Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 679 New Expedition

"Calm down, calm down. Compared to the battlefields we have seen, this is nothing."

Qin Mo pulled Guilliman back into the water.

Guilliman looked at the screen with wide eyes.

It’s not that this scene is scary, but it’s hard not to make the audience feel like they’ve been struck by lightning.

It was like watching a cartoon for children, and then the characters in it suddenly picked up knives and cut each other as if they were possessed by Khorne.

"It seems outrageous, but if you think about it carefully, it makes sense." Guilliman calmed down and sighed.


Qin Mo nodded.

"This actor also has a great background."

"Her parents were originally exiled rangers. She grew up on Karis. If she hadn't been exposed to humans since she was a child, she would not have any emotional resonance with humans."

"Mo Rui was really emotional when she acted in her first drama. After the filming was over, she still couldn't help herself. She was arrested and jailed for two months for stalking the leading actor."

“Then she realized that no matter how she felt, filming was filming.”

"So she chose to separate her memories before and after filming, so that she would be completely immersed in the plot during filming and would not remember anything after filming."

After listening to Qin Mo's explanation, Guilliman gradually understood everything.

No wonder the Ark Spirit Clan wants to use Tao to restrain themselves...

"I cannot accept this." Guilliman quickly changed the channel.

"Most people in the district can't accept it. People who like Mo Rui prefer her as a person rather than her acting, so her film and television company relies entirely on the money she earns as a model and interviews." Qin Mo laughed. road.

"Outrageous." Guilliman switched to the serious astronomy channel.

The channel is still broadcasting about the Eye of Terror.

Outside the Tyrone sector, people would suffer mental problems just by looking directly at the Eye of Terror, but in Tyrone, where the structure of reality has been strengthened, there would be no problem even if they studied the Eye of Terror all day long.

Guilliman stared into the Eye of Terror.

Qin Mo looked at Guilliman and guessed something.

"Are you here for the Eye of Fear?" Qin Mo asked.

Guilliman's attention shifted from the screen to Qin Mo, but he still hesitated and did not speak directly.

"Eisenhorn went to investigate the Eye of Terror. He found that an unknown alien god helped the traitors in the Eye of Terror to establish a logistics system, built a giant city on a demon world, and steadily supplied warships to the traitors. and weapons.”

"Since the Battle of Cadia, although the Black Legion has disappeared, they have not stabilized."


Qin Mo interrupted Guilliman: "You want me to join the expedition to the Eye of Terror, right?"

Guilliman nodded helplessly: "But after all, your sector has just ended the war, so..."

"If there is a war against the enemies of the real universe, I will be there. Of course the sector will join the expedition." Qin Mo thought for a moment. The Imperial Navy and Astra Militarum led by the Primarch, plus the Tyron Navy and Tyron Army, will It is a large-scale epic expedition.

Of course, the star sector cannot be absent.

But we will not join the war immediately.

"My star sector needs some time to rest, and I have one more thing to do." Qin Mo said.

"What's up?"

"About the Thunder Warriors."

the other side.

Invincible Reason.

"So, the Tyrones are even harboring the Thunder Warriors, right?"

The Lion King stood in front of the porthole with his hands folded, staring at the boundless void outside, his voice low.

"Yes." Chagatai, who was sitting at the table, nodded.

"The Sector is a threat," Lane said.

"Yes." Chagatai nodded without hesitation.

Ryan turned to look at his brother in surprise: "I thought you would defend them..."

"To the empire, too many things are threats." Chagatai said calmly, "Because whether it is a threat does not depend on the idea, but on the power and influence it possesses."

Lion quickly walked back to the table and sat next to Jaghatai: "I knew you would support me, that guy Guilliman..."

"I never said I supported you on this matter, brother." Jaghatai shook his head calmly.

Ryan was stunned for a moment.

Then Jaghatai told Ryan his reasons.

"There is no doubt that the Tailong Sector is a great threat. I can conclude that there is no difference in terms of military force between them and Ran Dan, the Quiet Far Federation, and those forces in the Great Expedition."

"But the problem is that this sector is not hostile to the Empire... No, I can see that they are very hostile to the Empire, but not to humans."

"Those Star Gods controlled you and Guilliman's fleet, but they did nothing else. They are undoubtedly a group of bad guys without morals and shame, but they are obviously bound by certain rules."

"At least in this situation, in this overall situation, we must trust the Tyrones and their Star God friends."

Jaghatai's reasons were exactly the same as Guilliman's.

But Llane did not resist as much as he did when he heard Guilliman's story, but fell silent.

"How about taking a step back and starting a war with the Star Zone?" Chagatai asked. "The empire cannot bear the consequences of the civil war. You know very well that the reason why you did not issue an extermination order to the world of Tailong No. 1 is because of you. It is clear that the Empire cannot afford civil war."

Ryan was silent.

His only dissatisfaction with Chagatai is that this brother sees everything too clearly.

After pondering for a long time, Lion said: "So you think Guilliman is right, and I should trust the Tyrones unconditionally like him?"

"No, Guilliman has his own problems." Jaghatai shook his head. "He either doesn't trust a person at all, or he trusts someone regardless of everything. So this is why he hates betrayal, and this is also his problem."

"And what's your problem? Man." Chagatai stared at Ryan, "Your problem is that you don't believe in anything except your father. Everything you did ten thousand years ago makes you inclined to question and be wary. , that’s okay, but you should learn to trust each other with Guilliman.”

Lion argued: "But ten thousand years ago Guilliman..."

Chagatai shook his head: "Don't mention ten thousand years ago, brother. Your personality has changed drastically after ten thousand years, so why are you talking about ten thousand years ago?"

Ryan was speechless.

Jaghatai continued: "Ten thousand years ago, I also felt that Guilliman had bad intentions. When we regarded the Legion itself as our home, Guilliman was busy running the Five Hundred Worlds, but now there is no doubt that there is a The only thing is that Guilliman supported the current empire before you did."

After hearing this, Ryan stared at the empty corner and was speechless for a long time.

"Guilliman must have told you these truths, but you wouldn't listen."

"But you will listen when I speak, because you have no preconceived wariness or doubts about me."

Every sentence of Chagatai goes straight to Ryan's heart.

The Lion King was silent for a long time and rubbed his chin gently: "What you said makes sense. I have to talk to Guilliman and Governor Tyrone... If we are going to go on an expedition to the Eye of Terror next, it's best to build mutual trust. .”

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