"we won."

"Gather the surrendered aliens and put them on their hundred ships that are still intact."

"Then we take them back to the sector for trial."

In the bridge of the Tyrone Navy Fleet's pilot ship, the fleet commander issued orders to the entire victorious fleet.

Only a dozen ships in the entire Tyrone naval fleet were damaged, which was negligible damage.

"Call the alien leader who helped us."

When the commander gave the order again, the alien leader had already entered the bridge under the escort of the marines on the ship.

There was no doubt that she came to the ship on her own initiative.

"I helped you, and this is how you repay me?" Arrow glanced at the soldiers beside him who were pointing their black guns at him.

The commander said nothing, with obvious panic on his face, as he looked at Arrow.

The upper body of this female alien looks no different from the female bodybuilding competition champions in the Tyrone Sector. This is a characteristic of the Eldar.

The lower body is extremely weird.

Those are not two legs, but tentacles.

Arrow is not like a Dark Eldar lady, she is more like an octopus species that evolved from scratch to intelligent life on a certain ocean planet, or the creation of a mad scientist who likes human experiments in some horror movies in the Star Zone. Rankenstein or something.

"Shut up, alien." In order to cover up his fear, the commander shouted loudly, and then found a place to sit down.

Out of courtesy, he also asked Arrow to sit down.

Then the commander immediately regretted it because Arrow sat down with his tentacles wrapped around the chair.

Very appalling.

"Take us to Comoros." The commander swallowed and said like a request and an order.

"We should leave the webway and go to your place now. Then I want to meet with my trader and let her fulfill her promise." Arrow mentioned Li Sun. If it weren't for Li Sun, she would not have brought her kind Sold.

"Take us to Comoros," the commander emphasized. "I at least want to scout the place where they are about to attack for the navy's large fleet. Even the slightest bit of intelligence is important in a war."

Arrow subconsciously wanted to refuse at first, then he thought of something and nodded in agreement.

The speed with which she agreed was even beyond the commander's expectations.

"I'll take you there." Arrow stood up and pointed to the navigation station in the bridge, which had been switched to the Webway navigation system.

A crew member immediately walked to the navigation station, put his hands on the controller, and waited for Arrow to provide navigation information.

Just like Arrow left a beacon for the fleet before.

Some people also went to the fleet commander and reminded him that this alien may not have good intentions, because if you think about it from another perspective, it is not surprising that the Dark Eldar betrayed their compatriots in exchange for benefits, but betraying the entire Commorragh is a bit too unbelievable.

But the city in the webway will soon be revealed to everyone.

The person in front of the navigation desk only needs to enter the coordinates as Arrow said.

Discovering the Comoros may be enough to leave a name in history.

However, the commander did not let the crew enter the coordinates on the cruiser's navigation station. Instead, he sent an unmanned shuttle.

Arrow was still willing to reveal the existence of Commorragh to the fleet, and she personally entered a series of coordinates into the unmanned shuttle so that it could find the correct passage in the Webway and go directly to Comorragh.

The senior officers of the fleet were standing on the bridge of the pilot ship, watching with bated breath the footage relayed by the unmanned shuttle.

The unmanned shuttle quickly sailed to the coordinates provided by Arrow.

A shocking picture was presented in front of the fleet's senior officials.

The picture shows a giant spike-like black object.

But as the shuttle gradually approached the spike, everyone could see the various lines and depressions on the spike.

It wasn't until the shuttle got closer that everyone discovered that the lines on the spikes were giant traffic thoroughfares, and the traffic thoroughfares were surrounded by clusters of giant cities.

The entire spike is no longer visible on the screen, and the shuttle is traveling through the area at the top of the spike.

Various images beyond the comprehension of human senses are displayed.

Just looking at those cities from a distance, the distribution of urban buildings and traffic make people on the bridge feel at a loss because their senses cannot understand the appearance of these cities, let alone the construction ideas of the cities.

"Is that Comoros?" The commander looked at it in shock and couldn't help but ask Arrow.

"That's Comoros." Arrow nodded, then shook his head: "That's not entirely Comoros."

After saying this contradictory statement, Arrow thought about how to explain the Eldar's giant webway city of Commorragh to these monkeys in human language.

The shuttle is still flying.

The giant spike entrenched in the network tunnel that it explored at the beginning was just the tiniest one. As it went deeper and deeper, spikes appeared one after another, and they intertwined with each other layer by layer until they reached the network. The top of the road.

And these spikes are obviously the foundation, and a huge city beyond the ability of human senses to understand obviously exists on every spike.

It was not until two minutes later that the shuttle transmitted back the last second of images, and then was suddenly shattered from top to bottom by a flying monster.

"It's amazing."

Everyone whispered, expressing their shock.

And Arrow has already prepared an explanation method.

"In your mind, Comorragh is just a city built in the deepest part of the Webway. That is correct, but it is not entirely correct, because in the language of our Ada people, city can be used to describe both cities. concept."

"Iceberg theory, this is a theory of your human philosophy."

"The tip of the iceberg... or something."

Through Arrow's tireless explanation, everyone gradually learned the truth about Commorragh.

Commorragh is a city, but it is not a city. In the mind of the Eldar, this makes perfect sense.

Comoros is made up of numerous parts, large and small.

If Comoros were moved to the real universe, it would be impossible to build this city, because the distance between its two ends spans several star systems and is hundreds of light years away.

But such a city can be built in the Webway, because the space in the Webway is different from the space in the real universe.

"Then what we saw..." the fleet commander asked in astonishment, "using the iceberg theory, how much of the iceberg did we just see?"

Arrow thought about it very seriously. She was not a scholar and could only speculate based on experience.

Finally, the commander got his answer.

"A piece of ice, maybe?"

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