Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 681 Human Questions

The Emperor recalled the ideas he had when designing the Thunder Warriors ten thousand years ago, and then sorted them out.

It also includes the bioscience technology applied to the Thunder Warriors.

Every star god is a born scientist, but they cannot know everything instantly by some mysterious power like the things in the subspace.

After taking a few seconds to learn all the details of the Thunder Warriors plan ten thousand years ago, the Star Gods began to formulate a more detailed transformation plan.

"I thought you could transform the Thunder Warriors into perfect beings in an instant." The Emperor looked at the Star Gods gathered together to communicate in a unique way, as if looking at a group of human scientists solving difficult problems.

"Creating a masterpiece is never a simple matter." Void Dragon said, "The Forger can use mechanical technology to transform the most ordinary human soldiers into super soldiers, but the improvement plan of the Thunder Warriors is based on genetic engineering. Unless we want to create Another Praetorian, otherwise we'd have to have a serious discussion about human genetics."

Hearing this, Guilliman realized something and asked, "Have you never understood humans?"

"When your father was born in a corner of the earth, millions of years had passed since the Catans were betrayed by their slaves. How do you think we can understand you humans?" Saranoga asked in return.

Guilliman recalled the information the Eldar gave him about the Star Gods, and nodded.

The birth of the Emperor is regarded as the beginning of human history. Although it was not the primitive era, it should not be too far away from the primitive era.

But no matter when humans appeared, the history of the group should not exceed one million years.

This is what Guilliman thought.

He soon got a different answer.

"The birth of your father was not the beginning of the history of the human species." The narrator who was responsible for providing records to the Star Gods told Guilliman in different words, "In fact, some Catans not only understood humans, but even Leaving its mark on humanity.”

Guilliman looked at the narrator and asked with his eyes.

The narrator continued.

"We can improve the Thunder Warriors into more powerful masterpieces, but that doesn't mean we're good at it."

"In fact, all the Star Gods present, including the one next to you, are not good at biotechnology. We don't have much experience."

"Who is the star god who is really good at biotechnology?"

"There is only one - Mephitlan."

When the narrator mentioned Mephitlan, Guilliman did not realize who the narrator was talking about.

It wasn't until he went through all the information he learned from the Eldar that he remembered that it was the Star God known as the Deceiver.

"Isn't it the power of the Deceiver to defraud?" Guilliman asked.

"My power is still energy. Can I open the Webway Gate if I am delayed?" Burner asked in return.

Guilliman still couldn't believe that Mephitlan was the best at biotechnology.

The Burner will open the Webway Gate, which is no problem, because it has been studied, and the Old One's Webway itself is also the use of energy.

If the Webway was as incomprehensible to the Burners as the Warp is to the C'tan, it would be impossible for the Burners to improve upon Webway technology.

The door to the undead tomb is unstable, but the improved Webway technology of the Burners is stable. If you want to improve something, you must first understand it.

A guy who likes to scam people, what's the connection to biotech?

"Don't ask me what Melphitlan's connection is to biotechnology, it's just what it's good at."

The narrator continues to tell of those ancient events.

"Melphitlan has had contact with humans."

"Those of you who are called soulless and untouchable individuals are the masterpieces of Mephitlan. It was he who tampered with the evolution of mankind, leading to the emergence of special anti-psionic individuals in the human race. Birth.”

"If it were here, there would be no need for us to study human genes from scratch and formulate a plan...it is very familiar with humans."

The Soulless Ones are the work of the C'tan Trickster.

This information left Guilliman stunned.

According to those in the Death Army, human beings are most likely the creation of the Ancient Saints, so the soulless branch should also have been conveniently created by the Ancient Saints.

"So let's not mention the soulless ones for now. Are most ordinary humans, except for the soulless ones, created by the ancient saints, or evolved naturally, or are they the creations of another existence?" Guilliman wrote. The person asked questions.

Qin Mo was also very interested in this issue. He knew that the narrator did not lie. The Soulless Man was the creation of the fraudster, and the fraudster was very good at biotechnology.

But he didn't know what the origin of humanity was.

"I've never paid attention to humans, so I can't tell what the origins of humans are."

The narrator gave an answer that disappointed Guilliman.

"But...as far as I know..."

"Some Star Gods call humans rebellious children. I don't know where this name comes from, and I don't know if those Star Gods have any evidence, but this is what they say."

As soon as the narrator finished speaking, the Burner retorted: "I don't want to admit it, but some of our kind do like to talk nonsense. What evidence is there for the so-called rebellious children they said? Humans are all races with psychic talents, although this This psychic talent is very weak, but it is still a psychic talent."

"Primitive humans should not have psychic powers." The Void Dragon fragment on the side suddenly said, "This is not nonsense. I was sealed on Mars because I once went to earth to harass humans."

Hearing this, Guilliman felt a fire ignite in his heart.

The fire of hope.

If it is true, as the Void Dragon said, that ancient humans did not have psychic talents, then this means that humans may have developed universal psychic talents due to certain past events and are related to the subspace.

"Don't listen to it, son." The emperor possessed by Vanessa glared at the Void Dragon. "Primitive humans don't have psychic powers? What you call primitive humans refers to humans with the purest blood and purest genes. ?Then why do I have psychic powers?"

"Maybe you are the special one." Void Dragon said.

"What nonsense!" the emperor retorted angrily, "I am the purest human being! I was born in Asia Minor on Earth. I have a father and a mother, and I have clansmen! 2K or even 3K humans will call me ancestor when they see me!"

After speaking, the emperor looked at Qin Mo: "You are also a primitive human who has not experienced genetic modification in the space age. Tell me, am I a true primitive human?"

Faced with the emperor's question, Qin Mo pondered for a long time.

Finally he spoke slowly.

"I can't say."

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