Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 722 Book of Disaster

Underground in Broome, in a branch research facility.

The three death shrouds advanced on the straight corridor, and the person at the front of the team was responsible for breaking the trap and leading the way.

The person at the back of the team is responsible for intercepting the gland hounds that appear from everywhere.

The person in the middle is holding a book of disasters.

In the lair of the Death Guard, there is a library on the Plague Planet, which was once used by Mortarion to store various forbidden books, including various theoretical files on his research on the plague virus, as well as the forbidden books on numerology he studied. , a complete collection of vicious spells filled with curses.

The most precious collection in the library is the seven books of woe. Mortarion will occasionally take out one of these books and give it to the champion warrior he likes.

The Deathshroud wielding the Disaster is clearly a champion of Mortarion.

But the champion now serves someone other than Mortarion.

The three-person team moved forward for a while.

When the person at the front of the team suddenly stopped and showed the auspicious device covered with tumors and tentacles to the champion behind him, the champion realized that they were taking a meaningless detour in Fabius' laboratory. .

But the apocalypse has shown a new path.

"Go to that new route now!"

Typhonse's command rang in the ears of the three Deathshrouds.

Immediately after leaving Melham, Typhons was busy looking for the sacred artifact stolen by Fabius, and he already knew that the sacred artifact was located on Broome.

But in front of Vashtor, Typhons, who showed his attitude of going to Broome to retrieve the sacred artifact no matter what, became hesitant and cautious.

Since Fabius can find a way to steal the Holy Artifact, he will never leak the news that he obtained the Holy Artifact just after stealing it...

He may be deceiving.

Typhons did not immediately assemble a huge plague fleet to attack Broome, but ordered three death shrouds to investigate Broome to confirm whether the holy artifact was on Broome.

If it exists, even if this is Fabius's trap, then he still has to snatch the sacred weapon.

Now, Typhons is waiting for the investigation results of the three death shrouds.

"Don't hesitate, find me the holy weapon!"

When Typhons, who was far away on the plague planet, pressed for orders again, the champion in the death shroud had to take out the book of disaster.

The cover of the book shows a face twisted in pain.

When the champion reaches out and turns the pages of the book with respect, the face on the cover of the book will let out a painful wail.

The champion found the page he wanted to see. This page contained a spell that could save him the trouble of traveling.

"Sa, Kansa."

An incomprehensible sound came from the big mouth in the champion's belly.

This sound cannot be made even by the Eldar, but can only be made by the mutated limbs that grow after accepting the faith of Nurgle.

As the spells came out one after another, a twisted crack appeared in front of the three death shrouds.

When the crack appeared, a faint green light filled the corridor, and the walls, floor, and ceiling mutated to varying degrees.

A six-meter-tall twisted head grew out of the place where the crack was. The skull opened its mouth as if it was ready to swallow everything.

The death shroud champion closed the page in silence, and walked slowly towards the mouth of the twisted skull amidst the wails coming from the cover of the Book of Disaster. He disappeared first, and then appeared deeper in the laboratory.

The other two death shrouds also entered the mouth of the skull and were teleported directly to a new place, which was the new route shown on the auspicious device.

These three death shrouds came to Broome in the same way just now.

Directly through the spell in the Book of Disaster, a long distance was crossed in an instant, from the plague planet directly to a certain laboratory on Broome.

For this spell, just traveling through different routes in the laboratory is overkill, but there is no way.

The Deathshrouds move on.

As before, enemies appeared in the corridor, but this time the enemies were no longer Fabius's creations such as gland hounds, but some Space Marines wearing crimson armor, some Daemons of Khorne, some with paint on their bodies. Mortal servants of blood and blasphemous symbols.

Strictly speaking, these people are not enemies, because they were all very confused when they saw the sudden appearance of the death shroud.

But the Deathshrouds easily used their scythes to make their enemies wither in doubt.

Following the guidance of the augur, they advanced while killing, and finally the auger detected the location of the sacred artifact.

The location of the Plague Ark stolen by Fabius and the Horn of Infection is at the end of the road ahead.

The champion holding the Book of Disaster raised his head and looked forward.

At the end of the view is a huge metal gate.

"Forward! Forward!"

Typhons, who was far away on the plague planet, had seen all this through his spiritual energy, and at the same time used his spiritual energy to project his voice onto the death shrouds.

The Deathshrouds knew that they should move forward without Typhons's nonsense, because the holy artifacts belonged to all their loyal servants of Nurgle, not Typhons's alone.

But before the Deathshrouds decide to move on, a gate opens on the right side of the road ahead.

A Daemon Prince of Khorne emerged with a red-armored Space Marine and a mortal slave who appeared to be a general.

On the left side of the corridor, an alien walked out of it. It had many legs and eyes.

The champion of the Death Shroud immediately remembered that the name of the alien was the Hundred Eyes, a race of intelligent aliens that inhabited Dracasi.

Hundred-eye insects appear here...

The champion looked at the Daemon Prince of Khorne and suddenly realized that this guy might be Lord Ubondrak of Drakasi.

Because Ubundlak did not rise from a human to become a demon prince, he was originally a member of the reptile race, the Hundred-Eyed Insect.

Even though it doesn't seem to have any traces of the 100-eye insect race on its body now...

"Fabius actually called the Death Guard for help?"

Ubundrak, like those killed by the Deathshrouds before, was very surprised by the appearance of the Death Guard forces.

As a person who had just been asked for help by Fabius, the reason why Ubondrak appeared in a small branch laboratory on Broome was because Fabius told him that this laboratory was used for research. Delivery technology rather than biotechnology.

Ubundlak's purpose of entering this teleportation technology laboratory was to use it as a secret military camp to deal with the enemies on Broome.

Enemies in the main laboratory.

The appearance of Death Shroud could not help but surprise Ubendrak, because he did not know that Fabius had a way to mobilize Typhons.

After a brief daze, Lord Dracasi was ready to say a few words to welcome the new allies.

He is not a man too cruel to communicate, as evidenced by his ability to share power with many individuals on Drakasi, including mortal slaveholders.

But just as the words of welcome were about to be uttered, Ubondrak saw the corpses behind the death shrouds.

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