Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 248 The coming ultimate insult

The Supreme King of Silence, Szarak, Sotek, Menak, Nihilak...

Golden Mandala, Solernamus, Gidelin, Xanatos, Drazak's Kingdom of Bones...

War in heaven, star gods, deception, sad fate, great revenge, children of the enemy, past, future, destruction, eternal life, necrophobes...

Necrophobes… Necrophobes… Necrophobes…

The arrogant self-narration, the glorious evidence, the cold records, and finally the extremely miserable and crazy echo: this is what Morgan saw in the depths of the Yemenga Monolith.

The tall stone tablet is written with dense and arrogant words, as if it were a giant scroll that was eager to be passed down through the ages when it was first carved. On the huge black stone surface that can cover the entire top of the hive, there are green runes. It brought about the pride and loneliness of thousands of years ago.

Obviously, countless mysterious and wild eras ago, a great race once stood here. Their hegemony may be countless times more glorious than the still-unruly human empire, and they easily hold the entire galaxy in their hands. The power of the gods is enough to support them in completing the greatest dreams and wonders in the world, and it is enough to help them dream of eternal kingship: until the day when the fate of all great races befalls them.

Throughout the article, self-admiration, glorious elaboration, and praise and description of various dynasties and the [Crown World], low-pitched words about decline quietly appear, telling in the most obscure corners the stagnation after glory, telling The dead end brought about by the internal contradictions tells the story of the war, the great, victorious, and wrong war in which they lost everything, the war that burned down heaven.

One after another, one call and a hundred responses, and united will, this is the sculptor of the stone tablet boasting about his race; being outnumbered, fate playing tricks, and falling short are his hasty whitewashing of his successive defeats; and until the description of this battle in heaven extends all the way to In the final stage, the [living gods] released by their own hands were described with only a few strokes.

The Necrontyr used all the vicious words to curse these [liars], and casually erased the contribution of these gods to the war. They threw all their tragic fate to these evil gods, and used words in detail. The unimaginable length describes in detail how they used their strength, courage, determination and wisdom to kill these aloof gods one after another in the years after the War in Heaven: Obviously, they regarded this as It is the greatest pride of one's race and the true pinnacle.

But just like what grows after a fruitful autumn, it is instead the bitter cold of the winter wind. The feat of killing gods did not bring about a new round of glory for the Necrontyr dynasty. Those [Sons of the Enemy] came back, their strength and Rising Sun was no less powerful than the Necrontyr, and facing the unstoppable tide, this ancient race also made a choice.

【Sleep, wait, wake up. 】

The Lord of the Second Legion softly murmured these words to himself as the end of her reading of the long ancient scroll in front of her: Although she did not recognize any of the green characters on this stone tablet, in her mind the words that once belonged to Haidli Despite Xi's memory, he had an inexplicable familiarity with these words. In addition, most of these descriptions from countless epochs ago were presented in images similar to paintings, which made Morgan understand most of them relatively easily. content.

She even saw a brief star map of the Milky Way at the end of the inscription, which was half ostentatious and half pragmatic, depicting the land of the Necrontyr Empire at its peak. Countless suns and worlds were as small as grains of sand. Highlighting the splendor of the world's greatest crowns.

And on the sides of these crown worlds, standards symbolizing power are engraved, whether it is Szarak as the head of the dynasty, the bloody and terrifying Menak, or the astonishingly wealthy Nihilak, and...

Morgan frowned. She slowly stretched out her hand and touched the area on the east side of the star map. After thousands of years of time, the green runes had become blurry, but she could still see it. Clear that symbol that shows off its might in the eastern part of the galaxy.

The Zotec Dynasty, the third overlord among the Necrontyr or Necrons, is located on the far eastern frontier of the galaxy, near Avalon.

【...Tsk. 】

A big problem.

A long-lost emotion that she had only used when facing Emperor Ran Dan hit Morgan's heart at this moment. Although she knew that this kind of thing was far from being irreversible, the thought of this arrogant and powerful thing... She felt a sincere hatred for how much trouble and changes the sign would bring to her plans.

Especially when she is now in a strange ancient city that suppresses soul and spiritual energy, this kind of hatred makes the Lord of the Second Legion's already more and more emotions begin to unnaturally rise and fall. The vicious anger that had been suppressed began to test the dam of rationality, waiting for the moment when the flood would surge.

But, as always, Morgan suppressed them and maintained the supremacy of reason.

