Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 315 The First to Get There

It's coming.

In the midst of everyone's attention, it came.

It was a cold light, a fatal meteor, it was alone, it was silent: but everyone knew it, but all the pupils understood that it was more terrifying than a million cannonballs, it was incomparable.

More than half a million pairs of Ran Dan's alien pupils witnessed its crash. At the first second, these defenders did not feel panic because they were used to the offensive from the sky and the sharp points. Howling flames flew in front of them, and the steel barrages of thousands of human warships blended with the defenders' ferocious anti-ship firepower and defensive lasers, or passed by, so huge that they seemed to be able to completely tear the world apart a thousand times. , but in the end, they will all come to naught in front of the thick shield that has been maintained for thousands of years.

Aegis, this is what the Randan people call it: it is a huge void shield that began to protect the entire Randan home planet thousands of years ago. It is even older than the emperor of the Randan Empire. It swallows up the huge amount of energy provided by the Randan people. Electric energy protects every inch of land beneath our feet, making the unremitting efforts of thousands of human warships seem like a joke.

In a sense, this extremely unreasonable aegis is precisely the embodiment of the Ran Dan Empire's heritage: the heritage is something invisible and intangible, but at a critical moment, it can be used to turn the tide. The Ran Dan people were once one of the trump cards that could dominate the world.

In the past fifteen hours, which is the ninth to tenth day of the war, more than a thousand large and small warships of the Human Empire have occupied the low-Earth orbit of Randan's home planet. Their figures cover the sky and the sun. The sky and the earth blended into one color, and a furious offensive immediately launched, lighting up every starry sky like a blooming supernova. The blazing burning beams and winding plasma streams became weapons capable of killing the world. It was just the smallest scale attack. A single salvo from the fleet is enough to crack the heaven and earth and shatter the mountains and rivers.

The fleet loyal to the Lord of Mankind waved this murderous weapon, eager to tear out the last heart of the alien empire, but their efforts kept turning into bubbles in front of them: whether it was vicious energy weapons, or explosions and explosions that resounded throughout the world. The torrent of flames flashing with unclean colors only caused the alien's shield to flicker, but had no further effect.

Finally, after the longest period of futility, after the defenders of Randan completed their transformation from timidity to arrogance, the emperor's army lost patience, and the originally overwhelming artillery fire stopped their raging for the first time: and almost In the next second, a strange silver figure was thrown out from the huge haze of the Indomitable Truth, like an unknown arrow.

It was not a conspicuous figure. It was not much bigger than an Astartes. Like a silver meteor, it quickly flashed across the sky filled with thick clouds of gunpowder, and gradually let out a chilling scream.

No one saw it clearly, but everyone felt it: in the most terrifying way.

Along with the flickering of the meteor, from a certain moment, the entire communication channel of the Randan Defense Force suddenly fell into death-like silence, and in the next second, a deafening sound, as if millions of lives were being wiped out. The scream that ripped away the souls came from the communicator without warning, shattering the fragile eardrums of millions of Randan soldiers.

The moans of extreme pain spread like a plague. Before any Randan soldiers could figure out what was going on, their pupils looking at the sky were burned by the unexplained strong light: That was A ball of pale flame that was constantly burning and squirming, it finally broke through the thick artificial clouds, revealing its original terrifying appearance.

Flames burned in the sky, like the furious Ares falling to the mortal divine weapon. Endless lightning wrapped around this pure and incomparable destructive power, and thunder rolled and resounded throughout the world.

Millions of pairs of deformed pupils witnessed the destruction falling from the sky. Uncontrollable blood flowed from their eye sockets, like a pattering rain, splashing on their helmets and skulls. As for those around them, All metal creations, after a desperate struggle, became silent again.

In the despair and silence of millions, the pale flame showed no mercy. It turned into a fist symbolizing violence, ruthlessly piercing through the defense line that had stood for thousands of years. In a burst of painful groans and devastation, In the middle, the screams defeated the roar, the savagery devoured the guardians, and the dazzling light swallowed hundreds of kilometers of land in an instant, igniting a wave of flames that the world could never understand, just like the scythe of death, ruthlessly harvesting Live life.

The flames swept through, and the neighing of metal effectively destroyed the honeycomb-shaped unit structure of the Aegis, triggering a series of catastrophic chain reactions. Hundreds of kilometers of Aegis either fell away from the ground, failed to stop, or even stopped. Simply burned away: just like those Randan defenders who were mercilessly devoured.

