Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 104 29810 Space Odyssey (Part 1)

Russ hugged Magnus's shoulders heavily, touched the wine glass with the wine glass that Magnus had only taken two sips on, drank the strong wine in the glass, and let out a pleasant sigh in his mouth.

"You are really a man of culture, brother." Russ praised, "Look at me, I only call my warriors Space Wolves."

"Oh, don't forget that there is only one word between my wolf and your wolf," Horus stabbed a square piece of jelly eel with his fork, although if Morse were here, he would surely ask why such a lowly snake The jerky-like thing is called eel.

The Wolf Shepherd chewed the fish jelly with the seaweed refreshing drink brought all the way from a certain ocean world. He stretched out his fork again with satisfaction and pierced the next piece of eel quickly and accurately.

Magnus didn't know what to say about his brothers. In return, he decides to try the exotic yogurt Ruth brought from home, and finds in its sticky texture the illusion of licking the newly painted walls of the palace. "I... was the military name Perturabo and I chose together."

"I just inspired him with a sentence." Perturabo calmly cleared the last piece of berry sorbet on the table with a calm expression. He is receiving some culinary inspiration from this table, breaking away from the inherent ideas of Olympia cheese honey jerk bread and broadening his horizons.

Perhaps the Emperor didn't know what style of food to prepare for these children from different regions, so this huge table included all the unknown local delicacies from the agricultural world to the ocean planet.

Even a few death worlds offer a few delicacies of their own. For example, regardless of its violent toxicity, you will find that the fried giant scorpion tastes really delicious. The meat is white, tender and delicate, and has a rich taste. After being humble in the first ten seconds, it was quickly and unevenly divided among the four original bodies. clean.

"Anyway, I have to thank Perturabo," Magnus insisted, getting a nod from Perturabo.

The Wolf King let go of his brother, whose face seemed to be even redder, and no longer embarrassed the original body who had probably never participated in a few social activities in his life. He sat back in his seat swaggeringly and stretched out his hand to take the fork that Horus was eyeing. Grab the last piece of jelly eel from below.

Horus frowned, deftly ignoring his behavior and changing the target of his fork.

It is worth mentioning that Ruth seemed to have taken a good bath before coming to the party.

The Wolf King swallowed the fish jelly and raised his wine glass high. The two empty wine barrels beside the hall are his masterpieces, and the strong liquor only dyes his marble-pale face with a healthy ruddy color. His eyes are bright, and the irises like winter stars reflect the different appearances of the three brothers. But the three faces are equally handsome and noble.

"And I want to thank each and every one of you, brothers!"

He lowered his voice, and the curve of his lips was more like a wolf's kiss before foraging: "Without you, I wouldn't be able to enjoy such a comfortable banquet in Terra."

"Oh..." Magnus tried to join the conversation stiffly, "Thank you too, Russ. Although he didn't know what he was thanking.

Horus raised his glass towards the Wolf King.

"The first time I met him," he said to his two less-than-exhibitive brothers, "he and his tribe probably broke hundreds of glasses. One after each glass."

"How can there be hundreds of them?" Ruth took the new wine barrel and added wine to himself. "A few dozen at most. Look, there is a brother here who is slandering me."

"Have you counted?" asked Perturabo.

"Because no one brought us glasses anymore." Ruth shrugged nonchalantly.

Magnus laughed. Horus approached Magnus, deliberately pretending to speak in a low voice, but not really lowering his voice: "Your throne, I swear that our Wolf King will repeat the story of his victory over his father."

"I hear you, Horus." The Wolf King muttered, "Then I will tell a story to my new brothers. First, let me ask, is there anyone at this table who has defeated our father? "

Perturabo put down his knife and slowly stirred his beef broth with his spoon.

The chefs claimed that they cut out the tenderest parts of the six legs of the cows and killed more than a dozen cows before providing delicacies that could be presented to the four primarchs. Perturabo did not ask who had taken the rest for dinner.

"I have not sparred with the Emperor, brother," Perturabo said calmly, "Is it necessary?"

"I..." Magnus struggled for a while, but considering that everyone here was a brother, he still confessed with all his heart: "I used to compete with my father in subspace to see who could travel faster..."

Russ screamed in surprise, and Magnus immediately added: "I lost! It's just this time, and I won't compete again in the future!"