At that moment, countless plans began to be born in the mind of the Primarch, but they were quickly abandoned in the next moment. The brief understanding of the Necron was dug out from the remote corners of the memory. The more he recalled, the more he thought about it. The original body's brows furrowed even more.

Finally, when the golden light that could be called for help slowly flashed through her mind, the Primarch breathed out a sigh of relief and gave up, and stopped her meaningless worries.

Why should I panic?

After taking a moment to sort out his emotions, Morgan stroked the stone tablet that exuded a faint green light and began to comfort himself: These ancient races have maintained a long period of death for tens of millions of years. In deep sleep, there was no sign that they were about to wake up. Maybe they had all died in sleep, or they would continue to sleep for countless years, missing the dozens of epochs that her life would spend.

Hope so...should be so...

Morgan closed her eyes, but just when she was comforting herself, she heard a sound that disrupted the harmony. It was the sound of the huge stone door being moved. This made the Primarch's inner vigilance suddenly rise. .

There is a high probability that the sound is not her descendant: the Primarch knows very well that the closer to the space inside the Yemenga Monolith, the silent suppression of the soul and spiritual energy becomes stronger, like an unreasonable He has an anti-subspace stance, hating and expelling all living objects.

And when they walked to the door of this room, only Morgan himself could step in, because even Rana, who was most eager to follow the original body, had to admit that the heavy atmosphere in this room was enough to endanger Ah. Stat's life.

So, obeying the Primarch's orders, the Old Guard remained outside the gate, forming a last line of defense: they could not be the ones who made the sound.

So, who could it be?

Before the Primarch turned around, her brain, which was more exaggerated than any calculation instrument, lit up this question, and then, Morgan happened to see that scene: accompanied by ancient mechanisms and instructions, for some reason The next time the earth moved, the thick door that was originally open between the Primarch and the Old Guard fell heavily in a millisecond before anyone could react, and the black stone of unknown material fell heavily. This separated the mother and the heir, and abandoned the Primarch in a deep darkness, leaving only the cold light emitted by the dark green runes and a large shadow.

The silence caused by the shock lasted less than a second. The most chaotic shouts and sounds sounded outside the door, followed by a violent roar. It was the sound of all kinds of weapons being poured on the door. , and the chief Old Guard almost roared to mobilize troops.

And just when the Dawnbreakers were trying their best to break open the door, there seemed to be an extremely abnormal explosion sound from a more distant place, which foreshadowed a long-planned attack: Morgan knew this, Because in the shadow in front of her, figures covered in broken human skin were emerging from the shadow one after another, standing in front of her.

The Primarch knew them, she knew these black-skinned, snow-haired killers. In the memories of the Eldar she devoured, these creatures were called Mandurans, and they were even the Lords of Commorragh wanted. Creatures of great respect, they can freely travel through any shadow to hunt for the head they desire.

It seems that this time, their prey is a Primarch.

The leader of the Second Legion tipped the ax blade in her palm and took a moment to count the opponents in the shadows. When she found the figures surrounded by dozens of Mandela Assassins, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

["The Beheader" Gaila Zhuoka. 】

"Have you heard of me?"

Galadroka did not speak, but his questions were reflected in front of Morgan with a dimension beyond the real universe.

Those extremely dark pupils seemed to be more terrifying than the dozens of Mandela Assassins put together, and the four arms modified by the Haemonculi each held huge weapons that could kill the Astartes with one blow. Blade, this is the Decapitator, Chief of Mandela, one of the most powerful and terrifying Dark Eldar in the galaxy.

Morgan smiled.

[Decades ago, you fought against my blood relative Vulkan on the Nocturne star, and escaped unscathed under the hammer of the angry Vulkan: Such a record is hard not to be remembered. 】

[Then, in a world of Necrons, what are you doing in such a big fight? 】

"I don't care about other things, but my own purpose is very simple."

The Beheader pushed aside Mandela's compatriots in front of him and walked to the far opposite side of the Primarch. He smiled, without the awe he had when facing the top predator in the galaxy.

"I am carrying out a great plan, human being, and this plan requires skulls, inexhaustible skulls, the skulls of designated people with special value, and your skull is the top priority."

[Am I allowed to hear about this boring plan? 】

"That's none of your business, human."

"You just need to remember: I need the closest head to the God of Pleasure in the entire galaxy."

"And you are that person."

Facing these firm words, the primarch only had the coldest smile on her face. She listened to the increasingly impatient banging of the door outside, and judged how long her heirs would be, and then she discovered, She had to deal with these little brats herself.

