Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 127 Something has changed

The final crusade against the Druun aliens was more arduous than imagined.

Before Morgan, Zahariel and a hundred Dark Angels entered the war, the three Primarchs and their descendants had fought in this dead and desecrated sector for six full months of Terran standard moons. For a long time, during this period, the only thing they could see were tens of millions of controlled humans who looked like shriveled zombies, as well as the most twisted and blasphemous mind-controlling aliens.

Mortarion and his Death Guard worked tirelessly to cleanse world after world of bloated, tentacled psychic monsters, and the Barbarus with great enthusiasm purged these aliens from their final resting place in the galaxy. Every trace was wiped clean: just as they had been for decades.

Even the most picky officer cannot question the Lord of the Death Guard's enthusiasm and attitude towards this war of extermination in any aspect. Except for rare occasions, Mortarion always takes the lead, and he will hold the weapon full of memories. scythe, wielding the alien pistol given by the Emperor himself, rushed at the forefront of the legion. To his left, right and behind were endless waves of Death Guards. They were like an unstoppable white-green sandstorm. All the resistance and desperate struggles of those blasphemous aliens were trampled under their feet, their bones shattered into ashes.

The Fourteenth Legion has neither war cries nor visible passion, but only the tenacity and tenacity to carry out every war and massacre to the end: there is no doubt that they are great warriors at this time, and at this time Mortarion is also a hero who opened up new territories for mankind.

At the very least, he played the most important role in this battle.

Everyone thought so, whether it was every mortal sailor in the fleet, every Astartes warrior in the Legion, or the two Primarchs who also participated in and commanded this war: Jaghatai It didn't matter what others thought, that was exactly what Horus wanted others to think.

For the Wolf Shepherd God, the feat of recovering a star region and wiping out an alien species is no longer worth mentioning to him. His resume and ambitions include those that are bigger, crazier, and more glorious. desire.

And if a little merit and humility like this can feed Mortarion, allowing this brother who controls a powerful legion and is also very capable to further integrate into his small circle of Horus, then it is a The Best Deal Ever: Horus was well aware that his brother Barbarus might not have the same true feelings for the Imperium and the Emperor as he did, but that didn't bother him.

In the heart of the Wolf God, as long as Mortarion can maintain the most sincere friendship with him, there is no more difference between the Lord of Barbarus and his direct loyalty to the Emperor.

As for the Jaghatai, there was no need to bother. Horus knew that what the Lord of the Blue Sky wanted was not merit, love, or applause: although most Primarchs would revel in such.

What Jaghatai really wants is the friendship between brothers fighting side by side, and the freedom to kill enemies with his heirs. Khan's blade will not be wielded for the so-called interests and favors, but he will wield it for his own. If you wave it for your heirs, you will also wave it for your brothers, and you will even wave it for the weak people you have never met.

As for their gratitude, fear, misunderstanding and even hatred?

This was never within the scope of Jaghatai's concern: the great khan from Chogoris promptly abandoned countless so-called honors and values ​​of life, leaving only those that were the most sincere, noble and worth holding on to.

He won't fight for it.

But he won't compromise.

Horus knew this, so he became Jaghatai's true brother, not a so-called blood relative.

And when the empire's combined fleet finally tore through countless obstacles and powerful enemies, and drove straight into the last node of the Druun aliens' blasphemy against the empire, what appeared in front of them was a pale and huge world, even if it was an expeditionary force. Even if all the ships in the ship were gathered together, they would be far from able to stop the star's light from shining into this hell filled with suffering and malice.

On the Death Guard's Glory Queen-class battleship, the Wolf God spent about fifteen minutes announcing the battle plan in detail: First, the first wave of landing troops will be composed entirely of Mortarion's descendants. The Death Guard Legion will exclusively enjoy the glory of being the vanguard, and Mortarion himself will fight side by side with his descendants. He will follow the first batch of airdrop pods to the ground, and face the most deadly air defense before his descendants. Firepower and Resistance.

