Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 775 God’s Machine, but the Blood God

"The blood god's machine travels across the earth!"

"Praise the Blood God!"

Walking in the skull Titan at the forefront, the demon prince named Killer is sitting on the brass throne and commanding the entire mechanical formation of God.

This is exactly the machine of God, but the machine of God of Blood God.

Every mechanical structural part is shaped according to the same principle as the Demon Engine.

In the vast space inside Titan, the pilot's head was inserted into the symbol representing Khorne's faith. The dripping blood gathered into fine threads floating around the symbol, controlling the entire skull like threads controlling a puppet. Titan.

The flesh of mortal slaves defeated in the gladiatorial arena formed a conveyor belt between the daemon's gear structures, and they howled in agony as the Titan moved, much like the mechanical roar of a real Titan in motion.

Within the Eye of Terror, civilians from multiple demonic worlds were captured and imprisoned in cages made of hot brass.

The cage is hung above the furnace on the waist of the Blood God's machine. The skull-shaped brass furnace emits the heat of the fuzzy space. The steamed blood as hot as lava rolls in the small world inside the furnace, just like Dela. It's like a sea of ​​blood connecting every city on Cassia.

The people in the cage were tortured, and their blood and souls fell into the brass furnace and became part of the steaming blood sea, providing sufficient fuel for the entire Blood God machine.

Each Skull Titan is a machine of unprecedented malevolence.

Their strategic position is not without substitutes, nor are they decisive weapons that cannot compete with the enemy's heavy war machines without being manufactured. They do not even have a reason to exist.

There is only one reason why such war machines are created, and that is to show how crazy and vicious their creator is.

"Report the distance between us and the enemy!"

The murderous weapon sat on the brass throne, clutching a metal skull with its sharp claws, and gave orders to everything in front of the throne with a crazy roar.

An instrument with a ferocious face on the side of the throne made a trembling sound: "We are about 21 kilometers away from the enemy Titan."

"Keep a distance of twenty kilometers!" Murderous Machine roared wildly and ordered, "Don't let us get too close to that soulless bitch, otherwise our Blood God's machine will shut down!"

"Yes, yes, Master." The device responded.

The marching speed of the entire Skull Titan formation gradually slowed down.

The demon servants who had been given murderous weapons by the Blood God now played the role of overseers. They held iron whips covered with spikes and whipped the transmission structures wildly, forcing the transmission structures to stop or move slowly according to their wishes.

To be precise, it is based on the idea of ​​​​a killing weapon.

"Are you ready for the shrill wail?" Killer stood up from the throne, and his roar echoed through the Titan's command deck.

From the beginning of the battle to now, he was like a chicken blood, angry and crazy.

"Ready, finished, Master."

"Fire at the enemy plane!"

"Yes, yes...yes..."

All the Skull Titans stopped uniformly, and the cannon barrels extending from the mouths of the larger skulls on their chests were aimed at every Titan in the Ohm Messiah Blade Titan Legion.

A shrill scream resounded across the battlefield, and then a series of crimson energy beams were released, turning and sweeping toward the Titans.

The beam fired at the Mars Witch turned into a pure energy attack after entering Diana's range of influence, hitting the Titan's energy shield without causing substantial damage.

As for the other Titans, they were protected as they approached Diana. Some of those beams may have penetrated the Titan's energy shield, but they were not able to cause the damage to the Titan's body that the killer weapon envisioned.

"I hate Blackstone!"

"I hate those soulless bastards!"

Killer squatted on the throne, cursed angrily and smashed the armrest of the throne.

His rage even caused the demonic structures of all Skull Titans to become more efficient.

After the mad catharsis, Killer vaguely remembered what happened when he was not the Demon Prince.

At that time, the various killing machines he created still existed based on something called "science", and one advantage of such existence was that even the soulless could not affect their operating efficiency.

But how to make those things, Killer has forgotten.

He was chosen by the Blood God because he was good at, liked, and obsessed with building killing machines, but he also lost something after being chosen.

The Skull Titans have no basis in the rules of reality at all, as evidenced by the pure vicious creations of warp distortion.

These things I made... what was the difference between them and the products of witchcraft I once hated? Killer asked himself this.

After a brief daze, Killer regained his focus and narrowed his eyes to observe the battle.

The Titan Legion on the opposite side was already approaching the Blood God Machine, and they opened fire while wading through the blood mist.

The defensive devices carried by the Skull Titans are all made by Killer itself. The defensive force field similar to a void shield will convert incoming attacks into blood that splashes towards the body.

But the defensive force field, like the void shield, cannot withstand too many attacks.

"Stand where you are and fight them!" Killer roared, blood sticking between the sharp fangs, "I want to see which material creation is stronger, or the supreme creation!"

The Skull Titans did not shy away and opened fire with all their might at the slowly approaching enemy Titans.

These blood god mechanical weapons have no data. They are themselves creations that bind demons within them. If the demon slaves who are loyal to the killing weapons are willing to whip their whips twice more, then these demon weapons will fire more artillery fire. .

God's machines from two different gods were bombarding each other in the blood-mist wasteland, and a terrifying battle was going on between the huge war machines.

On the other side, the Plague Marines and the splintered warbands of the former World Eaters Legion are fighting bloody battles with the Dark Angels and New Thunder Warriors.

Even the mortal regiments of the Astra Militarum and Talon Army are fighting against the mortal believers of the daemon world.

Groups of Iron Man troops are being airdropped from orbit, making this cruel war even more cruel.

The battle between orbital bombing and anti-orbital bombing is still going on between the main fleet of the Golden Expedition and the giant skull fortress in the distance.

From a macro perspective, the Primarch who is good at strategizing, Lion King of Caliban Lion El'Jonson is personally formulating the overall strategy, and Drakasi is the nobleman favored by the Blood God for his ultimate pursuit of tactics and strategy. He is engaged in a strategic competition with the Lion King.

In the turbulent high sky, the Blood God sat on the brass throne, excitedly watching the battlefield filled with everything he liked.

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