Well, although she can't exert much psychic power in this space, but...

Morgan tipped the ax blade.


You know, most people will make a common-sense mistake and ignore one fact about Morgan: she is indeed a psyker with great power in the world, but apart from the powerful psychic ability...

She is also a Primarch.


"Hold your ground!"

"keep Calm!"

"The Primarch is behind you!"

Hector roared, bled, and fought: this is not a contradiction. Ever since he ran all the way back to his position on the high platform, countless excitements and pains burst out of his body one after another, like winter snow. The ugly cliffs have faded and become more beautiful.

The dark green sword trembled with excitement in Hector's hand. Its activity even greatly strengthened the power of Morgan's pride. He stretched out his big hand and Hector crushed the thin skull of another alien. This was the third opponent he killed. His huge body that stood out from the crowd made all the intruders regard him as a rare prey.

But Commororan soon discovered that he had picked the wrong target, especially when the first two airship bikers were shattered into pieces in a brutal collision with Hector, and all the people of Black Muse instantly disappeared in an instant. He scattered and began to look for other prey, without any intention or courage to continue defeating this powerful enemy.

Hector gritted his teeth. Two consecutive crazy impacts made him feel that his entire left shoulder was almost disabled. However, under this extreme pain, his brain was like every Dawnbreaker present. Before falling into unprecedented calmness and thinking.

He began to observe, as a company commander and commander, and soon discovered the problem: Although the Dawnbreakers had a numerical advantage, they encountered another kind of obstacle, accompanied by the spiritual As a result of the clan's attack, countless traps and hidden mines instantly erupted in this strange city. These insidious tricks that had not had time to be investigated really delayed the pace of many Dawnbreakers, and the number of defenders on the high platform was even less than There are many attackers.

Obviously, this was not a sudden attack, but a premeditated ambush. Countless traps used ancient technology that is difficult for humans to understand today, delaying the footsteps of thousands of Astartes warriors who returned to defend themselves. Although This delay will not last long, but it is still enough for the most elite part of the invaders to use the huge air superiority brought by dozens of fighter planes and airship motorcycles to split a line in the first line of defense of the Dawnbreakers. A winding bloody road.

The various flying blades from Commorragh are so fast that only the best Terran veterans can barely capture the traces of their movements. Relying on this advantage and the fleeting time difference, swarms of The plunderers and ravagers broke up the ranks of the Dawnbreakers, splitting them up and handing them over to the roaring beasts behind them.

The Clawed Terror's claws are sharper than a single-molecule blade, enough to peel through the bulkhead of a spaceship. The Aether Hound comes across the subspace through phase shift, tearing apart its prey, and the most terrifying Ugur monster, even One bite can bite through the protection of the Terminator's power armor. Its skin is as hard as iron, yet extremely soft, making it impossible for even the sharpest sword to strike.

The people of Commorragh released hundreds of these beasts onto the warhammer, and behind them were twisted abominations from the hands of the Haemonculi. These monsters gathered into a wild natural disaster, leaving those stationed outside the stone monument. The Dawnbreakers were caught in a bloody bloody battle, and they had no time to estimate that the true elite of the Dark Eldar took the opportunity to break into the giant stone monument.

The elegant succubi still maintained their manners on the bloody battlefield. They jumped over the fragmented defense line lightly and rushed into the innermost part without hesitation. After them, there were all kinds of hair-raising attacks. The elite of Commorragh: flying Scourge, heavily armed Nightmare Swordsmen, and even a huge Tantalus fighter plane, which is the largest war engine the Dark Eldar can produce.

In the few minutes when the outermost Dawnbreakers were plunged into chaos and reorganization, corruption and bloody battles, countless aliens rushed into the huge passage hundreds of meters wide and tens of meters high of the Yemenga Monolith. , began to test the tenacity of the next line of defense, and behind them, Hecht also began his own run.

Hector did not run towards the monolith. He believed that his battle brothers would be able to hold the line of defense. What he needed to do was another important thing: there were countless Dawnbreakers trapped in traps and obstructions. The twenty-third company commander decided to reverse all this. He set his sights on the last twisted abominations. These meters-tall creatures seemed to be violent and extremely destructive. As long as he could kill those who controlled them. As a beast tamer, he can introduce these monsters into the trap area and break through the obstacles that trouble the Dawnbreakers: and the defensive pressure at the gate will also be greatly reduced.

