Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 866 Raising people

"Were you really once a member of the Iron Warriors?"

"A guy like you who talks so loudly didn't die under the strict iron laws of the legion?"

"If I hadn't been able to see your soul directly, I would have thought you were Alpharius."

The person who voiced his displeasure was not the clone Perturabo, but Magnus.

Perturabo heard Magnus mention the strict iron discipline of the Iron Warriors, noticed the word strict, and cast a meaningful look from his eyes under the helmet.

"No." Locke said as if chatting, "When I became an Astartes, the Legion was traitorous. If Dantioch hadn't raided a transport ship, I would be one of the traitors now, so of course I was not Tortured by the iron law.”

After saying this, there was a two-second pause before Locke complained a few more words.

"If you kill eleven, you didn't complete the task, one out of ten people will die."

"Zhen Jue, who is so smart that he can come up with such a rule?"

"Is it because Petulabo has produced too many gene seeds, or is my legion really so strong both internally and externally that it can withstand hardship?"

"If other legions had not been wiped out long ago, how could they have been dealt with by us guys ten thousand years later?"

Locke seemed to be performing a one-man show, saying several lines by himself.

The clones were silent, like obedient audiences in Macragge's theater.

"He must have been a super chatty person before he had the reconstructive surgery."

Horus thought.

It is not that the Astartes are emotionless, or that they are a bunch of stuffy people.

Dante, the Chapter Master of the Blood Angel Chapter, once regarded others as his father when he was unconscious, and shouted like a child: "Look! Father! I have become an angel!"

But becoming an Astartes does suppress emotions to a certain extent, making Astartes a bit "boring".

The Locke in front of him was once an Iron Warrior, but he was still a talker. Horus couldn't imagine how good this guy must be before he accepted the transformation.

The other thing is that Locke obviously didn't stay in the Iron Warriors for long, otherwise he wouldn't be like this long ago.

"You are also ten thousand years old."

Perturabo, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

"Dante, who has shown obvious signs of aging in the Blood Angels Chapter, is only about a thousand years old. You have lived for such a long time. Have you been in the Eye of Terror for too long, so you can be like those of the Black Legion?" He is a veteran of the eternal war at every turn.”

This sentence was like a ball of speech, directly blocking Locke's gushing mouth.

Locke immediately became taciturn.

He recalled many.

Coming out of the Deathclaw drop pod, he found himself landing on an unknown planet, and the stars were purple.

A fortress abandoned by the Iron Warriors.

Some mutated monsters with no skin and hideous faces.

And those people used scraps of scrap metal and rubbish to piece together the icon, which could only be identified as the emperor's icon from the words engraved on the surface.


"The agreement I signed when I joined the sector clearly states that I have the right to conceal my past, as long as I continue to fight for humanity conscientiously." Locke said coldly, "You are also a special combatant, not more advanced than me, I don't need answer your question."

Locke didn't say another word after that.

Just like Locke's words have the function of warding off evil spirits, when he remained silent, enemies gradually appeared on the way forward.

After destroying many enemies with Ling Locke's combat skills that were outrageous even by the standards of the New Thunder Warriors, the group walked along the simple and monotonous steel corridor into a huge gear-shaped indoor space.

There are many defenders here, but they are not the Space Marines from the Iron Warriors Traitors, but the natives of the Eye of Terror who were tried by the traitors to plunder or rule.

Among them are not only humans, but also the kin of the demon prince of Khorne named Ubondrak - the Hundred Eyes.

Most of these defenders, composed of mortal bodies and a small number of powerful aliens, did not even have the honor to face the original clone. When the original clone and Locke entered the room, many people had already been killed by those Dark Eldar. The warrior assassinated.

All the clone masters and Dantioch had to do was to move forward and shoot every enemy they saw. It was that simple.

After clearing the area like a storm, Horus stopped and looked around carefully.

This is a gear-shaped room.

In each raised space of the "gear" are placed some strange-looking creations.

Before they could see what those gadgets were, everyone's attention was attracted to the center of the gear room.

In the center is a huge pit. The pit is full of arm-like things made of steel and twisted limbs. These things seem to have a life of their own, carrying things up and down back and forth.

What they are carrying is not weapons and ammunition, but food, food that has been concentrated to the extreme.

"Here comes the flare." Locke stuffed a round of white ammunition into the additional barrel under the bolter and fired it into the big crater.

When the light illuminated the entire pit like daylight, Locke's arms drooped and remained motionless, as if his whole body had been hit on the head.

The Primarchs don't need flares to see what's down there.

Guilliman looked up at Locke after hearing the sound of a bolter falling to the ground.

In his opinion, this Astartes' mental quality was either so poor that it was embarrassing, or the things he saw were too difficult for him to accept and exceeded his psychological limits.

The psychological limits of Astartes have never been easily penetrated, not to mention that there are people in this pit who have suffered tragic experiences, and it is not some terrifying thing that directly strikes the soul.

"Material...material...them..." Locke trembled.

Angron noticed Locke's anger, hatred, hatred, sorrow, and sadness. He approached Locke and gently pressed his big hand on the Astartes' shoulder.

There are some people in the pit.

They all looked human, human women.

The signs of human and gender are very obvious on these people. They seem to have been specially selected and do not have much variation in appearance.

And these women have become incredibly obese and swollen.

A person may weigh several hundred kilograms, or even a thousand kilograms... The largest of them is as big as a mountain. It is unbelievable that they are still alive.

And those arms that are fused with steel and flesh are feeding these people up and down, directly opening the modified mouthparts in these people's mouths, forcing food that looks like feces into their mouths, and then fattening them up. The swollen neck lifts, allowing food to slide down the esophagus.

Repeatedly, without stopping.

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