The perfect defense opened a fatal gap, and the millions of troops in this gap also perished. However, Ran Dan's royal court did not even notice this at the first time, because the metal The storm was still battering their communicators, leaving only a cold, hollow, dead darkness.

Only the closest defenders sensed some kind of uneasiness, and just as the first army advanced towards this abrupt wasteland, a dazzling blue light suddenly enveloped hundreds of kilometers of land, like a huge The endless pipelines came and went in a hurry, leaving only the blue light that gradually dissipated.

And in this green-blue light, an army walked out in an orderly manner, a pitch-black army, numbering in the tens of thousands. Behind them, silver-white figures shone in the emerald green torrent, Together they wave the double-headed Aquila flag that scares the galaxy.

At the front of the team, the Knight Lord of Caliban, the last behemoth, the Primarch of the First Legion, Jonson, stepped on this land that would eventually be destroyed, and slowly raised his golden head , allowing the silent army to pass by on both sides of him.

He breathed deeply, the frost-white air twining around his beard. The Primarch first glanced at the Imperial Sky Eagle flag that had been raised high, and then listened to the countless armored troops coming from the teleportation array. He was silent for a long time as the roaring clouds gathered together, and finally focused on the greatest hero.

Standing on the ground, the tall and majestic silver-white unknown metal, the endless army is bypassing it with awe, killing towards the unprepared first line of defense of the Ran Dan Empire: Under the prominence of countless dark angels, this The giant metal block seemed huge, like an ever-expanding imperial knight.

But Jonson remembered clearly that when he first saw it, it was definitely not so huge: the Primarch even remembered his conversation with Morgan at that time, because it had happened only half an hour before.


Well, none of that mattered, of course his blood relatives could have their own secrets, Lord Caliban was not interested in that: the Primarch now had another problem to worry about than these shadowy gifts.

Zhuang Sen was thinking, and the shadows of mortal elites gradually appeared in the army around him. Most of them came from the Far Eastern frontier. They had sufficient weapons and sophisticated training, and were more capable than the colleagues brought by Leman Russ. Adapt to this cruel and terrifying battlefield: You must know that there have been more than 10 million mortal auxiliaries who have given their all for the Emperor in the past ten standard days of Terra, but only less than 1 million of them have It's Avalon.

The Primarch glanced at them, secretly assessed the value, and was no longer interested. He stepped forward and walked towards the legion staff who were waiting for him. Superman's senses keenly captured the vibrations in the air: at the front of the battle line At the position, the vanguard troops had already exchanged fire with Ran Dan's vanguard soldiers.

The Lord of Caliban looked at the place where the first drop of blood was being shed. In his heart, he felt briefly dissatisfied with his blood relatives: This place is really too far away, and there is still a long distance from Ran Dan's palace. , he may have to demolish at least five hundred fortresses before he can capture the deadly heart of the alien empire.

But such dissatisfaction was fleeting, because Zhuangson knew Morgan's ability very well. He knew that allowing hundreds of thousands of troops to be accurately transferred to this small area by space was already the limit of what the Spider Queen could do now: to Knowing that she still needs to command a fleet of more than a thousand battleships at all times.

Morgan did his best.

Then, next, it depends on Zhuangson's performance: a smile flashed from the edge of the Caliban beast's mouth.

Zhuang Sen has never forgotten the oath he made before the war: within a month, he will make Ran Dan's empire disappear completely, and now, there are only twenty days left before the deadline of his oath.



The Lord of Caliban whispered, walking into the battlefield that belonged to him.

But in the peaceful last moment, Zhuang Sen suddenly remembered the discussion he had just concluded with his blood relatives.



"Is this the gift your father gave you?"

【one. 】

Morgan's supplement was accompanied by a slight snort of dissatisfaction, but Zhuangson didn't pay attention. He was looking at this extraordinary metal with a pure curiosity: even though the Lord of Caliban is a man who doesn't know how to forge at all. character, but he could still see that the emperor's gift was not a simple raw material.

Therefore, Zhuang Sen didn't think there was anything wrong with this gift. He was more concerned about another thing.

"Are you really sure that with the blessing of your psychic energy, this thing can penetrate Ran Dan's alien void shield? That void shield blocked the artillery fire of the entire fleet."

【Just give it a try. 】

The Spider Queen knocked on the uneasy metal casually, showing no appreciation for it.

[Since Leman Russ can throw the spear given to him by the Emperor onto the moon without any damage, then I think this one in my hand should be able to do the same. 】


"Ruth was bragging."

