Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 853 The time of decision

"Xin Ning asked the captain to throw the 70,000 yuan necklace into space. That's what I heard."

"No! And..."

"Oh... no more. I took the chatter of the Fire Warrior who was going to throw the necklace into serious business..."

The team member responsible for monitoring put down the helmet on his head and looked at his team leader, He Chou.

He Chou thought for a moment and realized that Xin Ning might not be aware that the necklace had a monitoring function. He was just doing it deliberately...

He Chou admitted that he had looked down upon Tau diplomats before, but now he was only surprised.

I think so.

Water clan diplomats have always maintained relations between various clans and also conducted diplomacy with allied races such as Kroot. The diplomatic activities they have engaged in are enough to write several thick records.

On the other hand, as for the diplomatic team... let’s not mention it.

This is the experience gap.

The force in the sector is so strong that even a captain can deal with a small alien civilization incidentally. Without the diplomatic team, everyone really lacks experience and experience.

Come to think of it, the all-powerful Lord Tyrone probably forgot that there are spore creatures in the galaxy besides the spore creatures that kill everywhere, the arrogant pointy ears that treat humans like monkeys, the skeletons that want to kill all organic creatures as soon as they wake up, and so on. Civilizations and races other than alien civilizations can perform normal diplomatic activities, so they did not set up a department responsible for diplomacy long ago and let this department undergo training.

"Team leader."


A call brought He Chou back to reality from his meditation.

"How do we deal with this?"

"Collect what we heard and our opinions, and then report it to the Navy, who will then report it." He Chou ordered, "By the way, I will add another personal opinion of mine, that is, I cannot rule out Ambassador Xin Ning. Possibility of acting knowingly that there was surveillance.”

"Yes." The team members immediately began to organize the documents according to He Chou's request.

"The Inquisition has begun infiltrating and reconnaissance of the Iron Warriors' defenses."

"According to reports from some Inquisitors, some Astartes wearing ancient Dark Angel power armor appear and disappear, assisting in many reconnaissance or sabotage activities."

"As we speak, some heavy weapons used by the traitors may have been destroyed, and a small device in the iron ring that bound the seven planets was blown up. Although the results cannot be called rich, the accumulation is Less makes more.”

In the bridge of the flagship of the Glory Humanity, a large-scale combat meeting is taking place.

Chapter Masters of the Space Marines, Commanders of the Mortal Legions, High Inquisitors of the Inquisition, Sisters of the Sisters of Battle, Foundry representatives from the Adeptus Mechanicus, representatives from the Blood Angels and White Scars Chapters of the Golden Crusade branch. …

In short, everyone who has anything to do with this expedition is here.

It was Eisenhorn who was making the report at this moment.

Even the secret operations of the Inquisition and other Imperial agencies are revealed here, as intelligence is shared between all participants in the Golden Crusade under the orders of the Llane.

After hearing that "the Astartes wearing the ancient Dark Angel power armor came to help mysteriously", Ryan raised his eyebrows, leaned close to Guilliman, and whispered softly.

"Probably fallen angels." Ryan said, "Fallen angels have been hunted for ten thousand years since I fell into coma. I really didn't expect that fallen angels are still everywhere."

After listening to Ryan's complaints, Guilliman thought for a moment and said: "Loyalty is a common advantage of your descendants. The loyalists among the Fallen Angels were misunderstood and hunted, but they still maintained their loyalty to the human race and the empire. loyalty."

Ryan smiled and nodded, thinking about how to bring back those who were still loyal among the fallen angels, and ensure that no filial son of Luther would get involved.

Qin Mo on the side did not hear the conversation between the two original brothers. He was thinking about what Eisenhorn said.

As Eisenhorn said, there are people like the Tribunal and the Assassin's Court operating on the front lines every minute. While the main fleet is resting and preparing, the mortal and superhuman warriors are temporarily working every day. When not in contact with combat, those active on the front lines are carrying out assassinations, sabotage, reconnaissance, infiltration, and eavesdropping.

Perhaps every action and person involved in the microcosm of this secret war is a wonderful and tragic story or an admirable character.

If you think about it carefully, isn't this what Eisenhorn's experience was like?

In a microscopic event within a grand event, a legendary inquisitor was busy with his team, and they sacrificed themselves and died.

When Qin Mo was thinking like this, the guard sitting behind him received the news, then stood up and leaned close to Qin Mo's ear and spoke a few words.

That was the latest development regarding the Blackrock mineral planet and diplomacy with the Tau Empire.

Qin Mo told Guilliman what the imperial guard told him.

As a master of multi-thread planning, the latter immediately guessed the reactions and thoughts of all parties in the entire incident.

Then, Qin Mo heard Guilliman say: "This matter is not that simple."

Qin Mo started to think about it.

Guilliman, on the other hand, directly told Qin Mo what he thought.

"The report from your diplomatic team said that a commander of the Tau Empire who might be separatist went to the colonial area with little future. As a general who is leading his subordinates to open up the living space of species, he obviously has no such leisure, so he is not voluntary. of."

"The Tau Empire behaves as if it wants to go to war, but they have already dealt with your sector, and they should know that they are not capable of this."

"If a conflict breaks out between you, it is obvious that the top brass of the Tau Empire want to use this matter to do something against a commander who may be separatist."

"The black stone mineral deposits are secondary... I think they may not know what black stone is. It is because of your emphasis on this ore that they feel that these black ores are qualified to become bargaining chips."

Qin Mo realized a lot of things when he was halfway through Guilliman's words.

Then Qin Mo began to think about how to deal with it.

In the end, all thoughts turned into one thought:

Go to hell.

"Let He Qizheng's grandson handle this matter and give him the power to mobilize the sector's garrison fleet."

"I have only one request for him. No matter what means are used, let us control the black stone mineral planet as quickly as possible and invest it as a war resource in this expedition. I don't care if we want to start a war or talk, if we talk If it’s fast, then let’s talk, I just want the black stone to be put into the war as soon as possible.”

"In addition, let Nita go to the Angel Fleet to replace Nyadrassa, and have Nyadrassa go directly to the planet where the black stone mine is located. Its mission is to ensure the safety of the planet. The blackstone is so important that the expedition cannot proceed without it. We must prevent the Tau from jumping over the wall and blowing up the ball."

Qin Mo gave orders to the imperial guards.

"Nyadrassa, the Burner?" The guard confirmed the name, then nodded, and immediately conveyed Lord Tyrone's order back to the star zone.

"By the way." Qin Mo thought of something again, "If there is any possibility of slow progress on this matter...let Nydrasa do what it wants."

Qin Mo didn't think about it carefully and didn't spend much time on this little matter.

His mind was drawn to Mephiston's report on the progress of the Angel Fleet's expedition.

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