Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 304 Cat and Mouse in the Same Cage

[Leman Russ, my brother, it is a pleasure to see you again. 】

"I'm glad to see you again, too, Morgan, especially since I learned that you had sorted out all the trouble before my arrival: let me confirm that those files have disappeared, yes. Bar?"

[It’s almost done, but unfortunately, there is no celebration banquet waiting for you here. After all, before that, we still lacked a necessary banquet element. 】

"Let me guess, because you don't have enough Fenrismine to fill a cellar?"

[No, it's worse. 】

[Because we don’t have enough Fenrisians to fill a room. 】

"That's such a shame!"

"But luckily: Fenrisians are everywhere here now!"

Leman Russ's rough roar, accompanied by his hearty laughter, echoed wantonly on the deck of the Indomitable Truth, torturing the eardrums of every Dark Angel present, as well as their deep frowns. brow.

As soon as the Wolf King finished speaking, a burst of laughter broke out among the guards behind him, sweeping through the entire Glory Queen-class battleship like a whirlwind: Among the vanguard fleets brought by the Lord of the Space Wolves, there were He has thirty capital ships, and the Glory Guard behind him also has the same number of people.

Obviously, compared to the Lord of Avalon who can use the Indomitable Truth as a holiday home, the flagship of the Dark Angel Legion is a more dangerous place for any Fenrisian.

This can be clearly contrasted from the fact that Morgan only needs to bring his own guard general, a few personal guards, and a temporary legion worker, while Leman Russ needs to bring an entire small army.

What is more straightforward than the numbers is the strange reality that appears in front of everyone.

It was obviously on the fleet flagship of the First Legion, and the Lord of Caliban and his Glory Guards, and even many high-ranking officers of the Dark Angels were present, but the one who actually stood up to greet the Fenrisians was Also coming from afar is the Lord of Avalon: even just a few hours ago, this Lord of Avalon was a true guest.

But even so, the vast majority of people present seemed to have a high level of tolerance for this scene, and even agreed with it: not to mention Zhuang Sen and his descendants, even the guards standing beside Conrad Manager Rana, after seeing this shocking scene before him, kept his expression calm.

In other words, numb.

But it is not that no one is doubtful about this scene, or in other words, they have some kind of trouble-making mentality.

"I was all ready to fight my Caliban brothers right here."

Taking advantage of the handshake, the Primarch of the Sixth Legion leaned forward, lowered his voice, and in a whisper that only he and the Spider Queen could hear, he showed a sharp, wolf-like smile to his silver-haired blood relative. The canine teeth are exposed to the air and attract people's attention.

As he spoke, Leman Russ rolled his eyes and motioned his silver-haired blood relative to look behind him to the right: there were several of the most ferocious Space Wolf warriors standing there, even filled with the smell of blood.

"That's my champion swordsman: I was still looking forward to who Zhuang Sen would send to deal with my wolf cub, but now it seems that this fight is going to come to nothing."

Facing the Fenrisian's wild smile, the Spider Queen could only respond with a more gentle and formal official smile that made it impossible to continue to attack.

[The war hasn’t started yet, Russ. 】

Don't come here, cause some non-combat attrition for me.

In the Third Randan War, the first Dark Angel to die in battle died at the hands of the Space Wolves who were supposed to fight alongside him, or the other way around: Doesn't this record sound interesting?


Leman Russ raised his eyebrows: of course he understood what the Spider Queen did not say, and did not want to refute this statement. The King of Fenris just shook his head regretfully, looking a little sad.

"Sorry, Morgan: it seems you don't understand the meaning of glory."

[Let every heir die a worthy death: in my opinion, this is the greatest honor. 】

The Wolf King blinked.

"You think I don't understand this?"

[At least the beasts won’t understand. 】


Some kind of disappointment slowly spread in the Fenrisian's throat.

"At the very least, you should call me Man..."

【I'm not talking about you. 】


The Wolf King's eyes widened. He looked at the silent smile that belonged to the Spider Queen so close at hand. After pondering for a moment, he looked thoughtfully behind Morgan: Zhuang Sen was standing there, surrounded by With the Dark Angel.

