Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 159 Welcome Speech

Remember, Hector.

Every skull you cut off, every drop of blood you shed, every inch of territory you conquer, they belong only to the Emperor and Humanity, to the Empire and Terra, and to no one else. Be eligible to have them.


When Morgan's proudest chess piece took away the hundredth life he harvested today without hesitation, he would think of the teachings and rumors he heard when he first became a son of Morgan.

Those fragmentary words, those tough admonitions, they come from the mouths of different predecessors: some of them are still famous figures today, some of them can still fight side by side with Hector, and more of them have already been He disappeared into the continuous flames of war during the Great Crusade, and even his appearance was hard to remember.

After all, there are only a handful of people who can make a name for themselves among the boundless stars. Among each Legion of Astartes, there are only a few people who can make their reputation spread throughout the Empire and the fraternal forces. More of them were nameless battles, contributions, sacrifices, and sacrifices. They came and went in this great expedition, and only the sporadic memories of their former comrades were the only tributes to them.

In the face of the great goal set by the Emperor for all mankind, and in the face of the unprecedented Great Crusade, even the Astartes are no more different from the most ordinary mortal warriors, and their achievements may not necessarily be the same. Prominent, their experiences may not be legendary, and even their words may not always be correct.

But even so, Hector will still remember those words, which is where the informal traditions and inheritance among the legions come from.

He recalled, he breathed, he killed, and with the roars of countless wild wolves beside him, he rushed into the next fortress that needed to be captured. Faintly, he could see the tall and tall figure of Ajax. The figure was meeting him from another direction, and he could see the blue pupils of the Mother of Genes calmly watching his every move.

Even the almost innate calmness brought by his bloodline could not prevent his heart from feeling uneasy like a volcano about to erupt at this moment.


The mother of genes.

He chewed the combination of letters over and over again.

It's like eating golden apples left in the mortal world.

He chewed, cheered, and fought at all costs. He was always one of the warriors at the forefront. When his sword cut off the heads of powerful opponents one after another, even the unruly Wolf Lord, He also cast a glance of approval and appreciation in his direction.

The painstakingly polished alien permanent fortress community is made of the most stubborn alien metals and stones. The nearby artillery positions and anti-aircraft arrays are like dense forests in the continuous mountains. They are countless, just to get close to this place. The final obstacle was thirty of the bravest Space Wolves who fell on the road to the charge. In the process of fighting for the outer fortresses and passages, the number of deaths reached three digits.

Like wolves that had been hungry for too long in the cold night, the descendants of Leman Russ rushed into the smoky war fortress frantically, using chain saws, explosive bombs, ax blades, and even teeth. and fists, cleaning room after room. They cleared all the ground buildings as quickly as possible, and completely blocked every underground passage they could find with collapse and fire to ensure that during the next battle, , your rear will receive a temporary safety guarantee.

No one knows how many Space Wolves died in this disorderly strangulation battle, just like no one knows how many aliens the Sons of Leman Russ slaughtered in this fortress. In short, in less than a Terra After standard time, the last gunshot slowly dissipated in the sky at the top of the fortress. The Primarch of the Sixth Legion used an unstoppable slash to cut into pieces the last Randan Overlord who tried to challenge him. The two lifeless parts, accompanied by the Wolf King of Fenris looking up to the sky and roaring, the battle is temporarily over.

Ran Dan's officers once conducted a deduction on their defense line, and they were confident that even the most powerful force would require dozens of planet rotation days to tear through the core fortress clusters protecting the [Engine of Destiny]. , but in fact, as the Primarch led his best descendants to the front line, it only took them a few hours to destroy anything arrogant enough to try to stop them, whether it was Randan's legion or a fortress.

But this did not make all the aliens panic. In the terrifying tug-of-war with the Human Empire for ten years, Ran Dan's army had experienced the power of the Empire's Primarch more than once. They knew that the only way to stop them was to The methods of these terrible demons.

That's attack, that's courage, that's endless sacrifice.

And they don't lack any of these.

The final road had already appeared, and what appeared earlier than it was the almost endless army of Randan. The moment the heirs of Leman Russ captured the fortress, they had to accept this reality: a battle The offensive battle turned into a defensive battle in the blink of an eye. The advantage Morgan had gained for the Space Wolves had been exhausted in countless bloody battles. The main force of the aliens had been awakened and became particularly ferocious.

The rare Randan overlords in the past were as numerous as hungry swarms of locusts. Countless Randan wizards who were involved in the war along with this world, in the most desperate posture, in the unmentionable [Soul Drinker] In front of him, he released his power to his heart's content, just to increase the possibility of victory.

Ran Dan's army covered the sky, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people: this time, they were no longer the driven alien slaves and cannon fodder, nor the old and weak who were forcibly conquered and inspired, but the real elite. Masters, each one is a terrifying warrior who has drank countless blood, and each one is a dead soldier who can attack the Primarch head-on.

Leman Russ did not choose to stick to those crumbling fortresses. He came to the wide flat land, where there were only a few collapsed towers. The Wolf King from Fenris raised his ax blade and roared to the sky.

"For all father!"

Thousands of space wolves accompanied the roar of the Gene Father and all raised their bloody weapons.

""For Ruth and Allfather! ! ""

The iron-gray wolves roared as they stepped on blood and land, following the genetic father they swore eternal allegiance to, and killed the boundless alien army.


their land.

their blood.

