Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 125 [Forbidden Army]

The collapse of all things is usually an extremely long process.

But the collapse of all things often only happens in an instant.

When Hecht began to understand this, he was witnessing a rout unlike any he had ever seen.

The collapse of the empire.


The Imperial fleet collapsed.

At that moment, it collapsed.

When Hector witnessed all this, he and his team were standing on a deserted hill. Under their feet were streams of dried blood, which were scattered all over the pungent-smelling land. Most of the corpses were various alien remains, and the rest were almost indistinguishable remains of human warriors with severed arms. Hector even saw two iron-gray figures lying on the hills. At the top, surrounding them were a frightening number of alien corpses, six of which belonged to Ran Dan alone.

Hector recognized them. They were two Iron Warriors. Apparently, they had tried to organize a battle group, but the overwhelming numerical advantage of Ran Dan's frenzy eventually annihilated their plan, leaving only a life-and-death battle. Debris everywhere.

Hector stood there. He and his team lowered their heads and were silent for a second, giving a brief farewell. When Chiron squatted down and performed his long-lost part-time pharmacist's duties, Hector Kurt chose to raise his head and looked at the gray sky of this nameless and desolate world.

The sky here is gray and blood red.

This is not a contradiction.

Gray is the main color, the traces left by the thousands of mountain peaks in this desolate world. The sunken sand on the thousands of hills is carried by countless strong winds and floats to the sky. It is the traces left by the mountains that have not been touched for tens of millions of years. The clouds disturbed by any civilization and war are derived from the natural selection, and they always accumulate the gloomy nature of heavy rain and thunder and lightning.

Scarlet is the color palette, the most arrogant newcomer, the main color of war, and the only trace of countless battleships and warriors fighting, dying and falling in the sky. It is like sharp beasts. The teeth pierced the dark clouds mercilessly. In this way, the darkest bleakness and the brightest colors were mixed together, sketching out an absurd and wonderful picture, and the ships were floating in the sky. The firelight that is constantly exploding makes this painting more vivid.

Looking at this most wonderful and ridiculous scene, Hector couldn't help but think of why everything turned out like this.


All because of that storm.

Hecht remembered very clearly how the storm started. At that time, the fleet of the Second Legion was staying in a galaxy numbered 288-36. It was an ordinary galaxy, and the fleet was resting there. , while Hector was waiting for his weapon to be repaired.

And just when Senior Trazin finally repaired his weapon.

The storm started.

Without warning.


The entire huge squadron was completely blown away in an instant. Hector only remembered that the small battleship he was on had cracks the moment it was involved in the storm, but fortunately, it was not until they were in After drifting in the subspace for several days and finally successfully breaking out, their warship was finally overwhelmed. After arriving at an unnamed galaxy, it completely disintegrated under the light and gravity of the star. Before that, they had successfully evacuated the battleship.

They survived on that desolate world for about a Terran standard month, until an Iron Warriors battleship picked them up and brought them here: a temporary Legion concentration system.

Only then did Hector finally know: Although in their eyes, Hector's team had only been floating in the subspace for less than ten days, in the real universe, several solid days had passed. months time.

Hundreds of Astartes warriors and more mortal auxiliary warriors gathered here. They came from at least a hundred different units and fleets. It took a while to piece together a new organizational system. This involves some very real issues, such as the contradiction between a large number of personnel and insufficient material supplies, which makes the reorganization of the organizational system somewhat realistic and... cruel.

But in any case, being able to organize a legion again, even if it is just a real [Broken Legion], is enough to make everyone feel relieved, especially hundreds of Astartes and more mortal auxiliary troops are indeed a powerful force the power of.

Due to the numerous obstacles of the remaining subspace storms, they were still unable to get in touch with the rear front. So, at the suggestion of the Iron Warriors, they came to the current world and began to build fortresses and more defensive buildings, and When everything was just getting started, they successfully contacted the large forces in the rear and received a sworn promise: reinforcements would arrive soon.

Not long after this promise was issued, a large army did pass through Mandeville Point and arrived here. Unfortunately, it was not a fleet painted with the Imperial Double-Headed Eagle.

That was Ran Dan's main fleet.

"Another Ran Dan's main fleet, how many is this already?"

Malcador, the Sealmaster, was currently sitting in front of his ordinary, even somewhat shabby desk. To his left and right were countless star maps, showing the stars from Holy Terra to Ultramar. , everything that belongs to the human empire and this galaxy, among these numerous star maps of the universe, some even depict star skies that do not belong to the human empire: no one knows how Macca obtained these star maps.

The palmer looked very tired, and his face and mental state were showing the kind of fatigue that matched his appearance. He was almost lying on his chair, one hand slowly hanging down, and he was The clear blood vessels and dry skin were exposed on the arm that could not be covered by the robe, while his other hand was holding his pen tightly and placed it casually on the document that was almost impossible to finish reviewing. .

He closed his eyes and looked like he was resting, but the constant electronic noise and the increasing number of clerical servants around him told him that the work of the printer never stopped. After a while, he opened his eyes again. Eyes, a spiritual aftershock began to slowly spread around him.

He sighed and looked a little older. He temporarily put down all other work and began to turn his attention to the star maps related to the war in the northern part of the galaxy. He looked at them with all his concentration. Reluctant to leave out even the slightest detail.

