Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 306 MOD grows on its own

[I think we should hurry up, Leman Russ. 】

[After all, the truce agreement between Jonson and Conrad may not last three minutes: it is only with the blessing of the Emperor that it can last for thirty seconds. 】

"Don't worry, Morgan. Although we have been separated from each other for more than ten years, I think you have not forgotten what kind of person Zhuangson is: his temper is not that bad, but he occasionally has some unkind words. .”

[I believe you know Jonson. 】

[But please believe it: you definitely don’t understand Conrad. 】

[Putting him next to Jonson is more dangerous than putting you in my wine cellar. 】

"You have a wine cellar? Where is it?!"

[...This question is not the point! 】

On the vast "Unyielding Truth", it took the two Primarchs about fifteen seconds to avoid all the Calibans and find a place that at least seemed to be hidden: Three seconds were spent returning the favor to a group of patrolling Dark Angels.

Morgan, who was serving as a guide, originally wanted to take Leman Russ to her living room or private office: she was sure that Johnson's group of brats would not have the guts to do anything to her private space, where would be A great place to discuss secrets.

However, considering the distance, she and Leman Russ finally stopped in the middle of a spacious straight corridor, at least twenty meters away from the corners on both sides, and could only vaguely hear the footsteps of the Dark Angel patrol. : And passing the corner on the left is the meeting room of Lord Caliban. You can go back at any time.

[Keep it short and to the point, Ruth. 】

The Spider Queen folded her arms and leaned against the wall, her hair falling to her waist. A place to the left of her, the Wolf King of Fenris was leaning against the wall, leaning against the wall. The left shoulder supports the body.

"Pragmatists are welcome everywhere: even in Fenris."

Leman Russ had a fake rude smile on his face, and he responded to the Spider Queen's request with a soft hum, like some kind of sarcasm, but without any more malice.

At the same time, the big hand that originally held the Spear of Dionysus reached into the fur cloak behind his back, fumbled twice, and took out a huge and thick book, holding it steady was in the hands of Leman Russ.

The Primarch of the Space Wolves Legion obviously valued this book. He held the book tightly in his hands, first carefully blew away the hair on it, and then brushed it carefully, not forgetting to look at the cover and The pages were intact: After doing all this, he reluctantly put the big book into Morgan's hands.

"Take it: this is the most precious thing in Fenris."

The sharp canine teeth bit together tightly, spitting out these heavy words, which contained an invisible trust: everything showed that what Leman Russ said was true.

As a result, the Lord of Avalon couldn't help but become serious and took the book. However, after just glancing at it for the first time, Morgan's brows could not help but frown.

Because this is not a... graceful book.

What the Fenrisians handed over was a thick, heavy, and large bound book. Its size and weight were even more astonishing than a reinforced power glove, enough to easily knock open an Astartes. brain, input knowledge.

It is not a strictly industrialized product, but an ancient heritage that is visible to the naked eye, accumulated by countless shamans, tree barks, hieroglyphics and oral customs: tens of thousands of title pages are reluctantly enclosed. One side of the spine is made of various and intricate materials, ranging from parchment with a slight peculiar smell, to dry and cracked bark, to unknown objects as hard as stone.

The edge of the book, which should have been extremely smooth, does not exist, because the tens of thousands of title pages are actually different in size and thickness. They are just scribbled together according to the content inside, just like herding a group of different types of livestock. Arriving at a corral: If it weren't filled with words and decorated with a cover that was better than nothing, I'm afraid no one would believe that this was a book.


The Spider Queen was holding this book, which was enough to make Magnus have a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot when he saw it for the first time. She couldn't help but froze for a moment before opening it in awe.

The Spider Queen knew very well that this chaotic and ancient appearance just proved that what Leman Russ said was true: it was indeed collected by the Fenris Wolf King through various means and from various ancient inheritances. Complete creation.

She carefully held the title pages that seemed to be broken in the next second, selected a few paragraphs, and read them silently: after about five seconds, she vaguely understood what this bound book was about.

【This is……】

[Rune? 】

"Yes, it is one of the few things in Fenris that can be obtained."

Leman Russ's wolf-like canine teeth shone like ice. This unique canine biological organ is unique among all Primarchs. Some people even suspected that it was playing a role in shaping the Space Wolf. When he became the Primarch of the Legion, did the Lord of Man really incorporate some canine genes?

"You don't know how long I have been busy on Fenris to get these things in your hands now: These pages are all genuine. I learned from rune priests, surface tribes and reclusive shamans one after another. In my hands, I have tried every possible means to get them. Some of them have been keeping these precious lumps for a thousand years. It is not easy to pry open their mouths and claws, and the rune priests under my hands have also been affected by this matter. Come talk about me.”

