Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 748: Deploy troops and generals

The main fleet crossed the dimensional space at the edge of the Eye of Terror.

The location of the entire fleet at this time was the location where the core of Commorragh was teleported out of the webway and then moved to before the Big Bang by the Star Gods.

There is still a part of the city of Comoros that overlaps and merges with the planet.

The forces of Chaos once intended to build a void fortress in this galaxy, but this large project was also destroyed due to the aftermath of the Battle of Commorragh. Now there are only a few members of the Black Legion stationed here.

Just two battleships and a small garrison on a semi-demon world.

The moment the main fleet crossed the dimensional space, it concentrated fire on the two warships and destroyed them instantly. At the same time, it launched nano swarm torpedoes at all the planets in the galaxy.

The nanoswarm that once showed its prowess in the Battle of Baal and the Iron Man battle against the Tyranids is now equally effective.

When the torpedo landed on the surface of the planet, it released a burst of white mist. The nanorobots in the mist swallowed everything on the surface and transformed it into materials that split more nanorobots until the white mist grew to sweep across the entire planet's surface. white storm.

The Black Legion's garrison on the planet was quickly swallowed up by the white storm.

The engineering ships in the main fleet leave the fleet and go to the planet to build small obelisks, and then build large obelisk bases, and eventually build a black stone array that can suppress more than a dozen galaxies.

If the main fleet also implements the original strategy like the fleets of Jaghatai and Sanguinius, then it will not continue to advance at this time, but will stay and defend the planet until the entire Blackstone Array is established before continuing to advance. , but Ryan had formulated a new strategy long before the fleet set off.

The main fleet continued sailing until it reached Broome.

When dimensional navigation is not possible, all warships will use other super-light speed methods to reach their targets.

"The subspace jump coordinates have been marked."

The main control intelligence prompt sounded in the bridge of the Glorious Humanity.

In other warships in the entire main fleet, prompts also appeared at the same time. The engines integrating two super-light navigation methods automatically adjusted to a more suitable navigation method.

Since the target is in the Eye of Terror, the flagship of the Glory Humanity responsible for navigation needs to set its coordinates near Broome, so this step involving subspace and psychic energy needs to be completed by someone who can use psychic energy.

And this work is exactly what the iron man called the scholar is good at.

After the main control intelligence broadcast the countdown, the jump force field was deployed on the flagship and spread around until it covered every warship in the fleet, even those transport planes that were still carrying supplies back and forth near the transport ship. .

In the end, the appearance of the entire fleet became more and more blurred, turning into a blurry phantom in the vision, speeding towards the depths of the Eye of Terror.

"Estimated to arrive near Broome in five minutes."

The beep echoed within the bridge again.

All warships are ready for void warfare at this moment, and even the transport ships have opened their heavy shields and are preparing to drop the army under ground fire.

It is not easy to teleport in the Eye of Terror, so the conventional army cannot teleport directly. Fortunately, the Tyron Army has been training while the fleet is sailing and waiting, and since the establishment of the Tyron sector, some Tyron Army are also extremely good at it. Conventional ground warfare.

"Prepare for the next war on Broome." Guilliman walked from the porthole to the tactical table.

Lion walked across from Guilliman and leaned down, placing his arms on the edge of the table.

The holographic image of the planet Broome, all the battleship formations in the main fleet, and the logos of the army and space warriors automatically appeared, and the display was very clear.

When Ryan reached out and touched the symbols representing fleets or legions, the symbols of the troops he selected to participate in the first wave of landing operations were placed into the holographic squares on the right. Each square has a different function. .

The troops selected to participate in the first wave of landing battles are automatically placed in the "Vanguard" square.

Whether those troops were the Astra Militarum or the Space Marines, alerts sounded on the ships they were on. The flagship of the Glorious Humanity also used tractor beams to drag their ships to a position slightly forward of the fleet. A large number of logistics machinery began to check and join the battle. weaponry.

"What about the Kriegs? You need people who will fight hard." Guilliman stretched out his hand and pointed at the skull symbol in the holographic projection.

That was none other than the controversial legion of the Astra Militarum, the Krieg Death Corps.

This regiment once participated in the famous siege of Vraks in the history of imperial warfare. Their characteristic is that they are willing to sacrifice everything for the emperor and obey orders absolutely. Even if the orders from their superiors are stupid and blind, they will not do anything. Carry it out without hesitation until the entire army is annihilated.

The Krieg Death Corps can only fail in two situations.

The first is that people are dead.

Second, it encountered a terrifying and powerful enemy that no matter how strong a mortal will and mind could be, and therefore collapsed.

"I don't have any critical battles or positional battles that I have to let them go to yet. Let them wait for now." Ryan stretched out his hand and dragged the skull symbol of the Death Corps to the reserve square area.

In the last transport ship of the fleet produced by Beisiu Shipbuilding Group in the Tyrone Sector, the soldiers of the Death Corps on the assembly deck heard a prompt asking them to wait.

The Krieg soldiers, all wearing masks and standing like sculptures, continued to stand there, waiting for the Warmaster to activate them.

"I still prefer the Cadian people." Ryan stretched out his hand and dragged the logo of the Cadian Assault Army into the vanguard square, and then the head of their commander, Supreme Lord Creed, appeared next to the square and was Marked with the word "Commander".

The Cadian Assault Army has no absolute characteristics. They are strong in all aspects and are good at using various tactics. Their commander is still Creed, who showed his prowess in the Battle of Cadia that year.

Ryan preferred to have the Cadians be the vanguard.

"And then...the Ventrilians."

Another Astra Militarum regiment was designated as the vanguard.

The Ventrillian noble army comes from a rich world that produces crystals and has become extremely rich as a result.

But wealth has not corrupted the will of the Ventrilians. They are extremely martial. What the nobles show off to each other is not the fine things they have eaten and played with, but their achievements in martial arts.

It was quite surprising to Guilliman that Llane asked these old soldiers to serve as the vanguard.

What the regent didn't know was that when Llane became Warmaster and integrated the Astra Militarum decades ago, the Ventrilian nobles had strongly supported him, and all they asked for was to serve as the vanguard in a large-scale war.

Ryan is now fulfilling the promise he made to the Ventrilians back then.

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