"It seems that there was a time when you liked subspace." Russ narrowed his eyes with a smile. Magnus gloomily followed Perturabo's example of stirring beef soup with a silver ladle.

Horus shook his head before Russ could ask him. "I respect my father very much," he said.

"Okay, okay." Ruth sighed regretfully, "Sooner or later I have to find a brother who lost after competing with his father. It was a sunny day, and the storm did not bring freezing death to anyone. , the sailors did not fall into the icy lake and drown, bloody deaths were still everywhere, but it was still a beautiful day."

Horus wasn't sure whether the weather had been good or not the last time Horus told the same story.

"That day," the Wolf King waved his hand, "the whole father came to our court, wearing a disguise to test us. But I could tell at a glance that it was my father. So I immediately challenged him."

"Huh?" Magnus made a confused sound.

"We have to compete!" Russ patted the table, "Fight! Only then will we know who is stronger and who is weaker!"

Perturabo began to recall his meeting at the top of the snowy mountains. What was he thinking at that time?

Oh, so this is the Emperor - he thought at that time.

"Our first competition was about eating." Russ excitedly introduced his great achievements, "That time I ate three bulls - our Fenris roaring bulls! One of them weighed three tons, let's take it The mask was decorated with the image of the cow, and the horns were painted from the bridge of the nose to the brow bone. The cooks were bringing the barbecue back and forth, and I was so tired that I was not even full until our father announced that he could not eat. "

"Maybe the Emperor just doesn't want to eat meat anymore," Perturabo said.

The Wolf King shrugged. "But he gave in. Our second trial involved drinking, and we all worked together to bring wine from our royal cellar until the cellar was empty."

Having said this, he took a long drink while holding the barrel, wiped his mouth with his arm, and smiled happily.

"Brothers, guess what's going on?" He let it slip mysteriously.

"Did father really compete with him?" Magnus asked Horus quietly.

"I don't know," Horus also whispered. "My father went off alone to find him, and then took him and his comrades on board."

"I believe the Emperor did take part in the Games," said Perturabo. The image of the Emperor gradually approached a mystery in his speculations. Considering the character of Morse, who called each other an old friend with the Emperor, he felt that everything the Emperor did seemed reasonable.

No one guessed the outcome of the battle. Russ curled his lips in boredom and threw away the empty wine barrel. "I won, for the second time. My dear brothers, I beat Quanfu twice."

"Oh, that's really... amazing." Magnus answered him as sincerely as possible.

Ruth stared at him for a second, and suddenly there was a little calmness in his tone: "Thanks for the compliment, my brother."

He continued with a smile: "In the third game, the Emperor and I have a fight."

Ruth arched her back and raised her hands in the shape of dewclaws.

"I said I was going to beat him in a fight!"

"You lost," Perturabo said calmly. He dared to say that when Leman Russ proposed the first competition event, he was prepared to lose in the third competition.

"Save some face for me, brother." Russ said, "Father took out an energy glove! His punch was enough to kill a hundred wild wolves that had just finished roasting and their hair was hot."

"This is Russ." Horus picked up the wine glass, which was the wine that Malcador contributed to the Primarchs.

Different from the stereotype brought by his simple and aging appearance, Lord Palmprint actually owns a collection beyond ordinary people's imagination. The quality and vintage are quite impressive. The history of some of the wineries can even be traced back to ancient Terrashan. The years when grapes can be grown.

He guessed that Malcador would only share these treasures with the Emperor and perhaps Constantine until the Primarch's return.

Having a rare opportunity to touch the Mark Bearer's wine collection, Horus decided to drink more.

The Wolf King disdained wine, preferring to soak in worthless malt liquor. "I've finished telling my story, brothers. Is there anyone else who wants to share? The fire is going strong."

Magnus looked to Perturabo for help. Horus made a noticeable noise as he put down the empty goblet: "We can also talk about something else, anything other than praising our Wolf King for his victory over his father."

The Wolf King laughed and cursed, his voice sounding like a warm breeze blowing through a campfire: "Oh, Horus!"

"I value actions more than words," Perturabo said, "so if you are curious about me, I invite you to visit Olympia."

"Your home planet?" Wolf King asked curiously.

"I spent ten years building it." Perturabo said. "From the briefing they sent, it can be seen that my country has unified half of the planet. Give them some time, and Olympia will be completely under my control." Within the scope. The shutdown platform and the ports on the track have entered the trial operation stage, and the factories in various places are all put into production. I will take you there when you are free."