"Especially Gunnar Gunhilt, captain of my 1st Grand Company, a real, fucking Fenrisian. He was literally the vanguard of those rune priests, even if he couldn't even say a word. He doesn’t even understand the runes, and he yells at me almost every day: Don’t hand over these Fenrisian inheritances to outsiders casually, so that I have to get him drunk every day to make my ears a little clearer. ."

Accompanied by curses and whispers, the Space Wolf Lord's melancholy eyes searched the dark walls of the Indomitable Truth, causing Morgan, who continued to read on the side, to raise the corners of his lips.

[Leman Russ, my brother, you don’t seem to like Fenris very much? 】

The Wolf King was silent for a moment, murmured a few words slowly, and spat again.

"Who would like fucking Fenris, the fucking ice, the fucking wolves, or the fucking winds: but when I think of my pups from Terra, I think Fenris is actually pretty good. good."

"If I wait for the day when the entire Space Wolves legion is Fenrisian, I might be able to worry a lot less: at least these bastards can understand the big issues."

Morgan glanced at Leman Russ but did not answer. She took the time to read two more pages and estimated the value of the book. Then, she realized: Leman Russ's move was not just a gift. Simple.

Thinking back to the "complaint" of the King of Fenris just now, the Spider Queen couldn't help but think about it a few more times. At the same time, she also understood why Leman Russ insisted on coming to a place where no one was around to say: Fenris. The runes of Lys have never been a secret, but [everything] about the runes of Fenris is enough to become a secret.

[Thank you for your gift, brother, but please allow me to be curious: Does this gift have any deep meaning? 】


Following these words, Leman Russ's eyes moved to Morgan's face. His face, which had become a little serious due to constant cursing, burst into a meaningful smile in the next moment.

"I remember you just said: Be concise and to the point?"

[I guess neither you nor I are people who are keen on false etiquette: anyway, I am sick of those beautiful words. 】

The Wolf King responded to Morgan's low declaration with a sharp, shrill laugh.

"Okay, let me be more direct."

"Is such that."

He cleared his throat.

"I have also read the psionic code you wrote. It is very well written. It will definitely become the empire's authoritative book on the use and education of psionic powers in the future, or even the mainstream."

[Thanks for the compliment. 】

Leman Russ's brows jumped, showing his joy and expectation.

"Furthermore, I got news from Guilliman: You have plans to continue to expand the psionic code, and you are even planning to write the next technical psionic book."

【...From where? 】

Leman Russ, got news from Guilliman?

Can these two people actually get in touch?

Leman Russ did not miss the shock in Morgan's pupils. He shamelessly maintained the smile on his face and clarified the relationship as briefly as possible.

"Guilliman thought your follow-up plan was very good, so he told Dorn. Dorn had the same idea, so he found our Wolf Shepherd and asked him to see if he could help. So, Horus went to find Khan Jaghatai: the common people could not find him.”

"Then Jaghatai thought of my runes. He felt that the runes should be of great use to your follow-up plans, so he asked Horus to contact me: It just so happened that I thought so too. of."

[… meandering. 】

"Who says it isn't?"

[Maybe we should leave a contact information between the two of us. 】

"Right idea."

[So, you gave me these most precious knowledge of Fenris, do you want to share the wealth with me? Or do you already have a certain plan in mind? 】

"Don't beat around the bush here, Morgan."

The canine teeth bared by Leman Russ made the Spider Queen feel an inexplicable frustration.

"Let's tell the truth: Of course I can't give these things to you for free, but from this moment on, they are indeed yours, but you have to spend your time and thought to carefully explore the meaning contained in these runes. The energy and possibility, after all..."

The Wolf King's smile was a little embarrassed.

"Although I have been following my group of wolf pups to tell them what these runes are [the World Soul of Fenris], we all know in our hearts that whether it is the runes or the World Soul they are talking about, It is inextricably linked to subspace energy."

"And you are the one who has the most profound knowledge in this area and the one who makes me most at ease, so I gave you this knowledge, hoping that you can develop more knowledge based on this: in return, you cannot spread the runes to the outside world. Mysteries, and the expanded knowledge you must share with the Space Wolves in detail."

【Reasonable. 】

Morgan nodded, but his doubtful brows did not completely dissipate.

【Our father...】

"You think he has time to take care of this?"

【……Too. 】

[But I remember that the Space Wolves Legion has always been conservative in terms of psychic powers? 】

"indeed so."

Leman Russ spread his hands.

