Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 868 Complex People

"Chaos fetal sac."

"How vicious."

"One thing that the Clonbas have said rightly is that traitors do not deserve to rest in peace."

Qin Mo looked at the scene projected by the spiritual energy in front of him, with mixed feelings in his heart, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Then he subconsciously put himself into the perspective of a person who was made into a chaotic fetal sac. He thought about the unbearable horrific torture and destruction, and then he became filled with hatred for the Iron Warriors.

"Your ability to empathize is very strong." The emperor turned to look at Qin Mo. His life experience allowed him to understand what Qin Mo was thinking at this moment just by looking at him.

Qin Mo nodded and admitted that this was indeed the case.

"But you always put yourself in the role of the weak in a tragic event, which will make you bear pressure that you should not bear." The Emperor added.

Qin Mo was silent for two seconds before responding: "Because I was a weakling a long, long time ago."

The Emperor was lost in thought.

Qin Mo recalled a past event.

That was a period when the Tyrone Sector had not yet been "canonized" by the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was not yet a sector, but just a small force that was expanding its power to surrounding galaxies.

Although the canonization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not taken very seriously, just as the title Lord of Tyrone is always used more than Governor Tyrone, people do not think that Tyrone should be just a sector, and the leader of this sector should not be just one. Governor.

But anyway, the canonization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a landmark event, which means that the empire does not at least openly regard Tailong as a place where heretics are entrenched.

During that special period, Qin Mo suddenly heard An Ruida mention something inadvertently one day, saying that a mother and daughter tried their best to come to Tailong No. 1 and accuse the governor of their home planet.

The reason is that the local governor, for some unknown reason, perhaps a special hobby or just to torment people, transformed the mother and daughter from natural persons into crude artificial bodies that could be easily seen as puppets at a glance.

The mother and daughter's home planet has been taken over by the Tyrone Army, and various logistics machinery, master control intelligence, etc. have also been gradually arranged.

The master intelligence responsible for making the judgment read their two brains and found that the two of them were artificially blinded before undergoing the transformation. They did not see who was performing the transformation. This was not a big deal. The problem was that the mother Many of the people the two women accused were gone, and the evidence was seriously insufficient, so the local governor was not tried.

After arriving on the Tyrone One, the mother who was transformed into a puppet along with her daughter became a research subject for a medical institution in exchange for remuneration. She used the remuneration to buy as many beautiful decorations as possible to make her daughter happy... They There is no need to eat or drink anymore.

This series of events reminded Qin Mo of his mother. At that time, he could not physically travel faster than the speed of light. He took a transport ship to the planet where the accused governor was located, and used traces to trace back and gain insight into the relationship between the mother and the mother in the timeline. All traces of women.

In the end, the governor was tried, and his wealth was used to buy the best artificial bodies at the time for the mother and daughter.

This matter could have been done by any of the guards, but Qin Mo went there in person because he really hated and disgusted the governor.

After reminiscing for a while, Qin Mo's thoughts drifted back to reality and said to the emperor: "I once wanted to become colder, but I found that I really couldn't do it, so I didn't continue."

Hearing this, the emperor seemed to be about to say something, but in the end he said nothing and just smiled.

After looking at Qin Mo with a smile for a moment, the emperor pointed to the psychic image projected ahead: "Have you noticed that even a cruel leader of the legion like Perturabo has his own confidants and defenders."

At this time, the team composed of clones was still walking side by side with Locke and others.

Locke did not become taciturn because of the tragedy he saw. He still talked, but every sentence contained hostility and hatred for the Iron Warriors Primarch Perturabo.

Locke kept expressing his bewilderment at the warriors outside of Dantioch who were still willing to follow Perturabo.

And Guilliman told him the reason why Perturabo could implement cruel rule in the Legion, and why most of his descendants could follow him to rebel with just one order.

Whether it was killing at eleven or any other cruel measures that made people feel inhumane, Perturabo did not personally kill people or supervise certain people.

Instead, someone does it for him and forces him on his behalf.

This is not only the case for the Iron Warriors, but also for the World Eaters.

There is no need for Angron to nail everyone in the legion with his own hands. The Angron supporters led by Kahn helped him promote the Butcher's Nails themselves.

A wise ruler knows that the strength and energy of an individual is limited, so he will use various means to maintain an absolutely reliable group. The people in this group will form the "limbs" of the ruler like body parts.

This is domination.

The scene about the rule reminded the emperor of certain things in the past, so he suddenly said: "To be honest, I have always been able to possess Vanessa. She was with you when you were still fighting in the hive." There has been contact... This is not a coincidence, but a deliberate arrangement by me."

"For what?" Qin Mo asked curiously.

"Because you are in danger," the Emperor said. "Your danger is not the risk of being killed when you did not yet fully control the power of the Star God, nor is it the direness of your predicament, but the fact that you are not He is not born into a noble family and has not learned the art of governing."

"You should understand what I mean."

The Emperor continued.

"Those who follow you may betray you, those who appear to be loyal to you may betray you, and some people or forces that are too influential may force you to compromise."

"For example, if one of your military commanders does something that is intolerable to you, and you want to punish him, you must consider the consequences of punishing him. If the consequences are serious, you will have to compromise."

"But you have never encountered such trouble, or in other words, you have avoided such trouble."

After hearing what the emperor said, Qin Mo's eyes gradually became deeper.

"I don't need to compromise because the existence of guards and artificial intelligence means that I don't need to rely on any management elites or military commanders. I don't need to rely on generals to mobilize the army, and I don't need to rely on anyone to manage my territory."

"When I first left the Bottom Nest, I imagined that I would rely on strict selection of extremely loyal guards to rule in the future, but all subsequent developments exceeded my expectations."

"First, people's respect for me is beyond my expectation, which gives my words substantial power and makes my orders, even if they are conveyed to the ears of the most ordinary soldiers, have authority beyond the generals directly under them."

"Secondly, the speed of my personal martial arts progress is also beyond imagination."

After saying this, Qin Mo lowered his head and thought for a while.

He didn't like to talk about his dominance in the sector, because it would make him feel like a tyrant who gained prestige through self-promotion or hypocrisy, which he never wanted to do and didn't do that because he was most of the time. During the time spent in the laboratory, there was no propaganda department set up to tell people in the sector every day how awesome Lord Tyrone was.

"Off topic." Qin Mo raised his head and stared at the psychic image, "We should continue to observe the performance of the clone Perturabo."

The Emperor nodded.

He didn't talk about Qin Mo with any intention of testing or torturing his sincerity, but he was just curious and interesting about Qin Mo.

This has always been the case.

In the eyes of the emperor's human will, Qin Mo is an extremely complex person.

He has naive hopes and ideas, but he is also a realist and pragmatist.

That is to say, he is proud of the current situation of mankind under his rule, and is proud of the results compared with the mankind under the empire's rule, but he can especially understand why the empire has become what it is now.

Hate the Inquisition, but don't think it should be abolished. He hates the state religion, but he has defended it several times in front of Guilliman.

It can not only tolerate some Dark Eldar in Commorragh to live in the sector, but also cold-bloodedly issue orders to exterminate the human sub-race Beastmen in the sector.

This is complex human beings.

As a will split from the overall human will, the emperor would inevitably pay too much attention to Qin Mo's personal character.

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