Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 215 Battle of Macragge (End)

When Robert Guilliman and Perturabo rushed to the lawn outside the Senate Chamber, they had already heard a speech taking place inside the hall.

Hundreds of nobles arrived here through various paths in the city that broke out in chaos and the guards allowed them intentionally or unintentionally. They found the stable place they were most familiar with in Macragge, where the world was overturned, and they excitedly explained themselves. After all, there are rare opportunities hidden in the chaos of war.

And among them, one man who has gained a particularly important position is spreading his slogans into Macragge's tense political air. Robert Guilliman could recognize his voice even across the obstruction of the hall and the walls. Archon Gloria.

Strangely, at the moment when the culprit was finally identified, his heart still sank.

Perturabo stopped outside the gate and stared at the flowers falling from the vines and the crushed gold and silver decorations.

"You have to go in yourself, Robert," he said. "I do not belong to Macragge."

Robert Guilliman nodded, handed the dagger to Perturabo according to the discipline of the Senate, pushed the huge door with both hands, and stepped into the hall.

The light and shadow in the hall are chaotic. The orange-red light of the setting sun is filtered by the blue-purple flower windows into broken glass fragments. The bright chandeliers that are all lit in the room and the LED chip decorative chains wrapped around each column make the whole world Cutting is more complex.

Every corner with alternating light and dark was crowded with people. The nobles wore various robes of light yellow, dark blue, off-white, crimson, brown, and light purple, as well as the golden laurels on their heads, the red sapphires and red sapphires wrapped around their arms and necks. The round pearls jingled, and small arguments and even scuffles broke out one after another amidst the uneasy arguments and anxiety lurking.

The one-foot-tall hourglass sitting on the small metal table on the side of the hall was knocked over and fell to the ground. The crystal surface was stepped on, and the bright silver iron frame and delicate texture were buried in the sweat, bloody smell, and leaked water. In the gravel. In the whirlpool of power, aesthetics is not worth mentioning.

In the chaotic world, Jialan's voice behind the podium was amplified by the loudspeaker, trying its best to penetrate into the ears of every noble.

"...Look what kind of monster Conor Guilliman has brought into our Macragge! We have endured an arrogant monster bossing us around, and we have to use everything we have to accommodate him and welcome him , and what did he bring to us?”

"A more terrifying behemoth, a despotic empire that dominates Macragge's democracy, a ruthless emperor who exacts excessive taxes, and a tyrannical master of humanity!"

“He wants to use all the limited resources in our world as fuel for war, throw endless Macraggeans into cruel struggles that have nothing to do with us, and let our people die for their empire! "

"Our farmland, our factories, our tracks, our trade, generations of diligent and tenacious Macraggeans have built our own country and created our own prosperity with their own hands. It is we who have emerged from the darkness. Era, the institution of slavery was abolished, and the planets of Ultramar were united into one federation. Where was the Emperor of Mankind when we completed all of this?

"We relied on our own strength to build our Memorial Garden and pave Macragge's Heroic Avenue. Now we have become rich and prosperous. Even the poorest poor people have food and clothing, and our efforts have bore fruit. . Then what? The human empire landed on top of us with their fleet of 200,000 troops!

"The giant monster we raised selflessly and treated him as our own child has so easily returned under the evil bird flag of the empire. We want to dedicate all our efforts to a cold imperial machine that seems to be glorious and glorious, but is actually demanding endlessly. !”

"Think about it, what have they brought to us? Look at our newspapers, our news, inhuman and arrogant monsters have occupied important positions on so many planets, hiding behind the scenes and watching us all; right here Outside the council chamber, the blood of innocent lives is being shed, and Macraggeans are being killed by foreign tyrants. Does anyone think that we can pay, endure, and let them commit crimes on our heads? "

Countless conversations unfolded in the audience, one after another being fed into the Primarch's sensitive hearing system. "We are losing our birthright", "He is right, we will be required to hand over funds", "There is not enough population to emigrate", "We should emphasize freedom"...reasons were thrown out one after another , surrounding Robert, forcing him to retort.

Robert Guilliman lowered his head, distinguishing the smell in the room, listening to the heartbeats of everyone in the room, looking for those rustling noises that he was already familiar with. When he found the presence of the first xenomorph, he must sadly admit, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He gradually understood what he should do.

The image of the council chamber formed in his mind, and the disguised alien was marked. One, two, three. Three in total.

