Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 902 The Power of Vashtor

The arrival of Iron Man directly reversed the situation of the war.

It was as if the other end of the swinging war scale had been stepped hard by a big steel foot - this was the feeling of Qin Mo and Guilliman, as well as Ryan, who suddenly discovered that Iron Man was being deployed.

The iron men appeared directly at the forefront of the battle.

Dense conventional Iron Man battle bodies advance in a long queue, with giant Iron Man battle bodies providing fire support from the rear. The former's combat power far exceeds that of any infantry, and the latter's firepower that can be unleashed in a short period of time far exceeds that of any Titan.

When the most ordinary iron man moves forward, the destruction it creates is horrifying.

On the battle line, Azriel, who was just about to lead the Dark Angels and others for the next round of attack, saw the Iron Men. He stood there and watched, more like observing and judging than glaring at the heresy.

An extremely ordinary Iron Man who served as cannon fodder in the mass war that took place in the Hades galaxy during the Battle of Baal. It also had a large number of weapons integrated into its body. There was no space left for organs that had nothing to do with the battle. There were only weapons. energy.

When all kinds of demon engines, demons, space warriors... Anyway, all kinds of enemies that can be seen at the forefront and most intense areas of the firefight, when they sweep towards the iron men in front of them, they are greeted by horrifying firepower.

An ordinary iron man marching in the queue was the first to meet the enemy. It continued to move forward, part of the structure of its upper body extended upward, and released more than ten cannonballs in an instant.

Under the control of the internal intelligent components, these small artillery shells use the power when they come out of the barrel to adjust their trajectories. They are gradually evenly distributed over the enemy and then explode, releasing countless tiny bombs that stir up smoke and dust in the sky among the enemy groups. , under the visual obstruction of the thick smoke, onlookers could only see flashes of fire inside. After the smoke was dissipated by the action of the large demon engine, countless corpses in horrifying shapes were revealed.

The bombing was not even stopped by the void shield, because even the tiniest projectile in each fired shell could analyze the optimal speed of penetrating the void shield through the computing power allocated by Iron Man.

The ordinary Iron Man continued to advance, the energy and kinetic energy weapons integrated on his arms kept firing, and he was also bombing the enemy.

High-explosive bombs, cluster bombs, rain of light similar to Guards shoulder cannons...

Those Chaos Space Marines wearing purple armor suffered particularly heavy losses. They didn't quite understand what the new type of enemy in front of them was. They stood behind the demon engine and armored vehicles and advanced forward as usual, and then were bombarded in turns and various armor-piercing weapons. The weapons vaporized hundreds of people.

Some Space Marines armed with anti-armor weapons were outflanking the huge craters previously blown by the Titans, trying to sneak attack the ordinary Iron Man from the side. However, as soon as they appeared and were ready to catch the Iron Man by surprise, the Iron Man The part of the body facing them, that is, the weapon suddenly extended from the back.

A visible mist penetrated these Space Marines. What looked like mist was actually the material rifle most commonly used by the Tyron Army. It was used to directly drive microscopic matter into the enemy's body or armor to directly destroy the material structure.

These unfortunate Space Marines seemed to have turned into a pile of quicksand, and the materials that originally made up their limbs and armor were floating in the air.

And this is just what an ordinary Iron Man can do. There are many more weapons that are just like it, and because there is no need to consider the comfort and portability of wearing, they are directly embedded in the Iron Man's body. Armor.

The Iron Men are as powerful as an entire army individually, and their numbers are as numerous as the Tyranids.


In this part of the most intense battlefield where the defense line is the most intense, the addition of Iron Man increased the advancement speed of the expeditionary force's front several times.

Azrael also needs to complete the task given by the Gene Father, but he no longer needs to let his brothers attack the enemy with others. He only needs to follow Iron Man and give two punches to those idiots who try to take advantage of Iron Man's bulky characteristics. gun.

At this time, there was another existence watching the Iron Men.

The deepest and most secret place of the jagged web that cannot be detected by any detection equipment is where the Lord of the Forge, Vashtor, lives.

"This is the scene you have been waiting for for a long time." Billak looked at his current ally who was once his enemy, "Use your power to give the enemy an unprepared disaster."

Vashtor remained silent and did not respond.

Belak noticed that it seemed to be sensing something, so he remained silent and looked at the visual equipment carried by the two demons in front of him, preparing to observe a good show and looking forward to seeing the humans discover that the Iron Man turned around and massacred him. Despair and fear.

Vashtor and Be'lak, who had predicted that the enemy would use Iron Man, had been looking forward to this moment.

"Those Iron Man systems..." Vashtor suddenly said, "They give me a very strange feeling, just like when I controlled the demon disguised as me to negotiate, I felt exactly the same from the powerful enemy, unable to Insightful, mind-bending.”

"Isn't it the so-called Lord of Tyrone who is directly controlling these iron men?" Beelak looked disappointed. "Then how can we control them? Are we just going to watch them kill them all the way to the entrance and exit of the webway, and then rush in and kill us?" Kill both of them together?"

"Don't be impatient." Vashtor uttered a light word, slowly moved forward, and began to control a machine that contained a demon.

The demon saw Vashtor coming and let out a wail of pain - it had always wailed, but now the sound was louder.

Vashtor was silent and slowly raised the forging hammer, smashing the demon's face embedded with a monitor, and after the howling stopped, he began to manipulate the strange control device made of the demon's nerves.

"This thing is connected to the Discord Engine, right." Bealak raised his head high and looked at Vashtor with squinted eyes. "What's its use? Can it control those iron men you can't control?"

Vashtor didn't answer, and there was a trace of impatience on his face that Bi'lak couldn't see.

Be'lak was once its enemy. At that time, Vashtor felt that Be'lak was a capable man. It would definitely be a good thing if he could become an ally rather than an enemy.

But only when they become allies do they realize that Bilak's character is extremely casual and arrogant.

It was obvious that he could find out the useful things just by standing there and watching, so Beelak just wanted to ask that question like he was asking his technological servant.

"Those iron men are controlled by some strange things. I may not be able to control their actions, but as technological creations, there is no problem if they want to have some indirect influence." Vashtor said.

The demon machine started to operate, and Bilak frowned slightly when he heard the infiltrating wail.

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