Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 706 Try resurrecting yourself

After landing on the ground with a plop, Lucius looked at Heat Death in surprise.

He was not unable to react. After all, with the blessing of Fabius's combat potion, he had reacted just now when Re Death cut off both of his arms with his sword.

But this reaction refers to realizing that you are finished.

Heat Death easily cut off Lucius, who was known for his sword skills, but both of them knew how complicated the process was.

Lucius tried to use his usual test to at least find out the close combat strength and habits of the iron man in front of him.

The moment he made his move, Heat Death analyzed his characteristics.

Analyze from the strength of the move, the angle, the dominant hand, etc.

Then compare the data in the database, deduce, and deduce the moves Lucius may use next.

After the data comparison is completed, calculate your best move, strength, and angle, and choose the move with the greatest chance of killing the enemy in one hit.

If Qin Mo knew what kind of analysis Heat Death conducted, he would think it was unnecessary.

Lucius is best at swordsmanship.

But... if you can't do it at a high level, you can't do it at a low level.

He was killed repeatedly by a ruthless man nicknamed "Xi Sword Immortal".

The reason why Lucius can survive until now is not because of how powerful he is, but because of his unreasonably powerful resurrection ability.

"My iron man saw you on the battlefield just now. I still didn't believe it, thinking that you wouldn't sacrifice your life for Fabius."

"But you gave me a surprise."

Lucius's broken body floated, passed through the iron man who cut off his limbs, and came to Qin Mo.

"I think Fabius deserves to die even more than you do." Lucius gritted his teeth.

I didn’t feel it just now.

But now I calm down and think about it, Fabius must have added some ingredients to the combat potion.

Similar to the ingredients Fabius added to his biochemical soldiers, people don't think about why, but only how to do it.

"Every face on this armor is someone who has defeated you." Qin Mo stretched out his hand and gently touched the twisted faces on Lucius' armor.

As he said, every face on the armor was someone who had defeated Lucius.

It's all over the armor.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or if it’s true.

Qin Mo felt that those faces were staring at him and showing him twisted smiles.

They still survive in this weird and twisted form.

They rejoice in the imminent eternal liberation.

Qin Mo's hand moved and clasped Lucius's neck.

"Try if you can revive me."

As soon as he finished speaking, lightning rushed out from Qin Mo's arm and poured into Lucius's body.

Lucius's seven orifices sprayed out electric light, and his entire body quickly turned into a piece of coke.

When Qin Mo let go, coke fell from the giant whale's head and fell to pieces on the ground.

Of course Lucius cannot be resurrected.

His soul and the other souls bound by his soul were even eaten by Qin Mo.

"The entire Inquisition has to thank you." Eisenhorn breathed a sigh of relief, "This bastard is dead."

"The Tribunal must thank me, because I not only killed Lucius, but I also killed those new humans." Qin Mo turned around, "How will the Tribunal thank me?"

There was no expression on Eisenhorn's paralyzed face, but there was some joking in his tone: "Please leave your name on the faces of the Lord Inquisitors and come here."

"Ha, I thought you didn't decipher the words I left on the wall of the Inquisition."

Meanwhile, inside the research facility.

"Host dies."

The alarm on Fabius' waist sounded a warning.

Upon hearing this prompt, Fabius knew that Lucius, who had taken the opportunity to implant the tracker through the potion, was dead.

Although Lucius was not expected to do anything big, his death so quickly still made Fabius regret the incident while adding ingredients to the potion.

Because if we don't add ingredients to the potion, at least Lucius can think about whether he should die after seeing the enemy, then he can at least live a little longer.

The enemy will hunt Lucius after discovering him, and they can delay it for a little longer.

The matter has come to this, and it is useless to say anything.

Fabius threw the alarm away.

In the jars where the originals were sleeping in front of him, the cloned originals he decided to release were going through the last steps before awakening.

One by one, the tubes used to transport nutrient solution detached.

The five clone masters who entered the awakening process awakened.

After the tank shattered, the five clones fell to the ground, panting violently, but they quickly adapted to the discomfort when they just woke up and resumed their ability to move normally.

Then Ryan suddenly became violent, grabbed Fabius by the neck and pushed him against the wall of the laboratory.

"I remember you!"

Young Ryan gritted his teeth.

"I saw you when I woke up! You experimented on us!"

Seeing Lion's actions, Perturabo, Magnus and Mortarion all came over.

The original body named Angron huddled in the corner, showing a cowardly side.

"Kill him! Lion!" Guilliman roared.

Fabius said nothing, he was thinking about how he should use these original bodies.

Although he was a clone of the original body, he still implanted memories into these original bodies, even implanting memories and feelings according to the emperor's ideas rather than his own, because what he pursued was the ultimate skill, not to give Create some inferior copycat weapons yourself.

These Primarchs were all aware of their relationship to each other and the Crimson Protocol, and their memories were all simulated to the moment near the end of the Great Crusade.

There is another measure.

That is to change the image in the minds of the original bodies about the forces that were destroyed during the Great Crusade, such as Ran Dan and Jingyuan.

"Tell us how to get out of here!" Ryan bared his teeth and roared.

"Goodbye." Fabius smiled evilly and gritted his teeth hard. The mechanism installed inside the teeth was triggered, and his head exploded instantly.

This time Fabius will not awaken in Bloom.

He was going to carry out the next step in Broome's defense plan.

"Damn it!" Ryan shook off the blood on his hands.

Angron, who was huddled in the corner, raised his head at this moment and glanced at Fabius' headless body with a sad expression.

The original clones were confused.

They don't know why they woke up here, and they don't know why the bastard who experimented on them committed suicide without saying anything.

They can only find a way to leave here and return to the empire to continue commanding the Great Expedition.

"Where is Jaghatai?" Magnus walked past each tank, looking for his friend.

"Guys." Mortarion walked to the tank containing the cloned Horus. "Maybe we should find a way to take him out."

"No!" Ryan subconsciously scolded Mortarion, then softened his attitude and explained to Mortarion, "We don't know the operation process of this equipment. If we rashly wake up Horus and bring him What should I do if I have suffered irreparable trauma?"

Mortarion had a meaningful look on his face, thought for a few seconds, and nodded with raised eyebrows.

"Guys, where is Jaghatai?" Magnus asked again.

"Check this damn place carefully, we have to find a way out!" Guilliman suggested to the others.

"Shut up, you bastard." Lion glared at Guilliman, "I even doubt that you brought us here."

Hearing this, Perturabo, who had always been very silent, looked at Guilliman, thought for a moment, and then looked away.

"I know you don't like me, but now is not the time for us to fight among ourselves, Ryan."

"Shut up! I don't want to face this with a guy with ulterior motives!"


"Does anyone care in which jar Jaghatai lies?"

Sorry, I got up late, there will be three chapters later

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