He pushed a noble next to him, "Give way," he whispered.

A circle of people around him seemed to have just noticed his arrival, with a cold light of fear flashing on their pale faces - no, they had noticed it a long time ago, but no one dared to react. As Garland said, Robert Guilliman is an unstoppable monster.

"No, no!" A noble councilor judged that Robert Guilliman was unarmed and quickly realized that this was a unique opportunity. Once he becomes the first brave man to stand up to the Primarch, he will immediately rise to the upper reaches of the power hierarchy in Macragge's political changes. "Get out of the Senate, Robert Guilliman, get out of Macragge! You are not welcome!"

"Give me a moment, Ricard," Robert said patiently.

The congressman understood that this was the key moment of his political performance. He opened his eyes wide and roared at the tall giant with the greatest grief, anger and heroism that a mortal could show: "I will not surrender, monster!"

Robert gently pushed aside the crowd and walked into the hall.

The congressman who spoke just now seemed to have read some signal that encouraged him to continue his efforts, and followed closely behind him: "You tyrants will one day die for your crimes! The Macragges will never endure……"

Robert turned around suddenly and kicked in the direction of the congressman. The congressman was so frightened that he fell to the ground and crawled away in panic. The screams once overshadowed Garland's speech on the stage and merged with the rapid high-frequency alarm sounding in the hall. One body.

The original body's combat boots kicked another silent nobleman next to the senator, and stepped on it hard. The individual became distorted in an inhuman form, the artificial skin on the surface was cracked, and a bunch of twisted milky-white worms exploded into a terrifying Human juices.

The alien's crushed limbs recovered at high speed within seconds, but failed to catch Robert Guilliman's next attack. Before anyone could see the original body's movements clearly, he had torn the human form made of worms into two halves, holding a piece of rotten flesh in each hand. The white smoke caused by the acid burning the gauntlets was on the raised hands of the original body. Ascend.

"Get out of the way!" the Primarch roared. "Get out of the way, MPs!"

The crowd broke into howls of panic and scrambled to get out of Robert Guilliman's path.

You are too impulsive. Robert thought coldly that these alerted aliens might harm the congressmen in the hall, and many people would be injured or even die today. The chamber will be sprinkled with blood. Konor Guilliman devoted his life to improving the Council and making Macragge's civilization more prosperous and stable. You should come up with more rational and powerful ways to abide by Macragge's rules, curb your temper, and be a qualified successor to the Consul to prevent the Council from falling apart before your eyes.

But there was never anything in Macragge's rules of procedure that said you couldn't kill some bugs in the Senate.

"I couldn't understand your contradictory logic before, councilors. If the empire you say is so irresistible, and if this monster like me is so powerful, whose power will you rely on to drive away these monsters?" Robert Guilliman said loudly He shouted, letting the alien's juices slide down his arm armor.

"Now I understand, Jialan. What you rely on are these maggots hiding among us, these foreign enemies that induce civil war, the evil things that sow discord, the fearful aliens, and the monsters with ulterior motives."

Robert Guilliman threw away the piece of meat, pulled out a stone sword from the hand of a sculpture in the Senate, threw it to Gloria's side, and penetrated the body of a soldier.

It quickly decomposed into its original form, and its body reorganized into a ball of filthy worms that continued to expand and contract. The acid and bacteria contained in the liquid, which was enough to eat flesh and blood, splashed onto other members of Gloriosa's guard, quickly destroying a living person's body. flesh.

"What did you sacrifice to have them assist you, Gloria? How much of Macragge's resources did you sell to these greedy maggots? Did the members of your guard know that they would be sacrificed to the worm's mouthparts by you?"

Robert shouted, sprinting directly onto the stage, ignoring his corroded skin, crushing and tearing the unarmed twisted worm into pieces, until the excessive injuries made it impossible for the alien to repair its body. .

He grabbed the dead guard's helmet and held it up in his palms.

"Explain it to your followers, Gloria," said Robert Guilliman. "No matter how many sweet words you have, or how much you may tell the truth, it is exactly how these disgusting, filthy maggots spit out their sour slime. , wearing human skin, guarding your back. "

"How many of the nobles present are being monitored by you? How many of them are served by a bunch of tangled worms every morning, supervised and scrutinized by those stretchy yellow and white strips of meat, and endured Risk of being silently replaced!”

The Primarch did not hesitate to use any words that would arouse human instinct to describe these aliens that he did not understand.

