as possible. I hope that I can see the documents they submitted within twenty Terra Standard Hours: Tell them, The loss of equipment and ships is irrelevant, what I need is the loss of mortal warriors, especially those in command positions. 】

【People are always the most important. 】

"Understood, my lord, I will convey your message exactly as it is."

The Praetorian Guard stood upright. It was not until the Primarch closed the door to the throne room that Lana turned around and carried out the many tasks assigned to him by the Mother of Genes: most of these tasks did not require him to do it himself, but only required him to work with him. Communicate and negotiate with various departments.

Most of the time, although the Praetorian Guard is indeed entrusted with various important tasks by the Primarch, this does not mean that his actual power is great: many times, Rana is just the conveyor of Morgan's will. , compared to high-ranking military officials like Marshall, Bayar, or even Hector, the Guards Chief is more like a close minister whose power depends on the monarch's preferences.

But he himself didn't have even the slightest bit of dissatisfaction about it, that's all.

Before leaving, the Chief Old Guard stopped in his tracks. He came to his most trusted mortal assistant and took from him an electronic board filled with various data and contents.


The Praetorian Guard thanked the mortal man softly. This kind of respect was part of the Legion's culture that gradually emerged after the return of their Primarch.

Taking the electronic board, Lana glanced at it casually: On it were the mortal auxiliaries of Avalon, the casualties in this Randan extermination battle, which had been destroyed a few Terra standard hours ago. Delivered.

After careful consideration, the Imperial Guard Chief did not hand it over to the Primarch immediately.

After all, it was crudely written, not as detailed as Morgan required, and...

Rana looked at the numbers above.


When their genetic mother is obviously a little bored, it's better not to let her see these irritating contents.


Glancing at the Tuchucha engine that was running dullly in her throne room, the Spider Queen did not stop and walked straight into her private office: this place was also the classroom of a certain midnight ghost.

As soon as he walked in, a sweet smell raised the corners of the Primarch's lips: Virgo was standing at the door, looking like she had been waiting for a long time.


【Um. 】

Morgan responded to her daughter with a soft hum that symbolized tolerance. She bent down, hugged her chief maid and eldest daughter, and stroked the supple twin ponytails with some nostalgia: Under the twin ponytails, the Spider Queen looked When it comes to the crescent-shaped eyebrows and pursed lips of the Star Maid, they together outline a bright and peaceful smile.


It's really strange. When she and her steel brother Perturabo built Virgo, the Star Maid No. 1 machine, she never remembered that the Lord of Olympia added so many emotional modules: In fact, one came from Perturabo. The fact that Turabo's creation could smile so naturally was something that the Spider Queen couldn't figure out.

Maybe it was the result of the combination of the soul fuel she stuffed in and her own soul fragments, which had been operating for a long time and influenced by what she saw and heard?

Morgan thought for a moment and didn't care too much.

After all, she has a more important thing: on the left side of her vision, the corner of the room has been cleaned by Virgo, and a complete set of tables, chairs, tea sets, and a mountain of steaming desserts are carefully placed.

That's all that matters: to hell with Jonson and Perturabo!

Morgan happily headed towards the dessert mountain she had not seen for a long time. Behind her, Virgo silently followed her creator. She stared at the silver-haired figure, her red pupils flashing with temperature: If a Shadow Moon Cang is allowed to If the wolf sees this scene, he will find that the gaze of Virgo is almost the same as the gaze of the Wolf Shepherd God when he looks at the Lord of Humanity.

[My Aniya, look through your Minerva Array. 】

Morgan sat on the chair. She softly recited a spell to reduce her weight to a suitable standard, allowing her to eliminate the high-calorie hive in front of her without any guilt: after all, this dessert mountain contains The energy is enough to kill an entire team of Dawnbreaker warriors.

"What are you looking up, mother?"

Virgo looked at his creator while making tea.

