Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 375 Pointing troops

"Because of the evil of the opposite party, we launch a just war. However, if the opposite party is still human, then the evil of the opposite party is also human evil. A just war is also a tragic war. If you think of these things, there will be no pain in your heart, Then it is even more tragic, because he has lost human emotions and thinks he is happy." - "The Book of Lorgar".

Horus Luperkar raised the wine glass and held it in his hand. After a while, he gently put it down and landed on the edge of the dinner plate, which was only stained with a little food sauce. The wolf skin on his shoulder gently tapped his shoulder, and its artificially shaped lower jaw was like the remains of a real sentient creature, soothing his double heartbeat.

He smiled cheerfully, happy to be in the same room as the other sons of the Emperor. Perturabo, Leon, Lorgar, when was the last time he had the opportunity to come to this hall, to share a banquet at the same table with his biological brothers?

That was thirty-six years ago, and Ruth was sitting where Leon was now, grabbing the same freeze-dried piece from his plate. Perturabo is serious and cautious, and he has everything under control. Magnus looked like a silly student who had read too much and was teased by Ruth...

His cherished relatives, precious and lovely brothers, he was willing to remember them for the rest of his life. At that time, the Great Crusade had just begun, just like the sun had just cast a ray of golden light like the Emperor's armor from below the extreme point of the horizon. As they stepped into the unknown light, they bared their hearts and shared their troubles, but they were all full of hope for the future. Good expectations.

Today, he and three more brothers gathered together for a task that was destined to be difficult. Although he had little personal connection with the Second Primarch, his loss still felt unreal and shocking due to his blood connection.

The Primarch and the Legiones Astartes, plus the attached Auxiliary Army and the Adeptus Mechanicus, as if this rule were written in the laws of nature, this seems to be a combination destined to be invincible, and it is the key to the Imperial expedition. The blade on the outside of the arc was shaped by the Lord of Mankind, and it has the characteristic of never rusting that physical blades do not have.

Difficulties are indeed inevitable obstacles on the chessboard, but the piece that breaks the game will always be in the hands of the generals of the Great Expedition, waiting only for the moment it lands on the chessboard. The end of the enemy who creates difficulties and refuses to surrender is to have their spines broken, their blood crushed out, and they are turned into powder under the rolling wheels of war, leaving only the scorched earth waiting for reconstruction.

For the first time in decades, the disappearance of the Second Primarch broke this law. In an unknown and unnoticed corner of the galaxy, the entire legion was lost in silence, so much so that when Horus received the Emperor's order to investigate, it was almost as if he had been hit hard on the head, and was shocked by the huge surprise. and covered with sorrow.

And he still doesn't understand why his statue in the Square of Heroes has been removed from the top of the snow-white pillar.

"When I was fighting outside, I often felt that there were many local drinks that were better than the taste of Amasec. But every time I returned to Terra, the Amasec in the palace would overturn this illusion of mine." Horu Si smiled and said, "Can anyone answer this puzzle?"

"Because the Amosaic tribute to the inner palace of the palace adopts the top brewing technology and environment in the galaxy, Horus. You will not think that the Amosaic that comes from the nest can compare with the wine presented to you by the surrenders. "Yes," Perturabo said calmly.

"Don't get drunk." Luojia whispered to himself, drank some wine, and put down the glass with restraint.

Leon neither spoke nor drank. He focused on using the knife and fork to cut along the texture of the food, just like cutting up prey, and put the meat into his mouth piece by piece.

Maybe he needed a rope to tie his hair, Horus thought, and it was almost obvious how hard the lion was trying to keep the food out of his hair.

"You are too impersonal, Perturabo," Horus pretended to complain, giving up on trying to liven up the atmosphere at the table. He paused for a short while, then shook his head, "Well, it seems I have to admit that no one is willing to chat with me. I must be spoiled by my Luna Wolf."

"I guess it's not my fault," Perturabo said, softening his tone. "Tell us about what you discovered in Randan, Horus, if no one sitting here cares to pay attention to the activities of brotherly affection between us."

"Well," Horus said regretfully, "we still lack a wolf to liven up the atmosphere."

Leon raised his head and looked at the returning son gloomily.

"Okay, take it back," Horus said, raising his eyebrows playfully at Leon, "Let's talk about Randan. Only now will I envy your data pipeline, Perturabo, otherwise I won't We need to use poor language to describe our enemies.”