His propaganda was far more effective than Garland's speeches. The crowd rarely gathered and dispersed, fearing that the skin of the noble next to them would actually be propped up by rotting maggots.

The man-eating alien, coupled with Robert Guilliman, who has just proven he can kill everyone in the chamber with his bare hands, proves why a real threat is scarier than a thousand lies and deceptive words.

Robert ignored Jialan, who was staring at the corpse in fear, and was so frightened by his partner that he couldn't stand up straight. He withdrew the stone sword and pointed it directly at the Senate who had claimed to follow Jialan to resist the empire ten minutes ago. Congressman, walked towards the crowd step by step.

He noticed that Councilor Ricard was still where he was supposed to be. A perfect speculator.

"Senior Ricard," Robert asked, "are you willing to feed yourself to a bunch of lowly maggots for the benefit of Archon Gloria?"

He paused just right: "You dared to resist just now, which is very good. This proves that you are a person with courage and opinion. I hope you will express your current thoughts in the Senate. This is the purpose of the Senate." Let us hear everyone’s voice.”

Rikar read in Robert Guilliman's words a cold forgiveness that surprised him. He had already made the wrong choice once, and he would not let go of the second one.

"Absolutely impossible, Robert Guilliman." Ricard glared angrily at Gloria in the distance, got up from the ground, and shouted righteously, "We were actually deceived by Gloria's evil tricks! Also, how dare he lie in our Senate Chamber? Jialan violated the basic principles of the Senate. Even if he is a consul, he should be sentenced to death!"

Robert looked at him and nodded slowly. Ricard fell down.

"Trial is not a one-man job, Members."

The Primarch looked out at Archon Gloria on the stage among the crowd, speaking with perfect calmness and dignity, playing the role he wanted to achieve. His image coincides with the noble and resolute faces of Macragge's past war kings, as if he is the only incarnation of Macragge's history and culture.

"Each of you is a member of the Macragge Senate and has the right to exercise the power you have been given. If you still want Gloria to be acquitted, I will not say a word. Even if you decide "Vote me out and I will gladly accept it."

"I don't want to destroy everything Macragge originally had. All I do is improve and defend. I am willing to clear away foreign enemies for you and give Macragge shelter. In the future, you will also face in the galaxy Countless terrifying threats. My previous expeditions wiped out a terrifying psychic empire for you, and what I am doing now..."

Roboute Guilliman stepped forward, grabbing the last worm in the hall as it tried to escape. The fight was met with silence. No one dared to disturb him.

The fight ended quickly and he stood up, continuing his speech.

"...I am killing enemies for you and fighting for Macragge. Fortunately, I have eliminated all the aliens in the chamber. Please speak freely, members."

"You are our role model, Robert Guilliman!" Ricard shouted, being the first to kneel to Robert, taking off his golden laurel crown and placing it respectfully at Robert's feet, swearing his loyalty.

This was like a signal, and more nobles continued to kneel down beside Robert and hand over their crowns.

Robert took it all calmly, without anger or smile. Even when some senators who especially despised Konor's reforms and criticized Guilliman surrendered to him with complicated eyes, Guilliman could not feel even a trace of joy.

Robert Guilliman looked around, stepped over the gold leaves on the ground, and walked towards the podium of the council chamber.

The last one who did not surrender was Jialan. He glared at Guilliman with hatred and sneered: "But you can't deny that you betrayed Macragge, can you? A monster created by the Empire!"

"What is betrayal of Macragge, Gloria." Robert looked down at the consul, "Whether it is to protect Macragge's safety, reform Macragge's administration, and help Macragge prosper and develop, it is considered betrayal; or is it death? To cling to the authority and interests of the nobility and betray your colleagues, the country, and the people is considered betrayal? You are the earliest traitor, Gloriosa. You have already betrayed the citizens of Macragge and your position as ruler. Official duties and oaths.”

"Let the soldiers drag him down! Sentence him to death!" Several nobles shouted, which quickly turned into a collective resolution passed by the council. The soldiers grabbed Garland by the arms and dragged him away.

Robert stared at Garland until he was out of sight.

"Macragge lives on," he whispered to himself, stepping up to the dais of the Chamber and smiling impeccably at his audience.

Well, the group chat was disbanded because I felt that there was really no need to create a group. Unless there were other emergencies, there probably wouldn't be a group in the future. Feel sorry.

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