"Did you just hear what I said about the Iron Warriors Legion?"

Locke deliberately walked side by side with the "Thunder Warrior" whose codename was "Iron Man" and who somehow felt close to him.

He didn't know that the huge armor of the Thunder Warrior was actually a clone of his genetic father.

"It's not what you said just now, but what you said hundreds of sentences ago." Perturabo responded coldly.

"So, you also think he's a jerk, right?" Locke asked.

Perturabo remained silent, his thoughts swirling in his heart.

"Am I an asshole?"

"Do I mean the original body or the clone? Is the name Perturabo a codename or a symbolic thing?"

"Does the Iron Warriors Legion have anything to do with me? Do I have to take responsibility for the absurd behavior of the original body?"

When he was thinking, Perturabo spoke in his heart. After thinking about it, he still remained silent. This made him a Thunder Warrior who was difficult to contact in Locke's eyes.

It surprised Locke.

Because the Thunder Warriors are basically Tyrones, they are not so bitter and have deep hatred, and the transformation surgery does not focus on suppressing emotions.

Strong, resonant emotions that tear apart the real space have been weakened, but other emotions have not been weakened.

"He's a bastard." Perturabo, who had been thinking for a long time, gave Locke an ambiguous answer, "But not quite."

Locke tilted his head, but didn't think much about it.

The battles along the way are always few and easy to resolve. What makes the clones most uncomfortable is not the powerful enemies that do not exist so far, but the rush.

Because to kill a warsmith, the first thing you have to do is find a warsmith.

Horus and Magnus both believed that the Emperor would make appropriate adjustments to the Primarchs' itineraries, such as secretly guiding them, until they finally achieved their goals.

There was no way this trip was just about trying Perturabo.

After driving for a while, the original clone, Locke and the Dark Eldar found themselves getting closer to the core of the "Iron Ring", and the roads they had taken so far were all downhill.

Horus originally thought that there would be a difficult battle ahead, but in fact it was not the case. The clues that everyone subconsciously looked for pointed to a dark place like a sewer ahead. Iron warriors were rare and mortal slaves were common.

But the slaves belonging to the Iron Warriors are only relatively common. The really common ones are the subspace creatures running around in the iron ring, and some parasitic species.

Due to management technology and level issues, the larger the object, the more likely it is that "parasites" will appear inside it.

For example, in a large warship, even the ship's leadership does not know how many crew members there are. Some crew members will flee or passively lose their jobs, and eventually live in the corners of the ship to survive.

As a giant engineering creation, this iron ring belongs to the forces of Chaos, and is naturally no exception.

Among the many strange "parasites" the group saw were gene stealers.

When Horus looked up, he could see some rustling sounds coming from the network of steel pipes directly above, which were densely packed like human meridians. Occasionally, he could also see tails or claws.

Those gene stealers did not launch attacks, but huddled in the shadows from far away and watched secretly.

The purpose of their existence here seems to be to show off to others the infiltration and parasitism capabilities of the Genestealer group.

When the clone primarchs found themselves in a settlement made of scrap metal, there were slaves bearing the mark of the Iron Warriors living here.

But these slaves had no shackles or masters standing by with whips. They looked like free men.

Locke was already quite familiar with this place. When the clone masters were discovered by the slaves in the settlement, and a group of slaves rushed out with weapons in hand, Horus was about to order an attack, but Locke raised his hand to stop them.

"They are neutral parties." Locke reminded, stepping forward after the clones put down their weapons.

Among the crowd of slaves who rushed out, one man walked out gracefully. He was obviously the leader of this slave settlement.

The leader, whose facial features had been transformed into the iron helmet symbol of the Iron Warriors, walked over and asked Locke in a familiar manner: "Do you need manpower or intelligence?"

When hearing these words, the clone masters looked at each other.

The Dark Eldar seemed to be used to it.

"Intelligence." Locke took out a square iron box from the storage backpack behind his back and threw it on the ground. "This is your reward."

Horus, who was behind him, glanced at the reward and found that the iron box contained food.

The logo of Ivan Galaxy Agricultural World Company is printed on the front of the iron box, and on the back of the iron box is a savage squatting in the wilderness, giving a thumbs up to the camera.

Horus recognized that it was a specially made survival food. It was made up of cubes composed of various vitamins and high-calorie edible elements. Digging a little and soaking it in water would allow many people to survive to a planet where the rescue fleet would go. Until you get people.

"What information?" The slave leader grabbed the iron box and stuffed it into his pocket.

"We know there is a war blacksmith nearby." Locke said, looking back at the clone masters. He didn't know where he was specifically, but he felt that since these new thunder warriors were here, it must not be false information.

"How can I possibly know where the war blacksmith is?" The slave leader spread his hands, "Go and ask the skinless freaks."

As soon as he finished speaking, Locke stuffed the barrel of the bolt gun into the slave leader's big mouth that had been transformed into a loudspeaker. The slender barrel, which was used to add stronger thrust to small rocket-like bolts, was inserted directly. In its esophagus.

"I know you're not lying, but what you said is not enough for me to give you a box of food." Locke said coldly. He looked like an Iron Warrior now. "The next judge or someone else comes here. , you have to help them, otherwise I will let you take explosive bombs next time I see you."

The slave leader trembled all over and nodded in fear. After Locke pulled out the barrel of the gun, he collapsed to the ground and stared with fear at the Astartes who looked similar to his former master in appearance.

Horus stared at Locke.

He had thought that Locke was a man who could easily sympathize with others, judging by his sympathy for the mountains of women he was fed.

But now look at Locke's attitude towards those human slaves...

Horus had to think that Locke had special compassion for those Chaos fetal sacs.

This also seems suspicious to Locke.

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