Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 861 Recognition of the Star Region

"It's an incredible engineering marvel."

"What method did you use to open a door in the universe and let something the size of a planet run in?"

On the main ship of the cruiser formation, Xin Ning and He Chou stood in front of the huge porthole of a lounge inside the ship, looking at everything happening in the galaxy outside.

The Vika star has been teleported away, and Xinning doesn't know where it has gone. He can only see the energy residue visible to the naked eye after the star gate released huge energy during a very large long-distance teleportation.

"Stargate is a way of traveling faster than light speed." He Chou said.

Xin Ning continued to marvel at the engineering creation of the Star Gate, praising how big and powerful it was.

But He Chou didn't hear what Xin Ning was saying at all, he frowned slightly and thought.

After pondering for a long time, he spoke.

"Actually, you found a step for that ether."

"After all, it is no longer possible to use us to kill Yuan Yuan. There is no point in continuing the stalemate. If it really goes to the point of war, what we will lose is time and efficiency. It is difficult to summarize what you will lose."

"So if you make decisions beyond your authority, it is actually a good thing for the ether."

Listening to He Chou talking about this matter, Ning's elated heart gradually calmed down, and the smile on his face turned into a polite smile common among the Shui clan people.

"Even so, you may still be punished." He Chou continued.

"I understand, I understand." Xin Ning nodded repeatedly.

This experienced Water Clan diplomat can even directly guess what will happen to him next.

And due to the difference in experience level, what Xin Ning can guess is far more detailed and accurate than what He Chou can guess.

"The vision is not dead, the purpose of the Supreme Ether has not been achieved, and even the idea of ​​seeking more profits through black ore has failed due to the force of the situation."

"I will be held accountable for this matter. I will become a sinner if I make decisions beyond my authority. I will even have to bear the blame for the ether."

"Then I will be transferred back to the home planet from this colony to face trial. The anger of the entire species will be vented on me, the scapegoat, just to bring this matter to an end."

Xinning said softly.

He Chou nodded, and his guess was similar.

Everything that happened around Blackstone was considered a diplomatic failure by the higher-ups of the Tau Empire, and someone had to be held accountable for the failure.

Xinning will be the culprit of this diplomatic failure, accepting accusations from the Tau Empire about his weak compromise and overstepping, and will ultimately pay the price for the weakness or overstepping he is accused of.

"Actually, you don't have to bear the blame." He Chou said, taking out a card from his pocket and handing it to Xin Ning, "You have a better future, for example, come to our sector to write some books on diplomacy, or work as a A professor of interstellar relations or something."

Xin Ning took the card and took a look at it, and found that it was a Tyrone Sector ID card to be filled out.

He only needs to register and fill in the identity on the card, collect biological samples, and then he can obtain the protection of the star sector.

"As a Tau, my lifespan is not as long as that of my compatriots, but I still have decades to live. I have to do more for my compatriots in my limited lifespan." Xinning handed over the card. Pass it back to He Chou.

He Chou said nothing and took the card.

"Speaking of which... I would never have thought of making a decision for Ether at a critical moment..." Xin Ning turned to look out the window with a look of confusion on her face, "I have an inexplicable feeling that I am in your projection. After appearing, I really wanted to become more sober. This feeling is very strange, and I can’t describe it particularly accurately, but..."

"Do you... feel like you're being controlled?" He Chou asked.

Xinning nodded in surprise: "I particularly admire that Ether, and I was willing to follow him and agree with him, until you contacted us two days ago..."

"This is called the ether."

"We follow this group not because they are charming or talented, but because they can have a special influence on us, similar to the influence of mental hypnosis."

"The Ethers claim to be natural leaders, so people from other clans will feel excited, respectful, and trustful when they see them, but I have always thought there is another reason for this."

The person who spoke was not He Chou, but the vision coming towards the two of them.

Coming closer, Yuan Yuan first nodded to He Chou in greeting, then looked at Xin Ning and asked: "You should know some rumors about the Ether group, such as their ability to control others, right?"

"Yes." Xin Ning nodded.

"Stop being a puppet of the ethers." Vision stretched out his hand, "I need someone to handle matters between my warriors and allies. Come to me, and together we can free our compatriots from the control of the ethers."

Xin Ning looked at Yuan Yuan's outstretched hand and felt hesitant, but more than anything, she was honored.

"It seems you have a better place to go." He Chou patted Xin Ning's shoulder.

The main fleet of the Golden Expedition.

Inside the flagship, on the lower level, inside the cloning master's residence.

Anruida, a civil servant in the imperial guards, walked quickly in the corridor holding a document, and finally passed a series of security inspection procedures and arrived at a secret room.

When she pushed the door open, Andreda saw the Lord of Tyron and the clone masters surrounding a tactical table, looking at the holographic image of the Iron Warriors' ring defense line.

He immediately came closer and whispered softly to Qin Mo: "The matter of the previously discovered black stone mineral planet is over. A large amount of black stone is being extracted and transported. It is estimated that we will soon have enough black stone for war. In addition... …”

"This matter is settled, right?" Qin Mo turned around, "I understand, arrange a nice vacation for the diplomatic team."

After saying that, Qin Mo's attention was diverted from this small matter and returned to the discussion with the clone originals.

Most of the Primarchs remained silent at the beginning of the meeting, with only Perturabo speaking.

"I speculate that the defensive position structure inside this star ring defense line should be similar."


Perturabo gestured on the tactical table, providing various defensive tactics and defense plans that he had speculated and remembered that the Iron Warriors Legion liked to use.

The traitorous Primarch of the Iron Warriors was Perturabo, one of the Traitor Primarchs.

As a clone of Perturabo, using his memory and the latest intelligence provided by the Inquisitors, he can clearly guess what the defense planning and deployment will be like on the seven planets within the Star Ring's defense line, thus providing indispensable information for tactical formulation. A small boost.

After all the information provided by Perturabo was automatically sorted and transmitted to the bridge, Qin Mo looked at Perturabo.

Sensing Qin Mo's gaze, Perturabo crossed his arms on his chest, looked down at Qin Mo, and looked at him.

"Thank you." Qin Mo said, "If you were not here today, the formulation of the strategy and tactics of the entire war would have been delayed for a long time, because we still need time to figure out what ideas the traitor army followed in laying out their defenses, and Reference conditions and so on... Anyway, thank you."

Hearing this, Perturabo had no expression on his face. He glanced at Qin Mo contemptuously, as if he didn't hear anything, turned around and left, leaving only a cold word.

"I saved you time, now you should stop wasting my time."

After leaving the room, Perturabo walked in the deserted corridor with a brisk pace, pursed his lips and showed an ugly expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

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