Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 651 The enigmatic Archon

Atop the ruins of the Dark City, Chen Ye led the Khan Guards and galloped toward the horizon.

Yao En accompanied Chen Ye, wearing power armor and walking side by side with Chen Ye who was riding a motorcycle.

Following the instructions of the detector, the group came to the ruins of an arena where the energy of the webway was detected.

If Lalith, the friend of the Death Army prophet Everene, were here, she would be surprised to find that the ruins in front of her were the Cruel Castle Arena that once belonged to her.

In the past, countless people gathered to watch the arena. Now 80% of it has been wiped out by the artillery fire of the giant Iron Man battle body during the siege, leaving only one or two dilapidated landmark buildings.

These buildings look like sharp knives, giant spikes and the like.

Chen Ye and the guards stopped in front of the ruins with a beautiful flick, then got off the motorcycle and rushed towards the place where the detector signal was strongest.

Yao En, who accompanied them, slowed down and switched from sprinting to walking.

"Don't you have to go to the battle with the other guards?"

"The war is almost over, so there's no need for a guard like me."

After a few words of conversation, Chen Ye stopped and pressed the red button on the detector.

Energy pours from the detector, condensing into a temporary door powerful enough to activate the entrance to the Webway.

After the Burners took up permanent residence in the sector, the Praetorians occasionally took charge of the exploration of the Webway, and equipment such as probes were simplified as much as possible so that non-C'tan creatures could use it.

As long as Yaoen explained it to Chen Ye on the way here, Chen Ye would be able to figure out how to use the Star God's creation in his hand.

The Webway gate in front of them was the first Webway gate opened by Yao En, Chen Ye and their group after they embarked on the long journey to find the original body.

"Do you think your original body might be inside?" Yao En asked.

"I don't know, but we have to try." Chen Ye had no hope that he could find the original body at the beginning of his search.

A group of people stepped into the webway.

The network tunnel in front of us looks very narrow, and the front is impassable.

Although humans can't quite understand these psychic technology creations made by the ancient spirits and ancient saints, they can still roughly deduce when they see the network channel in front of them. It is obviously a network channel that was abandoned before it was connected to other network routes. .

But after digging a little deeper, Chen Ye and Yao En felt that this network might not be abandoned, but that it had some entertainment uses in the past and was no longer used for entertainment.

Because the entire network looks like a circular racing venue.

Chen Ye glanced around and suddenly sighed: "If I didn't have anything serious to do, I would race in this network."

"Before this webway was abandoned, the aliens who used it probably thought like you." Yaoen responded calmly.

When Chen Yedang heard that his friend said that he had the same thoughts as the alien, even though Chen Yedang wanted to correct Yaoen's statement, before he could say anything, a figure quickly passing by attracted his attention.

But before Chen Ye could see clearly the situation of the figure, the figure seemed to be riding something and turned into the fork in the road ahead.

"Did you see clearly?" Chen Ye asked his guard members.

All the guards shook their heads vigorously.

But there was hope in the eyes of these Space Marines of the White Scars.

A figure that seems to be riding something and is extremely fast...

That seems to be his original body.

"Hurry up!"

Chen Ye urged his guards and took the lead towards the fork where the fast figure entered, shouting loudly as he walked.

Yaoen followed him doubtfully, thinking that everyone would not be so lucky, right? How come you found the person you were looking for as soon as you came in?

When the group of people passed through several forked roads and finally saw the figure, everyone was stunned for a moment.

It was a Tyranid tyrant.

It's just that the lower body is gone, and the upper body is sewn onto a vehicle full of razors.

What's disgusting is that the shell of the Razor Vehicle is made of bones and flesh.

When someone appeared, the tyrant turned around and threw a biological weapon similar to a short knife.

Chen Ye reacted faster than his fellow guardsmen and knocked down his subordinate before the biological weapon was about to be inserted into his face.

In the end, the biological weapon hit the webway barrier and fell down.

"This doesn't look like your original body." Yaoen joked, controlling the shoulder cannon to kill this abominable creation of the Haemonculi.

Chen Ye was very disappointed and led the guards towards the exit of the network tunnel.

Although he had anticipated the difficulties that the search operation might encounter, Chen Ye could not help but feel desperate because of this first setback.

If you just search the branch network channels in Comoros one by one, this is not an uncomfortable thing.

It doesn't matter if you can't find the original body during the search of the webway, because this is an expected setback with a high probability.

But there are still some terrible things in the abandoned network tunnel used to lock things, and these things are very dangerous and may cause death or injury.

It's possible that everyone will die before the Primarch is found.

"That thing was probably seriously injured in the arena, transformed by the Haemonculus but still uncontrollable, or it went crazy and was stuffed into the webway." Yaoen analyzed it with interest.

The Praetorian was shocked when, during an attack on the Arena, he discovered that the Dark Eldar had released Tyranid units that had been imprisoned for gladiatorial combat.

Later, Yao En understood that there was nothing strange to see in this ghost place called Comoros.

Chen Ye was thinking about what was going to happen next and didn't say anything.

Everyone walked out of the webway in silence, and then the temporary door began to collapse, making it impossible for anyone to enter the webway behind them.

"Come on, next one." Chen Ye picked up the detector.

The detector shows the location of the next minimal network branch.

What comes next can be imagined to be onerous.

Start searching from countless small-scale branch lines. If you can't find it, you have to go to larger-scale branch lines until you completely find the original body, or until you confirm that the original body is not in a certain webway in Comoros at all.

Just when Chen Ye was about to start his motorcycle, the Devastator flying vehicles approached quickly.

They were things that looked like small boats that could fly in the sky and accommodate a lot of troops, similar to troop carriers.

Everyone was indifferent when seeing these vehicles, because the Dark Eldar can be seen in places that have been controlled, which means that the arriving Dark Eldar are not enemies, but a conspiracy group loyal to Arrow.

They have also fought side by side with the Army before.

The marauders swooped down and pulled to one side.

Arrow, the consul of the conspiracy, led his personal guards down.

"Are you looking for the Primarch?"

"What else are we doing?"

Chen Ye secretly wondered, how come everyone knew about his search for the original body?

Although none of the White Scars said anything, White Scar entered the webway with Tyron Sector, who had little communication. Anyone who knows the story of Jaghatai can immediately guess that these people came here to find the original body. of.

"You actually thought of starting from the blocked network channel. You just gave me a surprise." Arrow stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Chen Ye, "I know that your original body once entered Comoros, and I also know that his most recent Maybe he is in a blocked network channel."

Looking at Arrow's extended hand, Chen Ye fell into doubt.

Arrow's sudden appearance is hard not to be suspicious. Even though Arrow has been seen twice in a series of battles before, and White Scar even raced with the Cabal soldiers during the previous attack on the Cruel Fortress Arena, the Dark Spirit The clan is so hard to believe.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Ye gently touched Arrow's outstretched hand.

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