Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 752 The Power of Faith

The Blackstone ships are gradually taking effect, and the combat effectiveness of the Plague Fleet is also gradually weakened, but those strange things with evil, blasphemous and disgusting appearances are still showing their claws.

While the void battle was going on, a small frigate in the huge fleet broke away from the formation and sailed towards the Broome orbit.

Except for the decent golden double-headed eagle logo on this frigate, everything else on the frigate showed signs of dilapidation.

The predecessor of the battleship was a Tempest-class frigate in the Imperial Navy. No one knew what its name was because it drifted in the subspace near an Ecclesiastical world.

It just so happened that the people in that poor state religion world were frustrated that there was no ship to carry young men to participate in the golden expedition, so they regarded the frigate as a gift from the God Emperor and repaired it.

The cost of repairing the ship was 4.44 million middle-aged and elderly people in the world. They were taken away together with the frigate by the priests of the forging world. When the 440,000 people were made into servitors, the frigate was simply The repairs were completed and sent back.

In order to raise funds for the young adults to participate in the expedition, the state religion world sold another million people to the priest, in exchange for materials that were enough to support the young adults to reach the front line of the golden expedition.

Out of admiration for the governor's initiative in selling his daughter, the Forge World gave him a double-headed eagle and Ohm Messiah gear logo for free, which were affixed to the left and right sides of the frigate.

The two emblems, although they still looked intact, had obviously been removed from some large battleship, so much so that the frigate was capable of using them as shields.

In short, the frigate named "Invincible Faith", which was caught between the two signs, sailed towards Broome and participated in the orbital bombardment.

In the church on the frigate, everyone gathered around the priest, knelt on the ground and recited loudly the Book of Holy Scriptures that had been revised by the state religion.

Everyone is very religious and serious.

With pious chanting, the frigate sailed to an open position and began to prepare for the bombing.

When the Invincible Faith passed through the Belis Corona sector, he was moved by the actions of the believers and took the initiative to join the battleship. The weapons officer of the Imperial Navy ordered to target the planet on the ground that was pouring firepower towards the Tyron Navy shield frigate. Defensive weapons positions.

"Think about how much you paid to come here and spread the glory of the God Emperor!"


The weapons officer shouted with a bullhorn in his hand.

On the weapons deck, hundreds of people used chains to drag heavy cannonballs. They chanted the God Emperor's mottos and used them as work slogans. Every word, everyone used force at the same time to drag the cannonballs half a meter.

"If you are stupid and have no doubts, then the Emperor will bless you..."

"Only rely on the emperor, the common people can rely on..."

The shells were dragged to the nearest gun emplacement on the weapons deck amid the chanting of proverbs.

It's not that I don't want to use other gun positions, but that this is the only gun position on the Invincible Faith that can be used.

When the cannonball was finally dragged to the vicinity of the artillery position, it was stuffed into the macrocannon with the concerted efforts of everyone.

The gunners trained by the weapons officers were busy operating their weapons to aim at the ground.

In the mountains, the weapons that fire at the shield frigates stand in a bastion-shaped fortress. It is being bombarded by other warships, but the void shield protects it.

"Unrelated personnel evacuate the gun deck!"

"This old guy could kill us all when he opens fire."

The weapons officer turned and walked towards the gun deck exit, but when he reached the exit he found that no one was following him.

The warm-hearted old navy turned back to look at everyone.

Those who were exhausted from carrying the artillery shells knelt down one by one in front of the artillery.

The person closest to the cannon placed their hands on the cannon, and the person behind them placed their hands on the shoulders of the person meeting.

The voice of chanting proverbs still did not stop.

The weapons officer pondered for a moment, then walked back to the believers, knelt down on one knee behind a person in the outermost circle, and put his hand on the shoulder of the person in front.

He picked up the nameplate on his chest and kissed it.

Perhaps the people on this battleship have stronger beliefs than this weapons officer, but there is absolutely no one like him who has ever been lucky enough to see the miracles of the God-Emperor with his own eyes.

"Burn the emperor's will, destroy the monsters in the cave!"

The gun crew members who were driven to the rack struggled to pull the chain, the gun body trembled, and a shell was shot from the only available gun of the frigate.

The cannonball instantly spanned the distance from orbit to the ground and hit the void shield. It was like a stone being smashed into the sea water. Nothing happened except a tiny ripple.

But after a second, the void shield clearly flickered a few times, and then gradually dissipated.

A particle lance fired from a Tyrone naval cruiser pierced the fortress along with the defensive weapons located on it, and the lance even penetrated the ground.

What followed was a violent explosion, and the sky filled with smoke and dust obscured the view of the crew of the Invincible Faith who did not have advanced observers.

Until another beam of orbital bombardment dispersed the smoke, and a burst of cheers erupted from the gun deck of the Invincible Faith.

The location of the fortress now only has a deep pit that is clearly visible from orbital altitude, and there are more deep pits around it. The anti-aircraft fortress on the ground is gradually being pulled out, and the Dark Angel strike cruiser begins to drop land forces on the surface. .

The orbital drop capsule fell to the ground like raindrops, and the flames at the tail of the capsule even lit up the night sky in Broome's eastern hemisphere.


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