Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 849 Discussion and communication

Three hours later.

Inside the flagship restaurant.

The Tyrone guards were scattered around the rectangular dining table, and the service staff hired by the fleet were serving each guard's meal.

When a plate of desserts was placed in front of Gray, who was sitting at the main seat, he picked up a spoon, took out a scoop of ice cream and put it in his mouth, looking at his colleague Anreda.

"So, the meeting on the flagship is over. What was discussed?"

Hearing the question from the commander of the guards using a special encrypted message that only the guards could interpret, Anruida first swallowed the food in his mouth, and then recalled the information he received from the main control intelligence.

After each meeting, Anruida is responsible for condensing what was discussed in the meeting, and then conveying it to the next-level officer or naval general through language or other means.

As for those participants who belong to the Empire, they will have their own people telling them this.

"The star defense line established by the enemies of mankind is made up of seven planets. The idea of ​​the Imperial Warmaster and Regent is to make good preparations before starting the attack, such as reconnaissance and intelligence. Everyone knows that."

"Lord Tyrone has the same idea, but now the most important black stone is not enough and needs to be mined."

"A planet with high black stone reserves was discovered closer to Tyron, but it is located in a Tau colony."

Hearing Anruida mention titanium, Gray thought of some recent situations in the star sector.

The Xinxin Tailong Gate defense zone was established. In the process, many alien civilizations were also discovered, among which Titanium was the strongest.

The aliens who were unwilling to move or go to war joined the sector as a Planetary Defense Force as part of the Tyron's Gate defense plan, and those who were willing to move were moved to new homes by the sector.

Titanium is different, because it is powerful. Compared with other alien civilizations, its power is huge, and this is also a relative term.

Such a relatively powerful alien civilization chose to retreat and adjust the original colonial division to outside the Gate of Tyrone.

Before the diplomatic activities against the Tau began, the civil servant Andreda in the Imperial Guard conveyed an order to the diplomatic team parasitic in the naval department. Before that, the diplomatic team had been considered useless, because in There are very few forces in this universe that can sit down and talk with humans, even among the human species.

"Do we still want to talk this time?" Yaoen interrupted, "The planet with the black stone deposits is in the colony that has been established in the Tau colony. There may be hundreds of millions of people and huge cities on it. They Can you make the same concession as last time?”

"I can't say." Anruida confessed, "Maybe it's possible, maybe it's not possible. Anyway, it's just a diplomatic game and exchange of interests. I have to continue to resolve some minor conflicts between us and friendly forces. I can't go back to deal with this matter yet. It depends on the performance of the diplomatic team."

The other guards were silent when they heard this.

The humanity and souls of the Imperial Guards are perfectly preserved in their powerful material bodies. Thanks to the fact that the shaping of their material bodies is not a meaningless prevarication step performed by the Star God in order to devour their souls, their powerful bodies are deadlier than space. The body of the spirit is so perfect that it allows them to retain and feel all the habits and feelings brought about by their habits during their lifetime.

Such as eating.

After the round of desserts was finished, the service staff removed the plates and brought in a large box.

Inside is an isolated space where time stands still, functioning like a refrigerator. The food that the guards love is perfectly stored from the moment it comes out of the pot until now, without the slightest sign of deterioration or temperature drop.

"Can't we go to war directly?" Yao En said suddenly.

Anruida put down her chopsticks and looked at Yaoen who put down his knife and fork and said: "The star sector is responsible for maintaining the logistics of the Golden Expedition. The monthly expenditure is enough to turn the richest star sectors of the seven empires into nothing. If we bear the cost of starting a war again, ...It is true that the Tau are not powerful, but the cost of mobilizing for a war with them is high, so the Lord of Tyrone's request is that it is best to solve the problem through communication and not to go to war unless necessary."

"We shouldn't have shouldered all the expedition logistics in the first place. The empire should have shared some logistics supply responsibilities." A guard said.

"We can't count on the Empire for anything other than fighting." Anreda looked at the guard who was speaking. "Suppose the logistics task of allowing the soldiers' families to come to the fleet to meet is given to the Empire. After the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs has reviewed the soldiers, Make a request to meet with your family, and then the empire will mobilize transportation resources. After this series of things are completed, the soldier goes to the port to meet the arriving family. He will find a child he does not recognize getting out of the transport plane and calls him Zu. grandfather."

After saying that, amidst the laughter of everyone, Anreda stood up and saluted Gray and other guards: "I still have to go to my ship to convey orders to some people in the sector capital and say goodbye."

The capital of the Tyrone Sector.

World No. 1.

He Chou, who was sitting in an independent office on the diplomatic team floor, looked at the logistics machinery that slowly floated over.

A piece of white medicine was stuck to one of the steel tentacles of the machine, and a cold question came out: "Do you want to refuse to use this medicine like last month? If you refuse, please use voice command to submit the request again."



After He Chou issued the order, the logistics machinery printed the medicine into the tiniest substance, recovered it, and then floated away.

That drug is a drug provided by the Star Zone to improve body functions for everyone. To put it bluntly, it is a simple and cheap product of life-extending technology.

He Chou never uses such drugs because he wants to truly feel that he is aging, so that he can have the feeling that time is really flowing.

The current diplomatic team is no longer parasitic in the small dark room of the Navy Department. It has its own floor and has expanded in size.

But the things I do are still not much different from before.

Twelve years have passed since the last event of the diplomatic team, which was the diplomatic negotiations with the Tau on the Autumn Wind. Since then, the diplomatic team has done nothing.

No big deal.

Small things, such as communicating with weak alien tribes or pre-space age civilizations, were done by the Navy without even bothering to ask other departments for help.

If it weren't for his body aging, He Chou would feel as if he would always be at that stupid age, and there would be no such thing as time in his life path.

But sometimes there are some interesting things.

Ding ding ding——

"Team leader, the Water Clan ambassador named Xin Ning has been escorted here by the Autumn Wind."

Hearing the voice from the communicator on his desk, a smile appeared on He Chou's face: "Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

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