The second wave of landing troops will be composed of Horus and Khan, as well as their carefully selected elites. Morgan and some of the best Dark Angels will also join them, and the Spider Lady herself will be recruited by the Wolf Shepherd. She deliberately stayed by her side, and Horus even specially arranged a [guard] for her.

The second wave of landing troops will advance in two directions, serving as the flanks of the Fourteenth Legion's main attack direction, and will skim for it until Mortarion's army cuts through the endless wave of walking corpses in the front and finds the one who The culprit of all this, the sole ruler of the Druun aliens: Lord Barbarus will be obsessed with this goal. Apart from this, he will not care about anything else, and for those other virtues remaining in this world. The Loen Xenos Legion, Mortarion threw them to the White Scars Legion with a disdainful attitude.

And when the Death Guard finally penetrated the layers of alien obstacles and found the only target, no matter what the fighting situation on other fronts was like, the three primarchs would once again unite together, fight side by side and kill the powerful one. The aliens, and under the advice and advocacy of the Wolf God, Mortarion reluctantly agreed: the Stormseers under Jaghatai's command would be the only troops to participate in this beheading operation.

As for other things, leave it to others.


"So, that's why you and I are here, Ms. Morgan."

The protector left by the Wolf God for the distinguished guests of the First Legion, or we simply call him Ezekiel Abaddon, is explaining patiently in a slow and condescending tone. all of these.

During this period, Abaddon's brows never relaxed. At this time, the first captain of the Luna Wolves Legion was fully armed, and even wore the Terminator armor, which was more powerful and more important than his martial arts. : The armor itself symbolizes most of Abaddon's combat skills and wisdom.

At this time, the bravest warrior under the Wolf Shepherd God and one of the most reckless company commanders in the entire 16th Legion was shrinking his head under the tight protection of the Terminator armor and narrowing his eyes. His eyes were fixed on the silver figure in front of him who looked a little too thin.

She looked so fragile, frail and frail, as if Abaddon could easily split her in half with a casual swing of his sword: but the Sons of Horus were not stupid enough to do that. In fact, , he had long heard of the almost crazy and terrifying reputation that this [Soul Drinker] had accumulated on the Ran Dan front line.

There are always people who think Abaddon is a simple fool, whether among his comrades or his opponents, some people think so, and Abaddon never bothers to refute these wrong views. On the contrary, he regards them as Certain opportunities to exploit in future battles.

But this does not mean that he is a real fool. A fool cannot become one of Horus's most trusted advisors, nor can he become a well-deserved high-ranking officer of the Luna Wolves Legion, but in most cases At that time, Abaddon didn't actually need to use his wisdom.

But now, it is needed.

To be honest, Abaddon already felt a little uncomfortable.


The world is burning. This nameless world, or the alien kingdom that can be generally called [Druun], is burning in the anger of the three Primarchs and their descendants. Thousands of The airdrop cabin cut across the almost eternal gray and dead sky, leaving behind a trail of red tracks that tore through the illusory clouds, spreading the gospel of death and destruction in this land that had long lost any life. on the land.

The galaxy is so vast and so dangerous. In many cases, even the most powerful Emperor warriors cannot save everyone. There are always unfortunate people who fall before they can get help and relief.

But luckily.

They can take revenge.

And now, it's time for revenge.

Warriors symbolizing the Scythe of Annihilation and the Flying Eagle filed out of the airdrop compartment. They were either unstoppable and destroying the blasphemer's defense line like heavy hammers, or they turned into the fastest sharp blades. Every time they struck, they would be destroyed. Let their enemies let out unforgettable wails and cries.

Under the might of the Legion, even the most terrifying and twisted existences appear to be so fragile. The Sons of Chagatai, who were responsible for clearing out the stragglers, performed their tasks almost perfectly. There were only two or three of them. He fell down, but he had already carefully cleaned the vast battlefields one after another with his blade.

Even Abaddon couldn't help but agree with the power from the Fifth Legion. He joined the battle enthusiastically. Even though his style seemed incompatible with the elegant Sons of Jaghatai, this did not prevent him from leading his warriors to charge into the battle. He reached the front, not lagging behind even the fastest prairie eagle. This even earned him a lot of admiration from Chogoris.

