Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 668 In order to survive

In the lush sea of ​​trees, Qin Mo floated in the air, passing through one big tree after another like a transparent substance, his eyes scanning back and forth on the ground.

He searched for materials that could be used to create protective devices.

Under normal circumstances, even if you give him a drop of water, you can use this drop of water to create enough materials for a warship.

But Qin Mo was not sure whether the molecules and atoms in this world could be used normally after exerting his own power.

But if you really can’t find it, just make do with it.

"You don't want to run away, do you?" Wuslan teleported back and forth on the tree, chasing Qin Mo and talking.

"I just want to leave." Qin Mo shook his head calmly.

Uslan also responded indifferently: "You said you want to fight against the enemies of the real universe. In your country, your people include people who are highly hostile in the human empire, and there are desperate rangers from other Arkworlds, and even now they still There are those who seek your protection, those of our hateful dark kin, and even the Star Goddess and our Mother Goddess.”

"But you ignored the demise of an Eldar who was friendly to you."

"They gave you the highest level of hospitality, and even the leaders of the tribe treated you with respect, because you did not abandon our mother goddess because she was your enemy."

"But you ignore the extermination of these people?"

Wuslan looked directly into Qin Mo's eyes and asked questions repeatedly.

The space he was in was distorted in the next second, and he was instantly in front of Qin Mo, with his legs dangling in the air.

"I saved those people you mentioned because they were worthy of being saved." Qin Mo's tone was no longer so plain, but serious, "Even your dark relatives who are as twisted as ants, they are still in Comoros. I struggled a lot and paid my blood tax."

Uslan nodded in disbelief.

"A couple in Comoros, in order to send their real daughter to Karis, they chose to use their own deaths in a large-scale reconnaissance operation to pay a blood tax." Qin Mo raised his hand and touched Uslan's chest. "What did your wild relatives do? When they heard the disaster was coming, they were so frightened that they almost peed, and then they placed everything they had on us guests."

"They haven't fought in seven thousand years." Uslan said, "Maybe after this time, they will become real warriors, just like people in other wild worlds."

Hearing this, Qin Mo turned around and said, "After this time? Believe me, even if I create a black hole and swallow up the Wormfleet Fleet, they will do whatever they have to do in the future, and they will still bet their lives on the line just like they are now. We rely on our guests to solve everything so that we can continue to live this idyllic life.”

Whether it is worth saving or not is the criterion in Qin Mo's mind for intervention.

The Tyrones deserve to be saved because they did not choose to do nothing and wait for the gods to solve everything when there were a bunch of gods in their sector.

Those sons of Antaeus are worthy of saving, because they have proved themselves by their loyalty to the human race, but they lack a place to live without being plotted to death by those who are unwilling to kill them.

Even the Eldar on Caris deserved to be saved, because they proved by their sacrifices to hunt down the Inquisitors and their enemies that they were just desperate, rather than looking for human support like the ancestors of the long-extinct dogs.

"If the Na'vi people come up with the result of the discussion and say that we just won't leave, no matter what happens or die, it doesn't matter what you guests think, we will decide." Qin Mo continued, "For the sake of their friendliness and humility, it doesn't matter Come on, I will immediately fly to the Hive Fleet to feed the bugs the black holes, and then I will have an extra ally."

Uslan was silent and lowered his head.

Qin Mo took a breath and continued to look for materials that could be used.

Finding that the materials here had almost been modified, Qin Mo could only take a shiny and soft stone from the air, rearrange the microstructure of the branches, and then shape it into metal.

Halfway through the process, Qin Mo recalled something and suddenly turned to look at Uslan: "Did you know what would happen in this wild world, so you brought me here on purpose?"

"I don't even have the urgency to use my spiritual power to predict the future." Uslan confessed, "I just want you to see that our Eldar race does not all suffer great losses due to corruption, or continue to fall after suffering great losses. There are also insightful people who gave up their luxurious life during the Ancient Spirit Tribe Empire and ran out to stick to their true intentions."

"Then you can tell me clearly. What I hate most is that there are things I can say but I just don't say them. I like idiots who hide meaninglessly." Qin Mo raised his middle finger.

Uslan nodded helplessly.

"Anyway, I'm going to withdraw. You can either follow me or stay. Anyway, I know you won't seek death." Qin Mo turned around, "I don't know whether you will stay to help them or not, don't talk about me. .”

"Are we too weak and too arrogant?"

A voice came from the air.

Then the pterosaur roared down and landed on the branch.

Behind the dragon knight, the young tribal leader Tukalon carefully stepped off the pterosaur and said to Qin Mo: "If I make you feel arrogant, I'm sorry, this may be a problem with my race... I really don't... "

"You are not arrogant. Although you are nothing as a leader, you are at least a humble and good person. Thank you very much for your hospitality." Qin Mo shook his head.

It was hard for Tu'Kalon to be judged as nothing as a leader by others, but he had to admit that this was so true, and it was everything but a little hurtful.

"Is that because we are too weak?" Tukalon asked.

"Weakness is not a problem." Qin Mo said what he once said to Nurgle, "The population will multiply, the ethnic group will grow, and the strength will increase. The bullied children will grow up with hatred, and the weak will eventually become strong. But those who entrust their wealth and life to others are not included.”

"Then why can't you help us tide over the difficulties?" Tukalon asked again.

Qin Mo shook his head: "I never said I couldn't help, I just didn't want to help."

"I can help, but you need to show me that your people are willing to do whatever it takes to survive."

"Be willing to change your lifestyle, no longer engage in inefficient slash-and-burn farming, and embrace technology and work that will allow you to survive."

"I am willing to no longer live alone, and to participate in the confrontation against the enemies of the real universe in the manner of an ordered race."

"Being willing to give up peace, tranquility, and prosperity...just to survive in this cruel universe."

After hearing everything, Tukalon nodded firmly: "We have just lived in peace for too long, but we are still willing to give everything to survive, just like our ancestors gave up everything they had in order to survive."

"Very good." Qin Mo nodded, "Then you'd better show me that you are willing to change. For example, you can have the courage to speak and act like a leader in front of your tribe."

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