"My rune priests never set foot in areas beyond their understanding and ability. This ensures their safety, but it also allows Fenris's rune inheritance to remain stagnant after countless generations, and even the original The ground went backwards.”

"This is also my selfish reason for coming to you: of course my children can choose safety first, but as their genetic father and our father's... military policeman, I need to master more means. They can not I know, but I can’t help but know.”

When Leman Russ spoke these words, the rationality, responsibility, and awareness flashing in his pupils were enough to make any so-called [civilized man] feel ashamed.

"Before this, I actually had this idea, but I struggled to find a suitable partner: Chagatai is too elegant, and I am not familiar with it. Although Sanguinius is more supportive of the think tank system, he himself His understanding of psychic powers is actually just that, and he may not be able to catch up with me. As for our Magnus..."


【I know. 】

The two Primarchs looked at each other and chuckled in unison.

"Don't count on Magnus, or Lorgar, for anything, although he is indeed a good man: if you don't know that, take it as advice."

【grateful. 】

Morgan nodded.

[But please forgive me for not understanding one thing: This is indeed a deal that is good for both you and me. The runes of Fenris are enough to become my next topic, but this is different from my understanding of my psychic code. expansion plan, what does it matter? 】

Leman Russ smiled like a hunting dog that had stolen its master's jerky.

"This involves another issue: You see, although the rune magic in Fenris has gradually faded away, the foundation is still there. No one knows how these things work better than my rune priests."

"To use the most popular metaphor, runes are like our words. The most skilled masters can put together elegant poems, and those who are diligent and capable can pronounce popular words, and even those who are babbling, In fact, according to the correct mouth shape and instruction, he can pronounce one or two appropriate syllables."

"Among them, the rune priests will recite the poems, words and syllables they can master, and let them exert their corresponding power: this is rune magic."

"It can be recited orally or carved anywhere."

"Do you understand what I mean?"


Morgan was stunned for a moment and nodded.

[You mean, after so many years of use and experience, your rune priests have summarized those syllables that are safe enough and easy enough to learn? 】

"I wrote them on the first page, but my rune priests disagree on many aspects. The number of results they can confirm is actually not many. I can only express my sincerity: I am afraid that more will depend on you. By myself."

Morgan turned to the first page.

【Twenty-four? 】

"Compared with all the possibilities that the runes can be arranged and combined, there are indeed not many, but I think they are enough for you to complete the first step, such as forming a... What is the name of that thing on Ancient Terra? "

[Rune writing, runic letters, twenty-four old Salic. 】

"Yes, that's it."

Leman Russ obviously did not expect that his blood relatives would be able to answer the question.

"These twenty-four runes are the most basic and simple. Even if a mortal can carve them out, and then let the psyker use the correct method to confine the psionic energy inside, they can also achieve the expected effect. Function: And because of the class nature of the runes themselves, no matter how well carved these simple letters are, they will not emit power beyond the specifications and are very easy to control."

"There is no surprise, no consternation. Anyone can master it after learning: I think these attributes seem to match the standardization you advocated when you wrote the psionic code."

【indeed so. 】

Morgan nodded. She couldn't think of the problem in Leman Russ's words yet, and her attention was briefly attracted by the twenty-four rune letters: the Spider Queen tested these letters over and over again. The meaning behind their deaths, and their safety.

She pointed to one of them.


", pronounced as //, generally symbolizes protection and defense."

[Is it also useful for steel? 】


[Perturabo will love it. 】

Of course, the think tanks of Iron Warriors may not like it very much.

The Spider Queen thought in her mind: She could already imagine what Perturabo would ask his think tanks to do when he discovered that every tank under his command could be enhanced by every cannon.

She despised herself in her heart for a second, and found to her displeasure that she and Leman Russ had already spent four minutes on this topic: Although the Primarchs could communicate at a speed unimaginable to mortals, it was obvious that They still talked a little too much.

It's time to end it.

Morgan solemnly accepted this... book.

[Okay, Leman Russ, it looks like our transaction has come to a successful conclusion: is there anything else that needs to be added? 】

"A little."

The Fenrisian blinked at his blood relative with unspeakable cunning.

"Although I also support your standardization, as I said, rune magic can be regarded as the old foundation of Fenris. I would be happy to see you teaching other people the [syllables] of runes, but going further Please be sure to keep the [Words] and [Poems] from the previous stage a secret for Fenris: you and I only need to know.”

Morgan nodded solemnly.