Having made up his mind, Morgan's pride shouted all the way, attracting many lone Dawnbreaker warriors and forming a temporary assault team. The moment they passed the high platform, Hector's eyes and fighting spirit were in front of the gate. Diarmait collided briefly, and the latter nodded, and then pierced the heart of his second opponent. Many corpses had fallen beside him, both Astartes and aliens.

Hector knew that he was far from being as agile as Diarmait and could not catch the aliens who did not want to fight him. His huge body made it impossible for him to deal well with these extremely agile opponents.

Then, he needs to make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.

For infantry, he can't.

But he's good at dealing with giant beasts.


"Don't be impatient, stay here."

"Put them all in place."

“Let’s play to what we’re good at.”

Cortes and Zosimus commanded the elites of their respective companies and were stationed on a rear defense line: from their positions, the Old Guards at the rear could already be seen vaguely.

The Dark Eldar's attack woke up the two company commanders immediately, but before that, they were already worried about another thing and were on alert.

"Still can't contact them?"

Zosimus frowned. His psychic energy was suppressed so much in this space that he could not even pass through the wall and contact his battle brothers in another section of the building. The same was true for Cortes beside him.

At the moment when the battle cry came from outside the gate, the countless doors in this huge stone monument seemed to be uniformly arranged and fell neatly. Not only did they temporarily lose the original gene, but also caused other consequences. The same bad result: at least a thousand Dawnbreakers who were exploring other spaces were trapped inside. It would take some time for them to open the door or find other exits, and what they lacked most now was time.

Under the dual effects of carefully designed traps and obstructions, only more than 2,000 of the 5,000 Dawnbreakers were able to snipe the Dark Eldar elite raids inside and outside the monolith immediately. This was obviously not enough. The briefest moment of chaos under the heavy attack of the mighty Eldar fighter planes and airships was enough for the elites of Comoros, who had been fighting for thousands of years, to find an opportunity.

The Raider motorcycles and the Scourge with wings on their backs screamed in mid-air. These craziest killers even stood upside down with both hands on the handlebars while racing at high speed, and used the specially installed sharp blades on their legs to pierce the Astartes. Throat, even though they fell to the ground one by one like mourning crows in front of the quickly reacting fire net, each alien had already caused terrible damage before death.

And at their feet, the fully armed Nightmare Swordsmen were the most ruthless and superb killers among the entire Dark Eldar. They rushed towards the outstanding enemies with expressionless faces, waving their sharp blades as tall as a man, forming a line of attack. The main reason why the defense line could not be closed in time was that these thousand-year-old veterans who were not afraid of death and the best swordsmen under Morgan's command fell one after another, contributing to the bloodiest performance in the entire battle.

And in the madness and pull of the above two, the real killer moves and deadly characters: hundreds of witch spirits, succubi and queens of various Kane sects formed an unstoppable bloody rose storm, and they waved Various strange-shaped weapons maintained an extremely elegant dance step, dancing and advancing on the Astartes' defense line all the time, without any intention of stopping, because anyone whose dance steps were disrupted The unfortunate ones will be torn into pieces by the sharp blades of Morgan's sons in the next moment.

Among all the waves of aliens, Lilith's fiery red hair was the most obvious ray of light. All bolters were pointed at the queen of the sect of strife, and all the sharp blades were eager to slit her throat, but they failed. None of them could successfully achieve their goal. Lilith danced in the sea of ​​​​blood and corpses. She and the leading succubi around her were sharper than fighter planes, and pierced most of the Dawnbreakers in the blink of an eye. The defense line burned the flames of war all the way in front of the Old Guards.

The only one who can compete with her on the battlefield is Bayar, who has just arrived. Although this chief swordsman is far away from Lilith, his record is particularly terrifying: three nightmare swordsmen have already fallen to this one. The incredible chief swordsman is at the feet, and his condition is obviously still capable of the most crazy fighting.

But none of this could stop the battle from gradually slipping into the hands of the Dark Eldar: although more and more Dawnbreakers poured into the battlefield from the passages on both sides, they still had nothing to do with the cluster of fighter planes above their heads. Although they don't understand why these alien fighters are not affected by this ghost town, everyone understands a simple truth.

As long as the Dark Eldar still control the air on the battlefield, victory is far away: especially when the largest Tantalus fighter dominates the sky above everyone, the casualties caused by one of its launches can be greater than ten fighting men. The Nightmare Swordsman.

But it was at this time that Cortes and Zosimus finally prepared their means of counterattack.

"May I?"

Cortes looked at the powerful think tank next to him, second only to the Mother of Genes. After getting a nod from Zosimus' pale face, he injected an injection into the latter's neck. Don’t forget to whisper the instructions.

