Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 725 Awakening

"We should divide our remaining brothers equally among the seven planets, and then pull them out of the jar at seven o'clock in the morning in the real universe, because seven o'clock in the morning represents rebirth and a new beginning."

Mortarion's suggestion made Perturabo frown.

He asked Mortarion: "You said seven because you used your bullshit numerology to study that the number seven is really useful, or because you simply like seven, just like you always liked to do things in the Great Crusade." Same as above?"

Hearing this, Mortarion's eyes dropped to the floor, and then raised to Perturabo's face: "I... figured it out."

Perturabo clenched his fists.

Mortarion stood up from the machine Perturabo had built, wary of his twisted brother.

But Perturabo unclenched his fist again and said suddenly: "Maybe we can try."

"Do you understand me?" Mortarion asked in a tentative tone.

Perturabo shook his head: "Maybe numerology does have some use, because if it did nothing but make you look stupid, you wouldn't be so obsessed with it."

Mortarion had mixed emotions. He didn't know whether to express his gratitude to Perturabo for his support or to punch Perturabo.

"Don't listen to Mortarion."

"His suggestion may indeed be able to wake up the other original bodies immediately. After all, this is the Eye of Terror, and mysterious things happen all the time."

"But apart from allowing some god to obtain a dozen cloned plague pigs, it has no use."

Qin Mo said and walked past Mortarion.

He knew exactly what Mortarion's favorite number, seven, stood for.

Represents Nurgle, the great demon of Nurgle.

The seven people in the Aix hospital who almost led to the fall of Aix during the plague war are examples.

"Don't keep trying to get better."

"I don't know what seven represents in your eyes. Anyway, in this universe, it represents evil, disgusting and dirty rotten things."

As he spoke, Qin Mo walked to the tanks where the original clones were sleeping, and inserted a creation that stored the cracking program into the instrument connected to each tank.

After spending a while to create this instrument that could paralyze the defense mechanism of an organism, Qin Mo prepared to use hard cracks to awaken the remaining clones.

Perturabo glanced at the instrument that Mortarion had just sat on: "It might come in handy."

"The thing you built will not have any use other than wasting the few materials." Qin Mo directly rejected it without even looking at what Perturabo had spent a lot of time making.

Perturabo was visibly unhappy.

"This is not a war machine you built, or a fortification used for defensive warfare, so it is definitely not as useful as imagined." Qin Mo added.

Perturabo twitched the corner of his mouth, and left with his head held high, ready to go to the ground to help build some fortifications to protect the entrance to the laboratory.

Mortarion stood up and came to Qin Mo, leaning on the jar where the sleeping Horus was, and continued to introduce numerology to others.

"Are you as disdainful of my numerology as Perturabo?" Mortarion asked with a sneer.

Qin Mo glanced at the clone Guilliman, then turned back and continued to operate the instrument: "There are also Guilliman, and Magnus... there are too many to look down upon."


Mortarion misses your bad mouth...

Despite all kinds of dissatisfaction, Mortarion decided to correct Qin Mo's thoughts.

"You told us before that you were once a member of the 44th Infantry Regiment, and your service number was also 4."

"Do you know what 4 means? It means luck. It is a very auspicious number."

Listening to Mortarion's story, Qin Mo shook his head: "I don't think so."

Qin Mo couldn't help but recall his feelings when he heard a series of 4 hours when he was captured and sent to the bottom nest for hard labor.

The heart feels cold and the heart feels cold.

My little hands are cold.

Because in Qin Mo's opinion, the prisoner numbers for the series of 4 and 44 Infantry Regiments are also 4. This bunch of 4's is the homophone of death, death, death, death.

He thought he would die in the bottom nest.

"Maybe you thought you were finished at the time, but you were not. You led your people to victory."

"You jumped from an ordinary soldier to the master of the hive world, then the master of the galaxy, and then the master of the star sector..."

"Five hundred people from the world are always from Great Ultramar. What's so big about? Isn't it just the size of a star sector? Your achievements are similar to those of a Primarch."

When Mortarion mentioned the Five Hundred Worlds, Guilliman said: "Let me remind you, the place where the Five Hundred Worlds are located is called the Ultimate Star Field."

Mortarion pretended not to hear and continued to chatter.

But Qin Mo interrupted him: "If you don't want to help me, then you can do other things, such as going to the entrance to strengthen the defense, or going to kill the new humans with the Iron Men."

"I want to help you," Mortarion said. "Use numerology to help you."

Qin Mo glanced at Mortarion, his eyes helpless and cold, and then turned back to continue the work at hand.

Fabius installed many insurance measures in the body of the original clone.

These insurance measures were not to make the clone subject to his control, but to ensure that the clone could never awaken before growing and allowing it to awaken.

And these insurance methods are being quickly cracked and eliminated.

Qin Mo spent a lot of time studying the body of the cloned original body and building equipment for cracking biological insurance, and awakening the original body was a quick matter.

As the awakening program started, the substances created by Qin Mo began to be supplied to the cloned original body in the jar.

Only a little bit of substance is injected into it.

Then the sleeping clones opened their eyes one by one, first looked around in horror, and then fell out of the gradually opened tank.

one by one.

The sound of flesh colliding with the ground continued for more than ten times.

Qin Mo glanced at the awakening clones one by one, and finally his eyes fell on the cloned Sanguinius.

He was thoughtful, then looked away and looked at Fulgrim next to Sanguinius.

Qin Mo once met the real Fulgrim in the demonic realm of Slaanesh in the subspace, and saw the shamelessness and madness of that bastard.

Not only did the Fulgrim in front of him not turn into a snake, he didn't look that shameless. He even looked around for something to hide his shame.

Among these clones, there were even two Alpha brothers, but Jaghatai was missing.

Qin Mo could probably guess why Chagatai was missing, because Fabius probably had heard about this sensible man. He was afraid that Chagatai would see something, so he teleported him away or killed him first.

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