[Of course, Russ, I know the dangers of going deep into subspace better than you do. I don’t even intend to publish these twenty-four syllables without reservation: But I also have a question. Do you allow me to teach With these basic knowledge, aren't you afraid that someone will use this as a starting point to deduce more advanced runes? 】

The Wolf King was amused.

"Relax, Morgan. Although the Fenrisian runes seem a bit outdated to you, they still contain many ways: Unless they are real Fenrisians, or people like you, other spirits It is difficult for a capable person to penetrate the secrets of the runes."

"Stubbornness and conservatism are not all without benefits: the strict defenses accumulated over generations are not something that can be easily broken. On this point, I am still very confident."


The Spider Queen glanced at Leman Russ' confident smile and nodded.

She chose to believe the words of her blood relatives.


The atmosphere after a deal is concluded is always pleasant, and the pleasant atmosphere is always accompanied by the passage of time unconsciously.

The return speed of the two Primarchs was faster than when they came: before the fifth minute arrived, Morgan and Leman Russ had returned to the door of the conference room, and the steel door was closed with the same look as the one they left. The time was the same, but for some reason, both the Spider Queen and the Wolf King stopped in their tracks.

Some kind of innate feeling, or a feeling that existed between blood relatives, told them that the scene inside might be more lively than they imagined.

"Fortunately no one is guarding here."

Leman Russ murmured in a low voice, attracting the Lord of Avalon's approval.

Both the Lion King and Morgan's Guards had already accepted the mission and left side by side. As for the original guard: there can be four Primarchs in this room. If there is really a bold assassin, then... It was unclear who surrounded whom.

[What do you think the scene will be? 】

When she raised her hand to push the door open, Morgan asked Leman Russ, which made the Fenrisian think seriously for a moment.

“The Sit-In War.”

Then, Leman Russ uttered a very un-Leman Russ word.

[It is impossible without bloodshed, Leman Russ. 】

"We can't just kill each other."

Leman Russ smiled, showing his canine teeth, and then, as the Spider Queen pushed open the door mercilessly, the sound that had been buried behind the door with good sound insulation effect was also heard at the first It hit their ears instantly.

It was a distinctly Nostramo accent.

"Die! Brother!"

"This is good for us all!"


Leman Russ blinked.


It seems that his understanding of his brothers is not deep enough.


Just twenty seconds ago, Johnson felt that he had a chance to win.

He even felt that this would be an extremely boring victory: in less than ten rounds, he could determine that Conrad did not have any potential as a fighter. , even far less than the original Morgan.

Jonson knew very well what Morgan's melee level was, because all the mastery of swordsmanship by the Lord of Avalon was personally taught by Caliban, and in the end, he only gave Morgan's fighting ability [ Barely qualified] evaluation.

This is a statement with a very high emotional intelligence in Jonson's eyes: no matter how ranked, Morgan's performance in close combat can only hover outside the tenth place among the Primarchs, or even around the fifteenth place. level.

Her martial arts are indeed exquisite, but there are too many other restrictions: except for Lorgar and Magnus, and Guilliman in a mad state, she cannot definitely defeat any of her brothers in close combat.

And under this premise, what kind of close combat skills does Conrad, who was taught by Morgan, have...

Jonson knew it.

And that seems to be the case.

In the duel that lasted for more than three minutes, it was not so much a battle as it was Johnson chasing Conrad around: Midnight Ghost has great potential only in this aspect, and his flash movement can even He exerted himself in the smallest space, so that the sharp sword from Caliban could only fail repeatedly.

He was even able to roll on the ground without dignity, just to avoid Jonson's seemingly inevitable sword: This was indeed beyond Caliban's expectations, allowing the midnight ghost to escape again. God, but it also made the anger in the Lion King's heart become more intense.

He originally thought that his brother was a beast like him, a wandering knight with poor conduct, and a battlefield mercenary who had lost his faith: in any case, these identities did not lack the strength to fight head-on, and Corresponding courage.

But the truth was worse than he imagined: what he saw in front of him was just a murderer who did everything possible, a low-level lunatic and a mental patient who gave up on himself.

Roaring these unforgivable epithets in his eyes, Caliban launched a new pursuit of the Midnight Ghost, but what made him even more annoyed was that the Nostramo just dodged and responded with a smile. These are too literal insults.

"You can scold me more harshly, my dear brother: it doesn't matter, you don't need to have such pity for me."

When Conrad finally turned around and used the sharp claws he had worn at some point to touch the long sword of Lord Caliban, rubbing out countless sparks, his soft whisper was accompanied by With his smile, it flowed into Caliban's ears.

"You know, Jonson, you know that we are actually the same kind of people, or in other words, we are actually the same thing: when my father shaped you and me, he treated us equally."

