Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 661 Ancient Warrior

In the most important area protected by all the defense lines, a small device was roaring at the bottom of the spike-shaped fortress.

The pocket universe is inside this device.

Victor and all the Archons who didn't have time to escape or jump were hiding in the pocket universe.

Everyone is looking at another legacy of the Ancient Spirit Empire.

It was a device similar to a holographic tactical table. It was only the size of a small box the size of a palm, but it could directly detect the situation on the entire battlefield.

According to the nobleman who had guarded this device for 20,000 years before his death, it was a device used by ancestors to conduct war during the War in Heaven. Its principle is to directly display all current and future situations on the battlefield through psychic prophecy.

Perhaps due to an unknown ancient technology taking effect, the heirs of the Ancient Spirit Empire discovered that the psychic application technology of their ancestors' equipment was far more powerful than their own. It was both advanced and seemed to be immune to the evil presence in the sea of ​​souls. intrusion.

In another legend, this device that visually displays battlefield conditions has another function, that is, it can directly obliterate the soul projection of an enemy in the subspace it displays.

But just like even the pocket universe has to be placed in a fixed place, it is impossible to discover and use more functions of this device at the moment.

The battlefield situation displayed by this equipment makes everyone feel pessimistic.

About twenty minutes ago, countless drones destroyed the defense devices on every position.

Then the Air Force came flying over and cleaned up the Razors.

Then came the bomber air strikes, the Tyrone Army artillery units and the Iron Man giant battle bodies.

The elite cabal soldiers who were all equipped with anti-material rifles on those positions and were ready to show off to the inferior races were now either turned into cannon fodder or massacred by the enemies teleported from the rear.

The various headquarters scattered outside the pocket universe that directly commanded frontline operations were gone. Comoros' despicable traitors and thousands of missiles equipped with nuclear warheads were killed by a combination of them.

Victor was neither angry nor regretful.

He forced the conspiracy, which was like a piece of scattered sand, to unite and fight like humans or relatives, but he got this result.

This is already good.

At least everyone wasn't slaughtered like chickens by the enemy in an internal fight until every last one was left.

"Perhaps we can go to the human star sector and choose a safer place to live like those Karis sects."

"Fuck Victor, fuck Commorragh, long live Karis!"


Among the governors present, some have already thought of new places to go in addition to being pessimistic, and some are even believers of the Carisi sect who have been excluded from the fringes of society.

They were whispering in very small voices, or thinking in their minds.

But Victor has a secret tool that can directly hear the voices in their heads.

But now is not the time to play tricks.

"You ants, just run away. I will greet my end as a king." Victor said to the Archons in disappointment, then turned around and walked towards the exit of the pocket universe.

"Long live Karis!"

I don't know who shouted, and the six consuls of the conspiracy and their guards who had been prepared suddenly drew their guns and went into a murderous killing spree. They shot several competitors in succession and then pointed their guns at Victor's back.

"Victor, you bastard can't leave, otherwise what will we pay for the blood tax?"

Hearing the fierce words coming from behind, Victor didn't even look back, but asked coldly: "Are you going to be the Catans' slaves now?"

"Times have changed, Victor. The war in heaven has ended long ago, and the huge empire of our ancestors has also fallen. We are just a group of maggots living quietly, why should we worry about who to be slaves for?"

"The Star Gods can at least protect us. Our Mother Goddess Aisha is also with the Star Gods. Now it is no longer the war in heaven, but now it is a war between the real universe and the sea of ​​souls!"

"For the real universe! Long live the real universe!"

The six consuls who decided to abandon everything for safety gave various reasons.

Some simply think that they are maggots and do not need to care about anything else.

Some use the war between the real universe and the sea of ​​souls to justify themselves, describing themselves as a warrior with a grand scheme, rather than a coward who will give up anything to survive.

And some consuls are indeed very powerful. They are tired of the intrigues and struggles in Comoros and want to dedicate everything they have to a greater cause.

Some even think that the Dark Eldar should change their life style, at least it should not become serious internal fighting. Only when death is imminent can they fight a head-on war like their relatives and other races.

This is the diversity of an intelligent species.

"Will humans accept you? Compatriots?" Victor still didn't look back, "You don't really think that Caris is a beautiful paradise where races are equal and both elves and humans can coexist hand in hand, do you? ?”

"Of course not, but there you don't have to worry about being coveted by hungry ladies. If you're lucky, you can even step into the upper class, just like the former ranger named Mori, making movies and enjoying life."

Victor wanted to say something more, but then he thought that his kind was good at telling lies. The Eldar's esoteric thinking, keen senses and obscure language gave this race the ability to always occupy the position of truth at the level of speaking. Advantage.

"It doesn't matter." Victor raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

There was a flash of light, and in a split second the six Archons who had decided to betray Commorragh were beheaded.

While those still alive were stunned, another flash appeared and two warriors came to Victor's side.

The two warriors looked extremely gorgeous, with no expression on their faces, just like corpses.

Every weapon and equipment on them is something that the Archons have rarely seen, or even never seen before.

The ornate accessories are inlaid with hundreds of colorful stones.

It is an ancient relic that can generate temporary network channels anytime and anywhere.

And such accessories are only the most insignificant things about those two warriors.

Some knowledgeable archons suddenly recalled that in the records of the Eldar, during the War in Heaven, there was a powerful warrior who could slaughter countless Necrontyrs when he appeared on the battlefield. After the Necrontyr was defeated and reconciled with the Star God, those Only with the help of the Void Dragon did the short-lived ghosts have combat units that could compete with them.

The two warriors beside Victor were probably the legendary beings.

"Goodbye, you fools who play tricks." Victor led two warriors out of the pocket universe, and then destroyed the entrance and exit of the pocket universe before the Archons roared angrily.

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