"We mainly operate in the outer defense area torn apart by the Second Army, and have not really penetrated into its core. The enemies we come into contact with are mostly slaves driven by their enslavement, such as those submitted to the Imperial Archives through Macragge. The worm aliens in the library, various small alien branches with different ecologies, and even us humans.”

Lorgar looked sad and whispered something in Colchis that the other primarchs could not understand.

"At first I thought it was some people who absurdly betrayed the Human Empire, but then I quickly learned that they were forced to be mentally controlled. Ran Dan took away their bodies and drove away their original will. They insulted humanity." Horus suppressed the anger in his voice, "This is Ran Dan's most obvious characteristic besides all kinds of strange technologies."

"Besides this, the Second Legion submitted a technical report on war satellites and Randan ships, showing us a corner of their deception skills and fleet defense. The Second Legion's glorious queen was almost buried in the naval battle. The Shadow Moon Wolves also collected some supplementary report information as a supplement to the data."

"You mean, we have not yet contacted the real Randan, and the enemy waiting ahead is still half a mystery that cannot be solved."

"Yes, Perturabo. Now we know that they are excellent in naval warfare, have a solid defense line, have mind control capabilities, high technological level, and have a large number of affiliated tribes."

"From the description alone, we have all defeated similar enemy forces in the Great Crusade, but the difference in magnitude is enough to subvert all past experience. Behind each piece of information, there is a shadow that must be further explored and tested." When he said the first half of the sentence, Perturabo glanced at Lion El'Jonson cautiously.

Even though the Dark Angels' predecessors were not to be underestimated, and the Heavenly Army system, whose creed was founded by the Emperor himself, has always been a symbol of glory, Leon had just returned to the Empire after all, and before that he had even been led by the wolf Leman Russ. It was difficult for him to determine whether it was good or bad for the Emperor to send Leon to participate in this matter.

"The Dark Angels once had a double-digit Heavenly Army organization. After a long battle, when I took over the First Legion, there were still the following war chambers left," Leon said. The delicacies and fine wines did not affect his appearance at all, and his tone was still unfathomable.

"Crown Army, the vanguard of the battle line. Bone Army, the extermination force of destruction. Blade Army, the core of close-range infantry tactics. Iron Army, the column of armored vehicles. Pentacle Army, the team of psychics. Rock Army, destroying fortresses and tearing through defenses. Flame Army, infiltrators and interrogators. Hurricane Army, the mobile mission of rapid assault. Void Army, the force of void combat and orbital assault.

"Recently, I have further reorganized it into six wings, namely Hurricane Wing, Terror Wing, Death Wing, Raven Wing, Fire Wing, and Steel Wing."

He paused for a moment, probably waiting for his stunned brothers to accept the non-secret information that the Dark Angels could disclose. Then, the eldest son of the Emperor summarized: "This is the military force I control."

"Okay, thank you, Leon." Horus said, touching his head, "A very comprehensive army, worthy of being the head of the 20th Legion. "

Leon nodded to his brothers across the table.

Perturabo nodded in response, refusing to think whether the lion noticed his eyes and thus came to some inferred hints beyond the correct interpretation or misinterpretation, and then began to introduce his legion's strength. In any case, this is a good start. If they need to cooperate next, they must be familiar with each other's style.

"I didn't deviate too much from the basic principles of war strategy," Perturabo said, "Although the organization of each camp has its own emphasis, the military strength is relatively balanced. There are twelve active war blacksmiths on it. On the basis of managing their own camps, they are responsible for coordinating some other camps and auxiliary troops. You all know my tactical preferences. I can provide fortresses and firepower support for anyone. It's a pity that I don't carry a data board or holographic projection, so I can't quickly introduce you to the tactics and armament status of all camps. "

Horus blinked: "It doesn't matter, at least you never keep your military organization as a little secret, Perturabo. To be honest, we are all familiar with your legion's organizational structure. Just like no matter which brother I meet, we often end up chatting about which battle we were in at which time, and we started a pleasant cooperation. "

"Have we?"

