Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 620 Former Phoenix Lord

"What are you going to do?" Uslan asked worriedly.

Qin Mo replied calmly: "Guilliman and Evrené have sensitive identities. They definitely didn't bring many troops to Iyanden. I have to go get them."

In fact, Qin Mo had no need to care about Guilliman and Everene.

They would not die, for Efreene would be saved by the Seers of Iyanden's Ark and the Phoenix Lord.

But with Guilliman in the mix, we can't all rely on the Eldar for this matter.

The empire's current relative stability was not given by its enemies, but was created by Guilliman and Lion organizing armies in the past few decades. They solved most of the defensive battles in the empire's territory.

It was a grand expedition.

The Imperial Regent and Warmaster each commanded their own battle groups and fleets, and launched expeditions from the east and north directions of the Holy Terra home planet as the reference position.

Wars are quickly resolved and threats are contained or reduced to as minor a threat as possible.

When Guilliman passed by the Tyron sector, Guilliman learned that two Tyron colony ships had mistakenly left the sector and encountered pirates.

This was just a small matter, but Guilliman paid special attention to it. He led a team away from the main force to go to support, and personally led the Champion Guard to join forces to kill the pirates and rescue the colonial ship. Then he caught up with the main force and continued to lead the battle. The clothes are gone, and the merit and fame are hidden deep inside.

During that incident, Guilliman was not able to meet Qin Mo or reminisce about old times or anything like that.

However, the Imperial Regent received a message from the Lord of Tyrone on the Macragge's Glory, that is, no matter what danger Guilliman encounters during the expedition, Qin Mo will appear in person to help, and The Sector Fleet is also on hand to assist Guilliman in his crusade.

Now that the expedition is over, it's still time to fulfill the promise.

"I will not hesitate to save Guilliman." Qin Mo raised his hand, the dimensional rift opened, and put the two legendary weapons of the scepter and the chain sword into his hands, "Even if I randomly send someone there This can be done.”

When he heard that a random person was sent over, the Burner who had been studying at the side raised his head and glanced at Qin Mo.

I don’t know why, but the Burner now wants to devote himself to the research of the Internet, rather than running to burn and kill... Of course, it has not done this for a while, and it wants to go, but it just wants to stay here and work on the Internet. road.

"Then I'll be relieved." Uslan breathed a sigh of relief.

The demigod in front of him was going to deal with a former Phoenix Lord, and that Phoenix Lord was quite honorable.

"I said I would save Guilliman, but I didn't say I would help you kill that guy named Ahela and rescue everyone in your Death Army." Qin Mo said with a smile, "Remember that the two of us were there before? Is that what I said in the Internet Channel?"

Uslan nodded, and then tried to squeeze out a word of "please" from his mouth.

But he couldn't speak until he was shaking all over.

Uslan was thinking that it was not like he had done nothing during his time as a consultant in Talon. On the contrary, he had done a lot of things, even giving the Burner more in-depth knowledge about the Webway.

Although the current Ark Eldar may not know more about the Webway than the Burners, the fact that the Eldar share what they have with the Star God has a very special meaning.

And Uslan clearly realized that he was acting as a consultant for a demi-star god.

This incident was enough to get him severely scolded by his ancestors when he entered the infinite circuit of the Ark after death.

As an Eldar prophet who is also a member of the Death Army, Uslan really does not want to draw the Death Army, which already has many enemies, into a war with the Dark Eldar. This is why he is unwilling to directly intervene in any way other than serving as an advisor. The war between Tyron and the Dark Eldar.

Uslan really couldn't speak, and he was worried that Qin Mo would indeed be able to take only Guilliman away and leave the others to Ahla.

It is not surprising that this person whose own destiny is not in the thread of fate, but can predict many things unilaterally, does anything.

"You don't need to ask me." Qin Mo took out the spirit bone communication device left by Li Sun and put it in Uslan's hand. "We are allies."

Wuslan looked at the friendly smile on Qin Mo's face and suddenly felt what it meant to be an ally.

As far as Qin Mo knows, this guy Uslan was originally a person who was "spiritual supreme", but due to the interference of some irresistible reasons, he became "order supreme".

Uslan really cares about the cooperative relationship between the forces that believe in order, and is moved by it.

"The Dark Eldar have started war on us. Not only will I help you contact your Thunder Warriors in Commorragh, but I will also guide them with spiritual energy through this thing!" Uslan tightened his grip on the device and said, "Leave it to me."

"Leave Ahela's matter to me." Qin Mo turned around, the smile on his face disappeared, and activated the webway gate alone.

When watching Qin Mo leave, Uslan suddenly remembered something: "Do you know where they are?"

Qin Mo walked into the network without saying a word and just waved his hand.

I once gave Everene a soul stone jewelry.

Qin Mo said in his heart.

There's a locator in there.

The webway controlled by the Tyronian forces, including humans and star gods, is the part of the webway in and around the Tyronn star sector, and this part of the webway extends in all directions.

The location of Iyanden's Ark can be reached through the webway in the Tyron star region, because Iyanden's Ark once came near Tyron and wanted to buy some soul stones in a roundabout way.

Guilliman and Evrené left Iyanden's Ark, which was different from Qin Mo's expectation, but it was just right, because they would not be attacked in the Arkworld, but in the Webway.

Just as Qin Mo speculated, Guilliman was indeed moving forward in the webway with Evrené.

The two were riding an Eldar light ship. Among the various ship forms of the Eldar navy, they could not find a ship of the corresponding model and level.

Chasing behind them were six Dark Eldar raiders.

Not every webway is the same. Some are large enough for ships to pass through, while others are so narrow that you can only crawl through them.

The height of the latter webway was probably created by the Ancient Saint before the birth of the Eldar, the eldest son of the Ancient Saint, because the super-narrow webway was obviously not considered for upright species when it was first built.

In this case, the person piloting the Eldar ship must consider the degree of traffic and find the one that allows the ship to pass through the network of complicated routes that even have branches that are beyond the understanding of the Eldar senses.

This is an extremely difficult process as the Eldar have not set foot in the webway corresponding to the Tyrone Star Sector for almost tens of thousands of years.

Although the Dark Eldar warships behind are not very familiar with the Webway here, as the pursuing party, they do not need to consider the problem of finding a way.

The time and distance in the Webway were greatly shortened. Soon the ships carrying Guilliman and Evrené left the unknown part of the Webway, but at this time the Dark Eldar ships had also already left. Caught up.

But when members of the Death Army who were good at using psychic powers in the ship investigated, they found that the six warships suddenly stopped, as if they were blocked by something.

The Dark Eldar warship lined up at the front suddenly detected something hitting the ship.

The Dark Eldar do not use psychic powers, so they must determine what happened by adjusting the image of the part of the ship that was hit.

Then they saw a man standing on the hull of the ship.

The man's body was filled with lightning, and he raised his scepter high and struck it on the outer shell of the ship.

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