Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 846 The price of accepting the essence

After leaving the clone body and turning another corner in the corridor, Qin Mo saw a person standing in front of him.

a woman.

The face and figure remain unchanged for decades, just like the Lord of Tyrone himself.

Every time he saw her, Qin Mo would feel like he had returned to the days when he fought in Tailong's nest.

That was a historical node that made me sigh a lot in retrospect. At that time, the scale and volume of the wars Qin Mo participated in were far less huge than they are now. Hundreds of thousands of people could wipe out all the enemies in the hive, but now only It is the smallest intelligence activity in a military operation, requiring the participation of dozens of judges from the Inquisition.

"Are you Vanessa herself now or the person named Emperor?"

Vanessa lowered her head, and Qin Mo couldn't see her face or pupils. He couldn't see the continuous cold and intermittent sentimental expression that belonged to the emperor's human will, nor the iconic golden pupils.

Vanessa raised her head.

The golden light in his eyes met Qin Mo's eyes, and the two looked at each other.

What Qin Mo was facing was obviously the emperor's humanity.

"Well..." The emperor pondered for a moment, raised his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but somehow lowered his head again and stopped pondering. He remained silent, as if he had swallowed back his words.

"When we were in the conference room, Ryan teased you and said that you have to have the courage to stand up for humanity and confess your feelings. That was the time I agreed with Ryan the most," Qin Mo said.

The Emperor nodded in acquiescence.

"So, do you think the explanation I gave Angron just now is correct?" Qin Mo asked again.

The emperor was silent for a moment and shook his head: "No, but I don't know what the real answer is."

"I know." Qin Mo raised his hand and rubbed his chin, and said in a deep voice, "I have always felt that you are very human, and human nature has not only a good side, but also a bad side. For example, you are very human. Favoritism, inexplicably just like Angron doesn’t like it.”

The emperor's eyes lit up: "It seems true. Sometimes I wonder, if my parents didn't have only one child like me, would they be like those parents who have many children, just hating one of their own for no reason? A child who favors other children. That’s human nature.”

"Are you an only child?" Qin Mo asked, "I was also thinking about whether you would have brothers or sisters, and their descendants would continue to this day. Maybe I can use their genes to create you a child similar to Sanguinius." A carrier like a living metal body.”

Hearing Qin Mo ask if he was an only child, the emperor recalled what happened in his childhood.

He was born into a family in Asia Minor, before mankind had fully entered the stage of civilization.

He has parents and a nasty uncle.

These past events are proof of his humanity.

"A boy and a girl can give birth to a litter of super psychic cubs." The Emperor held his head high and smiled, "When did the human race have such good luck?"

Qin Mo nodded: "Indeed."

The conversation between the two stopped here.

Qin Mo didn't really want to hear these gossips from the emperor's mouth, nor did he want the emperor to apologize for the previous complaint. He was not so petty. He just wanted the emperor to be able to express his thoughts to others. That is to say, at least the human will of the person in front of me should be like this.

The Emperor was obviously not that easy to change, and he deliberately changed the subject.

Realizing that this problem had not changed, Qin Mo could only cooperate and talk about other things.

And this other thing is more important.

"When I was fighting on Broome, I thought that the storm was caused by you. It was the storm that dispersed the blood rain and accelerated the progress of the war." Qin Mo recalled, "But you told me that it was not your doing. , who could it be?"

The Emperor thought for a moment.

He realized that Qin Mo, a psychic Muggle, really couldn't guess, and then he said bluntly: "It's Guilliman."

"Who?" Qin Mo was surprised.

"Guilliman," the Emperor repeated, "Why are you surprised? Don't you know that the Primarchs themselves are capable of commanding extremely powerful powers, especially once they accept their true nature?"

Qin Mo thought for a while and shook his head: "I didn't expect that Guilliman's essence is a storm... No, he can affect spiritual energy, so will his essence be similar to Magnus? He has extremely Powerful psychic talent, but he doesn’t want to use it?”

"That's not the case." The Emperor frowned and shook his head, "If a Primarch like Magnus used his essential power, he could wipe out many stars with just one thought. Guilliman is not that strong yet. situation."

Qin Mo suddenly thought that every Primarch, whether voluntary or not, could actually use spiritual energy to a certain extent. This was the talent of a creature like the Primarch.

Guilliman's psychic powers are there anyway, as evidenced by his ability to ignite the Emperor's Sword, but even if he briefly used the power from his essence to set off a storm that accelerated the progress of the war, it does not prove that his essence is Similar to Magnus.

"His psychic power is pretty easy to use, but it's a pity that he doesn't want to use it." Qin Mo said, "This time is probably an exception. He always comes to me and says that he feels like there is something in the Eye of Fear that attracts him. More than once, It seems that fighting in the Eye of Terror affected him."

"He had better not accept his true nature." The Emperor turned and looked out the porthole at the Macragge's Glory.

Qin Mo looked at the emperor's back and wondered why.

He thinks it's okay not to accept his own essence. Wouldn't it be good to use the power of his essence like Ryan?

Ryan's teleportation ability can be used passively, and he has not become like Corax, and his personality is becoming more and more kind.

Relatively kind.

Even if Guilliman uses the power from his essence, he probably won't mutate or anything. Wouldn't everyone be happy?

"Q\u0026A on subspace knowledge!" The emperor suddenly turned around and pointed at Qin Mo with both hands, "What is the iconic manifestation of the influence of subspace?"

"Becoming extreme." Qin Mo replied.

"Yes, it has become extreme." The Emperor nodded, "I can't reveal Guilliman's nature for the time being, but I can tell you that if his rejection of his own nature loosens and something takes advantage of it, he will What has it become?"

"He will become a ruthless machine."

"Order will be extremely important in his eyes. Any behavior that is unwilling to abide by order step by step, even just to relieve himself during the march, will be excommunicated by this monarch machine in anger."

The Emperor continued.

"One after another, orders that only consider efficiency and order will be issued to his descendants or mortals. If they do not obey his orders, they will be removed from the war machine he shaped by his order."

"Human nature, emotions, these things will be regarded as meaningless burdens. The things damaged by the injured person are the garbage that he thinks must be abandoned. He will make human beings run like your iron man."

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