"Of course we have. Well, let me talk about myself. We like the style of tactical squads, and the tactics are subdivided into companies. I allow my wolf cubs to express their own fighting styles to the greatest extent. Too fixed a structure would seem rigid to us. The situation is ever-changing, and I cannot tolerate an inflexible organization, even if it might be easier to ensure a bottom line. In addition, I also allow them to build their own reputation and friendship. They will be more willing to participate in the battle. "

Horus said cheerfully, secretly proud of his military ability. He allowed himself to enjoy his achievements because his talents, his skills and his duties given by the Emperor himself were unified.

"Lorgar?" Horus turned his head and looked at the other man with a clean head in the hall.

Lorgar looked at his brothers, "In the name of the Emperor, only in terms of military organization, the company is below the chapter, and the squad is below the company. We prefer to fight in large groups, with more troops, to settle the matter once and for all. Chaplains are in a non-military hierarchy, rising from the independent Circle of Ashes, who share their understanding of the doctrine. Chaplains participate in the war councils with the commanders, and they are also my advisors. "

"What about your two orders, my brother?" Perturabo asked.

"They are not my secular orders, but my father's orders, founded by their own will, and serve me as equals," Lorgar said, seeming to be pleased that Perturabo was willing to ask him a question. "In time of war, they are all brimstone and fire from heaven. He stretched out his rod toward heaven, and fire flashed on the earth, consuming it like stubble, and overthrowing those who attacked him. [1]"

"If you want to know, the name of the chief of Muristan is Daniel, and the chief of Harhabat is named Erebas, both priests who have been with me since Colchis." The man who holds the truth speaks softly. say. "I want to believe them."

The two names he spoke reminded Horus Luperkar of the scene he saw when he arrived in Colchis.

At that time, on that ancient and dry planet, it was not Lorgar Aurelion who was known as the Truth-Speaker, but Lorgar's nurturer. However, after that day, he was no longer the same.

It was precisely because of that incident that Horus's thoughts on Lorgar were very complicated from the beginning, and he even harbored some undeniable timidity.

He let the thought flow from his heart, like blood-stained sand falling from the gaps between his fingers. In any case, in the long period of time since then, Lorgar has already proved his pious purity.

Horus Luperkar clapped his hands, his smile always contagious, even if they were on the eve of a battle.

"Okay, let the servant take care of this table, wait a minute..."

He picked up the wine glass and drank the remaining precious tribute wine in one gulp before summoning the silent mortal servants from the Terra Palace.

"You can take care of it. Next, if you are tired, go and rest separately. If you all have extra energy, how about we talk about more military issues?"

"The next step will be a troublesome battle, so I don't plan to say anything about bringing our missing Duncan back to this hall and asking Malcador to organize a celebration banquet for us - although this is a right A tempting offer from anyone other than the Chancellor of the Empire, I suppose."

"My body does not feel weary, Horus," said Lorgar.

Perturabo stood up: "I personally think that more empty talk is not necessary. Next time, our combat meeting would be best to choose an appropriate strategic command location after reading more information. What do you think? , Lupekar?”

"You are right. It seems that I have exposed my intention, which is to let us get to know each other better." Horus sighed frankly and stood up, "Leon is not familiar with us, and our iron Neither the Lord nor the One who speaks the truth have ever met, and we are here by a common command, rather than from a sincere desire to reunite. It seems that I have acted too hastily, my brothers."

"Grains grow from the ground. The seedlings grow first, then the ears grow, and then the ears bear seeds. [2]" Luojia said gently. If they were not separated by a table, maybe he would give everyone a handshake.

"The disappearance of the Primarch of the Second Legion makes you nervous, Horus." Perturabo said, seeing through Horus' inner uneasiness at a glance. "But we are still here, our names are still there, our identities are still there."

The irony of the Legion being wiped from its name was probably justified, based on Perturabo's knowledge of the Emperor. But thirty years in solitude had made Horus too concerned with the Master of Mankind, and too accustomed to inferring the hidden meanings behind the unfathomable power of God, to add footnotes to every unfinished word of the Emperor.

Horus had always done a good job, but this also made it easy for his judgment to be mixed with emotions - could this be why Malcador wanted to speak out about this matter on behalf of the Emperor?

"The Tribunal of Remembrance will record stories." Leon El'Jonson suddenly spoke, calmly facing the surprise of the other Primarchs at his sudden entry into the conversation, "The Imperial Tribunal of Remembrance has been established. What are you worried about?"

Lorgar Aurelion clasped his hands: "Exactly, Horus. I believe in Him."

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