Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 326 Balance of Three

They were returning to Sanguinius's quarters on Baal.

A council of elders composed of several local tribes of Baal were waiting for them. They all prepared their clothes, washed themselves, and prepared to surround themselves under the angel's seat and listen to what Sanguinius had brought to them about the magnificence of the new "Inspired Ones". Enlightenment.

Konrad Curze walked slightly behind Sanguinius to avoid being struck by the angel's unintentionally outstretched white wings.

Normally, Sanguinius would not make such ridiculous mistakes, but the Blood Marquis was very happy that he was invisible and left no scent or sound, which allowed the great angel to make an error in his position. .

Even if the cost was that he was hit in the shoulder by a white feathered wing that was blowing in the rustling wind, it was obviously not because he was surrounding Sanguinius and offering heartfelt advice.

At this time, Conrad Coates' eyes were fixed on Morse, and he was mumbling something.

"Seven days ago, the meteor falling from the sky that my messenger saw was indeed not an illusion." He said softly like singing. "My courtiers told me that a dark broken star rolled up blazing fire and came from Baal. Above the desolate land, it fell to the ground along a vertical line, but it did not leave any traces in the sand... Is that an ominous sign that a crack is about to open? Or-"

"It's me." Morse said in a straightforward manner, cutting off Coze's rhetoric, which was pouring out like water from a nearby spring. "I don't have a drop cabin. It's a pity."

"Where are your crew members?" Coze raised his slender eyebrows, "Can't even find a single drop pod in Perturabo's fleet?"

"I'm separate from him, Konrad," Morse said, floating beside the two Primarchs, black windbreak above his head, wrists folded behind his back.

"He is currently busy with Legion affairs. The last time I wrote to him, he had just completed the construction of a fortress. Perturabo's Iron Warriors were one of the three most glorious Legions in the Great Crusade, and I But how can He De, a mere idler, be on a giant space ship with him?”

"Why don't you praise Perturabo's achievements to his face? I have never met him, but according to Conrad Coze's narrative poem, he would be happy about it."

Sanguinius spoke softly, saying that most of the time, the angel's voice was either immersed in the pleasant warmth of the wind, or contained a sublime and unshakable majesty. This moment is not an exception.

"That's definitely not a narrative poem—"

"Not according to your prophecy?" Mors said, watching the fine feathers on the edges of Sanguinius' wings swaying rhythmically in the wind.

"Are you hinting at those old fragments, or the new moment of light and shadow?" Coz's voice was hoarse. "You must have learned that our white-feathered angels have been fortunate enough to receive the apocalypse of a new horizon recently."

"Alas, my friends," said Sanguinius frankly, "we all know how the prophesied Perturabo was..."

The angel's face is full of glory and his smile is dignified. He withheld a few words from his mouth, but deliberately left enough gaps to let the two listeners know the deeper meaning of his hints.

"... has a unique nature." Sanguinius finished the first half of his sentence, "And in the newly emerged fragments recently, the face of Perturabo that Conrad mentioned has not yet appeared. What if? I was lucky enough to see..."

The angel's eyes drifted into the distance, as if he had seen the scene described in his words, and there was a complex fluctuation in his smile.

"I'm afraid it will be a very unforgettable scene, no less than the day Conrad and I first met in the desert." After that, he nodded slightly to Conrad.

"I thought I could meet and smile with your respectable golden-armored king, but who knew that I would see my bloody cloak fluttering like a flag outside the night blue steel armor?" Conrad said sarcastically. "What a disappointing scene!"

"I can't say that I was full of surprises when I met you, Konrad, but I was quite apprehensive about meeting the Emperor." Sanguinius shook his head and joined in using each other's language to achieve a balance. In the offensive situation of the situation, "Seeing your flagship, I suddenly feel much better."

With that, and before either of the two could think of a suitable retort, Sanguinius turned back and opened his arms to the two guests from afar.

His blond hair flowed like water waves in the heavenly stream, and his wings spread out behind him. They were covered with dazzling strings of beads and thin silver rings intertwined with each other, like a cloud shadow with sunlight shining through the gaps.

The radiant color naturally shines from the archangel's body. In a sense, he is similar to his father, the Emperor of Mankind, but also has a more relatable handsomeness. Sanguinius imparts his light to his followers who look up to him, as if baptizing, or showing mercy.

"It's still early, friends, and there's still a lot of time before sunset," Sanguinius used an unmistakable endearment. "In the current peak season, the density of radiation clouds is very low, and the sunlight is not too harsh. The Baer people like this kind of weather. We will come out to soak up the sun and stretch ourselves without thinking about the poison caused by the radiation sand.”

His wings trembled behind him, eager to try.

"So, do you want to enjoy the scenery here with me from high altitude?" Sanguinius invited warmly. "I'll be honest, I'm a little tired of flying alone in the sky. But I've never tried flying with my friends. That's another story."

"Do you think that the poisonous plagues and raiders I brought here did not bring any equipment for photocopying when they were swirling in the air?" Coze was not confused by Sanguinius's words, and the coldness of his tone It was consistent with the expression on his face, "I've been watching Ba moon, Sanguinius, high in the sky for several months."

"If you must ask, when I fell from the atmosphere into the near earth, I was lucky enough to see a high-altitude perspective." Morse said, "But you want to find a reason to face your tribe later. If you have a hundred minor questions from the elders, of course I can accompany you for a walk, noble heir of the emperor."

He stretched out a hand wrapped in circles of black cloth, "Just pull it, it won't let go."

Sanguinius carefully grasped Morse's arm. He did worry for a moment. When he was speeding across the sky like a meteor, the black cloth wrapped around Morse's hands would unravel, causing Morse to fall, or something else would happen.

"What about me?" Kurtz showed a suspicious expression, "How are you going to take me flying?"

"I thought you disagreed," Sanguinius said cheerfully, making Konrad Curze's hidden approval explicit.

He held out his other hand to Curze: "Do you want to take my hand?"

Cozz sneered from the gap between his upper and lower teeth, and took out a roll of high-strength dark blue string from his tool bag with an unhappy look on his face. Even though he wasn't wearing armor at the moment, his tool bag was still hanging on the navy blue leather belt around his waist.

He wound the rope around his hand several times and tossed the remaining rope into Sanguinius's open palm. The angel made a fist and firmly grasped the other end of the blue rope. In this way, he held a visitor to Baal in each hand.

In the next breath, the blond angel's wings suddenly spread out, and the blazing sun shone like broken gold, dancing in colors on the flying feathers. Angels, night ghosts and craftsmen broke free from the desert dust and rose against the wind, straight into the sky.

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