"Happy life, how can people seek you by ending you? If life is happy, you should stay in life. If you want to escape, then what is happiness? Just because people can escape from the sins they suffer through death, can it be said that it is happy?" - "The Book of Lorgar"

The huge object that is more than ten meters high seems to be breathing.

Its surface shows tiny ripples, and with it comes the murmurs and hisses buried deep inside, snaking around the edge of the Space Marines' senses. A sour and bitter taste overflows with every breath of the object.

At the same time, all kinds of half-real and half-illusory emotional fluctuations began to try to mobilize the inner emotions of the Astartes, the flames of anger licked the edges of the soul, and the tides of sorrow surged solemnly, as if caressing the inside of the nervous system in the body. Under the strong fatigue, fatigue is making their hands and feet unwilling to move from the inside out.

Inside the helmet, the Word Bearer found that his eye sockets had become too moist, and some bitter tears rolled down his smooth face that had been waxed to remove hair, and kept dripping down the armor against his neck, completely unable to be suppressed.

"Turn off the respirator and turn on the backup oxygen supply." Kroger reminded, his voice was particularly dull.

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From the giant's breath, the Iron Warrior's armor immediately screened out dozens of compounds that act on the nerves after a simple analysis. In addition, strangely, whether it is serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, or various other chemicals, they can be produced by organic creatures such as humans or aliens.

The Word Bearers acted according to the instructions of their temporary captain.

Before they left the Law of Faith, the Word Bearer personally summoned them to the Wandering Temple and told them to be willing to listen to the Iron Warriors. Only the Iron Warriors were willing to pursue the guidance of the Star of Faith with them, even if they had never responded verbally.

After isolating himself from foreign chemicals, his tears dried up quickly and his mood returned to basic calmness, but those tiny whispers and sobs continued.

"Can you hear the whispers of the aliens?" The Word Bearer asked directly.

Other Space Marines answered in turn: "No."

"It should be a psychic effect, be careful, brother." Shadow Moon Wolf said with concern, "You have a better psychic talent."

"Maybe you should find the 15th Legion for training in advance." Krog said in a deep voice, without dwelling on the matter.

Through the optoelectronic imaging system, he could see that the huge mass of matter in front was still a disgusting cluster of flesh and blood, but this time, it - or they, the tightness of the internal combination made it impossible to be clearly separated.

Through detection, it can be seen that each structure in the giant is so perfectly integrated that the original skin and membrane are completely dissolved, and the bones are turned into calcified powder under heavy pressure and acid erosion, while the new skin and exoskeleton are perfectly wrapped around its outside, protecting the soft flesh and blood like internal organs.

The Iron Warrior wondered whether to shoot rashly, not sure what negative effects this would bring, and whether his limited number of bullets would be enough to destroy this entire giant that did not know whether it had a core.

"The blessing bestowed will dispel fear and hesitation, my brothers," said the Word Bearer, "bathed in faith, no evil can invade our hearts. He is with us."

He recited some prayers of protection and approached the huge object in front of him fearlessly, and the power hammer wrapped in the force field was shining with flowing light. Moon Wolf wanted to step forward to stop him, but the Dark Angel raised his buzzing arm and signaled Moon Wolf to wait.

"Thanks to His divine grace, we walk in the light, expelling impurities, evil seeds, evil thoughts, and heresy." A trace of deep disgust gradually emerged from the mouth of the Word Bearer. He held the power hammer with both hands, and his heavy blows were fierce, which was completely contrary to his usual calm performance.

After a thunder-like blunt blow, spider-web-like cracks immediately appeared on the gray-yellow exoskeleton on the surface of the giant. The Word Bearer immediately followed up with a second blow. This piece of exoskeleton collapsed as a whole, scattering into several solid plates more than a foot thick, exposing the material wrapped inside.

The Word Bearer tacitly stepped aside and avoided to the side, while the Death Wing behind him immediately fired a single-soldier missile into the gap, tearing the gap further and burning a piece of flesh on the surface.

A round object that was barely fused inside the flesh and blood structure rolled out during the bombardment and landed next to the Word Bearer's combat boots. He immediately recognized that it was an Astartes-sized head. Before he could control his behavior, a roar erupted from his mouth through the sound grid. After being specially designed to amplify the sound of the war cry, it echoed desperately in the dim space.

"Hasem!" Kroger rarely called the Word Bearer's name. After confirming that the other party heard him, he continued: "You have verified the feasibility of close-range attacks. We use melee weapons first to attack and save bullets."

His order extinguished the anger of the Word Bearer like water.

"You are right," he calmed down and looked down at the brown juice on the power hammer. "The bodies of our former brothers were sacrificed here, and their souls have left the mortal containers they once inhabited. What remains is just the declaration of war that the aliens tried to present to Him."

He paused, "I am just worried about what they have suffered in their lives. Before their lives ended, they suffered too much sin and pain for no reason."

"I really don't dare to think that if you were a Halhabait, you could still talk to us here rationally." Shadow Moon Wolf breathed a sigh of relief, "Then start to dismantle this pile of things-it's a big pile of stuff. I hope it's really useful after dismantling it. No matter what it is."

"This is not just a pagan, my brother, this is a clear blasphemy against the man-made things we serve," the Word Bearer said slowly, raising the power hammer and speaking rhythmically between the hammering, "Muristan's tolerance is not infinite. There are middlemen between friends and enemies, but enemies are enemies."

"I know what you mean," Moon Wolf said, moving his power claws, piercing the claws into the gaps between the bone armor on the outside of the giant structure, penetrating to the soft and tough part inside, and tearing it apart fiercely. The giant structure trembled like a tree in pain, but could not make more counterattacks. The repeated verification of this made the Astartes feel relieved.

If the entire mass of flesh decided to transform into a flesh giant and fight back, it would be too difficult to demolish this thing, let alone get the five Astartes out alive.

"There are not only Astartes here," the Dark Angel said after a while, "but also mortals and local animals."

"Yes." Shadow Moon Wolf continued, throwing down a ball of what might have been fur in his hand, "Why did Randan stuff everything in there?"

"In fact, there are plants." Another Iron Warrior said, "Observe the gaps left by the corrosion, there were plants here."

The Word Bearer had already dug a large section in alone and very quickly, and had no time to talk to them. The whispers in his ears were getting louder and louder, no matter what, he didn't spend a bit of energy on these meaningless noises.

"The song of justice will lift us up and give fear to the unclean enemies..." He continued to recite, and when a picture that didn't seem to belong here flashed before his eyes, he immediately blocked it and focused on remembering the light of the Emperor.

Maybe that picture will play a role in the future, but it's definitely not now.

The whole excavation and dismantling process took about two hours. They dismantled at least thirty layers of overlapping flesh and blood, cut off countless nerves and incompletely dissolved hard bones, and this was still minus a part of the volume of the internal cavity.

When a piece of soft tissue that was visually normal was crushed, the whole giant suddenly burst into a terrible shudder, and then quickly collapsed downwards, like a dark giant mouth biting, burying several Astartes inside its structure.

A few minutes later, the warriors crawled out of the inactive flesh pile one by one, staggered to their feet, covered in mud and dirt, panting, exhausted.

"Are we... done?" Shadow Moon Wolf said uncertainly, "I just dug a claw casually. Did it poke the aorta? If it has."

Krog stared at the flesh mass that almost filled the entire bottom layer of the room after the collapse, and nodded: "Use the flame to burn another circle, and then, we leave."

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