And when Zosimus opened his eyes again, the world had changed.


Everything was so slow in his eyes. His battle brothers, those flying explosives, and even the Eldar fighters and airships that were once too fast for his naked eyes to catch, were all moving at this moment. Like an insect in amber, it stagnated until it solidified.

The chief think tank took a deep breath. He could clearly feel the sound of every wisp of air being captured by his throat, just like he could see everyone's face clearly, but he had no time to feel all this. With his arms that had already been raised, Zosimus tried his best to call out his spiritual power and the seemingly ordinary individual missiles around him.

He knew that these things were not simple. They were relics of the Golden Age that Cortez's predecessors had spent a huge price to snatch back from the aliens. It cost a little less.

Zosimus looked up, his will calling out the ferocity of the missiles, and quickly targeting every psionic flight engine he could see.


He issued this order, and at the next moment, a heartbreaking pain resounded through his mind. The chief think tank only felt that all the spiritual power he was proud of was sucked away in an instant with the launch of the missile. , even his soul left an extremely heavy ripple, and more pain was beyond his ability to feel: because at the next moment, he was alive because of the lack of spiritual energy and the extreme pain of rejection. Fainted to death.

But his mission was accomplished.

Cortes supported his unconscious battle brother. With a sense of bloody joy, he carefully watched the miracle and victory in front of him.

An incredible phenomenon accompanies the launch of these relic weapons: although these missiles just roared away from their respective launchers, at the moment they were launched, all the Eldar fighters in the air began to fire at the same time. Explosions and collisions.

The huge twisted energy showed its power on these alien creations with pitifully low defenses. Most of the blasphemous engines exploded into gorgeous blood flowers in the air in an instant, while the remaining ones were also destroyed by this heavy attack and horizontal force. Affected by the flying shock wave, their perfect balance was completely broken. The originally coherent killing team encountered unimaginable disasters in less than a second of imbalance: their speed was too fast, and they were too fast. He was unable to adjust in time. The sudden stop of an airship caused a devastating mid-air car accident among all the Eldar fighters and airships. The people of Comoros fell from the air one after another, and their lives were lost. In the next second, he disappeared under the furious swords of the Dawnbreakers.

An indescribable dead silence began to spread among the ranks of the Dark Eldar. These aliens, who had been plundering the real universe for thousands of years, certainly knew the meaning of losing their air superiority: in the next moment, except for the Witch Spirits rushing at the forefront, Except for the army and a handful of Nightmare Swordsmen, all the Eldar elites could not help but stop breaking through the front line. Their eyes began to wander non-stop, preparing to find a way to escape from the penetrated front line.

This is not simple, because Hector's roar of victory has been heard outside the gate. After killing one giant beast after another, he successfully took the opportunity to release countless battle brothers and hundreds of Terrans. The veterans tore apart the monsters of Commorragh in a wave of rage, cleaning the battlefield at an unimaginable speed: maybe in a few minutes, they would have no way to escape.

As more and more Dawnbreakers began to pour into the battlefield, and the greatest advantage was completely destroyed, the people of Commorragh realized that they had no advantage in this short battle that lasted only ten minutes. Those who were not completely crazy began to gather under the command of Tantalus. This largest fighter was the only remaining aerial force of the Dark Eldar. With sharp blades, they can still fight their way out.

But in the few seconds when Tantalus was flying at low altitude to avoid the disaster in the air, a figure that all the Comorian warriors had not noticed seized the opportunity, stepped on countless alien corpses, and jumped to Tantalus. superior.

Bayar did not take action immediately. He brushed off the blood on his sword gracefully and glanced at the Tantalus pilots in front of him: Just now, these aliens operated the hull sickle dragged by the powerful engine, killing He met several comrades he had known for a long time.

The chief legion swordsman showed the kindest smile.

"Good evening, dead people."


When the huge Tantalus twisted and fell all the way, many Dark Eldar had already left the battle and formed a breakout team of hundreds of people, eager to escape.

But similarly, there was a smaller, but still elite force of more than two hundred people. With their pure flesh and blood and fanatical mentality, they broke through the last line of defense before the Old Guards.

Rana stood in front of the battle line that had been prepared for a long time. His eyes were confused by the strange fanaticism of these Dark Eldar. As a veteran who had fought against these terrible aliens as early as the solar system, the Chief Old Guard knew these very well. The Commorragh aliens are powerful, and they are well aware of their nature of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

But obviously, these people in front of them seem to have some different kind of fanaticism. Their pupils flash with the twisted madness that occurs under the stimulation of drugs, or a cold light that only flashes when they are extremely calm: but these are not important. The Old Guard had only one attitude.

