Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 773 The Demon Prince goes to battle

"It has been detected that there are still a small number of friendly forces at the fire coverage location you applied for. Do you want to insist on fire coverage?"

"Yes, Captain, thank you."

After communicating with the Titan captain and conducting several indiscriminate fire coverages, Dade at the tactical table secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The position seems to have been held.

The beam emitted by the Mars Witch Titan swept across the front half of the position over a distance of several kilometers. Those plague zombies and the terrifying and powerful demon engine were completely worthless under the firepower attack of the Titan.

The eyes under the gas mask turned to Grote, who was directly opposite him. Dade wanted to say thank you to him.

After all, without the help of those black sphere robots with tentacles, it would be impossible to quickly build a trenched position for a trench war. It would be nice to have time to pile a few sandbags on the position. The Death Corps is unlikely to be eligible to use the first round of Titan fire support.

But the words of thanks were not uttered. Dade's eyes moved down, skipping Grote's power armor, and landed on Grote's half of the tactical table.

The 44th Infantry Regiment is also holding its position.

They were only facing Plague Soldiers, and the situation was not that serious.

Dade originally wanted to organize a breakout force again to go to the 44th Regiment to support them, but now it seemed that it was not necessary, so he gave up the idea for the time being.

At this time, Groat had no idea that the Krieg in front of him had even thought of helping him.

But he would never know, because Dade would not take the initiative to say it, and the sharp deterioration of the subsequent war situation prevented the Kriegs from being able to spare manpower to help other friendly forces on the front.

The situation in the war took a turn for the worse.

Lightning and thunder rumbled in the blood mist that was not covered by the moving black stone obelisk.

Death Legion soldiers repaired fortifications, deployed manpower, and placed heavy weapons in the scorched earth bombarded by Titans.

A cavalryman went around from the rear of the position to the front, running in the trenches until he broke out of the position, rushed out of the black stone coverage, and entered the strange non-materialized blood mist to explore the situation.

The enemy seemed to be retreating, and they did not attack immediately.

The cavalryman breathed a sigh of relief. He was able to take a look at the strange scene in the blood mist during this slightly leisurely time.

There was still lightning and thunder deep in the blood mist, and red dark clouds gathered in the sky, raining blood.

It stands to reason that the blood mist alone would not obscure the vision, but the situation ahead is different from the situation within the black stone's effective range here. Blood is raining in the sky, so it is not so strange that the blood mist can obscure the vision.

Soon, something directly ahead aroused the cavalry's vigilance.

An object as sharp as a spike was jumping up and down towards the position.

The cavalryman drew his flare gun and raised it to the sky.

But the next second the spike-like object disappeared from his sight, and did not appear again for a long, long time.

Considering the consequences that lying about military information would bring to his companions, the cavalry hesitated.

The next second, the Krige and the mutant war horse under his crotch were pierced by a spike-like object, and then "worn" on the spike like a "ring", following the spike up and down. of movement.

Thunder and lightning roared, and light flashed.

A huge giant is approaching the position. It looks to be the size of a Tyranid biochemical titan, but its appearance is like a reptile. The spike-shaped giant is one of its many legs and feet.

It was obviously an alien species called a hundred-eyed insect on Drakasi, but this alien was particularly huge.

The giant worms were followed by the armored forces of the traitorous Astra Militarum, and behind the armored forces were densely packed infantry.

The natives of the demon world, mortals or space warriors who were tied into the gladiatorial arena to become gladiators and then recruited, were themselves Chaos warbands led by space warrior leaders who were members of Drakasi's ruling class.

Even a few demons who were sane enough to share power with the others on Drakasi.

Of course, there are also the relatives of Lord Ubbondrak, those terrifying aliens called worms.

The war leader who commanded these armies was now standing on top of the giant hundred-eye insect.

"We will tear apart the mortal front and make those rumored indestructible regiments tremble under our attack!"

"For the Blood God!"

Ubundrak stepped on the giant hundred-eye insect's head, stretched out his ax and pointed straight ahead.

Crimson lightning fell, causing huge waves of blood around the Demon Prince's mount.

Under the head of the giant hundred-eyed insect, there is a line of small words engraved on the steel carapace that covers the vital parts.

"Gift from Us."

This line of fine print has been scratched.

"Why didn't anyone respond to me with a war cry?!" Ubundrak put down his axe, looking down at the followers behind the Hundred Eyes.

He had just spoken an exciting word, and it was reasonable to expect that there would be deafening war cries as a response from his followers, but there was no such thing now.

However, the Demon Prince soon discovered that his followers were still shouting, but now that they were within the range of the black stone, their voices could not be directly transmitted to his ears by the blood mist.

In front of the Hundred-Eyed Insect, the Death Corps had already entered combat mode. Even if the cavalry sent failed to send a signal, as long as the lenses of the gas masks were not covered with mud, behemoths like the Giant Hundred-Eyed Insect could still be found.

The heavy artillery regiment launched rounds of bombardments at the hundreds of insects.

Within the effective range of the Black Stone, the Demon Prince's mount could not directly ignore those cannonballs, allowing the Blood God's preference to cause the cannonballs to fall elsewhere.

But the giant hundred-eye insect still has a unique trick to defend itself. It continuously releases powerful biological pulses to disperse and deflect those artillery shells and missiles.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull throne!"

The terrifying war cry that resounded across the battlefield came from the bloody mouth covered with fangs of the Demon Prince. Although he was within the influence of the black stone, there was still no problem in shouting a war cry that was enough for everyone to hear.

Ubundrak jumped off his mount, spread his red wings, and crossed an arc with his huge body, landing right in the middle of the Death Corps' defense line.

The claws of the hundreds of insects that followed pierced the tank where the commander was riding.

The Demon Prince swung his ax in a half circle, and dozens of Krieg soldiers in front of him were instantly dismembered.

The Troopers attempted to arrive to help, but they were held back by the Space Marines, a splinter warband of the former World Eaters Legion.

No one on the battlefield could stop Ubundlak. He swung his ax and killed like a dancing dance among the splattering blood and minced meat. It was like a crimson storm, and wherever he passed, there would be rivers of blood. .

The demon prince's slaughter is not just as simple as killing some mortals. Every atrocity he commits on the battlefield and every horrific execution will release soul-shaking power.

More and more people with broken will appeared, and they broke up and fled on the battlefield.

And those who stayed to face the Demon Prince were overwhelmed by the heavy fear. Every tremor of their souls was like an invisible giant hammer hitting them. Just staying still had exhausted their energy. strength.

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