[I know, just to give an example. 】


Jonson rolled his ruthless emerald eyes, and began to feel briefly worried for Morgan's benefit: this was a rare emotion for this Caliban.

"What if it breaks? This is a gift from my father?"


There was an element hidden in Morgan's laughter that Jonson didn't quite understand, but hated.

[Let me tell you, Jonson. 】

[If a mere free fall of 180,000 kilometers can destroy the gift the emperor gave me. 】

[Then he should compensate me again. 】




# Sigh #

In front of the oriole, which was changing all the time but seemingly unchanged, the Spider Queen blinked her somewhat swollen eyelids and caught the light black traces under the pupils.

She was a little tired: but that didn't matter.

Just a small thing.

Morgan slowly showed a pale smile, and she continued to look at the countless star maps in front of her, as well as the endless stream of various renovation data: Now, in addition to the thousand large and small battleships, she also has to go to extra Follow an entire war taking place on the surface.

In addition, she also felt some very strange existence: that existence was hidden in the subspace, cunningly hiding out of the Spider Queen's unobserved sight. It seemed to be hidden in Ran Dan's mother. Something is brewing in Star's subspace projection filled with malice like roiling dark clouds, but the Lord of the Second Legion has no energy to care about them for the time being.

She didn't bother to care: although Morgan never had the energy to do anything to Ran Dan's planetary will itself, her mere existence and the suppression she exuded were enough to prevent these malicious primitive spirits from acting without authorization. What's more, just the twelve backup plans reserved by the Spider Queen are enough to deal with any unexpected situation.

For example, the subspace energy that is surging throughout the galaxy is obviously brewing some terrible plan with Ran Dan's home galaxy as its origin: Morgan has not yet speculated on the final role of these energies, so she has not She did not start the war in the Sea of ​​Souls without permission. In addition to directing the battles in the real universe, all her energy was spent on suppressing the Ran Dan home planet itself.

Under her suppression, this ignorant spirit of the primitive world was like a trapped beast locked in a prison. He could only furiously raise a shield in the subspace to resist the Spider Queen's spirit on the ground battlefield. Can affect and weaken the help that Morgan can give Jonson: If this is not the case, as long as the Spider Queen's psychic torrent pours into the ground battlefield, the war will end in the shortest possible time.

But now, Morgan can only corrode the power of the planet's will while trying his best to assist Zhuang Sen's offensive, trying to determine the victory of the real universe and then kill this annoying Ran Dan's world will.

In this way, two powerful subspace entities pulled each other, preventing the other party from investing most of their power on the battlefield. As a result, the war taking place in the real universe was not subject to more unknowns and changes: Ran Dan Troops of troops gathered from all over the planet, constantly rushing towards the hateful invaders, and the fleets of the Human Empire were also constantly dropping airdrop pods and transport boats like heavy rain to strengthen their war chips on the ground.

The battle has become the purest blood and fire, the most cruel delay and consumption. Tens of millions of human armies have established a foothold on Ran Dan's land. They have destroyed a considerable part of the energy supply system, causing the aliens to As gaps in the Empire's aegis grew larger and larger, humanity's naval superiority spread, in turn consolidating the Empire's armies' control over those occupied areas.

Although Ran Dan's commanders have mobilized a hundred times the army, they still cannot stop the Dark Angels from continuously pushing their front, nor can they stop the continuous flow of supplies from the void. All they can do is Only with the lives and blood of soldiers can this battle of attrition become more cruel.

And in this escalating cruelty, three Terran standard days passed by in a blink of an eye, without even attracting anyone's attention.

When the Spider Queen once again took an overview of the battle situation on the ground, amidst the unwilling primal roar of the planet's will, she suddenly discovered that Zhuang Sen had inserted a blazing dagger into Ran Dan's last land: several times Tens of millions of human armies are rampaging on the battlefield. Based on the increasingly expanded landing points, they maintain the tenacity of a single soldier, constantly tearing at the alien defense lines, destroying vital strongholds one after another. They are even using a shockingly thin front line to surround and annihilate several huge alien-heavy groups.

Starting from the initial landing site and ending with Randan's desecrated palace, in just three days, more than half of this bloody passage had been opened by the Lord Caliban and his Dark Angel Legion, and even the six-winged The leading soldiers have been able to touch the chaotic and burning residential areas under the palace city.

The alien army is coming from all over the planet in a steady stream, facing the non-stop aerial firepower, impacting the human army's front line like a tide, eager to break this sharp blade from any angle: but what greets them is Only ruthless defeat.