[Is there anything wrong with this sentence? 】

The equally low voice of the Lord of Avalon rang in Leman Russ's ears.



The Wolf King of Fenris laughed, he smiled happily, those sharp teeth flashed with dazzling light, making him look like a happy god of the wilderness.

"You are always right: who can argue with such words."

After a brief laugh, he held Morgan's hand tightly and shook it hard a few times. This seemed to be some kind of silent declaration: The Space Wolves behind Leman Russ saw this scene. , all of them took off the aura of alertness on their bodies, and even the most fierce-looking warriors grinned and took away the smell of blood around them in the blink of an eye.

This scene made Morgan's eyelids jump. He turned his head and glanced at the still silent Dark Angel Guards, and then glanced at Zhuang Sen who seemed to be unaware of anything. He suddenly felt tired.

And in her ears, Leman Russ's chuckle came, like the cry of a sparrow hawk.

"Jonson has made a smart decision: you are indeed a good fit for the First Legion."

After lowering his voice and mumbling something incoherent, the Fenrisian straightened his back, and his voice once again returned to the loud and wild tone that belonged to the Primarch.

"One more thing, Morgan."

The Wolf King blinked.

"I prepared a gift for you: after returning to Fenris, I thought about it and felt that the gift I gave you ten years ago to celebrate your return was too simple."

Did you also know that a box of Fenris wine can't fix everything?

The Spider Queen twitched her brows, smiled, and did not reply: she remembered the box of Fenris secret wine sent by Leman Russ. She had never opened it, but kept it in her psychically enhanced ice chamber. , and I don’t know if it will become an antique and appreciate in value in the future.

Or to put it another way: If she stores this box of Fenris secret wine handled by Leman Russ personally for ten thousand years, can she return it to the Space Wolves Legion? It is equivalent to a wave of whoring in vain. Favor?

The voice of the computer rang in the Spider Queen's heart, and in her ears, the chuckle from Fenris continued to echo, like a whimper in the throat of a winter wolf.

"So, I carefully selected a new gift for you, a cruel soul from the ice world of Fenris: snow-white fur, immature claws, and a rebellious howl that was just taken out of its mother's nest."

"I didn't take it with me because I wasn't sure whether you would like it: if you like it, treat it as a way to relieve your boredom, if you don't like trouble, then treat it as a pure natural gift from me. Wear fur on your shoulders, it doesn't matter, I don't care."

Morgan blinked. She did not answer immediately. Instead, she took a moment to observe Leman Russ's face before smiling and responding directly to the question.

[I am very interested in a new pet, Ruth: Don’t worry about the trouble, because I believe that my maid has enough time and energy to help me solve the trouble. 】

[So: I’m looking forward to it. 】

The Fenrisian grinned.

"Very good, but I still want to remind you: if you want to fully mature them, it will still take a lot of time. After all, beasts will sprout in a solid state once they are separated from the reins and orders for too long. "

"Of course, there are other ways: it depends on how much [wildness] you have: you'd better be a wild person, just like me."

She was speaking to herself, and her words were facing Morgan, but the Spider Queen clearly saw Leman Russ glancing at Jonson and Conrad from his pupils.

She pretended not to see it, and just kept that appropriate smile that would not make anyone feel cold. She turned slightly sideways and made way for the two Primarchs behind her: Of course, such a thing as a gift cannot just be Bring someone, whether it's Morgan or Leman Russ, who understands this.

The Fenrisian also didn't speak. He responded to his silver-haired blood relative with a shining look, then strode forward, with a wild smile on his face, and shook hands with Conrad.

"First meeting, brother."

"I am Leman Russ. I heard Horus say your name. Conrad from Nostramo: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you would be here, so I didn't bring a copy with you. Your matching gift.”

"Besides a sense of brotherhood?"

Conrad asked with a smile. It was hard to tell whether it was gentle or sarcastic, but he did extend a hand and hold it tightly with the Fenris man in front of him who was stunned and then laughed loudly. Together, they are just like the teeth of beasts that fit perfectly together in their mouths.

