Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 612 Motive for Robbery

A vacated warehouse in the pilot ship serves as a temporary prison for the Dark Eldar prisoners.

These aliens were talking to each other, discussing their possible endings, or secretly discussing how to escape.

Salo, who had been elected by all the cabals as the temporary commander of the plundering fleet, was also here.

At that time, Salo ordered his warships to bombard nearby friendly warships.

This caused the Tyron naval fleet to misjudge that the battleship where Salo was on had been controlled by the prisoners on board, and then it did not continue to fire, and even let the cruiser resist the interaction between Salo's ship and other Dark Eldar ships. In the middle of the line of fire.

That's how Salo survived.

But the current situation makes Salo think that he may not live long.

"Although you are biased against me, I still want to advise you not to kill them."

"If you hand them over to me, I will take them back to the Death Army, and then these guys will become a group of qualified warriors."

"Fight for Enad, fight for the alliance between the Death Army and humanity."

Wuslan still persisted in persuading Qin Mo.

This was not because he wanted to cause trouble, but because he saw that Qin Mo did not immediately release lightning or flames to kill all the prisoners.

This shows that Qin Mo doesn't want to kill them, at least not so soon.

Qin Mo really thought so.

But it wasn't because he hesitated or felt pity, but because he wanted to figure out a super problem that people in the entire sector were speculating on.

That is what motivates and persists the Dark Eldar.

"What's the use of them joining the Death Army?" Burner floated to Uslan and looked down at him, "Let these bad guys perform torture in front of you?"

Uslan held his helmet and held a long staff in one hand, and responded calmly: "Any creature in the universe will change. We cannot judge good or bad based on our origin and current situation, but should consider the future."

Burner narrowed his eyes, obviously not believing it.

"He's right. Everene was born in Commorragh, and there are indeed Dark Eldar in the Death Army. They are all fighting for the alliance formed by the Death Army and humans." Qin Mo agreed with Wus. What Lan said.

Uslan turned around with a smile, a pleased smile on his face, and bowed slightly.

"But fortunately, before Ifreni became the prophet of Enard, she did not fall into my hands because of the robbery of Tailong." Qin Mo's eyes turned to the prisoners, "Otherwise, there would be no Death Army."

While Uslan continued to try to persuade, Qin Mo ignored the crystal prophet predator and turned around and walked to the prisoners.

"Who's your boss?"

Upon hearing Qin Mo's question, everyone pointed at Salo.

Salo pointed at the people around him, but it was obviously of no use. Qin Mo grabbed his neck from the air and pulled him out of the crowd.

"What's your name? Do you speak human language?"

"My name is Salo."

"Okay, Salo, I'm going to ask you a few questions now, and you must answer them truthfully. You should be able to tell that I am not a mortal body. If you lie, I will know it, and I will crush your head and make you Get away from Slaanesh!"

"Asuryan! Don't say that word directly! At least use a pronoun!"

Sarro trembled with fear just hearing about Slaanesh, and even the name of Slaanesh in alien languages ​​made him fearful.

This is the reason why the Dark Eldar are afraid of death.

Salo didn't know that Qin Mo didn't have the ability to judge whether the alien was lying. Those who had this ability were mimics.

But after the mimicry became a human and lived for a period of time, perhaps because it became complete and its abilities improved, it really looked like a human being. The mimicry even had to sleep in when Qin Mo got up in the morning and rushed here.

However, the Lord of Tyrone is surrounded by talents. Although he forgot to bring the instruments, he can now make do with Uslan.

"First question, you have never gotten a bargain in the star sector for decades, but you persisted until the moment when your small sampan was blown up by my navy. What keeps you persisting until now?"

When he heard the question, Salo naturally told the truth without hesitation.

"We want to go through a long trial, wait for you to show a weakness, and then plunder."

Hearing this, Qin Mo glanced at Uslan calmly.

Uslan, who was conducting psychic exploration, nodded silently, indicating that he told the truth.

Qin Mo nodded, took a deep breath, and prepared to ask the most important question.

This question aroused his thirst for knowledge to the extreme, so much so that he couldn't wait for the intelligence department in the sector to interrogate him, so he ran over and asked directly.

"What is your motive and why are you plundering?" Qin Mo asked again.


"Wait, let me guess, is it because of Aisha? Or is it because of the soul stone? Or is it because there are your artifacts and relics in my sector?"

Qin Mo interrupted Salo's answer and made a series of guesses.

It is no secret that Elsa has returned. All the Eldar can sense that their mother goddess is out of danger.

The Sector held several meetings over the decades regarding the motives for the Dark Eldar's raids.

There are even countless papers in the scientific community on the motivations of the Dark Eldar.

The most mainstream speculation is that the Dark Eldar came for the mother goddess Aisha.

"In order to plunder your population..." Salo gave an answer that was completely inconsistent with Qin Mo's series of guesses.

Qin Mo didn't need to look at Uslan to know that this was nonsense, so he decided to crush Salo's head.

But Salo predicted that Qin Mo would not believe him, so he began to explain in advance: "If it is for Aisha or other reasons, then it is not a matter of several conspiracy groups forming a fleet to plunder, but the entire Comoros All the conspiracy groups come together!"

Qin Mo was convinced.

If you think about it carefully, the conspiracy groups of the Dark Eldar should not be so crazy that they dare to snatch Aisha with just a few groups, because that means that as invaders, they must break through the Gate of Tyron and then kill her in the core of the Tyron sector. Create a bloody road to the capital of the sector.

If the Dark Eldar want to do something that Huron with the blessing of the four gods cannot do, they may not be courageous, but they will never be just a few conspiracies to do this.

"He told the truth." Uslan nodded doubtfully.

"So, why do you want to rob my people?" Qin Mo slowly put Salo on the ground with a confused look on his face.

Salo hesitated for a while and finally explained.

"Because the nobles of Comorragh thought the Tyrones would taste sweet."

"When I say eating, I don't mean eating, but the kind of eating that obtains special feelings through torture."

"Of course, there may be some nobles who like to eat like food, but they are probably not the mainstream..."

"As for the reason why your people are being targeted... it's probably because the more the victims feel like falling into hell during the torture, the more exciting and delicious the feelings it brings."

"You know...just like your human nobles are also very expensive in Comoros."

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