Although Zhuang Sen's military strength may be only one percent, or even less than one thousandth, of Ran Dan's, he can lead his army against the defenders who are not afraid of death, and split open the invincible The huge waves made the turbulent ocean shed blood and make way.

Morgan didn't know how Johnson did this. Even though they had been fighting side by side for so many years, she still couldn't imagine what means Johnson used to create such a great miracle of war: Ask yourself, in the same situation Under the conditions, the Spider Queen would never be able to do this. Her strength lies in overall dispatch and command, rather than creating such miracles on the battlefield.

Perhaps, this is the reason why the Lord of Mankind handed over a whole crazy war that determined the fate of the entire empire and even the galaxy to this new Primarch without reservation when Jonson just returned.

The Emperor knew how to use every one of them: not even Morgan could deny this, for before her the Lord of Man's dagger spoke with wonders that the Spider Queen could never do.

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Second Legion glanced at the auger again, and her eyes swept over the places that made her uneasy: According to the Dawnbreakers who were fighting on the surface, there seemed to be some kind of existence on Ran Dan's home planet. A rather strange color of idealism, along the way, they saw countless altars and stone tablets, all of which had chilling marks written on them.

At the beginning, Morgan did not pay too much attention to this message, until Zosimus, the chief think tank of the Dawnbreaker Legion, expressed his uneasiness to the Spider Queen through a special contact with the Gene Mother.

"Ran Dan is preparing some kind of weird subspace ritual. Sir, you should come to the surface and take a look. There are so many altars and stone tablets here that it's abnormal. The closer you get to the alien palace, the more so. We even found a lot of traces of blood sacrifices.”


[Order all soldiers to record every altar and stone tablet they find and send me their location: In addition, do your best to destroy them without leaving any behind. 】

"Understood, my lord."

This conversation took place on the second day after the ground battle began. As the armies of the Human Empire continued to rush towards their targets, more and more scarlet marks symbolizing the alien altar began to appear on the auspicious omen: the number. There were even so many that they obscured the entire holographic projection. Morgan just glanced at their number, and then briefly estimated how much subspace energy required this level of preparation, and he felt some kind of heart-stopping uneasiness.

She began to store up her power in preparation for the massive offensive launched by the alien empire from the warp.

She waited.

Waited for three days, five days, seven days...

On the eighteenth day of the war, which was also the eighth day of Ran Dan's siege, Zhuang Sen's troops reached the foot of the alien palace wall and began to siege the last thick line of defense.

She still didn't wait until the death came from Ran Dan's alien.


Just when the Spider Queen was thinking about whether she was making a fuss, a voice that was more or less beyond her expectations suddenly appeared in her mind.


"Long time no see, my dear sister."

"Right now, a wandering champion swordsman of the Second Legion is standing in front of you, and he is expecting you to find him a job: temporary work is okay~"



[Conrad? 】

Morgan frowned.

"It's me, I'm using the psychic communication you gave me to talk to you: listen to me, I have something to discuss with you, I swear, you will definitely be interested."

[If you have anything to say, please tell me. I still have things to be busy with now. 】

"Don't be so anxious."

He seemed to be smiling.

The Spider Queen had a cold face: Whether it was the war on the ground or Ran Dan's method of hiding in the subspace, she had no intention of continuing to chat with the midnight ghost.

【Where are you? 】

"Why don't you check it out: you have a psychic beacon on me, I know it."


The Spider Queen muttered, but still pulled out a ray of consciousness and began to search for the existence of the midnight ghost in the galaxy. She searched for more than ten minutes before she found the dark figure filled with the aura of Nostramo.

He's right there...


【Conrad! 】

【Where are you? ! 】

【Why are you there! 】

"As you can see, sister."

Midnight Ghost smiled very softly, with a vague aura of a poet.

"As you can see."


Conrad raised his head and saw the flickering phantom in the sky.

Countless cannonballs, flames, energy beams and other incomprehensible firepower poured continuously on that phantom, but in the face of the invisible power from subspace, these powers that could destroy the world were just like the raindrops of a heavy rain. Like falling into a pond, it can only cause fleeting ripples.

He looked at the ever-changing sky, and then at the luxurious and twisted spiers that were second only to the sky, as well as the alien corpses and their armors that he casually hung on the spiers. So noble, speaking of their importance.

Conrad watched the scene.

He raised the corners of his mouth, slowly rubbed a strand of his hair, and led into the boundless black shadow. Amidst the hasty footsteps, he happily answered his blood relative, who That sister.

"I'm right here, sister."

"I'm right here..."

"Inside Ran Dan's palace."

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