Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 703 Bloom’s Disaster

According to the original plan, Qin Mo would take the Ark of Otansa and use the Blessing of Inad to go to the place he wanted to go - Broome.

But the Arkworld is now being used as a mobile starport for the human fleet, and it is temporarily unable to leave.

And Qin Mo also thinks that Enade's Blessing is too weird.

Qin Mo even suspected that Yinad's Blessing was because Tzeentch wanted to cause trouble to its brothers and its brothers and sisters, and disguised his blessing as the blessing of Ynad's death, just to let the Golden Expedition The team can cause more trouble for the other three gods.

After all, 90% of the energy and force of the four gods were used in internal fighting. It is not surprising that they betrayed each other to the point of becoming ghosts in the subspace.

How to navigate within the Eye of Terror where the Dimension Engine doesn't work without the Blessing of Yenad?

In order to solve this problem, Qin Mo specially took the scholar into the subspace and found an old friend of his.

That was the giant whale (turtle) that once carried him and Kaldor, killing everyone in the subspace.

Led by the giant whale and followed by three other Iron Man warships, the group that raided Broome arrived at Fabius's lair.

On the scaly head of the giant whale.

Qin Mo held the scepter that symbolized the power of Lord Tailong and slowly walked towards the edge of the giant whale's head, looking at the distorted and mutated old woman's world below.

Heat Death, Scholar, UR025 The three Iron Men walked slowly behind the Lord of Iron Men and stood side by side with him.

On the back of the giant whale, two teams, Hellwalker and Demon Slayer, and a thousand new Thunder Warriors led by Bendis, are gathering for the upcoming battle.

As the guide for the raid, Eisenhorn also came to the back of the giant whale, instead of attacking the Red Pirates' warships with the Iron Man warships in what could probably be called outer space.

"I want the evil ones created by Bloom and Fabius to burn in the flames of war!"

Qin Mo roared and raised his scepter.

Thousands of kilometers away, the tall tower with two vague figures standing there was suddenly struck by lightning falling from the sky. The tallest building in Broome instantly collapsed and collapsed into ruins.

This is just to show off your strength.

Qin Mo turned to look at the iron men.

"This is the power of father!"

Scholars and Heat Death immediately began to applaud.

UR025 stood there without any reaction.

Eisenhorn paid no attention to Qin Mo.

The Inquisitor curiously inspected the back of the giant whale.

There is a temple on the back of this giant whale. He has already seen it. There is also a pile of unextinguished bonfires in the temple.

"What is this?" Eisenhorn asked curiously.

"I am a creature wandering in the sea of ​​souls." The giant whale's voice echoed on his back, "I am formed by the longing of intelligent creatures to successfully reach the end of the journey."

"So, you're a demon?"

"You can also say that. But even if I am a demon, I am also a demon without any distinction between chaos. The four gods are just a part of chaos, they do not even represent chaos."

Eisenhorn nodded.

At least it can be seen that this giant whale-like thing is a benevolent entity.

In outer space, the Iron Man battleship attacks the Red Pirate ship that somehow came to the Eye of Terror from the Maelstrom.

The giant whale penetrated a battleship and fell towards the surface of Broome.

The piercing air defense siren sounded throughout Broome, and a large number of twisted monsters created by Fabius woke up from their slumber and ran towards the surface.

Eisenhorn immediately became serious.

This judge is extremely aware of how powerful these monsters created by Fabius are. They may have been just ordinary human beings, but through the transformation of a large number of blasphemous technologies, they have become astonishingly agile and powerful. strength.

Moreover, Fabius also studied the structure of the Tyranids and added those Zerg abilities that he valued to his creations.

Among all the weird and twisted freaks are those warriors who have been completely brainwashed and controlled by Fabius. These warriors are no different from the Noise Warriors.

The birth of Noise Warriors is closely related to Fabius.

Eidolon, who killed the White Scar Khan Qin Xia 10,000 years ago, is a typical example of the Noise Warrior.

"We have to find a way to deal with the special attacks of the Noise Warriors." Eisenhorn walked to Qin Mo and reminded him, trying his best to play his role as a guide.

Qin Mo knew the noise warriors better than Eisenhorn. He knew very well what kind of abilities these guys who could literally deafen people had.

That's why he brought Iron Man here.

"Then let them play and sing to the Iron Man's heart's content!"

The giant whale landed with a crash and was immediately besieged by the twisted freaks on Broome like a tsunami.

The Iron Man battleship in outer space has smashed the battleship that the Red Pirates War Gang came to pick up Fabius, and countless Iron Men were teleported to the surface of the planet.

Heat Death and the Scholars slaughtered Fabius's creations with psychic and physical force.

Eisenhorn joins the fight armed with a bolter.

Qin Mo took a big gulp of the demon soul crystal.

Although this is the Eye of Terror, and although the Star God's abilities are useless here, the power of his own body, lightning and flames is enough to drive away all the freaks on Broome.

Deep in Bloom.

The clone culture tank was opened, and the naked Fabius fell out of the tank and hit the ground hard.

He panted heavily, adjusting to this new cloned body.

It is not difficult to live forever within the Eye of Terror, as the warriors of the Black Legion who frequently call themselves veterans of the eternal war prove this.

But it’s not easy to survive.

Fabius is a person who can achieve immortality in the strict sense. He created a rebirth process through a dark science and technology.

Clone cultivation, thought implantation, and clone resurrection.

With the help of such a system, Fabius can achieve countless resurrections.

Even though this technology was flawed, Fabius found that his body deteriorated very quickly after each rebirth, but he was not a transcendent existence after all, and being able to achieve this form of immortality was already a biological miracle.

"You're back, hurry up and make me some better medicine!"

A purple-armored Space Marine walked up to Fabius, knelt down and handed out the empty can.

Fabius raised his head, and he first saw a set of purple armor, with distorted faces on the armor, and the face that was pale and distorted to the point of terror.

Lucius was chosen by Slaanesh.

"The Red Pirates are dead." Fabius pushed open the medicine jar, "The Red Pirates officer and I stood on the high tower to send my masterpieces on the rocket. We stood there and saw the giant whale falling from the sky. Come down, then we are killed by thunder and lightning..."

"I don't care about this!" Lucius didn't listen at all. He slapped Fabius on the face angrily, "Give me the medicine! I will help you kill those intruders! Quick!"

Fabius looked helpless, got up and went to the pharmacy laboratory.

Lucius followed tremblingly.

The Chosen of Slaanesh's desire for pleasure was so strong that before he realized that he had just come to Broome to ask for some goodies from an old acquaintance, he was involved in a new conspiracy by Fabius.

The Red Pirates won't be able to get to the Eye of Terror for a while.

Fabius had to find another way for himself and his masterpieces.

Tomorrow will be the sixth update

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