Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 765 Technological Tyrant

"I took my descendants to that world in order to save the people in that world."

"We entered the Bloody Duke's fortress and killed the Bloody Duke's machine slaves. We thought this would be an easy operation until we encountered the Iron Man passed down from generation to generation by the Bloody Duke."

"An Iron Man, a security combat type. It wiped out half the company before being destroyed."

Corax's eyes under the helmet were staring straight at the ground, as if the ground showed the same past in his memory as the original body, and he was already in the world ruled by the evil Duke of Blood.

Qin Mo listened silently.

He still thought Corax was beating around the bush, and thought for a moment about what he should say.

It is not without reason to think so.

Crow King Corax and his children went to fight on a certain planet during the Great Crusade. This may not be something worth recording.

Psychotic tyrants like the Bloody Duke can be found throughout the Great Crusade.

But the Crow King and his heirs met the Iron Man and sacrificed half of their company. That is what must be recorded.

That's not just half the company in the battle group gone and hundreds of people dead.

That was the death of half a large company of a Space Marine Legion in the Great Crusade, and it was a big deal.

But Qin Mo couldn't find any memory about this matter after searching his brain, so it was hard for him not to think that Corax was just beating around the bush.

The only thing that puzzled him was that Corax's tone, attitude, and resentment when he mentioned the rule of the Bloody Duke gave people the feeling that this matter was a real incident.


"Finally we reached the bloody Duke..."

"So, you took revenge on the unlucky people in that world?"


Corax's head turned slowly, staring into Qin Mo's eyes: "When I was about to kill him, he was selected by some force, promoted, and became a powerful being."

"Promoted to a demon?" Qin Mo guessed.

He just said it casually.

A technologically insane person like the Bloody Duke described by Corax will most likely attract the attention of the Dark Gods.

He is good at inventing and loves to invent and create, and may be captured by Tzeentch.

But that's not necessarily the case. After all, Khorne likes and admires war technology. It likes wars in which advanced weapons can easily crush and kill primitive people holding fire sticks, although it all makes the war unfair in some way.

But technology is the crystallization of the wisdom and malice of the participants in the war, and is completely different from things like psychic energy.

It is possible that a technological psychopath who invented a war machine and controlled it to kill others could be taken down by Khorne.

It's even possible that Slaanesh took away the psychopath Corax spoke of.

Because people who like to invent and create generally have an extremely strong desire for invention and creation, and a desire for knowledge. As long as it is desire, it is related to Slaanesh.

An old scholar who is not interested in anything except the pursuit of knowledge, and who has not even touched a woman until he is over a hundred years old, may fall into the arms of Slaanesh due to his excessive thirst for knowledge.

Anyway, Qin Mo estimates that the technological psychosis in the story compiled by Corax has become a demon.

"I don't know what's going on with him. Anyway, he has wings on his back, and his originally thin body has become extremely large and strong."

"Just when this bastard was about to have his heart and lungs ripped out with my claws, but he was still frantically inventing a war machine that could kill me, he suddenly turned into the ghostly appearance I saw later."

Corax said.


Qin Mo nodded.

Demonized by Khorne. he thinks.

"I'm not testing you." Corax continued, "I just want to express that the failure of that bastard to be killed by me has become the knot in my heart, the knot in my heart... It doesn't matter, I have the same memory as the main body. , if my body can no longer find and kill that bastard, then it will be up to me."

"Of course." Qin Mo nodded, "Although I don't even know that you have this experience, or even have this knot... But if I meet him, I will find you immediately, and then we will kill him together. .”

Corax nodded.

At this time, he was also a little confused as to why he had the urge to talk to Qin Mo about this matter, as if he had sensed something.

Some kind of omen...

"You know, I also hate this kind of technological psychosis." Qin Mo was about to make up some righteous remarks. Although he wanted to make it clear that there was no need for Corax to test himself, he has always been patient in communication, "In In my opinion, technology should have a positive effect rather than becoming a certain person..."

Corax didn't listen anymore. He bowed slightly and said, "I've been feeling a little unwell recently. Please take my leave."

Qin Mo swallowed the words he finally made up and nodded awkwardly.

Angron, who had remained silent as he watched the clone brothers leave, looked at Qin Mo and said, "I actually have something to do..."

"Your father asked me to arrange for you to participate in the next battle." Qin Mo said first, "I don't know what he means, but since he said it, I can't refuse such a thing."

"That golden slave owner is not even willing to explain?" Angron asked.

"I think it's more likely that he has a reason not to explain." Qin Mo shook his head, "The emperor's human will is not that Riddler-like, at least relatively speaking."

Angron was silent for a few seconds and nodded.

Teleportation lab.

At the exit of the Webway invaded and exploited by Fabius, a large number of Daemon Engines were lining up to pass through the one-way Webway door at the exit.

None of these Daemon Engines are intended for combat, as they contain no weapons within their structure.

For example, the Skull Master was transformed into an engineering demon engine that could hoist giant objects, and the pliers and drills on its hands could be used for manufacturing and excavation.

The demon from the sea of ​​souls was thus bound to the construction machinery and turned into a slave that was worse than the slaves who built palaces for the rulers in the demon world.

The demon prince Ubondrak of Drakasi stood waiting at the exit.

Until after the long team of demon engines came out, a demon prince who was slightly smaller than him walked out of the webway.

When the demon prince left the webway, he carefully admired the one-way door made by Fabius. After sighing that Fabius had learned a lot in Commorragh, he slowly turned his head and scanned the people present. .

The nobles of Dracasi bowed and saluted.

Ubundrak hung the giant ax on his waist and spread his arms to face the demon prince named Murderous Weapon.

"The Bloody Duke, Lord of the War Machine..."

"I welcome your arrival, Killer."

I’ll post three chapters first, and then I’ll post the rest after I’ve finished writing them.

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