Facing Leman Russ, Midnight Ghost looked particularly... calm.

Morgan's brows twitched. She was a little unsure of what Conrad was thinking, but soon she gave up delving into the issue: Whatever, her parasitic brother doesn't act like a monster in front of other people. Good people.

Let Jonson alone bear the passion of Nostramo.

Morgan believed him.

"Ah...as for you..."

With that said, Leman Russ had slowly walked in front of Zhuang Sen: the Lord of Caliban was standing there, with a solemn face, looking neither sad nor happy, and unfathomable.

But the Spider Queen knew clearly: He might just be naive and not react yet.

But regardless of whether Zhuang Sen was prepared or not, the Wolf King's big hand had already been stretched out in front of him, followed by a burst of simple words wrapped in ridicule.

"I didn't know what kind of gift I could bring you, so I brought me and my legion: I only hope that you, the great man, will show mercy and allow me and my cubs to return alive. To Fenris.”


The Wolf King's big hand reached Zhuangson's face, and the Lord of Caliban looked directly at the palm in front of him with an incomprehensible silence. He stared at it, his face so serious that he seemed to be Facing Ran Dan's home planet.



For a moment, the harmonious atmosphere supported by Morgan's smile, Leman Russ's laugh, and even Conrad's charming smirk seemed to have encountered the cold wind named Caliban. Generally, it ends quietly.

But fortunately, just before everyone's eyebrows jumped, Jonson still stretched out his hand and briefly shook hands with Leman Russ. The two Primarchs then simply said hello, and then stretched out their hands like lightning. When I came back, it was like touching a hot cannonball.

The speechless Spider Queen secretly recorded the time in her heart: Very good, even the handshake time between Conrad and Leman Russ far exceeded that of their great King of Knights.

But for her, the suffering was not over yet: the Lord of the Dark Angels just stood there, with one hand lowered and the other accurately placed on the scabbard. Rather than welcoming him, he seemed to be preparing to rush to battlefield.

His lips moved subtly several times, but they were all silent: obviously, for the current Lord of Caliban, how to respond to these words of Leman Russ is indeed a headache. The problem.

Morgan's brows jumped: she could even feel that beside her, the undisguised silent laughter of the Midnight Ghost had moved from Zhuang Sen's body to her ears with the shift of his gaze. .


Morgan could hear himself sigh.

It seems that just after she arrived at the [Indomitable Truth], the number of her sighs has increased significantly?

Similar random thoughts were running around in the Spider Queen's mind, but they did not stop her from moving forward: keeping a smile, the Lord of the Second Legion inserted himself between the lion and the wolf who were silently confronting each other, and the one guarding Zhuang Sen beside him. The Dark Angels all made way for her.

[I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, my two brothers. 】

Raising her hand with some effort, the Spider Queen smiled and patted the two huge shoulder armors in front of her that were almost the same height as her. Under the focus of hundreds of pairs of eyes, she spoke with a sincere face that no one would believe. shit.

She blinked at the two beasts.

[However, there is still a war waiting for us: maybe we should return to the conference room to discuss the mission issues and scope of responsibility of our respective legions. 】

[Everything is for the emperor, isn’t it! 】

The tone of the last sentence has been significantly improved. It is more like a cry than a question. Of course, around the Primarchs, whether it is the Dark Angels or the Space Wolves, they all use their Slogans and echoes echo this motto.

Although these cheers, which had not been rehearsed in advance, were neither loud nor neat, and were as sparse as a pile of weeds, they were enough to make the two Primarchs take advantage of the situation: especially Jonson.

The Lord of Dark Angels blinked his emerald eyes and tried his best to smile.

"Welcome aboard my Unyielding Truth, brother."

"I'm impressed here, Jonson."

Leman Russ grinned, taking it as a response: it was more like the bared teeth of a canine beast than a smile.

Although in Morgan's eyes, it was just a crude imitation that was neither fish nor fowl.


