Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 649 Understand the traces of people

"An urban legend, something used to scare children, is this what you know?"


"That's not enough to keep you alive."

In the ruins somewhere on the edge of Commorragh, the 13th team of the 4th White Scar Company gathered around an alien family.

The owners of the ruins, a conspiracy consul couple, and their real son and daughter, the family hugged each other and trembled.

"That's what we know! That's really all we know!"

"Spare us!"

The interrogating soldier in the combat team turned a deaf ear to the pleas for mercy. He stepped forward, grabbed the neck of the couple's true daughter, and pulled the alien child, who was not as long as a Space Marine's arms, out of her parents' arms.

Just when the space warrior was about to do something to get more information about the Gene Father, the roar of a motorcycle sounded.

Then everyone in the combat team made way, put their hands on their chests and saluted.

It was Khan Chen Ye of the Fourth Company who came with his guards. He was originally cleaning up the remaining aliens in the core of Comoros. When he heard the news about the original body reported by his subordinates, he rushed over immediately.

"So you are interrogating them here? Are you kidding me?"

Chen Ye took a quick glance and figured out the situation.

The Captain had to wonder if he had done the right thing by entrusting the search for the Primarch to such a group of fools.

"But Khan, these aliens can live for a long time, they should know..." The captain stepped forward to explain.

Chen Ye laughed angrily: "And then, do you think anyone who has lived long enough will know where our original body is?"

Perhaps he realized that his interrogation of aliens was indeed unreasonable, and he also realized that he did not make it too clear in his communication with the company commander...

Anyway, the captain stepped forward and explained why he was behaving in this confusing way.

"We raided the alien archives because we thought that if Genefather came to Commorragh to save people, there should be records whether he was dead or alive."

"In the archives, we found a record showing that the local cabal was called in to deal with the invasion, and that the intruder was alone."

"The reason why we are interrogating this alien family is because they are responsible for file management, and they may be able to provide us with some clues."

After listening to the explanation, Chen Ye thought about it carefully and felt that he was still a little sick and urgently sought medical treatment.

But I have to admit that searching for the original body in Comoros is like looking for a needle in the void. It is not easy to find a few vague records and find an opportunity where the possibility of getting clues is infinitely close to zero.

"What did it say to you?" Chen Ye asked.

"A legend." The captain replied helplessly, "He said that there is a story circulating in his family. It is said that the reason why the family has the capital to establish the conspiracy is because one family member has rich knowledge of the Internet. One day, the intruder who was causing trouble to the others was captured."

"Isn't this too vague?" Chen Ye's newly ignited hope was instantly extinguished, "Besides, there are many invaders in Comoros, even those...those blasphemous beings have invaded Comoros. Who knows what the legends passed down by their families say? Who is the intruder? What does the knowledge of the web have to do with taking down the intruder?"

The captain thought so too, so he wanted to conduct further interrogation.

But Chen Ye is already here, and he has a more efficient interrogation method.

Due to fighting side by side for a long time, the think tank prophet named Tielutai knew what to do without Chen Ye's orders at all, and he stepped forward.

Chen Ye walked towards where his motorcycle was parked.

Screams and roars of bolters sounded one after another.

Then Tielutai returned to Chen Ye and said that those aliens really knew everything and answered everything.

"At least we have a clue..."

Chen Ye leaned on the motorcycle, frowning and thinking.

web channel.


Chen Ye, who tried his best to analyze the abstract story told by the alien, analyzed it for a while, and finally said to Tieloutai: "Let's make a hypothesis first. Assuming that the invader they are talking about is the original body, then the people in their family who have rich knowledge of the Webway may not be related to them. It doesn’t matter if the Primarch is there, maybe the Primarch is imprisoned in the webway?”

Hearing this, Tielutai looked confused and raised his hand to point to the corner of the golden barrier above: "This thing doesn't seem to be used to imprison people, does it?"

"You walked over to the Comoros Webway on the way to our meeting with Tailong Navy." Chen Ye was extremely sure, "But I walked there twice. When I left Beisu, Tailong Navy was the one who took me through the Webway. "

Tielutai listened silently.

"Let's put it this way, from Quanzhou Fortress to ours, a total of sixteen light years, I walked with those navy gangs. Some network tunnels are so small that they can only accommodate two gangs fighting on the road."

"Then...your guess seems reasonable, but it is based on the assumption that the so-called invader they said is really our original body. The so-called assumption..."

"I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just guessing anyway."

Chen Ye directly confessed that he was just guessing.

This is nothing to admit, because in Chen Ye's opinion, only the God Emperor on the Golden Throne can analyze the truth of the matter from a bad clue with a reliability of no more than 5%.

"What should we do?" Tielutai was at a loss.

"Of course you should find professionals for matters related to the Internet." Chen Ye thought of a way to treat a dead horse as a live doctor. "Let's assume that this clue is true and ask the Tailong people."

Tielutai was in a dilemma: "But when we came out, the Great Khan told us that we must keep it secret."

"But he told me privately that finding the original body comes first, and everything else comes second." Chen Ye was confident.

Tielutai could only obey Chen Ye.

And it's not without reason that Chen Ye is so anxious.

As the war progresses to this point, the entire company has only received this one completely unreliable clue.

The Tyrone Army has begun to slow down its advance and focus on protecting certain nodes in the occupied areas. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are brewing some big plan. Once the big plan is completed, it will be done.

The Chapter eagerly contacted the Tyrone Sector and expressed its intention to participate in the war, also because it could enter the Webway. I am afraid that the opportunity to enter Comoros is only once, and it will be regretted if it is not seized in the future.

Although the reliability of clues may not be even 100%, you still have to give it a try before leaving.

"As long as I can find the original body, I will do whatever it takes."

Chen Ye encouraged himself.

Then he went on to give various reasons.

"The original bodies of the Ultramarines and the Dark Angels have returned, and they are the first to fight in all kinds of battles."

"If one day the regent slaps him on the head, except for the Ultramarines and the Dark Angels, the other battle groups should shrink into battle companies."

"A war group like ours without the support of the Primarch will be in decline by then."

Tielutai knew very well that Chen Ye's words were just exaggerated expressions. No matter what the regent did, it was impossible to shrink the battle group into a battle company.

But there are primarchs and no primarchs, which are two different situations.

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