The optimized and transformed dragon was tireless, carrying the dragon knight into a forest.

The poisonous miasma gradually dispersed, and the thorns all over the forest gradually shrank.

The forest itself was making way for the dragon riders.

Those bugs that suffer from environmental resistance cannot hide in the forest to attack, and their attack on the dragon knight will also be blocked by the environment, so their progress here is smoother than near the fortress.

But this smoothness did not last long. When the dragon knights rushed to the edge of the forest and were about to rush to the plain eaten by insects, even Qin Mo himself was stunned for a moment.

The trees have been converted into biomass by the tearing bugs, so you can see the remains of the mothership at the front where the mother bugs landed at a glance.

Here, just like the fortress, there is an endless sea of ​​insects that cannot be seen in front of you. However, although there are many bugs, people do not need to carefully search for the location of the mother bugs, because the place surrounded by more than a dozen Tyrant and Tyrant Guard bugs must be The location of the female worm.

There was even a severely injured biochemical titan where the mother worm and the tyrant were. The titan stood motionless, covering the top of the mother worm's head with his body.

At this time, there is no need for others to give orders. The dragon knights know the only way to rush to the mother insect.

The elders in the tribe, who were not good at fighting, drove the dragons they were riding to speed up and rushed to the front and left of the entire team.

Those who are dragon knights in the tribe and new knights with great fighting talents are guarded in the center.

At this time, the super-large dragon carrying a firepower platform in the fortress had already loaded its shells and bombed the surrounding areas of the mother insect.

Then the survivors of Aisha's Prayer Craftworld used disassembled aircraft weapons to bomb the mother insects again.

They had bombed many times before, but apart from leaving some wounds on the biochemical titans guarding the female insects and helping the ground troops clear the way, they had no other effect.

After the bombardment ended, the bugs pounced on the dragon knights.

The knights riding the pterosaurs fought with the flying insect units. Tukalon saw his guards rushing towards a gargoyle, and then their figures were blocked by other flying insects.

The ground troops not only have to face the sea of ​​insects, but also the flying insects that keep swooping down and killing them.

The knights riding the pterosaurs were caught in a fight and could not protect themselves.

At this moment, Tukalon suddenly heard a cry of beasts.

The moment he rode the giant white dragon out of the jungle, countless beasts on the left and right also rushed out. Their combat power was not as strong as the dragon's, but they were faster and more agile. They were the first to meet the sweeping force. Come the sea of ​​insects.

The number of those beasts was countless, but compared with the Zerg, it was still many orders of magnitude lower, and they quickly dissipated like streams flowing into the ocean.

Then the sea of ​​insects rushed towards the dragon knights galloping on the ground.

The people who had previously rushed to the front and on the left and right sides were the first to encounter the enemy. They were all old people and people who were not good at fighting.

The Zerg gradually peeled off these dragon knights and their dragons like fruits and then devoured them, but their sacrifice allowed the entire team to advance further.

As if realizing that the enemy could not start bombarding again, the huge body of the biochemical titan moved from above the mother worm towards the charging enemies.

Looking at the giant thing that was approaching like a mountain, Tukalon had a look of despair on his face.

"Take your tribe and continue the charge." Qin Mo drove the black dragon to take the first step towards the biochemical titan that could annihilate his entire army.

But before the giant beast was killed by dimensional lightning, a flash of light appeared in front of Qin Mo.

Thrall, who was driving the Ghost Knight, appeared on the battlefield. Before the biochemical Titan could react, he rushed over quickly and cut off many of the legs on the left side of the Titan's body with a beautiful spinning chop.

A scream resounded throughout the battlefield, and the Titan fell to the left, its tentacles reaching for the Nether Knight.

The Ghost Knight was not a war machine of the same level as the Biochemical Titan. It was easily entangled and dragged towards the Titan's mouth by the tentacles, and was immediately submerged by the sea of ​​insects.

Tukaron and Qin Mo have become the vanguard of the entire dragon knight force, and are not far away from the mother insect.

The tyrants rubbed their biological bone knives, their legs embedded in the ground, ready to withstand the impact.

"You come and kill that female insect." Qin Mo looked at Tukalon.

A sobbing sound came from under Tu'Kalon's helmet, and his tears had soaked the entire lining of the helmet, but he was obviously not crying out of fear.

