Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 863 Super Thunder Warrior Team

After a while.

"That's what he said?"

"Will you take action before you and me?"

In the room where the emperor's human will resides on the flagship, Qin Mo, who had just opened the door and told what happened just now, heard the emperor ask him this.

"That's what I said." Qin Mo sat on the chair next to the emperor, "Next time you go by yourself, I won't be your mouthpiece again."

"It's not like you don't know my character. How could I say anything if you let me go on my own?" The emperor shook his head vigorously. "My relationship with some of them is already bad enough. Please be considerate of me and don't force me." I beg you."

"..." Qin Mo didn't answer.

The Emperor stopped talking about the next time and remained silent.

After thinking for a while, Qin Mo asked in a rather puzzled tone, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​testing Perturabo's loyalty through infiltration operations against the Iron Warriors?"

"This is something that should have been done a long time ago but has never had the chance." The emperor looked at the empty space in front of him with a cold expression. "Not only Perturabo, but also other clones who have rebelled. If there were traitors from the former Emperor's Sons on Broome, I would have sent Fulgrim down to fight his rebellious sons."

"If we encounter the Thousand Sons traitor in the future, let Magnus go."

"Angron... Forget it Angron, he has proven his loyalty."

The Emperor muttered.

"According to your thinking, why didn't Mortarion go to fight on Broome?" Qin Mo asked.

"I actually let him go. When you and those Khorne demons were killing each other, I asked Mortarion to go and kill the Plague Marines." The Emperor said, "Then, and he never fought again since then. I said something."

"He doesn't talk to you because you doubt him." Qin Mo said.

This was a plain statement, but when it reached the Emperor's ears, it was like pouring a bucket of fuel on a small flame.

"Why should he be dissatisfied? Shouldn't I doubt him? Even a mortal soldier captured by the enemy must be examined, why can't he be suspected?" The emperor paused and continued, "They should They are warriors and leaders, not giant babies! They should know their responsibilities, and they should accept any test as a matter of course!"

Qin Mo looked at the emperor and suddenly felt something was wrong.

The Emperor continued to speak sternly; "Who in the empire has not been tested for loyalty? The original body should not be an exception! I not only want to see the attitude of the clone of Perturabo, but also the attitude of Horus. The attitude of the clone, if he thinks that he and his brothers are still supermen who cannot be tested and questioned, then I will let him..."

"Are you that part of human nature or a fragment of reason?" Qin Mo asked.

The Emperor gradually calmed down, began to think, and then showed a smile on Vanessa's face; "Isn't anger also a part of human nature?"

"I don't think the loyalty of the original clones should be tested, but more complicated methods should be used. It's too simple and crude to just let them kill their descendants, just like your attitude towards them ten thousand years ago. Same." Qin Mo said, "Besides, they are clones, so it's unclear whether the descendants of the original body are related to them."

The emperor looked at Qin Mo with great seriousness.

"They will feel that the descendants of the original body are their descendants, whether they are rebels or loyal."

"It's genetically determined."

"Not only can these so-called clones produce gene seeds that are completely indistinguishable from their original bodies..."

"Some of them are even more like the original body than the current true body."

After listening to what the emperor said, Qin Mo thought about it carefully, but he didn't think for too long and just nodded silently.

The emperor placed his hand on Qin Mo's palm and changed the topic when the whole room began to freeze: "Now let's see how they perform."

Golden light was released from the eyes of Vanessa, the vessel, and the emperor slowly turned his head and looked forward.

After a few seconds, the golden light in his pupils dissipated, he turned to look at Qin Mo and smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, I forgot that you are a Muggle."

"It doesn't matter." Qin Mo shook his head, "I won't do it next time."

The Emperor no longer shares his psychic vision through spirit sharing, but directly projects what he wants to see into the room.

The clone primarchs have been quickly and efficiently assembled by Horus to form a combat team.

Horus obviously didn't want Perturabo to feel targeted, so not only did he take Perturabo with him, but everyone else also perished.

Except Lorgar and Corax.

Magnus was the first to feel the Emperor's spiritual energy. His head hidden under the Thunder Warrior's helmet quickly raised his head and looked up, just in time to meet the eyes of Qin Mo and the Emperor.

"Psychics are always attracted to each other," Qin Mo said.

The emperor did not speak, but Magnus, who was more than ten kilometers away, nodded as if he heard something, then lowered his head and remained silent, without telling his brothers that his father was paying attention to them. .

The Emperor raised his hand and directly provided Magnus with a "coordinate".

This is not the first time that the Emperor has provided coordinates. Inquisition personnel who have been conducting investigation activities before have also received coordinates.

Through the coordinates, any psyker can safely and quickly directly enter where the Iron Warriors are, that is, the iron ring of defense that binds the traitorous legions to the seven planets.

It's just that in the perception of ordinary psykers, the coordinates are a series of vague revelations, but in Magnus's perception, it is a very clear position.

"We don't need to take transportation anymore." Magnus put one hand across his chest, walked up to the brothers with his head held high, and then raised his hand gently.

The psychic channel appeared directly in front of everyone.

The original clones walked directly into the whirlpool-like "door", and in an instant they went deep into the enemy's cave and entered a place that looked like a warehouse.

Horus and Magnus, who were walking at the front, killed the remaining six Iron Warrior traitors here in less than a breath.

"So convenient?" Qin Mo looked at the psychic door behind the clones with interest, "Can you use this method to send some bombs to the enemy?"

"Yes, I'm even going to call two other wills to use psychic powers when the war officially begins to teleport the army directly. The fleet can also be teleported directly to the vicinity of the iron ring." The emperor said.

Qin Mo asked casually and did not expect anything, so he was surprised when he heard the emperor's response: "Can the army and fleet be teleported directly, and the effect is so good?"

The emperor smiled; "First time coming to the Eye of Terror?"

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