[What do I want you to remember about the vocabulary of the legion system? 】

The Primarch munched on a piece of perfectly baked apple pie, a delicacy originating from the Austro-Hungarian Empire in ancient Terra, with several layers of pastry and a filling of apple chunks, cane sugar, cheese, cinnamon and raisins. The jointly created juicy fillings, the Spider Queen likes to eat them dipped in chocolate sauce, and served with vanilla ice cream and apple peach juice.

Thanks to the Emperor, he forged her into a primarch of psychic power.

Virgo blinked. She searched hard for a few seconds in her endless ocean of data. The frown on her face made Morgan believe even more that she should create a few more star maids and let them One to help Virgo share the pressure.

"Indeed, mother."

The maid of the original body spoke out the words Morgan once expressed quite seriously.

"You once said: Regarding the issue of the Astartes Legion system, there are three typical cases with unique characteristics in the entire empire: the Dark Angels Legion, the Ultramarines Legion, and the Iron Hands Legion."

[Well, keep talking. 】

Morgan licked the chocolate paste stuck to her fingertips: Perhaps only the emperor knew how long it took her to find natural cocoa beans in the many wild worlds on the far eastern frontier.

"The Iron Hands Legion is an example that is not worth learning from. Ferrus planned his descendants according to the [feudal system]. He did not create a qualified legion identity. The entire Tenth Legion can only be based on genes. The worship of the Primarch as a common denominator: while this is true of every Legion, the Iron Hands stand out in this regard."

"The advantage of this is that there will be a certain degree of healthy competition within the legion, and it can greatly save the energy of the original body. The disadvantage is that the Iron Hands legion has actually become the most fragile Aspen in terms of organizational structure. The Tate Legion, without the original body, is destined to fall into division and even internal strife."

"So when it comes to issues related to the legion system, Ferus can be used as a reference and extract some of his ideas, but it should never be used as a positive imitation object."

[Never say these words in front of my brothers: No brother can do this. 】

"Understood, mother."

Virgo nodded, and then she started talking about the next legion.

"As for the Ultramarines Legion and the Dark Angels Legion, they can be used as an interesting comparison: First of all, both Jonson and Guilliman use a method similar to [centralization] to build their own legions. system, but the difference is that Jonson made the reform based on the original complex system of the First Legion, while Guilliman made it subconsciously because of his own thoughts."

"The current systems of these two legions are very suitable for the Dawnbreaker Legion, but there are some problems: the system of the Ultramarines Legion is a completely standard answer. If you follow them in building an army, you will get an army that will never go wrong. standard [Army], but this is bound to offset some of the specialties of the Dawnbreaker Legion, greatly reducing the combat effectiveness of the Legion. At the same time, because there is a huge numerical gap between the Dawnbreaker and the Ultramarines, it is difficult for us to use Ultra The full power of Rama’s system.”

"The inner and outer rings and the secret order system pursued by the Dark Angels have a high reference value. The various special traditions of the Dawnbreaker Legion can shine under this system, but the problem with this system is very obvious: it also Extremely dependent on the core figure, that is, the Primarch himself, and the complex command system and small group organizations such as the Order are a cancer-like existence in the modern army, and will also increase the conflicts between legionnaires. This is There is absolutely no room for filth.”

"As for the other Astartes legions, although they have their own characteristics, in general, they do not break away from the categories of these three representative legions: whether it is the [Rough] of the Iron Hands or the [Standard] of the Ultramarines , or the [complexity] of Dark Angel, they all have their merits and problems, and we should strive to take the essence and discard the dross.”

At this point, Virgo paused obviously. She was trying to find where the next corresponding memory array was. Beside her, the Spider Queen was thinking carefully while quickly destroying the dessert mountain. Originally, Various snacks that were as tall as Dreadnaught were as big as farts in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, I found it."

Virgo hit his head.

"Mother, what you meant at that time was that we can refer to the Dark Angels and the Ultramarines at the same time. They pursue two systems: for ordinary legionnaires, they are included in the Ultramarines system, and they are arranged in the order of legion council - company - squad. Belong.”

"As for those warriors who have shown their talents and passed the test, they are absorbed into a special order modeled after the Dark Angels, and they pursue a more complex internal class: the psionic force is a typical example."

