Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 929 Discord Engine Destruction

After erasing Vashtor, Qin Mo hung the old woman's sword on his back and took off the scepter.

When the scepter was punched on the ground at an extremely fast speed, the entire ground began to collapse, and the huge discordant engine was gradually exposed in front of Qin Mo.

However, it didn't seem to be a very terrifying and evil existence, but a monster whose shape was difficult to describe and had too many things added to it by Vashtor.

A fair-skinned young man with pipelines connected to his body stood under the hole, raising his head and looking up at Qin Mo with curiosity and fear.

Qin Mo looked down at the young man.

He knew that this guy was a puppet controlled by the Tuchucha engine, not a real living person, so he had no mercy and no intention of saving him.

"Are you here to release me?" the young man asked softly.

Qin Mo said nothing.

He knew that the Discord Engine was far more dangerous than the Vashtor.

He was still in the mood to have a few words with Vashtor before he died, but for the Discord Engine, he only wanted to kill it first and then be quick.

"You are here..."

The boy couldn't finish his repeated words, as lightning penetrated him and the discordant engine behind him.

The Discord Engine, which was shaped by the three artifacts of Tuchucha Engine, Ouroboros, and Heart of Plague, began to collapse at this moment.

It was as if a singularity had opened in the warp, and everything around the lightning-pierced wound began to collapse inward.

That powerful force was also pulling Qin Mo, but he could still resist the pull during the collapse.

Dragon Forest, which is composed of the fragments of Caliban, is itself an extension of Ouroboros, so when the Discord Engine begins to collapse, the entire Dragon Forest also begins to collapse and disintegrate in a literal sense.

Along with the webway it created, everything that once belonged to Vash'tor began to dissipate.

Taking one last look at the collapsed Disharmonious Engine, Qin Mo jumped out of the Longlin Star with everything around him that was beginning to be destroyed.

Qin Mo came to Longlin Planet without Guilliman and the others because he was worried that Guilliman and the others would not be able to protect themselves from the destruction of Longlin Planet.

When he left, he did not take the souls of those psychic iron men, material iron men, and those of the Tyrone Army with him.

Because they either will not die in the destruction that cannot submerge the subspace creatures, or they are mass-produced self-aware combat bodies.

When Qin Mo returned to Guilliman and others from the collapsed Dragon Forest Star, a psychic portal opened by the Emperor was already waiting for them to pass through and return to the Eye of Terror.

"Is it over?" Guilliman only asked three words after seeing Qin Mo.

Qin Mo took a deep breath: "It's over. Both Vashtor and the Discord Engine have been destroyed, and we have achieved the best result."

Guilliman nodded: "Great."

"This war is almost over." Qin Mo said with a smile, "We will go back now, smash the iron ring to pieces, and then continue the expedition."

"Perhaps the expedition is progressing much faster than we once thought." Guilliman pondered. He was not responsible for command and grand strategic planning like Lion, but he had been paying attention to all aspects of the expedition.

In Guilliman's reasoning, the scale of victory in the entire expedition has begun to tilt towards his side, and victory is only a matter of time.

But Guilliman also knew that sometimes plans were inferior to changes, so he did not speak too optimistically in front of Qin Mo.

"We can continue this war for countless years until victory." Qin Mo said, stepping through the portal and returning to the iron ring of the Eye of Terror.

Guilliman was about to step forward, but the throne called the Engine of Control quickly squeezed past him and floated next to Qin Mo.

Guilliman didn't say anything, and turned to look at Piccolo: "You go first."

"I will stay in the subspace." Piccolo made a gesture of invitation. "When we are needed, we will appear immediately, just like the Emperor's Cursed Legion."

Guilliman nodded and looked at Thrall behind him, who was driving the modified War Witch Titan.

"Let's spend time together," Thrall said. "I'm afraid that the Emperor possessing the blonde woman will squeeze me to death when I pass through the door."

Guilliman gave Titan a helpless look. He didn't know why these Eldar people, who claimed to be noble and civilized, were always suspicious.

When Thrall and Guilliman passed through the portal together, Qin Mo was already sitting on the Dominion Engine, using his will to disintegrate the many psychic barriers created by Vashtor to protect the Iron Ring itself.

But he didn't rush down immediately and start killing people, because there were no such important targets as Vashtor and Discord Engine on the iron ring.

When he was in the Webway, Qin Mo knew that the flow of time in the Webway and subspace was different from that in the outside world. He wanted to know what happened to the fleet during this period.

So he immediately went to the fleet.

The bridge of the Glorious Humanity.

When the gate opened, the person whose attention was attracted by the sound inadvertently looked towards the door, and then stared at the person walking in the door.

Qin Mo and Guilliman entered the bridge side by side under the gaze of everyone. When they heard the familiar footsteps, Ryan, who was looking down at the iron ring in front of the huge porthole in a daze, immediately turned his head.

Lion did not ask about Vash'Tor and the Discord Engine, as the Webway had ceased to appear on the Ring some time ago, greatly easing the pressure on the Expedition.

But just now, the iron ring's defensive barrier dissipated, and the bombing of the giant fleet could directly damage the iron ring itself.

Outside the huge virtual porthole, every tiny flash of explosion produced on the iron ring represents the evaporation of everything within hundreds of kilometers by the fleet, and such explosions are densely distributed on the iron ring.

"How long have we been gone?" Guilliman asked.

"A long time." Ryan sat at the tactical table, preparing what he wanted to show Guilliman and Qin Mo.

"How long is it?" Guilliman asked again.

"Ask me the exact time in the Eye of Terror?" Lion glanced at Guilliman, "So long that in your subjective consciousness you rushed into the webway as soon as you said hello to me, but when you came out I wanted to I’ll report to you on the progress of the expedition.”

Qin Mo and Guilliman sat down side by side.

Countless information boxes and holographic images appeared above the tactical table.

"There is still a stalemate on the Iron Ring side. There will still be a stalemate until the fleet's orbital bombardment can have an effect."

"The fleets commanded by Sanguinius and Jaghatai are progressing as fast as ever. They have begun to attack the Wizard Planet, Sikalos, and Medlengard."

Upon hearing this development, Qin Mo calculated and estimated that he and Guilliman had spent at least several months on the Eye of Terror fleet in the webway.

The Wizarding Planet is the lair of the Thousand Sons, West Kalos is the hiding place of Lorgar, the Primarch of the Word Bearers, and Medlengard is the planet where Perturabo lives.

Recalling what Vashtor said that these three planets would eventually escape into the subspace, Qin Mo just wanted to ridicule that Vashtor just said a few words to himself before dying. It didn't even know about Sanguinius and Cha Hetai's branch fleet has begun to fight in these three worlds.

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