"Yes!" Tukalon responded, holding the spear tightly in his right hand, lowering his body and staring at the female insect behind the tyrant.

The two giant dragons, one white and one black, burst out with amazing speed and strength before they were exhausted. They worked hard to knock away all the bugs in their way, until they finally sent their masters to the tyrants.

Tukalon saw that the spear in Qin Mo's hand pierced and decomposed the bodies of one tyrant after another without any obstruction, and finally the two giant dragons crossed the tyrant's barrier at the same time.

When the giant dragon Qin Mo was riding passed by the female insect, Tukaron beside him recalled the skills his father taught him and saw the right moment to shoot through the female insect's body.

This special weapon was only inserted into the body of the female insect, and it was divided into several pieces and scattered on the ground.

The effect of the decapitation tactic was astonishing. When the mother bugs and the tyrants died one after another, a large number of bugs seemed to suddenly awaken their wild nature. They no longer moved in unison in groups. Some bugs rushed in the opposite direction to the enemy, and some even The bugs started killing each other.

The scarred Nether Knight cut off the tentacles of the biochemical titan and stood up. The dragon knights behind Qin Mo and Tukaron completely divided the insect swarm.

"I did it!" Tu'Kalon shouted, raising his spear.

Qin Mo looked at Tukalon and wanted to praise him, but suddenly saw that his mount, the white dragon, suddenly slowed down and lost its balance.

The white dragon was exhausted and fell to the ground and rolled several times. Fortunately, the Tukalon on its back was thrown away when it fell, avoiding the fate of being crushed.

I do not know how long it has been.

Tukalon slowly opened his eyes and found that there were wounds all over his body, and his arms were tightly wrapped in white cloth and were in great pain.

"Lie down, you almost fell to death." Uslan, who was slightly injured, walked to Tukalon with his scepter.

"How long have I been unconscious? How much have my tribesmen lost? Is the battle over?" A series of questions were thrown out by Tukalon.

"At least the battle on Pandora is over." Qin Mo entered Tukalon's residence, "You were unconscious for two days, and thirty-seven percent of your people were sacrificed. In addition, your dragon was just exhausted at the time. Still alive now.”

Hearing this, Tukalon lowered his head.

Uslan patted Tu'Kalon on the shoulder to comfort him.

Qin Mo stood there and looked at Tukalon.

Until the young leader looked up and asked, "Do we have your approval?"

"No, you are too weak." Qin Mo shook his head, "But you have proved that you are qualified to survive. I helped you get rid of the remaining bugs. All the biological battleships in the Pandora galaxy were also wiped out. But if there are still more in the future, When catastrophe comes to Pandora, it depends on whether you can resist it."

While Qin Mo was talking, Uslan used his spiritual power to help Tukalon see what had happened in the past few days when he was unconscious.

The remaining bugs on Pandora are wiped out by the ecosystem and non-stop thunder and lightning.

Then an abnormality occurred in the star, pulling all the Zerg biological ships in the galaxy into the star.

Sacrifice and death are unnecessary, but Tukalon also understands that if sacrifice and death are not used to prove that the tribe is qualified to survive, how can the tribe expect a Catan to take action against the Zerg.

"The Hive Fleet..." Tu'Kalon asked again.

"Soon there will be no Hive Fleet left." Qin Mo said and looked at Uslan, "We have done what we have to do. Do you want to leave with me or stay here?"

"Are you leaving?" Tukalon originally planned to hold a ceremony to thank the distinguished guests for their help.

However, for the distinguished guests he wanted to thank, this was just a small thing that did not even warrant a celebration.

"Take the responsibility of a leader, protect your people, and be ready for battle. Sooner or later you will receive the call."

Wuslan gave Tukalon one final instruction, then turned around and followed Qin Mo out of the leader's tree house.

Tukalon struggled to get up and followed, wanting to ask how they could leave without a flying machine.

But the moment he walked out of the house, Tukalon saw a small planet in the orbit of Pandora.

It looks like a black satellite, but it has appendages that shine with metallic luster.

That is the Leviathan Iron Man Mothership.

The Iron Mothership is here to clean up the Hive Fleet and pick someone up along the way.

The large transport plane it sent landed in the open space under the giant tree.

The survivors of Aisha's Prayer Ark, including the scarred Nether Knight, have all entered the transport plane.

These Aisha believers who have lost their homes will go to the Mother Goddess.

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