At the beginning, Abaddon would worry about whether such fierce fighting would affect the person he was responsible for protecting, but soon he discovered that: no matter where he rushed, even the front end of the battle line, when he rushed When he chooses to stop, with a burst of space distortion, the silver-haired lady will easily appear next to him. She will occasionally take action to fortify those stubborn fortresses that require hundreds or even more lives in an instant. razed to the ground.

Whenever such a scene happens in front of him, Abaddon's brows will frown even more. He doesn't like to see such power taking over the battlefield. It will make him feel that the warrior is brave. He and Wuwei seemed so childish and ridiculous.

But soon he encountered an opponent whom his courage could not defeat.

A fortress, a permanent fortress complex with complete functions that is large enough to occupy the entire continent. Even if you fly in the sky, you cannot see its full picture. This indestructible building happens to be located on the other side of the world, far away from the Primarch. The place where they fought, and the fleet firepower from above the sky could not play any more role in the face of such a stubborn fortress full of void shields and anti-aircraft firepower.

Abaddon stood on the surrounding commanding heights, witnessing groups of White Scars and Death Guards struggling to approach this airtight killing cave. These walking corpses placed here still have some abilities and can use flesh, blood and metal to fight. Assemble munitions and weave together a terrifying web of firepower capable of repelling any Astartes offensive.

In this way, the most difficult and craziest bloody battle began. Abaddon and his comrades rushed to the forefront. They faced the overwhelming firepower and killings, clearing out the opponents who would never retreat room by room, capturing With killing every alien, from fighting in the scorching sun to dusk in the western mountains, he could only capture more than 20 fortresses, and looking around, there were more waiting for him.

If there weren't STCs in this world that were extremely precious even to the Legion, I would have suggested blowing up this damn world!

Abaddon was silent for a moment. He used his identity and strength to communicate with the leaders of the other two legions, and finally reached an agreement to temporarily retreat. Then, he set his sights on the silver-haired lady beside him.

Abaddon didn't like psionics.

But he's not stupid.

"Perhaps we need those powers of yours now, Ms. Morgan."



【Happy to oblige. 】

She smiled and then waved her hand, as if she had been preparing for a long time.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed. Abaddon raised his head seriously, only to see that every inch of the sky in his field of vision was instantly occupied by a silent deep purple, and every trace of air he could capture was filled with endless whispers. Thoroughly soaked in it, he stretched out his hand, but felt that it was extremely difficult to move, as if there was some terrifying giant beast suppressing everyone.

Finally, he raised his head.

He saw it.

The sky is being killed.

It sheds storm and destruction.

That's its blood.


"Look there, Vox, what's that?"

The panic of his companions disturbed the meditating Death Guard. He slowly walked to the front of the porthole and glanced at the heavily armed world at his feet.

Then, he understood his battle brother.


A huge storm.

It covers almost the entire continent, and is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, it almost occupies most of the hemisphere in their field of vision, or in other words, one-third of the world.

It is moving, it is controllable, and it is obviously being manipulated wantonly by some powerful will, because Vox can clearly see its purpose: this nameless storm is moving along those who are in space. The fortress complex visible to the naked eye is advancing, and every time it sweeps across a place, the once full armor will turn into complete nothingness.

Vox even felt a little dazzled. Near the eye of the silent storm, he actually saw a tiny tooth.

The next second, he realized that it was actually a weak projection of a battleship in the storm.


Everything is gone.

The fortresses, powerful enemies, and even the continuous mountains and continents that hindered them all disappeared.

Everything was gone, leaving only the most desolate land.

Abaddon's Adam's apple rolled, swallowing the saliva that didn't exist at all. He subconsciously turned his head and looked at the originator of everything.

She stood there, hugging her chest, focusing on her left leg, yawning lazily, her silver hair swaying in the air, like willows in the wind after a heavy snowfall.

Abaddon was silent. He was silent for a very, very long time, as long as the screams and shock inside him lasted.

Finally, before he spoke again, he warned himself seriously in his heart.


Stay away from this dangerous woman.

The further away the better.

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