Lana swung his sword, and except for the necessary manpower to break through the damn door, all the Morgan guards were fully armed and began to meet these terrifying opponents who could rush all the way here.

And further away in their field of vision, as the true power of the Dawnbreaker gathered in the roar of Bayar, Hector and others, Lady Victory seemed to have abandoned the aliens and once again stood on the side of the empire, perhaps in ten years. In a matter of minutes, a steady stream of troops would arrive: but Rana never pinned his hopes of victory on them.

After becoming the Primarch's Guards Commander, he had unknowingly developed this arrogant attitude.

And the facts will prove that his strength is worthy of his arrogance.

The battle between the Old Guards, the Succubi and the Nightmare Swordsmen was a bloody harvest. More than twenty of the bravest figures on both sides fell down at the first moment of the battle. The Nightmare Swordsmen who rushed here had already There were not many left, and the last of them bled to death among their last prey.

On the corpse of the Nightmare Swordsman, the agility of the ruling succubus and the stability of the old guard roared hoarsely at the same time. The blood of Astartes and aliens was shed together, making this quiet palace more powerful than the entire battlefield. What is coming is more brutal and brutal.

Lana's left arm was deeply pierced by Lilith's sharp blade, but he was not without success: just when the Queen of Strife was shining brightly because of her short-lived victory, the old guard's long sword hit The painful bite left a terrible scar on the Witch Spirit Queen's psoas muscle. This thin red line extended from her chest to the right side of her lower abdomen, causing Lilith's brief joy to instantly turn into violent anger.

In her anger, she even forgot her original purpose: while all the wizards were performing a crazy blood dance and fighting and retreating deeper into the giant stone monument, the Queen of Dispute poured all her power into During the battle with Lana, like a bloody cuckoo, she took away the sensitivity of his left arm, pierced his right leg, and left a nearly fatal scar on the side of his face.

Lana struggled to resist this invincible opponent. For the first time, the nearly 200-year-old Terra veteran felt absolutely overwhelmed by experience and skills. However, despite this, his mind was still terrifyingly calm. He could even While deflecting another attack, he loudly ordered the Old Guards to hold back their opponents: these witch spirits were obviously retreating to a remote room, where there was a strange door with undulations.

But it was this order, and Rana realized that he had underestimated the Queen of Dispute who had lived for who knows how long: the moment the words were spoken, the thin sharp blade cut through Rana's right hand in an impossible manner. arm, and arbitrarily devoured his entire right hand, and with another fierce leg attack, the old guard flew out heavily.

But at the moment when he was about to hit the wall, he felt an extremely warm light, and he felt that the damn door was finally blown away by a powerful anger.

He heard the Primarch's voice, and Lilith's instinctive trembling.

Morgan returned to the battlefield.

it's all over.

[It’s bad enough to let that decapitator escape, but look what you aliens are doing? 】

The primarch's skirt was stained with traces of ominous blood, coming from dozens of Mandela's assassins who had died tragically in the room.

Like a whirlwind, Morgan arrived in front of the Queen of Dispute in an instant without anyone seeing it. This speed without using psychic powers plunged everyone present into a kind of silence, and everyone realized it. They seem to be underestimating something.

The Dawnbreakers are a thrill in humiliation.

As for aliens, it is an even more indescribable... fear.

But the original gene didn't care about this. She glanced at Lilith casually, then raised her hand and waved it lightly.


The crisp sound meant that both of the Queen of Strife's arms were broken. She was knocked directly to the ground, losing the strength to fight. Like a dilapidated doll, she fell powerlessly at the feet of the Primarch, telling The weakness of ancient glory before demigods.

And when the leader of the Second Legion snapped his fingers and crushed any aliens in her eyes one after another, she grabbed Lilith who was still alive and smiled.

[You all deserve to die, right? 】

[But you, but you strange alien queen. 】

[It seems there are other uses. 】

Morgan smiled. Her smile was one of the most terrifying anger, a madness that longed to tear apart the instigator after suffering a huge loss.

But amid the madness, the Lord of the Second Legion still retained a trace of reason, which reminded her of an idea and need she had long ago.

When she looked at Lilith, that thought seemed to have received its final complement.

The primarch smiled.

She looked at the alien queen.


Thinking of his own torture chamber.

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