Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 700 Eisenhorn Returns

After a simple meeting, Guilliman said goodbye to the Phoenix Lord and returned to the Glorious Humanity.

In the archives of the Glorious Humanity, a place used by Guilliman as a resting place, the Primarch sat behind a giant square table.

He was not dealing with the affairs of the entire fleet as usual.

He also did not deal with the matter that he and Moganla agreed to use the Ark of Otansa as a mobile supply star port.

Guilliman sat there, looking at nothing, his expression solemn.

The Primarch recalled his meeting with his father.

As in every previous recollection, the content of that one-and-done meeting emerges differently.

In this memory, the emperor's chaotic will and voice jointly mentioned something about a certain pharmacist.


"Fabius Bayer."

"New humanity."


"Genetic contamination."

Under the command of the traitorous Primarch Fulgrim, there was an apothecary named Fabius.

The Emperor mentioned an apothecary, a little traitor, because the apothecary had done a terrible job.

He created a species called New Humanity.

The New Humans are extremely good at hiding. They are distributed throughout the empire. The Inquisition tried their best to find and clean them out, and even did not hesitate to burn several New Humans they found along with the world they were in during the cleanup operation. However, Cleaning efficiency is still very low.

The Emperor believed that the new humans would contaminate the human gene pool, an outrageous desecration of humanity.

Guilliman's considerations are more practical. He believes that the new humans are potential Chaos pawns, and sooner or later they will jump out to "surprise" the Empire.

For decades, Guilliman has been cooperating with the Inquisition to deal with incidents related to the new humans, but there are endless new humans to find and kill.

In this case, it would be wise to kill the birthplace of new humanity at its source.

The birthplace of new humanity, the lair of Fabius, the father of new humanity, and the birthplace of countless blasphemous dark creations is the world of the old woman named Bloom.

After meeting Morgan'ra and hearing about the magical Engine of Yenad's Blessing, Guilliman had a plan.

"The Inquisitor has arrived."

The sound of the portcullis opening and Calgar entering interrupted the primarch's thoughts.

Behind Calgar's muscular body, a white-haired inquisitor walked in and saluted the original body respectfully.

"Eisenhorn!" A look of joy and appreciation instantly appeared on the original body's face. He stood up from behind the square table, walked to the legendary judge, took his hand and sat on the chair.

Decades ago, Eisenhorn and Qin Mo teamed up to resurrect Bei Kun, and when they said goodbye to Qin Mo, they said they would do one thing, which was to be sent by Guilliman to investigate the Eye of Terror. Activity.

After a legendary adventure that could fill ten books, Eisenhorn successfully completed this task.

Not just what's going on inside the Eye of Terror, but also about the new humans.

"More and more new humans are being dispersed from Broome across the Empire."

"They were not transported on ships, but using a network tunnel that was hacked by Fabius."

"The traitor has refined his technology for creating new humans."

"New new humans, they are stronger, smarter, and more cold-blooded."

"There are a lot of other things that I've recorded on this."

Eisenhorn never talks nonsense. He knows what Guilliman wanted to know most when he asked him to investigate the Eye of Terror, and what he should do most now that he has just gone through the internal investigation of the Tribunal and arrived at the Golden Expedition Fleet. What to report to Guilliman.

He got straight to the point and succinctly extracted the most critical parts of all the information he wanted to report.

Then, Eisenhorn took out an ancient chip that could be plugged into a data board. This ancient chip had been handed down by the popes of the state religion for nearly ten thousand years. It was ancient and sacred. Even if the information inside was not recorded on sheepskin, Paper will not suffer corrosion or change.

After listening to Eisenhorn's report, Guilliman took the chip and put it into the compartment of the Armor of Destiny: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's my honor." Eisenhorn shook his head slowly.

After he returned from the Eye of Terror, he accepted an internal investigation by the Tribunal. Before heading to the Golden Expedition Fleet, he was hinted by the Lord Inquisitors of the Tribunal to urge Kiri on the matter of dealing with the new humans. Man.

However, Guilliman cared more about the new humans than the Inquisition and did not need any urging at all.

"We must destroy Broome, and not just Broome, but Fabius the man, and all his disgusting creations."

Guilliman looked out the porthole with firm eyes.

"Ryan's war strategy is to gradually encroach. A traitorous legion stationed in the demon world may not be able to be transferred at will, but a scientific madman who wanders between all forces wants to transfer before the war burns his creation. It’s easy, we can’t slowly wait for the front to advance near Broome before launching operations against Broome.”

"We must launch a raid on Broome before the Golden Crusade officially begins."

Eisenhorn listened to Guilliman's words and nodded in agreement.

He didn't come to the Golden Expedition Fleet just to deliver a small chip.

The Inquisition and Guilliman had the same idea. They must launch an assault on Broome before the expedition fleet began its official attack and Fabius began to move his laboratory.

At that time, Eisenhorn, who has been lurking on Broome for a long time, will serve as a guide to guide the Battle Sisters and Gray Knights troops to launch the attack.

"We need someone strong to organize a surprise attack," Guilliman added.

A powerful person.

Guilliman didn't need to tell him who the best candidate was, Eisenhorn could also realize it.

"What role does Lord Tyrone have in this war?" Eisenhorn asked.

"A very important duty," Guilliman said.

Ryan's arrangement is to have four original bodies lead four fleets to be distributed around the Eye of Terror, deploying the Black Stone while advancing.

Qin Mo does not need to lead any fleet, but this does not mean that Ryan intends to exclude him or ignore him. On the contrary, Ryan wants Qin Mo to directly lead the main fleet composed of the four original body's flagships.

But Qin Mo himself refused, because he believed that if any of the expeditionary forces encountered the devil's original body or a large number of big demons, he would be in trouble if he was dragged into the void battle and unable to go to the rescue.

As the only person on the Order side who can also exert the combat power of the Star Destroyer in the Eye of Terror, it would be disadvantageous if he served as the commander in this expedition with a huge force, rather than as a warrior who turned the tide of the battle at the critical moment.

"Then let him go. I will be his guide and we will raid Broome immediately." Eisenhorn stood up eagerly. "We must launch a raid before the Golden Expedition officially starts. Fabius has three holes. He Just tell those bastards to run away."

Guilliman shook his head: "It's not about giving or not, it's about whether or not. He is not my subordinate or Ryan's subordinate."

"Even if you and Ryan don't agree to launch a raid on Broome, I will go alone because it is a must."

The floodgates open.

Eisenhorn followed the sound, and Qin Mo walked into the archives alone.

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