Leman Russ brought a considerable force: numerically speaking, there were far more Space Wolves in his fleet than Morgan's Daybreakers.

When the Great Crusade entered its eightieth year, the strength of the entire Sixth Legion was roughly between 80,000 and 90,000. They were scattered into countless hunting groups, scattered across the galaxy like stars, unless It was a personal summons from the King of Fenris or even the Lord of Humanity. Otherwise, there would be no circumstances that would allow this army to truly gather.

In this case, Leman Russ finally brought 40,000 people: 40,000 of his best and most skilled soldiers, each of whom was a veteran from Terra, or had fought against Leman on Fenris. From this point of view, the Wolf King's sincerity is far deeper than his words.

In addition, behind the fleet of the Sixth Legion, there is also a large army composed of mortal auxiliaries and skitarii: this army is of course not the power of Leman Russ, but comes directly from Macca Duo was dispatched to serve as... a martyr in the third Ran Dan War.

However, even if the size of this army is satisfactory, it may be due to insufficient strength, or due to some reputation reasons: in this army, the Primarch of the Dark Angel Legion has not always been thinking about The Titan Legion.

This caused Zhuang Sen to have a few more wrinkles on his forehead for no apparent reason.

As for the Sixth Army's huge fleet containing hundreds of capital ships: from the beginning, no one seemed to mention them much.

Even Leman Russ himself.

But no matter what, Leman Russ finally brought a huge reinforcements, and the cards in the hands of the Lord of Caliban also became abundant again at this moment: at least, it seems so on the surface. .

But whether it was Jonson, Morgan, or even Leman Russ, who actually participated in the Battle of Tuckers, they all knew that there would never be another grand scene like the Second Randan War.

Although the Human Empire can rely on its own size to defeat the powerful opponent of the Randan Empire, this does not mean that the empire can use such crazy blood bar tactics again within ten years.

Therefore, the Fenrisians also brought another message directly from the Mark Master Machado himself: This is the only time for large-scale reinforcements and logistical supplies. After that, although Terra will work hard to maintain logistical supplies, it will also Don't expect any large-scale aid.

"Makado has his own difficulties."

After vividly reciting the words of the bearer, the Wolf King of Fenris immediately showed a smile and made a small excuse for Machado who was thousands of miles away: For various reasons, in Among all the Primarchs, the seemingly rugged Leman Russ is actually the one who respects the Sealbearer the most.

The other two Primarchs who actually participated in the discussion just remained silent and did not ask any more questions: everyone understood. As for the one who didn't understand, he was currently shrinking in his chair, extremely happy.

The Lord of Caliban continued to maintain his serious face that at least looked very inscrutable. After calmly listening to Leman Russ's explanation, Jonson spread out the star map and briefly divided the operations. The Fenrisians listened carefully to the areas and strategic targets that needed to be struck in the first batch, but they always seemed to have something on their mind.


The Wolf King spoke quickly.

"My Legion would like to be in charge of this place, if possible."

Leman Russ pointed at the star map and roughly drew a circle. The place he circled looked unremarkable: except that it was too close to the darkness in the northern part of the Milky Way.

"We all know that this battle is not that simple. Randan is just a dying alien empire. It is just a giveaway that is a bit difficult to chew, a city of Dido under the attack of Little Scipio: the real difficulty , waiting for us in the north."

In Leman Russ's pupils, a fleeting darkness flashed.

"Leave this area to me, and I will send my men to search for him: this is my mission, and the Emperor has entrusted me with the mission of ending this nightmare."

As he spoke, he grabbed the Dionysus spear beside him, his movements even a little unfamiliar.

In his voice, the faces of the only three listeners were different: the terrifying face of the Midnight Ghost was full of playfulness, the Spider Queen lowered her eyebrows and seemed to be thinking about something, and as for Zhuangson, He seemed to be the only one who wanted to respond to Leman Russ.

And from his gloomy face, it was enough to know the answer in his heart.

The Wolf King grinned: Caliban's reaction was not beyond his expectations.

"This is my responsibility, Riemann..."

