Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 844 Saplings cannot be straightened unless they are pruned

"I don't know exactly what each of the three artifacts does."

"Anyway, the Tuchucha engine is very useful."

"When Horus was about to hit Terra, I used the Tuchucha engine to run around and give the rebels a surprise and unprepared massacre. That thing was really useful."

In the conference room of the flagship, the three commanders of the main fleet, the Emperor's human will, and the holographic projections of Sanguinius and Jaghatai gathered together for a discussion.

Everyone was not discussing any major matters, and no big decision that could affect the entire golden expedition came from here.

This is just an exchange of talks, organized by Qin Mo, and has already been held several times.

At this talk meeting, everyone can talk about the latest war progress, talk about their requirements and ideas, and get closer to each other.

"Tuchucha Engine." Guilliman leaned on the adamantine chair and looked at Lion, "You have this thing, but you don't support Terra and our father."

"Short-sighted." Ryan put his legs on the conference table and rested his head on his arms, scorning Guilliman. "I played the greatest role. If I hadn't destroyed those forge worlds of the Dark Mechanicus, I would have been destroyed." There are a lot of general cannons and other damn things that are about to be thrown into the battlefield of Terra. The general cannons have already blasted the gates of the Royal Palace of Terra and that bastard Rogal Dorn into rubbish."

Guilliman turned his head.

Lion continued: "What did you do, Guilliman? Why couldn't your reinforcements rush to aid Terra in time? To be honest, if I hadn't woken up and found that you were struggling to support the current empire, I would have announced it without hesitation. You and your cubs are traitors!"

"I really couldn't provide timely support," Guilliman said. "At that time, the auspicious device of Macragge's Glory detected countless Vengeful Spirits."

Hearing this, Ryan said nothing more.

Qin Mo on the side watched the conversation between the two original brothers without saying a word.

Ryan just doesn't care about anything above him and just says whatever he has to say. The accusation he just made against Guilliman was his refutation after he was complained by Guilliman. He himself no longer doubted Guilliman.

Qin Mo felt that the Lion King had something in common with him to some extent, that is, he always said something when he came up.

"There are countless Vengeful Spirits, which are much more powerful than the Tuchucha Engine. But the Vengeful Spirit is not the reason why Roboute was unable to rescue Terra in time."

"The biggest reason is actually that Tzeentch turned the entire solar system into a ritual place. No matter who it is or what it is used for, whether it should be allowed in or not."

The Human Emperor Will on the side spoke.

"So Ryan, I think you did the right thing. If you really use the Tuchucha engine to rush to Terra, you will definitely not be able to make it."

After listening to his father's words, Ryan nodded, and he understood this.

"Let's talk about the battle on Broome." The emperor looked at Qin Mo, "If you hadn't personally participated in the war, we would not have been able to win so quickly."

Qin Mo looked at the emperor.

Not a word, not a word.

The emperor smiled awkwardly.

And Guilliman promptly smoothed things over for his father: "Of course, this should also be grateful to the blue storm and my father for sitting on the flagship. If you hadn't solved the worries, Lao Qin would not have been able to participate in the war in person with peace of mind."

"Hey." The emperor touched the back of his head and smiled.

At this time, no other will entered Vanessa's body and merged with the human will. The emperor behaved very much like a human being, sentimental and full of emotions, without the majesty and coldness he had in the minds of others.

No one would dislike being around such a human will.

Especially Qin Mo.

Qin Mo had once witnessed the transformation of the emperor's human will from pretending to be cold and dignified, to often joking, teasing, and blaming others.

But it was quite interesting to see the emperor blaming others for the past, but when the blame fell on Qin Mo himself, Qin Mo wanted to hang him up and torture him severely.

The flagship of the Glorious Humanity sails through the Eye of Terror.

The engineering fleet previously led by several Blackstone battleships has built many Blackstone creations on the way to the next target system.

If someone is powerful enough to look down at the entire Eye of Fear at this time, they will find that the material power of the real universe has torn the entire Eye of Fear apart. The situation of the Golden Expedition is excellent and the future is bright.

In the eyes of most people, the lackeys of chaos are like grasshoppers after autumn, and they can't jump around for long.

But Qin Mo and others are very clear that there are still several difficulties and obstacles ahead, and no matter how big a storm the Black Legion, which has not been annihilated by the formation like the Death Guard, can cause in the future... Even the Chaos forces in the Battle of Broome are not all. Come on stage.

The Thousand Sons, Iron Warriors, Word Bearers, and other various warbands, large and small, have not all been dispatched yet.

This battle to cleanse the universe is long and difficult.

"I still have something to be busy with." The emperor stood up and looked at Qin Mo, "I have made some progress in my research, we can go and take a look together."

"I still have serious business." Qin Mo also stood up, patted Guilliman's shoulder twice, and then left the conference room first.

When the sound of the gate closing sounded, Ryan looked at the direction Qin Mo left and said solemnly: "He is more vengeful than I thought."

After saying this, the Lion King and the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds looked at their father in unison.

"Why does it seem like it's my fault? It was me and not him who was stabbed several times by his bad mouth." The emperor spread his hands.

Guilliman and Llane looked at each other, then back at their father.

"I think you should have a good talk with him." Guilliman said. "No matter what Corax thought at the time, no matter what he went through, it's not anyone else's fault that he doesn't want to come back. Lao Qin's words are all wrong." If you can't talk him back, how can you blame him?"

"Humph." Ryan crossed his arms on his chest, lowered his head and looked at the table, echoing his brother's words.

The emperor thought for a while but didn't reply.

"With all due respect, you should go to him and apologize." Guilliman continued to persuade, "You were just too excited at the time. After all, you are a purely human part, and you will feel sad and uncomfortable about Corax's refusal to return. … He’ll understand.”

Hearing this, Ryan on the side joked casually: "Don't embarrass father. Malcador is gone, and now no one can make him do anything with the courage he had to stand up for the continuation of the human race."

"Shut up!"

The Emperor scolded both Primarchs.

He stood up excitedly.

"I told you it's not my fault!"

"I was already showing my kindness to him just now, but he didn't say a word or expressed anything. Do you want me to kneel in front of him and beg him?"

Hearing the words "Kneel before him and beg him", Guilliman quickly waved his hands to try to persuade him again.

But the Emperor gave Guilliman no chance to persuade him, leaving only a few words before walking out through the door.

"This time I not only want him to come to me to apologize and ask for peace, but I also want to get rid of his bad mouth!"

"The mentality of this half-human and half-god guy is as young as his appearance, just like... like a young sapling, and the sapling will not grow straight unless it is repaired!"

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