Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 65 Insight Failure

"Let's talk about the future later. We need to send troops to occupy the lower nest now." Qin Mo said.

Gray nodded and immediately left to convey Qin Mo's order.

Klein, on the other hand, continued to serve as a consultant, responsible for providing suggestions for Qin Mo's next decision-making.

"Based on your understanding of the nobles, do you think they will all believe in the sect called the Lord of Wisdom?" Qin Mo suddenly asked.

Speaking of this matter, Klein carefully recalled what he had seen and heard since childhood.

After another intense brainstorming in his mind, Klein gave the answer: "If you ask me, I believe in everything. I once heard that a group of nobles believed that they could become younger by having fun. What was outrageous was that I later heard Saying they do it does work.”

"There are all kinds of heretics. If there were not only three planets in the Tyrone Galaxy, otherwise the heresy army we see would definitely not be what it is now."

The more Klein talked, the more miserable he felt.

He also fantasizes about doing some business in the future when the war stops. Just as he is not good at commanding operations, he is not good at doing business either, but he just wants to travel around.

But now there is no chance. Even if Qin Mo leads everyone to victory again, all the world in Tailong will be destroyed by war. Even if they run around, they can only see slums and ruins.

"This galaxy is simply a cesspool, just like most places in the empire." Qin Mo suddenly sighed.

Klein said nothing and listened silently, but his expression became increasingly sad.

"But we have to continue to struggle." Qin Mo stood up and patted Klein's shoulder, "Do what you should do. I also have many things to do."

"Yes." Klein stood up, saluted, turned and left.

Qin Mo turned around and walked to the equipment and began to conduct research.

He knew he still had a lot of research to do.

Including various weapons of the battleship, and even the metal used to construct the battleship.

None of this is difficult for a Star God. He doesn't even need to collect metals. He plans to create a universal alloy that will have the advantages and characteristics of most metals.

Qin Mo got the inspiration when he was shaping the shell of the orbital dock. He discovered that he could change metal materials from the atomic structure. This is simply a kind of universal alchemy, but it must have metal materials, and it is not possible to create something out of nothing for the time being.

After the general alloy is manufactured, another equipment for synthesizing the alloy must be manufactured, which can be integrated into the logistics machinery or operated by humans.

Although machines are much easier to use than people, the hive city has too many people, so they have to find a way to make them earn wages.

The research work is not just about battleship weapons and metals. Gray and the others should also carry out strengthening and transformation, and the guards' power armor should also be upgraded.

Of course, there are also Extermination Order-level weapons.

I don’t know if there will be anything outrageous on the rebel side in the future. If there is, then we will have to research targeted technologies, just like the “insecticide” used by Tyrone’s gene stealers.

Although Qin Mo really likes to do research, he can't help but feel overwhelmed. However, he does not plan to train a group of scientific researchers. On the contrary, he made a decision very early: apart from himself and the untouchables, the Tyrone Galaxy Anyone will be prohibited from inventing.

at the same time.

In the manor that originally belonged to the governor in Shangchao, Stinger sat in the governor's seat, put his legs on the back of the governor's slave girl who was kneeling in front of him, held a gold cup in one hand and a wine bottle in the other, enjoying the governor's Wine in the cellar.

This enjoyment made Stinger comfortable, and he didn't get angry even though he was hearing very bad news.

"The ritual did not have an effect. Not even a single person came back alive." The servant knelt on the ground and said, "I'm sorry, my respected lord, this should be my mistake. The ritual I prepared must not please the Lord of Wisdom."

"No, it's not your fault, it's mine." Stinger said.

The servant was surprised. He didn't understand why Stinger suddenly became responsible. Normally, all mistakes would be blamed on others.

Stinger didn't explain anything, poured the wine in the glass on the floor, and then kicked the slave girl down.

The slave girl fell on the wine and knelt down again in panic, with deep doubts and confusion in her eyes. She didn't know why she was kicked suddenly.

But Stinger himself couldn't explain why. He just wanted to do this and give others some surprises. It was that simple.

"Don't speak anymore, or I will take out your vocal cords." Stinger warned with a smile, then sat cross-legged on the governor's throne and closed his eyes.

He began to gain insight.

This is not an ability given to him by the Lord of Wisdom, but his innate talent, but this talent has become stronger and stronger after converting to the Lord of Wisdom.

"What are you looking at?" asked the servant.

Stinger opened his eyes instantly and stretched out his hand, but in the end when his hand reached the servant's throat, he retracted it because he suddenly remembered that his servant's vocal cords had long been gone.

Stinger wanted to directly kill this servant who was interfering with him, but considering some other things, he ultimately did not do so.

He closed his eyes again and continued his insight, while also giving an explanation: "I'm looking for. Looking for the roots of those teleportation technologies, what exactly they are, and why our rituals don't have any effect."

The servant nodded and waited quietly for the result.

When Stinger opened his eyes again, his eyes were covered with a blue glow.

What he saw was not the magnificent governor's manor in front of him, but a fortress in the bottom nest.

Stinger waited quietly. Based on past experience, he thought he would soon be able to see what was going on inside the fortress and how the teleportation technology used by the enemy was developed, and then learn the principles of this strange technology.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Until half an hour passed, Stinger could still only see the fortress, and even the fortress became increasingly blurry and dark.

After a while, a large group of blanks walked out of the fortress.

It was pure blankness, it had no color or transparency, and the sting could not describe what it looked like.

As time went by, the area covered by this blank mass became larger and larger. Stinger knew that his ability to see was about to reach its limit, and he could only force himself to continue to see.

But after looking at it for a long time, I saw nothing but blank space.

"What did you see?" the servant asked tremblingly.

"I...I can't see anything..." Stinger felt something slipping from the corner of his eye to his mouth. He stretched out his tongue and licked it, and a fishy smell filled his entire mouth.

It's blood.

In the eyes of others, the stinging blood kept flowing from the corners of their eyes like tears.

"Stop, stop!" The servant rushed forward and pressed the stinger to the ground, slapping him hard on the face until the light from his eyes dissipated.

When the stinger stabilized, the servant asked: "Is your clairvoyance out of control?"

A similar situation had happened before. Stinger wanted to gain insight into the enemy commander's life experience and find an opportunity to psychologically defeat his opponent, but he only saw one battleship that time. This was a sign of losing control.

"No, it's not out of control this time, but I can't see it," Stinger muttered.

"It doesn't matter if we didn't see it. At least we know what the enemy's tactics are." The servant gently patted Stinger on his shoulder to comfort him.

Stinger nodded and said fiercely: "I will make the enemy pay the price. I will burn those who develop teleportation technology to the Lord of Wisdom!"

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