Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 115 The Great Expedition

For the umpteenth time, Morse received a military report from the galaxy from Alpharius, or "Omegan".

The Emperor told him Alpharius's name, and Alpharius soon understood that his lie was broken. Despite this, Morse still called him Omegon, and a false tacit understanding was formed between the two.

Malcador generously shared with him the movements of much of the expeditionary fleet. The Imperial Chancellor used these snowflake-like pieces of paper to hide some of his own little secrets - no wonder he could teach a Primarch like Alpharius.

However, Morse was able to identify that there were no hidden flaws in the battle reports on the Iron Warriors and even the Thousand Dust Sun Legion on his desk, which was enough to satisfy him.

Alpharius sometimes brought him these reporting documents.

Perhaps it was because Constantine finally found a way to recycle that set of golden armor, and the twentieth original body would not continue to wear the armor of the Imperial Guard in front of him. What appears in front of Morse is often a figure who is dressed similarly to any mortal in the palace, but is a bit larger.

Alpharius never tired of acting in different identities, imitating the voices of different characters, and getting the feedback he wanted from Morse's attitude.

"What I don't have is that your performance was perfect, Clerk Omega," Morse said.

Alpharius insisted on performing the complete routine, and left after a very frightened bow.

Morse shook his head, and ran his fingertips across the document bag, and the sealed opening opened flatly as if cut by silk thread.

Pulling out the document, he first saw the Iron Warriors passing near Necromunda after finally subduing a cluster of humans to the Emperor's radiance.

Perturabo's departure was earlier than expected, which may have something to do with his choice to leave the body of Morse's latest gift to him on Terra.

When the Iron Warriors and the expedition fleet lined up in the orbit of Terra and set sail into the endless void the next day, Alpharius may have used all his self-control and the habit of self-hiding developed over the years to act as if nothing had happened. Earth passed calmly near Perturabo, who reappeared next to Mors.

In addition, before leaving Terra, Magnus finally solved the problem of connecting his own consciousness to the model port, successfully activating the little doll of Magnus from his childhood.

For Morse, Magnus destroyed the calm solemnity of the delicate miniature model and created a chattering model that used his own characteristics as a model not to get easily dirty to run on the page of every book. The red-skinned boy running around.

What a disaster.

Now Perturabo often spends time in the Terra Archives with a miniature version of Magnus, and he doesn't know what the two original bodies are doing.

The last time Morse eavesdropped on their conversation, the two were flipping through the Ancient Terra Encyclopedia of Wine Varieties, and the last time it was about the differences in funeral customs of different ethnic groups. After listening to it a few more times, he gave up on gaining new knowledge from it.

He continued to flip through the military newspapers, reading how Perturabo killed an "emperor" that was not capitalized, quoted, italicized, and underlined, and he tasted how the narrator had exhausted all the diction and format. An effort to avoid the impression that he was secretly alluding to the Emperor of Mankind.

"When Perturabo killed the Emperor, other top officials of the pocket empire were executed by other Iron Warriors, including the pocket empire's chancellor and minister of the interior..."

Morse decided to close the document and cover his face and laugh for a while.

Every time he saw another leader of the remnant of humanity calling himself the Emperor, Morse felt a subtle irony in the relationship.

He often made two comments about this at the same time, that is, the empire of the human emperor did not look any better than the defeated country, and what qualifications did the defeated political system have to call itself an empire.

Regardless, the Emperor outside Nyos will be purged. Even if they surrendered and survived, Morse did not believe that the Terran Empire would allow them to continue to use the title "Emperor".

He turned back two pages and saw the list of material and personnel losses after the Iron Warriors battle.

The death of Defes, who had been promoted to war blacksmith since the joint exercise, surprised him. He still remembered the commander's outstanding and decisive response when Russ came on the field during the exercise that day, which also answered Perturabo's question. Find the reasons for funeral customs across Terra in the Archives.

After that, there is a list of technology recycling from the Dark Ages that is routinely waiting to be filled in. This column is unfortunately left blank.

A few days ago, Qianchen Zhiyang sent a batch of things back to the empire after fighting. Unfortunately, after analysis, it was found that only the tea room of the Terra Palace had achieved technological development. In short, during that time, Morse took Macado and drank sweet tea together every day.

The latest situation of this legion is that it was transferred to Castus to deal with a rebellion. Their battle did not go smoothly, as the double-digit Astartes failed to take down this well-defended planet. Later, Magnus made changes to his tactics, choosing the most conventional means among psychic powers, spells, and orbital bombardment.

Their next battle would be with the Dusk Raiders, a legion Morse didn't know much about, except that they were only one and one away from Number 15 of the Thousand Dust Sun.

While Morse doesn't think any Legion can serve as a building foundation for the fighting styles of other armies, he hopes things go well for Magnus.

As for the Luna Wolf war reports that he also had access to, Morse only discovered from them that Horus was not only good at negotiating, but also good at finding ways to get the enemy to surrender after negotiations failed.

The 63rd Expeditionary Fleet made great achievements. Their cruisers destroyed many more landmarks than the Iron Warriors. The Stormbirds that took off from the launcher fulfilled the name of the Skyhawk, plucking out the enemies hiding like hares everywhere. enemy soldiers. Sooner or later the galaxy will fear the name of Horus Luperkar.

Reading the battle reports of the Sixteenth Primarch was usually a spiritual pleasure, something even Morse would not deny.

However, he still prefers to appreciate the construction status of the planet fortress reported back by Iron Warriors.

Perturabo's construction reports always combine reason and passion, and his desire to build his yellow and black bunkers across the galaxy has begun to appear in his war records.

He would dispatch an independent team of Astartes to stay on each captured planet for a short period of time. While welcoming officials sent by the empire, he would supervise the locals to build an interstellar port or building brick by brick. Something else that suited Perturabo's aesthetic.

The main force will follow the footsteps of the original body and move deeper into the galaxy after a short period of repair.

In this way, the Iron Lords ensure both the efficiency of galactic conquest and the stability of the region, just as an architect stabilizes the load-bearing capacity of each floor of a pavilion to build higher levels.

Now they are continuing towards the end of the galaxy. Secretly entrusted by the Emperor to retrieve the Primarch, their destination was determined to be Ultramar. As expected, there, the Iron Warriors will welcome back the fifth - if Horus and the others do not find other brothers, otherwise it will be the sixth or seventh - Primarch.

At that time, Morse will probably move to Perturabo's flagship to find out what kind of offspring the Emperor has come up with.

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