Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 771 Weird Situation

With the assistance of the Titan Legion, the ground forces advanced rapidly.

They were being bombarded by the strange skulls dozens of kilometers away, and at the same time, various long-range artillery fire in the fortress was pouring on the army's head non-stop.

Ironmen take the heaviest casualties, but they are good at taking them.

While covering the advance of the conventional troops, Diana suddenly noticed that two kilometers away from the left wing of her Titan body was the Krieg Death Corps following closely behind the Titan.

The cavalry units of the Death Corps even moved further back than the Cadian armored regiments when advancing. These flexible cavalry were focused on reconnaissance and patrolling. If there was an enemy ambush on the way forward, these flexible cavalry would immediately be able to Discover and report.

After advancing for a certain distance despite the heavy bombardment, Diana suddenly expressed doubts to her deputy: "Why do I feel that the Skull Fortress is like a mirage? We walked for a long time but didn't get any closer?"

After hearing this, the deputy wanted to answer his captain: You must be delusional. If it is true as you said, the ground troops may have noticed it long ago.

But no matter what, the captain is the captain, and the deputy still has to find a way to verify it.

The detection array carried by Titan releases detection waves towards the Skull Fortress ahead. This is not a detection method commonly used by Tyrone's army that is completely based on the rules of the real universe, but a strengthened and improved auspicious device.

The results returned by the auspicious omen were unexpected.

"Captain..." The deputy hurriedly sent the detection results to the holographic panel in front of the command throne, "You must see this!"

Diana looked at the holographic panel on the armrest in the lower right corner, and was surprised to find that the scan results showed that the Titan Legion was always approaching the Skull Fortress. Diana felt that the Legion was not approaching the fortress, which was indeed an illusion.

But the problem is that if Diana's guess is placed on all troops except the Titan Legion, it is correct.

The Titan Legion is always approaching the Skull Fortress, but the distance between the friendly forces and the fortress has not shortened. This means that the distance between the Titan Legion and the friendly forces has been extended to a very far distance. The results returned by the auspicious instrument show that the nearest Friendly forces are also at least fifteen kilometers away from the Titan Legion.

"I'm really fed up with this hellish place like the Eye of Terror." Diana turned her head and looked at the panel on the left side of the command throne, which displayed the situation outside the machine.

The friendly forces were still marching normally, and seemed to be marching to the left and right of the Titan Legion, not far away at all.

After thinking for a moment, Diana chose to trust the equipment: "Report this situation to the Lord of the Legion!"

Report the situation quickly.

Before Omun made a decision, the Mars Witch was the first to stop moving forward.

When the movement joints of this huge Titan slowed down a little, other Titan machines around them realized that it was slowing down, so they also slowed down until they finally stopped moving forward completely.

"Stop." Omn's voice echoed into every Titan machine. "Friendly forces have approached the enemy. We must stop and provide fire support while being alert to the surroundings."

Hearing that friendly forces were approaching the enemy, Diana looked outside the machine in surprise.

Friendly infantry were still advancing on the left and right sides of the Titan, as if the Titan had not stopped at all, and they had not engaged the enemy.

But fortunately, this extremely strange scene did not last long. Diana saw the friendly forces following Titan on the left and right wings began to deploy their positions and engage in encounters with the enemy.

They seemed to be close at hand, but according to the auspicious display, they were far away from the Titans.

"I feel like we and our friendly forces are not in the same time and space at all?" Diana frowned, "Teacher, were we fooled by psychic spells, or was it because of the existence of the Skull Fortress that our friendly forces were strangely interfered with?"

Facing the inquiry from his subordinate and apprentice, Omun just recalled his previous combat experience and sighed: "Welcome to the Eye of Terror."

"The Titan Legion looks close at hand, but we are actually far apart!"

"The terrain and environment of this land are changing. The black stone obelisk can only prevent us from being swallowed up by the environment, but it cannot prevent us from being disturbed by it!"

"There's a powerful Soulless in the Titan Legion... Damn it, what we should have done was huddle up and follow this Soulless because she's unaffected!"

On the top floor of the Leviathan command vehicle, the commanders and officers of all the mortal regiments, as well as the captains of the Dark Angel Mother Regiment, all gathered together, listening to the think tank apprentice explain the current situation on behalf of Ezekiel.

But what was more troublesome than knowing that everyone had traveled for such a long time in vain was that the entire front was attacked by enemy troops that suddenly appeared.

The Iron Man is resisting those enemies, and the Mortal Corps is hurriedly setting up positions. The Space Marines and the new Thunder Warriors who came to support are running back and forth on the entire front, attacking the small number of friendly troops who directly collided face-to-face with the enemy. To lend a helping hand.

Originally, everyone's expectation for the next step in the war was to rush to the vicinity of the fortress and then fight a siege.

As a result, I was suddenly dragged into an encounter by enemies who appeared out of nowhere, but I had no choice but to fight anyway.

"Our two troops are the closest."

After listening to the lecture of the Space Marine Think Tank, Dade, who commanded the Death Corps, walked up to Groot, with one hand behind his waist and one hand stretched out, apparently to shake hands.

"We have to cooperate." Grote did not shake hands with Dade. He turned around and ran to the tactical table in the command vehicle that was reserved for the commanders of the corps to check the current situation of his troops.

From the tactical table, it can be seen that the 44th Infantry Regiment and the Death Corps are almost crowded together. This was not the case before. This shows that the Dark Angel Think Tank is right and the terrain is indeed changing.

Grote dispatched some of the logistics machinery of the 44th Infantry Regiment to the Death Corps' positions to help them build fortifications.

Dade transported part of the Death Corps' troops to the position of the 44th Infantry Regiment to help the 44th Infantry Regiment make up for its numerical disadvantage.

"Can you believe it?"

As fortifications gradually rose up where the Death Corps was, Dade suddenly asked Groat a question.

"What did you say?"

"I just want to say... by changing the terrain to disperse us and the Titan Legion, turning the siege into a temporary encounter... If this happened outside the Eye of Terror, I would feel that our only end is to fight. die."

Grote looked at Dade in surprise.

The face of the leader of the Death Corps was covered by a gas mask, and his expression could not be seen.

And just like other Kriegs, he stood with his hands behind his back and his head held high. His performance was not as "bottomless" as he said.

"Actually, we couldn't have fought in the Eye of Terror. This place was originally the territory of those abominable things. It's not surprising that any strange things happened." Grote said, "At least we were not directly killed by the blood mist and the environment. , we are also protected by the obelisk and have the power to fight."

Grote said these two words to comfort Dade.

But Dade didn't listen at all, he just sighed.

Brothers, there are four updates today. I want to save the manuscript for a few days so that I can review my eyes in a few days so I don’t have to interrupt the updates.

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