"You made it another..." Horus looked out the window suspiciously.

"Oh, not Terra." Perturabo immediately added in annoyance, "We have many mountains and lakes, large areas of grassland and well-preserved stone tombs. These natural landscapes still cover more than ninety percent of the planet. Looking down from orbit, Olympia is a green planet.”

The Wolf King shook his head: "Fenris is covered in ice and snow. Next time during the sea beast hunting season, we can show the tribe how to kill Kraken with bare hands."

Magnus felt that there must be some humor hidden in Russ's words that only Fenrisians would understand. He spoke: "Prospero is still rebuilding, and Perturabo's Iron Warriors are helping me do it all. When the rebuilding begins to take effect, Tizca will welcome each of you."

"Hasn't anyone thought of inviting Father along to visit?" said Horus. "Also, I also welcome brothers to explore the mines and underground labyrinths of Cthunia, if you are interested in this aspect."

"When all the vacant booths in my first memorial hall are filled, I will invite the Emperor to visit." A smile appeared on Perturabo's lips. "My heirs and I have notified this matter."

"Oh, be sure to let me go and have a look too." Horus said cheerfully, "Are you the king there?"

"The king is Califon, the daughter of the last king and a good leader. I will not hold office."

"I'm a king." Russ let his huge body sink into the even larger cushions of the seat. His cloak has been taken off and is currently hanging on the back of the chair, its furry edges hanging above his head.

Horus looked around at the status of his brothers and gestured towards the door of the hall to call for someone to clear the table. Then, he also leaned back on the soft cushion and patted his belly in relaxation. "I am not a king, I am a satiated Primarch."

Magnus looked around. "Me too - I mean, I'm a well-fed Primarch too."

Russ burst out laughing, and even Perturabo no longer kept his serious face. Horus tilted his head from left to right. No matter how the light and shadow changed, his smile remained the same warm: "I will remember today in the future expeditions."

"You can't forget it either," said the Wolf King, "as long as you don't suddenly suffer from amnesia, Horus."

Horus sat up a little straighter and raised his eyebrows deliberately: "When did you become sharp, brother? Quickly tell me if the original Russ was secretly outside walking around the city wall with Freki and Gri."

"Oh, he's still curing hams in Fenris," Russ said. "But after two more days of training, he will go to the Hazy Star Territory to conquer the Milky Way for his father. What about you, brothers?"

"Perhaps the Pacific Star Territory." Horus thought for a moment, "Follow the Emperor's command."

"Magnus and I will continue to stay in Terra for a while." Perturabo said, and Magnus nodded in agreement: "I want to get to know each other with my legion, and Perturabo is recruiting new recruits. In addition, , I also need to learn some special skills with Morse, so I won’t leave Terra for the time being.”

The red original body paused, a little frustrated: "I still have something important to thank him for, but every time I am about to speak, he disappears immediately as if he has read my mind."

"If you can remain serious like me," said Perturabo, "then he will disappear more slowly, allowing you at least three syllables."

"Oh, don't be like this." Magnus patted his head, "I'd better write him a thank you letter."

"I can't help you transfer it." Perturabo thought for a moment, "He is also familiar with me."

"I don't know your teacher very well," Horus said regretfully.

"I'll do it." A big clean hand was raised, "I guarantee a successful transfer!"

Perturabo immediately changed his gaze, "I just wanted to ask you when you met him, Russ."

"Didn't he arrive at Terra early before you landed on Terra?" The Wolf King smiled cheerfully. "We chatted for a while, and it will definitely be okay for me to send a thank you letter. But where is he now? I I thought I could see him tonight.”

"Count how many people are missing from the table." Horus sighed deeply, "Father, Malcador, and Morse. The three of them are together."

After saying that, the son of the first return stood up from the table: "Let's go out for a walk together, or should we rest separately?"

"Take a turn and see how many constellations there are on Terra at night. I can find any shapes made up of stars for you. I hope there will be some brothers here next time." The Wolf King stood up and turned his shoulders to stretch his muscles.

"Like twenty of them together?" Magnus asked.

"Come in batches." Perturabo pushed away his seat and stood up, "This way Ruth can attend more rounds of parties."

"Oh, was that a joke?" Ruth said.

"Of course." The Lord of Iron curled his lips. "It doesn't look like it?"

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