"According to your statement, this system is similar to the one being pursued by the Thousand Sons Legion, and the biggest problem is how to ensure the connection between ordinary warriors and members of the order and prevent small groups and internal conflicts between the legions."

"The initial solution you proposed is the preacher. This position will play the role of political commissar, propaganda department and psychologist, guiding the direction of public opinion within the legion. It will also regularly hold discussion meetings within the company to ban small group organizations. role."

"The above is the relevant content you left in my memory array: Finally, you seem to have mentioned that you want to imitate the six wings of the Dark Angel Legion to create a fighting style belonging to the Dawnbreakers, and the corresponding organization name It is tentatively named [Tower] or [Ring], and the process of naming it obviously makes you feel painful."


【indeed so. 】

Morgan waved her hand and signaled her chief maid to stop the relevant report. She had completely remembered everything: in her plan, she really wanted to create an army similar to the Thousand Sons Legion, which was also There are two sets of templates for the system, and the Dark Angels and Ultramarines are her chosen reference materials.

She plans to use the Ultramarines as the front and the Dark Angels as the inner, conduct screenings separately, and finally create an [internal and external dynasty system], which can not only ensure her control over the legion, but also ensure that when she is unable to do anything, the Dawnbreaker We will not end up killing each other and in a state of confusion.

Morgan thought for a while. She perfected the prototype of the legion in her mind little by little, and used this to get herself out of the war state. This kind of thinking lasted for about half an hour, until Virgo cleaned the table and returned to her again. While the people around her were quiet and waiting, the Spider Queen was still mumbling to herself.

Originally, this kind of thinking to himself would continue until Morgan finally felt tired. In the laziness caused by a good meal both physically and mentally, he took a good rest for a few hours, or more than ten hours.

But this time, an uninvited guest entered the office, interrupting the Primarch's thinking: and apart from Morgan and her maid, there was only one person who could enter this room at will.

"I thought you were going to spend the night aboard the Indomitable Truth, to experience the beast's lair?"

Before the person arrives, the sound has already arrived.

The Spider Queen raised her head and saw the pale face from Nostramo.

Midnight Ghost walked into the blood relative's office in a swagger. He grinned at the Virgo seat beside him, and as a greeting, he casually dragged a chair over and sat down opposite Morgan, very skillfully. He picked a cup and poured himself tea.

Morgan looked at Conrad carefully: he had taken off his armor and was now wearing a smart pure black suit, which seemed to be cut out of those jet black robes. The face of Midnight Ghost was pale, but also very clean. , there are not even many factors that have experienced bloody battles.

His black hair was spread meekly on both sides of his shoulders, exuding luster and slight water vapor. When they fluttered in the air due to Conrad's movement, Morgan could clearly detect the smell of some plant essences. : It’s not really fragrant, but it definitely doesn’t smell bad.

【When did you come back? 】

"A few hours ahead of you."

【Then you went to take a shower? 】

"Have a meal first, in your legion canteen: your heir treated me to a meal."

【please? 】

"I saved their lives on the battlefield: although this was not my original intention, it was just that fate was not ready to take away their lives. But if I hadn't brought back the two seriously injured ones, then you We will indeed lose two more cubs.”

[Ah...what did they treat you to? 】


"I forgot, I was just looking at the nervous expressions on their faces."




[Follow the normal daily routine I gave you before: Should you go to bed now? 】


Conrad grinned, and for the first time in a long time, a smile worthy of the name [Midnight Ghost] appeared on his pale face. He leaned forward and put one hand on the table. , and the other one is holding his side face, and it seems that he has no intention of leaving in a short time.

"You know, my dear sister."

"When a person has great confusion and doubts in his heart, it is difficult for him to have a good sleep quality: he may even have nightmares because of it."

"You definitely don't want your diligent brother to encounter such a bad luck, right?"


"Unknown...Ms. God?"

"Can you tell me..."

"Why did you come out of that summoning circle?"

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