The Lion King's voice was very soft, with some imperceptible hoarseness, and just as these words landed, Leman Russ was ready to answer: However, these words were interrupted by the Spider Queen's wave.

[Don’t discuss this now, my brothers: Ran Dan’s home planet is right in front of our journey. As the saying goes, we can’t bite off more than we can chew. Before facing that guy, we should concentrate all our energy on uprooting the opponent in front of us. Bar. 】

[As for whose responsibility it is: Since each of us is here, this is our common responsibility. 】

Midnight Ghost's eyelids twitched.

[Furthermore, for the sake of the cause of the Emperor and humanity, wouldn't it be better for the three of us legions to work together to destroy that guy than for one legion to fight alone? 】

[Three legions acting together: Even if this only increases the success rate a little, it is a sufficient reason. 】

[This is not for ourselves, this is for the emperor, for the empire. Therefore, even if there is any slightest chance of success, we must strive for it at all costs: in the face of this goal, all the so-called honors and competitions are not worth it. A word of caution, my brothers. 】

[So, please bear with me. 】

The Spider Queen raised one hand, and her cold gaze and indifferent voice swept over the two legion masters on the left and right sides in turn: As she wished, these words were not refuted by any of them. Neither the lion of Caliban nor the wolf of Fenris seemed to have any intention of continuing.

Morgan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

So, under the somewhat regretful eyes of the Nostramo people: the meeting continued.


"I have something I want to discuss with you."

The meeting between the original bodies went more smoothly than Morgan imagined: after all, most of the details had been settled by her and Jonson, and all that was left was just a one-to-one reconciliation with Leman Russ. The two chief guards of the Imperial Guard had also been sent out to inform them of these instructions.

After the recollection ended, the Fenrisian came directly to Morgan. His expression was so serious that the Spider Queen had to respond with the same attitude.

[I'm listening, Ruth. 】


The Wolf King shook his head.

"Not here."

He glanced at Curze and then at the Lion.

"I want to talk to you about something...about things between our two legions. You can understand it as an unknown cooperation, because I am not sure about the feasibility and benefits of it, so I want to discuss it with you. "

Morgan frowned slightly.

[Can’t be here? 】


The Wolf King took another look at Zhuang Sen, who was still trying to collect the documents, and then slowly approached Morgan and lowered his voice.

"This involves something...well, private about my Space Wolves Legion."

"It's best to find a secluded place."

[…It’s okay, but it’s okay…]

The Spider Queen said, but couldn't help but look at the other two people. The flicker in her pupils could even be read by Leman Russ.

"Are you afraid that they will fight?"

【...What do you think? 】


The Fenrisian gave him a sympathetic look.


"Let's just talk about it for five minutes: this matter is actually not very complicated."

[Five minutes are enough for us to lose a Primarch. 】


"It's impossible. On Fenris, the brats under my command had to scold each other for a few minutes before starting the fight. And if you think about what happened in Duran, Zhuang Sen and I would have been messing around for more than five minutes."


Do you still know that it is nonsense?

Facing the Spider Queen's cold gaze that could penetrate the city wall, Leman Russ just thought about it and didn't seem to be affected at all.


Morgan raised her head slightly, and colors kept flashing across her blue pupils, which meant that she was thinking ruthlessly and quickly: and the results were born quickly.

[Please reveal: What happened? 】

"About your psychic code."


【let's go. 】

Between her own reputation and the lives of the two cheap brothers, the Lord of Avalon quickly made the most correct judgment: before she left, she took one last look at the two cheap brothers who stayed in the room. .

Zhuang Sen noticed his departure, glanced here, looked at her, nodded, and continued to do his best to organize the final documents.

And Conrad...

His expression was like that of a student who was in a self-study class and found that the teacher seemed to be preparing to leave the classroom: and he was the kind of poor student.


Hopefully when she comes back, both guys are still breathing.

I hope so.


There was a faint sound of closing the door.

The midnight ghost slowly raised his head.

Then, he quietly glanced at the location of the door and smiled.

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