"So easy?"

"What's so easy?"


Facing Bendis who looked puzzled and asked what was easy, Guilliman shook his head slightly.

The reason why he lamented "so easy" was because after Horus returned to the cloning Primarchs and announced that the Primarchs would fight as the new Thunder Warriors, everyone began to discuss whether Commander Bendis would be willing Share power with others.

The cloned original body is also the original body, and it is impossible to be an ordinary warrior. That would be a waste of natural resources. After all, they have to assume the responsibility of command or planning.

But this involves a problem.

The current command of the new Thunder Warriors belongs to Bendis. If they want to work with the originals in the future, it means sharing power.

Guilliman voiced his concerns.

Ryan, who happened to be present at the time, said: "The new commander of the Thunder Warriors seems to have been brainwashed by all kinds of big principles, such as for the real universe and human beings. He will not mind sharing power with us."

At that time, Guilliman also said that Lion thought too easily.

As a result, after chatting with Bendis now, I found that Ryan was half right. Bendis was indeed willing to share power because he believed it was beneficial to the great cause he was doing.

As for the great cause Qin Mo talked about in the past about fighting against the enemies of the real universe, he himself absolutely believed what he said. Otherwise, as a god, why would he have any need to help humans instead of doing whatever he wants.

Thinking of this, Guilliman suddenly sighed: "I suddenly can't wait to go to your star sector."

"Not just you, but your body as well." Bendis nodded with a smile.

The new humans simply cannot resist the attack of the new Thunder Warriors with their numerical superiority.

Just like the teleportation points in the past, the teleportation points in this laboratory were also cleaned up. The teleportation device was transformed into a killing machine by Bendis using technology. Everyone who was teleported from it would know how to die. Don't even know.

But when a group of people were about to teleport away as before, some special information scanned by the drone caught Bendis' attention.

Scanning information shows that there is a warehouse at the bottom of the laboratory for storing biological organisms, and there are some special life forms in it.

Bendis thought it was a new human that was about to be produced, but when he let the combat team leave first and he and Guilliman headed to the warehouse, he found that he had guessed wrong.

There are rows of cans in the large warehouse.

It was much smaller than the jar used for the original cloning body, and what it contained was not the original cloning body, but women who looked exactly the same one after another with slight mutations.

And this warehouse is obviously not simple either.

The decoration is more like a shelter, a collection for relaxing the soul.

There is a colorful oil painting hanging on the wall, which depicts a purple-armored space warrior with a very handsome face and long, beautiful white hair.

"Who is that?" Guilliman asked, pointing to the painting, thinking that Bendis would know better.

Bendis did not answer immediately, but stared at the painting for a while, and then said: "According to the facial scan comparison, he is Fabius."

"Fabius?" Guilliman had seen Fabius's photo in the main laboratory on Broome.

That bastard is a Mediterranean man covered in white fur. He is a world away from the handsome man in this oil painting.

But Bendis is extremely sure that it is Fabius.

"Who hasn't been young yet." Bendis glanced at the painting, turned and walked to the jars containing a mutated woman.

There are thousands of jars here, large and small, but they all contain the same person.

The man was tall, with cold white skin and long white hair, and looked very beautiful.

But this woman has mutated, everything has mutated. The elder has alpaca-like hooves, her hands have turned into claws, and she has also grown a pair of long horns.

Curious, Bendis reached out and touched the jar closest to him.

Each new Thunder Warrior can perceive the material past to a certain extent, thereby achieving an effect similar to insight into the past, so that they can instantly figure out what happened on the battlefield in the past.

It may be difficult to open the Forge Dimension on Broome, but that's because Broome itself is in the Eye of Terror.

The equipment used by Fabius Bayer, who hates psionic energy, is all invented and created, rather than directly stuffing demons or other subspace creatures into it to simply and crudely create what he wants.

So Bendis can sense Jar's past.

"Beautiful Luxin."

"Sorry...I can't do it."

Fabius stood in front of the jar, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the shell, his face expressionless but his tone slightly sad.

The woman stored in the jar in front of him was gradually mutating from a creature that was more powerful and advanced than humans, and became a potential slave of the dark god like a beastman.

Seeing this, Bendis opened his eyes and said to Guilliman: "The name of the woman in this jar is Meroxin, and her creator is Fabius Bair."

Guilliman nodded after hearing this, not caring about the past of the person in the jar, because this was Broome, Fabius's lair, and there were many such weird creatures.

Bendis, on the other hand, was deep in thought.

The New Thunder Warriors have biological organs specially used to store memories and information, which contain some information that Qin Mo knows.

Bendis discovered that the meloxin in the jar was a jar organism.

This means that life that can only grow in a jar cannot reproduce.

Jar organisms are new human prototypes that are unable to reproduce themselves.

As for Meloxin, the first jar creature, she was snatched away by the traitorous primarch Fulgrim as soon as she was created, and she was corrupted into the demon of Slaanesh.

Fulgrim forced Meluzin to dance in the realm of Slaanesh, and if she stopped she would be eaten by the demon.

As for the hundreds or thousands of Meluxins in front of us, they are the products of Fabius Bayer's attempt to save Meluxin. Their function is to become a container so that Meluxin's soul can come to this place that is completely untouched. In a polluted body.

But Fabius failed.

He tried many times, but every time he found that the body of the container made for Meluxin would mutate like her body, growing like a Slaanesh demon.

"A group of failed and dangerous creations." Bendis raised his hand.

The rushing lightning swept away hundreds of failed containers in the entire warehouse and reduced them to ashes.

Bendis then ran to the corner of the warehouse, found the console used to control each tank, and absorbed all the data stored inside.

"Perhaps the new humanity is not just a creation of Fabius." Bendis looked at Guilliman.

The latter nodded first, and then suddenly felt horrified when he thought about it: "What do you mean, the reason why they were born is because the dark gods helped Fabius?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe it's because Fabius himself is in the Eye of Fear and created new humans here. Those evil beings in the subspace may have had an impact on him and his creations intentionally or unintentionally."

Bendis stores all the information he collects.

"But whatever the reason, we can destroy them completely."

"Let's get out of here and give these to the Scholars and Magnus."

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