Hector whispered in a low voice, and the green light turned into a whirlwind in his palm, harvesting hundreds of lives in one breath after another.

In the continuous battles, he had been completely separated from the space wolves who were shouting and fighting fiercely. The alien army charged towards the wolves' front line like waves, and even the most determined front line could not stop it. Will be crushed by this madness, and only countless battle groups are scattered among the ruins, stubbornly continuing the battle.

But fortunately, in such extreme chaos, Hector still reunited with his battle brothers, and the six-man team was once again reunited in the chaos: the blue light was guiding them from beginning to end, Guide them to tear through the chaotic frenzy, find their battle brothers among tens of thousands of armies, and let them fight side by side again in front of a fortress taken away by Ran Dan.

"Break it!"

Seeing that Ajax's heavy bolter had been completely damaged, Hector turned his head and gave an order to the two psykers: Salieri and Eris, and this order was quickly received. Thorough execution.

Salieri called out his spiritual power and destroyed the thick door of the fortress. Eris's whisper was slightly slower, but it completely crushed the entire wall of the fortress into ashes at once, including those aliens that were too far forward. With his whisper, it disappeared into ashes.

Dangerous person.

Hector suddenly remembered that this was what Eris called himself. It seemed that he was not bragging.

But before he could think more, the crumbling house collapsed completely, and countless Ran Dan elites emerged from it.

Hector weighed his sword and once again took the lead.

Charge, kill, bleed.

Hector has performed these numbing activities countless times, and is now very good at it. He rushes to the front, opening a path for his comrades. In the corner of his eye, he can see the shadow champion rushing towards Another wave of aliens, he knew, he no longer had to worry about opponents in that direction.

Hector fought and advanced all the way until he reached the deepest part of the fortress. Here, several powerful opponents were waiting for him, many of whom exuded the aura of overlords. The most difficult battle also followed.

Melee, roar, flying blades, hot blood...

As time passed by, opponents continued to fall to the ground, but more alien elites continued to pour out from multiple passages. In this room where it was difficult to even turn around, Hector was stunned for a moment. He had to face more than ten opponents who could not win quickly. The alien blades were like heavy rain swept by the wind, leaving dense scars on his armor.

Until he heard a familiar footsteps running from here.


Hector roared, and his power surged with his roar. The big sword, accompanied by brutal brute force, temporarily pushed back several opponents in front of him. At this time, dangerous people also rushed in. He spent less than a millisecond observing the situation in the room, and then without hesitation, he called out his psychic powers, tearing off several boulders from one side of the wall and hitting the aliens in the back. Blocking the passages through which aliens kept pouring out.

Hector seized this opportunity. He took a step forward and started a massacre. For a moment, countless limbs and blood were flying wildly along with the dark green wind.

Hector ended his fight before the aliens who were hit by the boulders could get up again. He didn't give any of the aliens a chance to swing his sword again.

It wasn't until the last breath full of hostility was suddenly cut off that Morgan's proudest chess piece touched the scar on his armor and nodded to Eris to express his gratitude.

At this time, he heard some kind of collapse sound.

That wall, that wall whose stones were torn off by Eris at will, obviously could no longer hold up. Maybe it was fate, or maybe the previous battle had already shaken it. After Hector made more Before I could think about it, this unimportant stone wall suddenly collapsed.

Then, at the other end of the stone wall.

They were at least twenty elite Ran Dans who were fully armed and had powerful auras.

Hector took a deep breath, and then he glanced at Eris.

He suddenly understood something.

The true meaning of that [dangerous person].


Hector is fighting.

The wolves are fighting.

Everyone is fighting.

But Morgan, moving on.

After thinking for a moment, the Spider Queen gently snapped her fingers and placed her body in an underground compartment, ensuring that no matter what the dispute was, it would not really threaten her.

Then, she called her consciousness to rise into the sea of ​​souls. Within a few breaths, she witnessed the war on the surface from the perspective of the gods.

She saw countless blood flowing continuously, she saw Leman Russ like an immortal whirlpool, crazily crushing countless opponents, she saw the most powerful Randan overlords, The generals and wizards were about to join the siege of the Wolf King of Fenris: so she reached out and drained their souls, leaving behind a few random storms and threw them into Tens of thousands of lives were harvested in Ran Dan's wave.

After scattering all these idle thoughts at will, Morgan finally gathered all her attention and let her will turn into a meteor in the dark night sky, passing by without anyone noticing. The battlefield where hundreds of thousands of people were fighting endlessly passed through all the war machinery and defense methods deployed by Ran Dan. Before the next moment came, [Morgan] was already close to his target.

And as her will got closer to those painful collections, the Spider Queen gradually heard the welcome speech to her.



"Welcome, scion of the Provocateur."


"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I'm waiting, waiting for the Emperor who is not the Emperor to step on the stage, waiting for the Overlord who is not the Overlord to return to the throne. These are the things I heard in the endless waves of subspace. They have been happening a long time ago. A prophecy told me that I would come to find you."

"Find you, Morgan, the most vicious descendant of the provocateur, a living being that cannot be pinpointed by any words. No matter what is said by mortals: loyalty, betrayal, hatred, or other adjectives, it cannot Describe your complexity.”

"You and I are the same. We have some things in common, and there is a basis of interest that can temporarily lead to cooperation."

"Now, we can talk."

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