For the first time in a long time, through the constantly trembling finely crafted power sword, the Lord of Caliban felt a certain arrogance that was on par with him.

The midnight ghost is still laughing.

"Yes, Zhuangson, we are all the same. We are all beasts that were forcibly taken away from our lairs and had to learn to integrate into the so-called civilization and the galaxy. What's more, we were actually entrusted to the same personal."

"A wicked man who commits great crimes and only does evil to himself."

“Under her guidance, we took different paths: polar opposites.”

"You put on the armor, but I chose to take them off and continue to live as a midnight ghost: a midnight ghost changed by irrevocable tides."

"So, we got the reward of our choice."

"You're getting paid."

"And I was...free."


For no reason, the sudden change of laughter on Conrad's face shocked Zhuang Sen.

The next second, Midnight Ghost escaped at the cost of withstanding Jonson's blow: due to the long confrontation, the damage caused by this blow was minimal, but it was the Calibans who captured him due to gravity. , and had to fall into a moment of confusion.

It was at this moment that Conrad, like a real ghost, quietly approached Zhuangson. When his hands successfully hooked Zhuangson's neck, it was like the God of Death holding the countdown of a terminally ill patient. .

"You will appreciate this scene, Jonson, this is my gift to you."

The whispers of the Nostramos sounded in the ears of the Caliban, and the next moment, despair destroyed Jonson's voice, and came out intermittently from his bleeding lips. The Primarch tried his best to think He had to breathe, but all he could catch was Conrad's faint, low laugh.

as well as.

The sound of the door being knocked open.


Conrad seemed to be sighing.

"A little sooner than I thought."

"Maybe you didn't take your lesson to heart."

He seemed to be feeling regretful.

But he didn't let go of his hands.


[You will be in charge of Jonson, and I will be in charge of Conrad. 】

The Spider Queen didn't seem to be frightened at all by the scene before her: while Leman Russ was still a little shocked, Morgan had already finished shaking his head and sighing, putting away the book, and taking out her double-edged spear from the psychic waves. These are three step-by-step steps.

"What...are they doing?"

[As you can see: they are trying to kill each other: is this hard for you to understand? 】

"They are... brothers!"

[The hatred between brothers is the most sincere: hatred that can defeat blood ties is almost invincible. 】


【Stop asking! Zhuang Sen was almost strangled to death! 】

Although a Caliban lion lying on the ground and ascending to the sky has indeed appeared in the Spider Queen's dreams countless times, she is not yet ready for her dream to come true: even if it does come true, at least it will Only when she has a sufficient alibi.

Not yet: she still had a use for keeping the Caliban bastard, and the actions of Conrad, the little bastard, would definitely affect her, an innocent guardian.

Two things that don't make people worry.

When Leman Russ was about to get out of his shock, he found that his blood relatives of Avalon had already rushed forward in large strides: Morgan seemed not to worry at all that he would be affected.

But at the moment, Leman Russ also knew that he didn't have time to think so much: after glancing at the Spear of Dionysus hesitantly, the Fenrisian finally threw it aside and rolled up his non-existent sleeves. .

"Father... I'm still hungry."

You know, the last time he ate, he shared a snow deer on Fenris. In the following time, he just drank dozens of barrels of secret wine on the way, and now his stomach is not even half full. Not really.

If he had known that the first combat mission of this expedition was to separate two frantic Primarchs, he would have eaten up a Frost Mammoth before leaving.

No! Both ends!

emmmm, the comment section said that the recent plot has been a bit delayed, and it is true, so I decided to advance the main story from the next one.

In fact, I originally planned to finish it in three to five days during this period, but I don’t know why I wrote more and more.

As for Conrad, you may think that his plot is a bit unlikable but repetitive. In fact, I have been working very hard to correct the unlikability. As for the repetition, that is indeed my problem. Where should Conrad go? Wherever the bear goes, I promise I will pay attention to this issue in the future.

In fact, if you look carefully, you can still find that Conrad has changed, but the progress is a bit slow.

In short, I have been carefully reading the comments posted here, and everyone should leave more messages. There is actually another reason why the plot is a bit slow: essentially, Ran Dan is no longer challenging. Compared with the old ten who will be solved later. First, Ran Dan has become the boss in Guanzhong (sad), and our eleventh-year-old Heydrich...

I haven't figured out how to portray his madness and the... morbid aesthetics in him.

After all, the prototype of this character is Heydrich from TNO, which is just a template for a madman (the timeline of the sea shooting sun really poked me)

In short, writing about a madman is not easy (sentiment), so I will try my best.

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