The situation of the war is not optimistic. Even judging from Malcador's rich experience and optimistic attitude developed over more than 6,000 years, what happened in the Milky Way North is definitely bad.

Very bad.

The Eleventh Legion has [disappeared]. The purest primarch and his legion disappeared without a trace almost overnight, along with their fleet, mortal auxiliary army and Titan legion, and even those on the front line. The world temporarily under their command was also cut off at almost the same moment. When the Empire went there again, they only saw Ran Dan's army sharpening their swords.

The impact this had on the battle situation was even greater than that huge and almost bizarre subspace storm.

The disappearance of the Eleventh Legion left an almost impossible gap for the Empire of Man in the north of the galaxy to fill, and the warp storm that arrived almost simultaneously with the disappearance of the Legion only added fuel to the fire.

Too many fleets and legions were lost in this storm. The reinforcements sent to the north by the Iron Warriors Legion even lost a large battalion at once, and no information has been returned until now. Many combat troops have been involved. After the storm, he even disappeared for several months. Ran Dan seized this opportunity. The alien empire's army tore through several long-standing defense lines in one breath, and brought countless galaxies and worlds under his command. , when Malcador ordered the First Legion to abandon their positions and move towards the last front line in the north of the galaxy to provide support, the territory of the Human Empire north of the Sun Star Field had been devoured.

The arrival of the First Legion did not actually change the situation much. After all, these Dark Angels belonging to Zhuang Sen had suffered too many losses in the previous long war, and their combat effectiveness had been greatly reduced, not to mention that they themselves were also in that war. One of the greatest victims of the great warp storm.

At least one twentieth of the Dark Angels fleet has not returned from the storm or sent any message until now, and the biggest loss is the disappearance of Ms. Morgan: this is even more important to the Empire and the First World War than the disappearance of those fleets. The impact of the Legion is greater.

After all, the unknown whereabouts of an imperial Primarch is a big deal at any time, not to mention that Malcador knew very well what expectations his master had for that special Primarch. , and what a...interesting plan.

Whenever he thinks about that plan, whenever he thinks about the bits and pieces of information about that plan that the Emperor revealed to him, Malcador can't help but want to laugh. Even these bad situations can't stop him from doing it. When you think about that thing, you smile sincerely. It is a happy, gloating smile.

Sometimes, the Emperor really is more...bad and humorous than he imagined.

Malcador knew that although the second primarch could be said to be the most failed among the twenty primarchs, in fact, or in a certain sense, the Emperor did not completely give up on this primarch. Second Primarch.

In his own way, he saved her in a sense, at least delaying her descent into the darkest place.

In fact, to be fair, Malcador was very suspicious of the Emperor's plan. [Since the jurisdiction of the Dark Prince is the most extreme emotion, then curbing or generally obliterating the emotions of the Second Primarch can greatly interfere with the Lord of Joy's influence on her. Is this theory of control and corrosion possible in a real sense, but he really has no better suggestion.

The Emperor did not completely give up on his only daughter, he murdered her emotions as a necessary means to fight against the Lord of Pleasure, and on the other hand, he placed this daughter who was also corrupted by the Lord of Change in his One of the most trusted heirs, as a monitor and guardian at any time and anywhere.

At least for now, judging from the feedback Jonson continues to give, the Second Primarch is generally "controllable".

Unfortunately, this storm has made things somewhat uncertain, but the disappearance of the Eleventh Primarch has also fundamentally changed the situation. If the disappearance of the purest Primarch has indeed developed into a In the worst case scenario, the return of the Second Primarch is indeed something that should be put on the agenda.

Malcador closed his eyes again. He wanted to have some verbal or spiritual communication with the emperor. After all, some situations in the war situation were so difficult that even he could not handle them alone. If they were all handed over, If it were given to Zhuang Sen, Machado would be even more worried.

But he knew that there was no such condition now. The Lord of Terra was leading his most trusted legion deep into the depths of the Webway. Malcador remembered his serious face and hurried steps when he left. , obviously, there seemed to be some serious problems in the place that the Emperor valued most. These problems were so serious that the Lord of Mankind needed to take away Waldo and the vast majority of the Imperial Guard.

Machado opened his eyes. He had sighed enough, complained enough, and rested enough.

Now, it's time to get back to work.

As he was thinking this, suddenly, a letter from the south of Terra appeared on his desk: it was a letter from Horus.

The Seal Holder couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: his relationship with Horus was not very good, it could even be said to be bad.

He clicked on the letter, browsed through it quickly, past the necessary greetings and vocabulary, and quickly found what Horus really wanted to say.

He looked at it, then gave a small smile.

Very good. It seemed that at least he no longer needed to worry about the Second Primarch in a short period of time, which slightly reduced his vast workload.

In addition, a certain Caliban who is still surrounded by self-blame and rage at this time should also be able to take a good breath.

Makado laughed.


But Hector stopped laughing.

"what is that……?"

The rising stars of the Second Legion were frowning at this time, because a figure that looked particularly tall, silent, and dangerous was blocking them in front of them. There was no doubt that this was a Ran Dan alien. But the armor on it and its unique aura were something Hector had never seen before.

He felt something strange.

And soon, he heard the deep breathing of Kairon, the ancient warrior beside him who had served since the Terra Unification War. He looked at the particularly dangerous alien and softly uttered an incredible word.

"Forbidden Army..."

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