Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 608 Moving Hell

After another expansion of the Tyrone Star Sector, the original Tyrone Gate defense area became the core area of ​​the Tyrone Star Sector.

The new Tyrone's Gate defense zone was established.

And this New Tyron Gate naturally became the primary target of the Dark Eldar raids.

Almost every star system in the Tyron's Gate Defense Zone will be raided by the Dark Eldar, and it is fixed once a week, but there is always one star system that is taken care of.

That is the Leila Galaxy, a galaxy that has just been merged into Tyron's Gate, and various defensive void buildings are still under construction.

A standard cruiser formation of the Tyron Navy emerged from the edge of the system and sailed to the six colonial worlds in the system.

At first glance in the distance, that's the Tyrone Navy.

Their presence was normal, as the Tyrone navy had been on patrol.

But if anyone could enter the inside of every ship in the cruiser formation and take a look, they would find that every ship is a hell.

All kinds of intelligent life in the universe are being tortured inside the ship, or are about to be tortured.

Even prisoners who are not cared about cannot live in peace, because they are either sealed in boxes full of spikes or solidified by a gelatinous substance, and the memories of their torture are constantly replayed in their brains.

Every corner of every ship echoed with screams, one after another day and night.

It was not a heart-rending scream, but a choking cry of despair after realizing that he could not survive or die.

Those who are afraid of death need not worry, because those terrible aliens that brutally torture them will not let them die easily. Even the most fragile humans will have an injection inserted when they are about to be killed to quickly recover. Drug.

In the lead ship of this "Tyron Navy" cruiser formation, in this largest mobile hell, the Dark Eldar enjoyed an even more brutal feast of torture.

The commander of the fleet composed of many conspiracy groups was on the bridge to direct the next battle.

The entire bridge is more like an interrogation room filled with torture instruments. In the center of the dazzling array of various torture instruments and human bodies, the commander of the fleet, the temporary leader elected by the conspiracy group, the abominable male alien named Salo sat on the human body. On the throne, take some time to observe everything in the galaxy while enjoying the torture.

As he expected, the people in this system really thought this was a Tyron naval patrol fleet.

It's not that Saror robbed the ships of the Tyron Navy and then transformed them into mobile hells for the Dark Eldar, but because the Dark Eldar ships have something called a mimic engine.

This mimicry engine can disguise the ship as any other ship, not to mention the Tyron Navy, even green-skinned ships can be disguised.

Under the exquisite camouflage, the cruiser's elegant wings were flapping, increasing the speed of the ship to a speed similar to that of the Tyron Navy's latest propeller.

"Don't get any closer. I don't want us to lose 60% of our warships like we did ten years ago."

The skeletal door of the bridge opened, and Arrow led her men into the bridge to give her heartfelt message to Salo, the interim leader she voted for.

Hearing this, Salo was a little unhappy. He reached out and patted the head on his crotch.

The mobile throne composed of stitched creatures slowly turned around, letting out a painful wail as it carried its master closer to Arrow.

"Do you need to remind me?" Sarao asked coldly.

Arrow nodded, turned and left.

Salo really doesn't need Arrow's reminder, because he has already looted experience.

Although not even half of the people have been caught in the past decades of looting, the experience is still there.

Even if he couldn't decipher the communications in the Tyrone sector, Salo knew what was happening now.

The space station in the galaxy will scan the fleet entering the galaxy, then find the identification code of the fleet, and then judge it based on the patrol plan of the Tyrone Navy, and finally determine that the patrol fleet that suddenly appeared is the enemy.

This is a process that takes at least an hour. After all, identifying ourselves and the enemy is the most important thing, but compared to other human forces that Salo has taken over, this is already amazingly efficient.

Just as Salo expected, the slowly rising energy shield on the space station proved that they had entered a fighting state.

Sirens sounded in various human worlds, and people left factories and farmlands and entered underground bunkers.

Logistics machinery and massive swarm drones count the planet's population.

The entire galaxy has entered a state of war.

"Just like before." Salo picked up the spirit bone communication device and issued orders to other people in the fleet.

The entire fleet immediately approached the nearest world, then used maneuverability to avoid the fire from the orbital defense platform and return fire.

The fleet quickly broke through the energy shield of the orbital defense platform, and then fired several rounds on the structure of the defense platform.

Then it's time to evacuate.

When the entire plundering fleet quickly returned, the Tyron Navy fleet jumped out near the space station. Those new ships immediately locked the location of the Dark Eldar fleet, and then jumped over at extremely fast speeds to launch a counterattack.

Both sides exchanged blows.

Until the Dark Eldar fleets reach the edge of the system, where the celestial influence is weakest, and then use their special technology to burrow into the Webway.

There is also a section of the webway in the system that is used by the Tyrones, but when the naval fleet jumped into the webway, they found that it was completely empty.

The Dark Eldar fleet will not enter the Webway directly, nor will it emerge directly from it.

In fact, fifteen years ago, when Guilliman was trying to help the Tyron sector deal with the annoying Dark Eldar, the Ark Eldar had killed many of the Webway gates leading to Commorragh, but it was of no use.

Because the Dark Eldar will use their special technology to reshape the connection point of the webway, and then sail a certain distance in the warp before entering that webway.

The result of the raid was zero for the Tyronn navy, and the Dark Eldar fleet's victory was the regenerative shield of an orbital defense platform.

This looks like a failed raid, but in fact this is the plan of the conspiracy led by Salo.

Look for flaws in the Tyrone navy through seemingly meaningless raids.

Although it has not been found for decades, from the perspective of the Dark Eldar, they have plenty of time and short-lived species to waste.

The strength of the Dark Eldar's fleet is not worth mentioning, even though they have extremely fast ships and defense methods like black mist that can interfere with the fire control system.

But in the face of the Tyron Navy's fire control technology and powerful hull, these are not enough.

Marshal Adam of the Tyrone Navy believes that all it takes is a fleet battle, a large-scale void fleet battle. Even if the Dark Eldar fleets of Commorragh come out in full force, the Tyrone Navy only needs to dispatch the first fleet to annihilate them all.

But the problem is that the Dark Eldar will not jump out to fight large-scale fleet battles. They will use their advantages to avoid disadvantages and carry out raids that have no results but will be successful in the long run.

The Dark Eldar have figured out the Webway thing.

But in this raid and trial, which was no different from the previous ones, without Salo's attention, in the battleship belonging to Arrow's conspiracy in the fleet, a group of Dark Eldar would use the message to mark the webway. The target is launched into the void.

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