Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 617 The end of the pack of wolves

When Bendis was taken to a resting place, the Haemonculus stepped forward and injected him with a potion.

This old Thunder Warrior has returned to normal, not only mentally, but also physically younger.

"This is your reward for fighting all this time."

The head connected to the Haemonculus' spine spoke, and Bendis got a small, square box.

There are four potions in the box.

The Haemonculi can resurrect the corpses of the Dark Eldar that are no longer rotten. They have advanced medical technology, so these medicines also have the same effect as the medicine injected into Bendis just now.

"Only four? That's not enough." Bendis shook his head.

"The money you earned is enough to buy four potions." The Haemonculus turned around, "But you also have other rewards. You deserve a trophy after winning this fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, a female Dark Eldar with only a rag on her body was brought to Bendis.

That's a slave.

A trophy given to Bendis for his outstanding performance.

It is not a strange thing for the Dark Eldar to give their own kind to foreign warriors. Anyway, they have many of their own kind as slaves.

"How much could she sell for?" Bendis asked.

"Might be worth a potion."

"Sell her and exchange for potions."

When he heard Bendis say that he was going to sell himself, the Eldar slave was so frightened that he hugged his legs and cried.

If you sell it, you will sell it to the Blood Demon.

So what happens...

Bendis stood up nonchalantly, took the potion from the Haemonculus in exchange for a slave, and turned to leave the arena area.

There are many people of other races in the Comoros.

Slaves were, of course, tortured in their masters' homes, while those who were not slaves gathered in a slum-like area in the Comoros to survive.

This is also where Bendis lives.

He entered here on an aircraft used by the Dark Eldar for plunder, came to a building complex made of iron sheets, pushed the door and entered.

Five Thunder Warriors like Bendis were lying scattered on the iron floor.

Hearing the sound of someone coming in, those people looked back at Bendis and then slowly sat up.

These people are older and have less limbs.

Some people are not only missing arms, but are also paralyzed due to serious spinal injuries.

"Your armor." Bendis sat on the ground, disassembled the incomplete armor on his body, and then returned the various parts to his brothers.

The only thing that belonged to Bendis was the spear.

After returning the borrowed armor one by one, Bendis took out the box containing the medicine and distributed the medicine inside.

"I don't need this thing anymore, you can keep it for yourself." The crippled Thunder Warrior crawled to Bendis' feet with both arms and raised the potion. "I feel that Terra is already calling me."

Bendis took the potion and stabbed it hard on the old man's neck.

The crippled body gradually recovered, and the ability to walk was regained.

The man who had been forced to insert the potion by Bendis got up angrily, pinned Bendis down and punched him in the face.

Bendis was beaten to a pulp, and he heard the old man cursing himself for why he always disobeyed orders from his superior. He also heard him say that he was already a cripple who could not walk, and that Bendis should keep the medicine for himself. , lest Bendis force one day to play in a state of relapse of Alzheimer's disease.

After receiving the punch, Bendis said nothing, got up and returned to his place in the corner of the house.

He was too tired and needed rest.

With their minds clear, the others approached Bendis and discussed the damn Commorragh and the damn Haemonculi who exploited Bendis.

"This potion cannot completely heal my spine. I will be a cripple who needs to crawl around in two days."

"Yes, but that potion can make you look younger, so that you won't be found dead in a corner one day."

"Damn it! We shouldn't have agreed to that Haemonculi and come to Commorragh with him!"

"Li Sun saved us and sheltered us when we came out of the warp. We can't just watch her be tortured to death by those dark cousins ​​of the Ada bastards."

"Wouldn't it be better if we died together?"

"You, an old guy, should die fighting, but that little guy is still young and shouldn't die with us."


Bendis listened to the conversation of the old men without saying a word.

As the youngest person here, just going to the arena to fight for his life is already tiring, and he really doesn't have the energy to chat with these old guys.

Bendis silently took out a device from the small locker above his head.

It was a psychic communication device that Li Sun gave to Bendis when he and Li Sun parted ways.

“This is something that will allow us to connect.”

"Hold on, I'll bring you out one day."

Bendis still remembers what Li Sun said back then.

He held the communication device under his ear.

As with every attempt over the past few hundred years, the device seemed broken and nothing could be heard.

Maybe the device isn't damaged.

Perhaps Li Sun communicated.

Bendis guessed that maybe he didn't hear it because he sometimes fell asleep while waiting.

But no matter what the reason was, Bendis didn't want to think that Li Sun was dead, so he couldn't contact him.

This is very possible.

"We should never have left Terra."

"Whether the emperor wants to kill us, send us to die, or send us to die, we should accept that fate."

"It's all my fault, I brought you out."

Bendis heard the officer with crippled legs telling him about his mistakes.

Others expressed it differently.

Some people say that the damn tyrant wants to kill the donkey, so do we have to wait to die?

Some people said that the emperor definitely wanted to kill everyone. If he didn't leave quickly, would he want to die in humiliation at the hands of his own people?

Some people complain that the damn subspace has put us many years in the future.

Among these Thunder Warriors, only Bendis knows the truth.

The Thunder Warrior was not killed by his own people, nor died in the emperor's cold gaze.

Bendis heard something from a human slave in the arena.

A long time ago, there were a few Thunder Warriors who were still alive on Terra, but so much time has passed, and they are now dead of old age.

But Bendis, who knew this, didn't want to tell the truth, because it would collapse these old guys who were working hard to survive.

"Being sent to die by the emperor is not an honorable death. It is for us to challenge the enemy and die in battle surrounded by thousands of troops."

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